The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos! Everyone is welcome to chime in with your thoughts in comments!
Recaps and pushing Jerry as the 75-year-old ex-Marine. Into the Renegades. Jerry and Memphis agree on the final two, Memphis and Keesha agree to be the final two. Nominations ... again.
Good, into color and it's Day 53. Dan is projecting in the DR again -- happy that both Renegades aren't on the block. Jerry tells us Keesha is just the pawn. She doesn't feel safe although Memphis is pretty confident. He wants to get rid of Renny this week.
Both Dan and Keesha are taking being on the block okay. Dan tells her that they can both stay there if a certain person wins veto. Keesha thinks that Renny and Memphis will fight hard for the veto to keep themselves safe.
Dan talks to Jerry, says he has no hard feelings. Jerry tells him, "It would be naive to believe you all love me for me." Jerry tells us that he was covering the fact that he has an agreement with Memphis.
Renny and Jerry talk. He tells her it all depends on POV -- they could pull Dan and decide to send Keesha or her home. Renny tells Keesha that she'd (Renny) would go home if the veto is used to save Dan. Renny doesn't think it's looking too good for her right now.
Snicker ... Jerry fell in the pool while trying to read skywriting from a plane. Jerry and Memphis confirm their deal for the final two, as does he also confirm with Keesha. Now he's onto Dan for the final two, too!
While Memphis gets cocky, Dan likes to aggravate Renny. He mimics her. She tells us Dan has a few quirks I don't understand and a few behaviors that are questionable. She then tries to strangle him.
Dan is getting on Renny's nerves. She tells us she wants him to go home. Memphis isn't sure why Dan keeps pushing Renny's buttons, but one of them need to win POV to send her home.
Time for the veto comp -- individual rooms, called one at a time. Dan is first Rockabye Veto. Baby pictures, two HG make up the baby's face. Parents of all six babies shortest amount of time wins. Those are some ugly babies! Jerry was up next. He's wearing a Texas A&M shirt.
Memphis up next. He's racing! He thinks he did well, but could have done better. Renny thinks she has to win because she believes Memphis and Dan have a deal to go to the end. Heh. She liked her own baby pic with Jessie. ACK! How can she get Jerry wrong with the bald head? Too much time wasted!
Keesha looks almost frightened of the images. She wants the POV so bad ... Steven and me look like a gorilla! We should never have kids together.
Comp over ... they all want to win. Renny 23:32, Jerry 8:01, Dan 2:58, Memphis 2:50, Keesha 5:16. Memphis wins! Jerry should try to emote while reading cue cards.
Memphis says he has to think of his next step. Jerry hopes Memphis keeps his word and lets the nominations remain the same. Keesj is upset because she didn't win -- she thinks she's going home.
Memphis tells Dan if he pulls him off the block, he has to stop all the crazy antics. Memphis tells us that he's not sure that he can trust Dan. He makes Dan promise that if he (Dan) wins HOH, he can't put him on the block. Dan promises. Memphis tells us he doesn't want to piss anyone off.
Keesah and Renny talk. Keesha thinks he's a little snake and will throw them under the bus. Renny doesn't think Memphis wants to get rid of Keesha. So, Keesha approaches Memphis directely. He tells heer she will be with them next week. He tells her that Dan has to come off the block and that's the only way they can secure final three. Keesha doesn't trust Dan. Memphis tells her he won't vote her out.
Renny told Memphis that she knows people are talking about her. He avoids the issue and says no one is talking about her. Memphis assured Jerry that he will take him to the final two. He tells Jerry that he has another issue in the house. Jerry tells him that they can take care of Renny next week. He thinks Dan is a more dangerous player.
Time for the veto meeting. Memphis is worried about all of his deals, hopes he picks the right fork in the road. Renny thinks Dan needs to go. Jerry says if Memphis pulls Dan off the block, he no longer has an alliance with him.
Dan: Don't have a lot to say, 25th birthdsay, great gift, no hard feelings.
Keesha: Knows it's hard, all four have had each other's back, no hard feelings, won't ask you to choose.
Memphis: I made a decision to ... use the power of veto. Looking out for what's best for me, no hard feelings, use it on Dan. Jerry has no choice but to put Renny on the block.
Renny tells us that she still has fight in her. Jerry is hurt by Memphis and will do something in retribution. Memphis tells us that he has to keep assuring Jerry that they're the final two. Next ep - Jury house!
oh wow new to the boards and first
Hello mama wolf!
I'm probably not second!
good to be back home. Sending hugs and smooches to JoyN!
Dan's shorts are lifted up-- waaay up--- on that one side.... if anyone is recording you can back track and do a banana report. Just crossed his legs! lol
good to have you back home
thanks. LOl at Dan's hair right now. Musta taken a nap
I hate to sound mean but Jerry just turns me off so much...
can't watch till 9pm but all give a good picture
LOVIN' the sparkly Diary Room eye shadow Renny!!!!!
And I have many many pairs of those chinese slippers she wears, in every color
Regarding Dan's hair, they do call him into the DR at odd times. This morning they woke him at 8 to do a DR. Must've needed some last minute footage for tonight.
I think maybe Renny Roo has a little Boo Hoo Voo Doo going on...she reads people very well.
She read Memphis weeks ago and she was spot on about him coming after her and Keesha.
Welcome to the boards, mamawolf. You will like it here!
Hey there, Sydney, thanks for the heads up ... heh heh heh ...
I won't actually see the show until tomorrow probably. It's always fun to read about it here while Jackie blogs and everyone else responds.
Does Jerry only have that one tee shirt????????????
If Renny could win comps, she woulda beena contenda!
wow, that looked like it hurt Jerry - in reopeats you can see it.
since i will know what is going to happed i will clean the quest room before my company comes. nothing like waiting till the last minute
I agree with you about Renny Donna
Ok--I really did feel sorry for Jerry when he fell in the pool.
Work it, Memphis! How long can he juggle these 3 without it blowing up in his face?
Jerry has no one left, so he is so glad Memphis is offering him something. And now Keesha. I know he's playing heavily, but I still like Dan's game better....
How'd he get the daniel boone hat?
I used to post to several boards but they got to nasty so i quit
you guys seem to welcome all
sorry really sould read before i post should read guest room
welcome mamawolf...we are a good group here...
Sydney you crack me up!!
clementine..that was a classic comment!!!
So it's you who is cleaning the guest room?
Oh, and the star earrings, I didn't see those before!
Now Dan, I like Renny -- he doesn't have to TORTURE Renny without a care. That's not nice.
yep forgot to sign it. company coming in the am.
Dan and Renny remind me of Laurel and Hardy (when Renny doesn't completely lose patience with him).
I feel really bad that Jerry fell in the pool. Not only did he hurt his leg, but he was very embarrassed. I hate to see anyone in pain or as lonely as he has been. I know everyone is disgusted with his behavior, but I do have compassion for his situation.
I think Dan and Memphis both are mean to Renny behind her back.
Clem---I was thinking the same thing. It's a small house and someone always ends up talking. This could definitely backfire on Memphis.
The deceit that one must use to win this game is just one of the reasons I wouldn't do well. I don't like to do it and I don't like seeing others do it either. I am thinking of Memphis giving his word to three people.
Hey, mamma wolf. Welcome to the den.
if i only saw the shows i would like jerry but since jackie keeps me well informed I want dan to win.
about dans diary room voice maybe he thinks he is coaching his kids and they are not listenin
if i only saw the shows i would like jerry but since jackie keeps me well informed I want dan to win.
about dans diary room voice maybe he thinks he is coaching his kids and they are not listenin
sorry must have hit enter twice sorry
Clem, you are a good soul re: Jerry.
I too am wondering how everyone is keeping their mouths shut about the Memphis deal -- but maybe it's working because they each think it's in their best interests to not expose him cuz it will expose THEM as well?
Wow, the face scramble is always a toughie!
This is a cute comp (and some freakin hideous babies!)
LOL at Dan not recognizing himself
OFF TOPIC Mamawolf -- I do the same thing -- wait til the last minute.
I have answered the door at many a party either not yet showered and dressed, or showered but no make up or sweating cuz I've been running around tossing last things in closets or making last hors d' oeuvres, lol. I have now learned to shower, dress and do my make up no matter what, and that I can still be making food or whatever while ppl are here.
April dan match pic is funny.
The second pic was hideous.
Keesha and Steve combo is the one I mean.
Someone fill me in -- doesn't the Renegades include RENNY? Hence the name?
Sydney: apparently Memphis agrees with you about the Keesha/Steven baby...
I don't even remember what Brian looks like. OR steven much
Syd: I thought the same thing, first time I heard the name Renegades, but no! Just Dan and Memphis.
I thought the renagades wee just dan and mem
Keesha's hair looks GOOD
Keesha is not moving very fast either.
can't wait to see the show
Nice boobies in that shirt Keesha, lol.
Okay, who's taping this? See Sydney's comment above: we need a Danana verification! and screencap! (for scientific purposes, of course) :)
Boy, everyone did their best Keesha faces waiting to see who won Veto, lol
Renny with a time of 23 mins and Memphis and Dan around 2 mins?? Oh, Renny, you gotta know you're going home.
If Memphis would think ahead, he would let Dan be voted would be him up against all weaker players in any comp
If it were Memphis vs Dan, who do you think will win? At least it would be with the two guys who played the hardest...
You know Memphis and Dan were the only 2 who really moved in that game. The rest stood and thought too much. Renny just enjoyed looking at the pix and didn't play that game even remotely smart.
Memphis probably thinks he would get the jury votes over Dan in final 2. Cause of his "antics", lol. I think Memphis might have a better chance to win with Keesha in final 2.
yes Memphis, remove those awful 70's porn-star sunglasses. Sorry to offend, that's just what they look like
Memphis is trying to get away from Renny........
THese deals may not bite Memphis in the ass right now, but it has to come out in the sequester house... where the VOTES are.
Between M/D, I think the Bitter Brigade (April, Ollie, Michelle, Jerry) would definitely vote for Memphis. Libra, I don't know. Renny would vote for Dan. Keesha, I think would vote for Memphis (unless she's really ticked that he takes Dan over her).
The jury would probably vote for Memphis to win. Dan has upset too many people. What did Brian say when he was evicted oh so long ago... Watch for Memphis to take it all.. Well it is a major possibility at this point.
The Renegades are only Dan and Memphis. They're going for the meaning of the word "renegade" - nothing to do with Renny
Sydney: Memphis was saying the other day on feeds that he has his own clothing line.
Super V-necks and pornstar glasses!
I bet the America's vote for worst-dressed was a shocker!
If I hear ONE more time...
"It's a crazy game!"
...I might just have to kill myself.
What I do like about Memphis is, you only get to hear what's really on his mind in his DR sessions. He plays it close to the vest.
jb, if you commit hari-kari, I'll be right behind you, lol
"no hard feeling" ranks right up there, too (and it's so completely untrue!)
lol, Dan's hair!!!
That last DR had to be from this morning's 8am wake-up call
woo hoo JH thursday
PMS in Kzoo MI
well i better go change my friends are in shasta wich is not far from medford. talk with all later I have enjoyed talking with all
Better late than never... Jerry just basically said he would vote for Judas over Memphis, HA!
"I will get retribution(sp)"
p.s. I got home at the end of the UGLY Babies. Now I can't wait to watch it back. See you in a bit.
Off topic, does anyone know why Google/Blogger will not remember my password, I have to keep resetting it.
PMS in Kzoo MI
Time to get Jerry out of there
I'm also on the any one but Jerry band wagon
I know this is going against the majority of those here but Dan is now acting like he did in his bio...the one I didn't like!
IMO Keesha has been the most honest and loyal in the entire game. I did not like Dan in this show. Makes me question if he even likes Renny. Instead of fun I think some of his interactions with her are mean spirited. Especially once I saw how it gets to Renny
not sure pms why it does that. I have problems also
Wonder what Dan is gonna think of the VP pick. He was gonna leave the country if a woman became president. Wonder if he will just leave for 6 months now
Sydney--you were on fire tonight!!! Have you been storing it all up while on vacation?
Mamawolf--I am in Tacoma, Wa.(just south of Seattle). If you would like for your name to be at the top of your post click the name/url spot, type in your name(mamawolf), do the word verification and hit publish your comment. You might have to do word verif. 2-3 times.
I still can't get my name to be blue but, oh well, black makes me look thinner!!
When D/M came up with the name renegades it was because M's posse back home call themselves the sunset renegades.
Renny is a great "read" of people. I wonder if that is common in hairdressers because they interact with so many different kinds of people in the jobs. She's had Memphis nailed for weeks!
I think Memphis wants to take Dan to the F2 because he knows he can beat him in a jury vote.
clem--and don't forget that straw hat that looks like he belongs at a backyard BBQ in the 60's.
Anne--you commented about not being able to stay up and watch BB. Remember the EC feeds:
I am in the Pacfic time zone and they come on here @5p.m. They are a little choppy , but better than nothing!
I was busy and didn't get to watch the EC feeds tonight so I'll be watching real time for me.
anon 10:24--I believe Dan truly likes Renny. He has commented several times that he acts that way to his own mom and she gets really mad at him. I think it's just his personality to "toture" the women in his life! When he knows he's pissed her off he always apologizes and every morning the first thing he does is give Renny a hug and ask how she slept.
BTW--I will watch carefully when we see Dan's shorts lifted up--strictly for scientific purposes!! LOL
Nana, you do look thinner in black. It's amazing!!
Now how do I change mine?
About Dan teasing Renny, I think he probably has that same rapport with his mother. I think they both enjoy the banter but he's more accustomed to it than she is. She's a bit high strung while he is very laid back. I think that really showed when the time zone thing came up.
Nana, we posted almost the same thing at almost the same time. Great minds think alike!
Lol Nana-
I think for awhile there I was posting with myself in terms of who else was watching (mamawolf was there but not watching yet).lol I was getting a bit self conscious until Donna & Clem joined in, then many others.
Usually it's Joy rockin' the board.
IMO Memphis' deals sort work if he doesn't win any more contests for the rest of the game. The HOH and POV holder doesn't matter who it is (except Jerry who wants retribution against Memphis alsmost as much as he wants to get Judas) will keep him b/c of their "unique" deal with him. If Memphis wins comps though, he has to show his cards and create enemies which would be the perfect ending for me cuz I want a Dan win if that's possible.
nana in the nw:I am in Tacoma also!I don't post often but have been lurking for a few years.What part of town are you in? Go Dan! Laura
laura--OMG!!! I live in North Tacoma(about a mile from Pt. Defiance)--Where are you?
Nina-I said almost the same thing a few days ago. I wouldn't be surprised to see Memphis throw the HOH. That way he won't have to choose who to put up with Jerry(since he can't play any of the others will nom. him). Besides the POV winner is the only vote ;). Both K and D think they have a F2 deal with Memphis.
Syd--talking to yourself??
That happened to me on this site last week. I even had to tell myself Good night!! LOL
I forgot we are on a 1 hr. delay tonight and Thurs. I may have to watch the show tomorrow morning....yawn.
I too was dissppointed when Dan talked about bugging Renny to get her upset and flustered, hindering her in the POV competition. It just seemed unnecessarily mean-spirited and not funny. I don't know that it actually had an impact, but I was hoping for more from Dan.
do we really think dan will keep his word? NO!
After watching after dark tonight, I'm kind of disgusted will all of them. Keesha's voice is grating on me big time. Dan is so immature it's scary he is a teacher. Memphis is just a snake in the grass. I can't stand Jerry, but I'm starting to pull for him. I'm disappointed at how critical the young people are to the old fellow.
I think you get to know these people too well with Showtime.
I don't know how you watch it 24 hours a day Jackie. We all need to remember she takes contributions. She's earned it this year people.
Insomnia had me reading every blog entry since before Labor Day. Wow, Jackie - there are some scary posts from that Staria811 (?). No way to block?
Syd - I wanna meet in Vegas, too!
Laurie - Have the dentist you've met suggested implants, or just crowns? Which teeth are damaged? Any root canals? See, this is my job in real life, so...
Loneseven - thanks. Now everyone knows I used to be a fat chick living in her mother's basement. LOL
Dan is a fantastic player, plain & simple. Ollie is still choking on sour grapes? Ewww. Can't wait to see jury house footage.
Ginny - I used to contribute via PayPal to Jackie. Now I am divorced and poor, but hopefully I can begin to contribute again. Thanks for the reminder.
When D/M came up with the name renegades it was because M's posse back home call themselves the sunset renegades.
I've never heard of this, I'm far sighted, I've been extra extra far-sighted, about the age of 8, This is my reason for not paying attention to Mr. Richardson's history class my eyes hurt about a week before a loved ones birthday, M's for myself suggests eye-contacts, along with Moving quickly or Water, today is a 10, but sadly a 19 for gambling,
I don't believe Renny, shes a cop, I don't believe in voo doo crap, anyone who'd even say that on tv and is personal probably is a pervert.
Memphis is the elvis ppl want to believe is really alive only because deep down they loved Elvis more than they're own KIds!
Keeshea is a name I can only relate to when this black girl was called the n word and my daughter asled me why did she cry? Because dumb ass me never showed that hate the way ppl do today.
Renny is a penny, like making a wish but then you just keep getting shit on!!!!!!!!!!!!
might as well throw sewer water on ppl, Tim Miller the guy in rockdale who drives a gooze neck truck heck igf i knew what the heck that was, The only Nancy I knew was from India , the bitchy Nancy I know is filled with hate, no grace shown at all, wow I guess you'll might as well step on a roach i didnt know thats what mexicans we're called, Tim someone is risking Rachel and my Becca along with Terry Junior , I only know one Jeff and that's Juniors, I rather J be happy i dont know the other one, Jay Junior didn't deserve this, ya'll dont believe me anyway i'm not putting him through my death again,
Tim Miller, they know royal has the 20 and also the basketball with the 3 but the 24 i'm not risking
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