The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be constantly updated as it airs. Mind you, there WILL be typos since I'm paying more attention to my television than to my monitor. Everyone is welcome to jump in with their thoughts and reactions in the comments -- bring snacks and beverages and your comfy chairs!
Recap. recap, Michelle, veto. Upset Keesha, Dan using the betrayal to his advantage, Memphis sent her packing. Three part battle for final HOH starts ... finally to the opening -- Julie has on a dark short sleeved dress.
It's On a Wing and a Prayer. Dan tells Memphis he made a good game move and we see Keesha voted off again. "This is the first time someone actually did what they promised to do for me," says Jerry of Memphis. Memphis tells us that they stand a better chance against Jerry. Dan tells us he told Keesha to finish it in regard to Micchelle's vote. Dan's comments were staged and Jerry believes it. And he does.
Jerry's down quickly. Dan tells us the plan was for Memphis to fall sometime soon after. Memphis tells us that he thinks Dan was overplaying the card and would make it too obvious. He doesn't go down as quickly as planned. But he finally goes down and Dan wins part one of the final HOH.
Jerry tells Memphis, "I want to thank you for today." He tells us there's a nice side to Memphis and he didn't get a chance to enjoy it before. Then it's to Memphis and Dan scheming. Dan says Memphis HAS to win heat two.
Returning to Julie -- Jerry and Memphis must duke it out in round two. Dan comes to call them with boxing gloves. Memphis is out first == 10 round fight to the finish They have to knock out the cut outs in the right order leaving up the HOH and the two nominees in each of the ten rounds. Jerry is confused by week three. He keeps saying "I'm so lost" throughout. Memphis is concerned with his time. Memphis time - 8:35, Jerry -- 51:22. Jerry "I'm totally ashamed and embarrassed."
Dan and Memphis do their Renegades dance and we get to see Jerry's underwear.
Julie talks to the three. Jerry says when he fell in the pool, his brain got waterlogged. He says he feels maybe-=maybe not, it will be their choice. Memphis - hard to choose between Jerry and Keesha, hardest ever. Dan -- Less than a week away, how has the mood changed? Dan says more fun, almost smell the half-=million in the air.
Keesha goes to sequester -- did she follow through with threat to turn them against Mempshis. Renny tells us it sucks, "we're losers and that's why we're here." Michelle is ready to rat out Dan for the luxury. Keesha shocks Michelle by mentioning the trip first. They watch the DVD. April sees right through Dan and Memphis. Renny said she told her all along. Finish it dan to Keesha. Keesha sees through Dan, but says he's a great player -- he's trying to get her vote, Michelle's and others. Find out how you can help your favorite juror (RENNY!) win $25,000 -- probably will be up on website later.
Time for part three -- in a few moments. How the juror completed the statement, two choices.
Libra change alliance or behavior -- alliance Dan one point
April coasted under radar - jerry or Memphis - Memph gets point
Michelle best stretgic - me winning hoh and revenge/backdooring me - both right
Ollie fatal arreo - trusting dan, letting heart get into the game - heart - both wrong
Renny - moment irritate -jerry dentures, Jessie punk - Jerry - Dan right, lead by one point
Keesha - uncomfomtable moment - birthday, or evict night - Dan got it right.
Dan wins the third part. Dan has surprised us before, does he have one more trick up his sleeve? To commercial.
They give speeches -- Jerry, apologizes, played game strong,
Memphis -- Wild ride, put me on the block twice, find out if they're a true renegade or not.
Dan tells them that he hopes he's as strong at 75, but evicts Jerry. It's the two renegades for the end game.
House footage -- the bandanas are on their wrists.
Julie talks to Jerry -- "I'm not sure if it wasn't even planned." Heh. Did Dan make a mistake. Jerry thinks he made a big mistake as he's the deciding vote. Who best player or settle personal score. Goodbye messages -- No hard feelings, heck of a job, something to look to. Memphis -- see you as a friend.
Last hurrah for Jerry? I'm proud, I'm 75, did myself and family proud, blah, blah.
Julie tells us how we can help a jury member -- America's Vote -- favorite juror $25,000
it never gets easier to watch keesha figure it out. poor girl :(
Yipee! Passing around the tub of Breyer's Ice Cream (Snickers)!
Previously on Big Brother...
Why is that sentence so exciting? Oh, yeah, I'm addicted to BB!
Who has the Chex Mix? Or did Keesha eat it all?
i brought drinks this time. white wine, anyone? haha
the sentence gets me too!
Mmmmm...thanks Monty. Anyone for a martini?
I wondered how he fell off so fast.
I could go for a Daquiri.
Boy, they really do have Jerry fooled.
Hmmm.. our first glimpse at DR suspicion between the Renegades, when Dan questions why Memphis didn't jump off?
I feel sorry for Jerry being a stooge. (I am now ducking under my cowprint beanbag to avoid the hurling maters)
Not bad for a school teacher, lol. Love that Dan!
i think dan was just being lazy. he didnt want to hold on and be miserable. i was on memphis' side this time. dont make it tooo obvious.
I checked the mini fridge, Clementine. We have banana and strawberry daquiri mix.
It looks like BB just dumped them off one by one. There was no way they were going to stay on once the plane turned all the way to the side.
Petals, move over and make some room. Your bean bag is too small and I want to feel bad for the stooge, too.
Maybe if we didn't have the minibar under here with us, there'd be more room :)
Oops, I'm late - made a pitstop at the martini bar!
Was Jessie's head always that small???
Yes, Anne, it was always a Pinhead.
Anne - I brought the martini shaker... (toss)
Hi everyone! Happy THURSDAY
We are getting ready for Ike to hit, and are also torn by BB or watching a forum show on the other network with McCain interviewed live and then Obama (they did a coin toss)> Just feel it's so important, we are tivoing BB.... Andyet... here I am, peeking!
It's more about missing YOU lovely commenters and the fun here in live blogging.
Jerry acts like he isn't even trying.
Jerry should've spent less time studying the BB random facts and a little more on timelines.
If he had rehearsed HOH and evictions, like he did the other, he would've won that.
Thanks Petals - this is one boring competition. I need another one....
Now I really needed to see Jerry in his underwear! Ewwwwwwww
Jerry in his UNDIES!!! Im BLINDED!`
OK, I see y'all are partying in here... I think I'll need everything IN the mini-bar to hunker down with the candidates.... pass the olives, I'm going for martinis with Anne.
Sydney, stay safe and dry! Tell Ike to take a hike!
Did they have to show Jerry in his underwear????????
jamie, agreed. what amused me the most was his comment "that was so embarrassing" while they show him in his underwear. if he only knew!
i might have to just bring the bottle of wine into the living room, our bean bags are in the playroom. room in the mini bar for a bottle?
Jury House coming up. I can't wait to watch Keesha and April, lol.
Stoly citrus with olives - keep pouring until I get that visual out of my head!!!
Passing Anne another martini..with extra olives?
Woo-hoo! Can't wait for Survivor!
Mmmm.. great daquiris, Petals. I had a strawberry AND a banana.
Time for the Jury House! Bet Renny cries!
Michelle and April's be-otch faces! Too funny!
HA! Mom just called April a smartass, LOL.
I may already be drunk... I found Jerry sexy in his undies...
Come on Dan! You can do it!
Yeeaahh, boy! Go Dan!
Hey, this beanbag seats five!
Oh, the jury house is where the real entertainment is now! April thinks she has it all figured out again, and they're both planning to take Jerry @@ Wrong again.
And Michelle and Keesha were getting a little catty over Dan (he told me this, well he told me that, meow!)
Looks like BB is being preempted by Ike reporting in our area.
I love that Keesha knew she'd been played, and still gaver Dan his due as a player. That's how it's meant to happen!
Wanna plug in the fog machine and spin the disco ball when the show ends?
April is a sore LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!
Who cares what April thinks?? I mean, really... Is there a person on the planet, other than her family, that actually cares?
She is such a bi-atch. I just cannot stand her.
Can you tell?? LOL :)
Woo-hoo! Can't wait for Amazing Race!
Hello, my name is Clementine, and I'm a reality tv addict.
Syd - are you in an evac area? How close are you to shore?
PETALS!!!! Only you could see an upside of Jerry.
I will vote Keesha
Who mentioned Stoly? Anne, I'm coming over.
Yes Petals, keep it coming - Jerry in his underwear and April's umm well, hmmm April!
here we go!
hard for them to throw this kind of comp
OK, got the show up on
But went to cbs's site to vote and can't find where. If anyone knows will you post it? THanks
Surprised Dan got that wrong about Memphis being the big coaster.
Hi Clementine. I, too, suffer from a reality show addiction.
How can one tell if one has a reality show addition:
1. Do you watch reality TV alone?
2. Do you lie about how much reality TV you watch?
3. Does reality TV take you away from your work, friends, and/or family?
4. Does reality TV cost you $$?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then YOU may have an addiction to reality TV.
Did I miss sequester footage? Sounds like ti. Darn, that's my favorite footage at this point in the game.
OOOO Take that April - he's done with you already!!!
*grabbing the booze from Petals*
Clearly you have had enough! I will close my eyes when we see Jerry in his whities here in CA.
Would you ladies over at the bar fix up a couple of margaritas? One for me and one for Terry who will be here soon, I'm sure. Meanwhile, I'll just keep it cold for her ....
I think I'd vote for Keesha for the new prize. I can't help but feel she got screwed out of her chance to win, only because she really trusted her alliance.
I don't think Memphis is throwing it.
gee, both were uncomfrotable moments in the house.
go dan go dan go dan!!
Oh well, Dan did it again.
Wow - what is Dan gonna do????
I need a drink!
Tick tock tick tock will he or won't he??
Dan is no way going to mess over Memphis.......... is he?
im pretty sure the renegades will be the final two....i feel they will both lose ifthey take jerry and his dentures.
laurie cold one in the freezer and a backup ready to go!
And I just found the lime chips - catch!
Vote for keesha to win 25000 just to piss off April
(((( Sharon))) and (((( Meb)))) You are missed!
Sending WELLNESS your way.
Please pass me another Mandarin Cosmo, please...
I will need a few to get the visual of Jerry in his tighty whities out of my head. @@
OMG, Petals, I answered yes to all 4 of your questions! And I don't want to go to rehab! I'm the Amy Winehouse of reality tv :)
Looks like the polls are still closed at CBS, Sydney.
oooh who will he pick == tense moment!
If the final evictee (jerry please!) goes to a hotel, when does the jury house find out who the final 2 is?
ooh, Memphis slipped the renegade word in there.... guilting! Guilting Dan out!
awwwww...I hate that...but I'm so happy for the Renegades!
seriously, for a split second i thought he was going to say memphis. i swear!
At least Renny won't have to spend any real time with Jerry in the Sequester House. Thank God.
well, I hope Jerry can make a little dough for his wife out of his 15 minutes. Dan said that goodbye with ease.
Watch who you call Judas, y'all.
mmmm..mandarin cosmo.... Dare I have another?
good question from Julie -- If jerry had to vote right now who would get the $$
And Jerry gave a very politically neutral answer...
*catching the chips*
Thanks Anne, these will go well with the guacamole. Want some?
Oh yeaaaaah!! The old lech can't win the big money. Hoooray!!!
I better get the banana up again. ahem... the banana avatar!
Happy dance!
Polls are up...eight votes per day...
Memo to Jerry:
The only thing you would do proud is a bar of Ivory soap at the back of your tongue.
petals, please join me. I hate to drink alone! :)
I'm changing my AC vote to Keesha as well. I still love my RennyRoo, but Keesha didn't win anything in this competition and she took a lot of hits during the summer.
Jerry won't get to the SH until the roundtable questions and then I read where Chelsia said they are all wisked off to hotels after that. Good for Renny.
Now, on to real life ~
Sydney, are you evacuating?? I called my friends in Houston this afternoon, and they are planning to ride it out...
I know you are in a high rise, so what about the high winds??
Did somebody say Jerry's beanbags were showing? My local cbs decided Ike coverage was more important than BB. But yet they are still showing commercials. I'm gonna have to find me a computer so I can watch this ep. Makes me so mad. I don't mind ridin' out Ike, but I gotta have my BB fix.
I just voted for Renny to win the 25,000
Someone DJ! We need some Bee Gees or some Barry White or some James Brown!
Well we all know that the votes will not be for April...yuck!!!
i voted for Keesha three times... not sure if it registers more than once....
I'll DJ Petals!
Says 8 votes per day Sydney...
Do a little dance, make a little luv
Get Down 2 nite
get down 2 nite!
thanks delee -- I'm so tired from doing all the hurricane prep I'm not firing on all pistons right now.
either that or it's this OPEN BAR!
. A maximum of 8 votes per person per day. Votes for tonight’s episode will be accepted until 11:59:59 PM PT on Monday 9/15/08.
New Kitchen NIghtmares on FOX now!
Keesha, Keesha, Keesha for the $25,000.
I hope Keesha gets the cash.
I bet you are tired and worried, but we/I are hoping you are safe and in our prayers, as all along the coast are.
Sydney hon you're doing fine - just don't drive!
I'm voting for Renny Roo! The D'awlin from N'awlins
What? Jerry is 75? wow!
I'll have another margarita, please. On the rock and no salt....
75 and gawn gawn gawn
I'm so sorry I just can't help myself
I must be drunk, because Gordon Ramsey is looking good tonight
*boogying with drink in hand*
It's the accent, Clementine! :-)
I'm voting for Keesha! Still love Renny, but Keesha really deserves it and it will REALLY piss April off!!!!!
Keesha just got my 8 votes from this computer today. :)
I have two more in the house, so may need to fire them up for this. lol
What's that, Petals? I can't hear you over ABBA!! You say you're a Dancing Queen! Me, too!
Ladies and gents, I was a "mixologist" in my past (for real), so I am volunteering for those duties for the next show...
Please put in your cocktail orders early so that I can make a liquor run before the show.
Oh my....I am too voting for Keesha to win the money. I love Keesha and it would be great to see the look on April's face. OMG....priceless.
thank goodness Jerryyyyyyyyyy is gone!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwww what an icky person.
I agree about Gordon's accent, dla! Cause it sure isn't his bedside manner.
I forgot that I liked this show.
My name is Clementine, and I'm a reality tv addict.
Stoly's Vanilla Vodka, Pineapple Juice and Grenadine. My fav drink is a Pineapple Upside Down Cake. Yum. I'd love one during the show on Sunday but I won't be home, Grrrr. I won't be home on Tuesday either. Now I'm really depressed. I need another drink!
monty, I will have one for you!
Who's next?
HI Dla -
We are staying here, since Houstonites should be OK... depending on if it hits landfall as a high cat 2 or a cat 3, we feel safe in the location in town. 20 floors up on the corner apt in a high rise where there are no other tall buildings around us will be interesting. We have an intense breeze for some reason on our patio on calm nights... I can't imagine what will happen in 75-125 mph winds!
I am putting a post up on my blog (the New Yorker in Houston one) by tomorrow morning that will tell more if you feel like more detail. Thanks so much for asking.:-)
My mother in law lives in Texas City, so we thought she was coming here with her dog, but she drove to her lake house north of Beaumont. Her other son and his family who also live in TX city will probably join her there. Wish they were all here with us.
Now Average white band -- do the bump!
I'll take Kettle One Dla and some cranberry juice (lo cal pleese, lol) and a splash of club soda.
She laid her pigtails down on me --
That girl's a SUpAH Freak
could april be any more BITTER????? sheesh girl, let it go already!!!
glad to see the renegades kept their word to each other. sweatin bullets there for a sec...glad the drinks were flowing freely.
petals..took your test...oh my gosh...i'm so addicted its pathetic. i started to make a list of the reality shows i watched....holy crap! i'm in serious doo-doo.
Hey, I'm worried== we haven't heard from Cha Cha since the Eduard evac (or was it Gustav? --whichever one was first. Cha Cha said she was evacuating, and so was Lynn1... Lynn is back but no word from CC. I sure hope everything is OK.
And does anyone know where Plaid chick is?
I get sentimental when I drinkie
Thanks for the update, Syd! I will definitely check in on your blog tomorrow. If those winds kick up, please think about getting closer to the ground. Twenty floors up is a bit scary.
Thinking of you, and please let me know if you need anything from afar.
Monty: we usually agree on most things, so I'm sure you won't take offense when I say, your drink sounds blech :) just kidding, but I am not a fan of vanilla or pineapple
dla: my favorite drink is an Easy Lay (which is no reflection on my morals, lol)
Midori, Chambord, and cranberry juice with an orange slice garnish
May I have one please? Thank you very much
I voted 8 times for Keesha. She had the best game play of those in the jury house and I am sure it will piss April off if Anerica gives it to her
Aaaahhh! Sydney is getting "sippy"!!! (to quote Dingo)
And Average White Band!!! I LOVE Average White Band!
Well, for most of us, the two we wanted as F-2 are there. I do believe that one of the questions Dan thought he had the right answer (don't remember which questions... April one I think) but he pointed at his answer and Julie ignored him. Glad it didn't throw him off on the other questions.
Jerry didn't cop to the fact the boys had a plan to go to the F2 all along until the audience laughed at his comment. Then he realized he had been duped! I liked Julie's question to Jerry about would he vote for who played the best game or would it be personal. He chattered so much he never answered the question but I think she gave him something to think about. He surely can't really think Memphis played the better game.
Still think the intelligent ones in the JH will vote for the person who best played the game, and that would have to be Dan.
Sydney... hope all is well with you. Give us a shout out and let us know how you're doing.
Clementine, you mix a meeaaannn drink, baby! But where is our hostess with the mostest? JACKIE!?!?!?! (drunken, slurred yell)
I think Keesha deserves the $$$ but wanted to vote for Renny. So I voted once for renny and then 7 times for Keesha.
Clementine, I am sliding your Easy Lay down the bar....
~~~ ~~~ ~~~>>>
*spotted trying to offer Ted the Spider a drink*
Looks like I may've had one too many.
Vote for Keesha if ONLY to piss off April. Soooo worth it!
Wish they had a LEAST favorite poll. April and Jerry would probably tie.
dla - cut me off...
I really don't think I should be drinking, but maybe I'll try one little ole Singapore Sling just to be sociable.
Sydney, didn't read before I made my comment. I'll read your post tomorrow too.
who to vote for?? i've always liked renny.....gained newfound respect for keesha.....renny has a family...does k have a boyfriend? hhhmm....who to vote for .....anyone have any good persuasions?
oh, awhile back you sent me an was around the same time my hand smashed into the boogie i THOUGHT i saved your letter to think thru at a later date (pain pills, cast, etc..) but now i can't find your letter anywhere....didn't want you to think i was ignoring you. anything you can rewrite? so sorry!
meb, great to see you!! One Sing Sling coming up!
And, petals, you are officially cut off for this evening... Would you like a cuppa coffee?
We have talked and guessed how long Ollie and April will last after the show (not very) but really how long do you think Dan and Memphis will stay friends once out of the house. If Dan wins everything, how upset is Memphis gonna be about the Michelle trip and how great Dan was about throwing him under the bus with Keesha
petals you're cut off - now hand over that bottle missy!
Last call, ladies! I need to grab some dinner and get ready to watch the show West Coast time on a real TV...
thansh, pethals and dlayyyyyyy
I luurve you guys yurrr the besh blog buddies eeeeverrrrr
(Ride your pony, ride your pony
Ride your pony come on, come on
Mony Mony
Feel all right, I said yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
bj I think Memphis will tip his hat to Dan and take it like a gentleman.
Clementine go make some coffee baby and take a couple of aspirin. You'll feel better in the morning ;>)
You chicks are going to have to start a BBAA Chapter. BigBroAlAnon.
*noisily making-out with a pillow, which I drunkily believe is Ozzie from Survivor*
I think I'll sleep this off here...
*perk* Anon? Are you a MA-HAN?
Sunday will probably be relaxing, so I'll bring the makin's for the ultimate sippin' drink: the B-52, (Kahlua® coffee liqueur, amaretto almond liqueur and Bailey's® Irish cream). And, for both the ladies and the gent or two among us, banana cream pie.
Why is eveyone voting to give Keesha the $25,000? Renny was by far the most entertaining houseguest - the whole season would have been a snoozefest if not for her. She played a great game and if Keesha had been smart and had listened to Renny about Memphis then it could have been them in the finals.
Anne, watching the feeds now Memphis made the comment he is gonna be really pissed if he finds out Keesha lies and she is a lawyer (from a stupid joke Craig Ferguson made).
Dan also lies about the extra 20K and the computer company he owns
I love how each year the jury house has some angry people because they got outplayed!
April is the biggest whiner of the bunch! Hope Ollie enjoys her, take off all that makeup and she is not that hot!
you little slushy's are so funny! i will be your designated driver...
nancy in nj -
vote for Renny!!
I honestly don't see what Keesha did except get played big time. She didn't really even figure it out until Memphis said it was a good thing she hadn't unpacked. Then she was convinced that Dan was Mr. Wonderful - never realizing he was playing her too. She's a sweet girl but Renny totally deserves to win!
Renny provided entertainment, fed and mothered everyone in the house, had everyone pegged (her intuition was spot on) and never divulged the "unspeakable grief" she has experienced to gain sympathy votes. And she is totally grateful to her fans.
VOTE FOR RENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Renny was entertaining, the whole alliance was, but I will find it even more entertaining to see the look on April's face of Keesha wins the 25k.
I love Renny, but I really do think Keesha deserves it.
You know what would be great? If CBS gave the money they make from phone calls to vote for favorite player (calls cost 99 cents each) to each jury member - the more votes for the player the more money they get.
Renny you get $100,000....
Keesha you get $75,000....
April you get $6.00......
now that would piss April off!!!
Lauire, move over, Im finally here! Wow took forever to catch up with anyone...I'll take that margarita now, and glad there is a backup in the freezer,,,yep, right Laurie on the rocks no salt, thank you!
Im glad the old lech is on his way to some Motel 6 in Burbank.
Im torn between Renny and Keesha for the vote..but Im thinking Keesha needs it more....
yum....who brought these lime chips?
and the guac? divine!
I was at that dentist from 3:30 to 6:30...
Why does Keesha need it more?
LOL, Clementine... not offended at all. I like fruity fruity drinks with liquor, lol. Now who doesn't love pineapply upside down cake? If you close your eye's you'd swear you were eating a slice.
I'm a wine girlie actually (pass the Merlot). Its the Catholic raising. Besides my Grandfather made the best and I don't think dla could rustle any of that up so I'm sticking with my drink of choice. ;)
Some of these others I'm reading sound pretty interesting. This might be a bad place to hang out! :)
dla -- hope your other friends in Houston are going to be OK. Know some have little ones. That has to make it a lot more complicated!
Hi Clementine. I, too, suffer from a reality show addiction.
How can one tell if one has a reality show addition:
1. Do you watch reality TV alone?
2. Do you lie about how much reality TV you watch?
3. Does reality TV take you away from your work, friends, and/or family?
4. Does reality TV cost you $$?
Oy, Petal's that's not good. I meet the requirements of all (well time more so than $). Add on the fact that I check in with Jackie's blog more times a day than I'm prepared to admit; I am definitely addicted to BB for sure.
Thanks for the fun blog Jackie!
P.S. sorry for my silly Jerry theory; I'm actually happy Dan picked Memphis. Dan made a smart alliance and has played a smart game and I'm all about him wining!
I'm stuck btwn Rennie and Keesha for the juror's prize.
Please let Renny win the favorite jury member! I know she would appreciate it so much more than Keesha! And for once let's prove that you don't have to be the pretty blonde girl (Janelle, Danielle, Keesha) to win America's vote
link to vote thing?
How can one tell if one has a reality show addition:
1. Do you watch reality TV alone?
2. Do you lie about how much reality TV you watch?
3. Does reality TV take you away from your work, friends, and/or family?
4. Does reality TV cost you $$?
I answered NO to all four questions. Don't ask if I'm denial because I will just deny it.
No banana on my avatar. Somebody (no names) put it in the blender for an exotic drink. I think she said it was a Danana Special.
anon 11:06
to vote
LOVE this final 2 my favorite ever!
Dan FTW!!!!!
I voted for Keesha for $25,000
I want to see April's head explode lol
Something I'm not understanding here - we are annoyed when HGs vote based on person antagonism instead of game play. And yet a good reason to vote for Keesha is that it will bug April? Wasn't Renny a better player, and more fun? The one who made it worth watching?
As for me, April's head exploding would just be a side benefit of Keesha winning. I actually like Keesha and would like to see her win the money to do something with her life.
couple comments... since i missed the show but thanks to the entertaining bunch here, i think i got it covered...
so happy with final 2...first time i can say i'd be happy with either to win (but i'm pulling for dan)
~~silk called us out...very true, but i still wanna see april's head explode, so i'm voting for keesha
i think you all should consider that BBAlAnon meeting...LOL
PS Three Olives Grape vodka with lo cal cranberry juice and a squeeze of drink of choice this summer..yummy
Does anyone know what day jury question will likely be in real time?
Hey Guys
Did Keesha lead the pack in
getting Jessy out? We would have
had his ego to tolerate longer.
I vote for Keesha!
I will be voting for Keesha, I love Renny , but Keesha was much better at comps ( with the exception of that one HOH). She was HOH twice and Renny had it once. She was also instrumental in swaying people's votes- remember when Jessie was evicted.
It is so fun to be part of this for the past three years, even though I always post as anonymous. Jackie you are great. I have counted on your blogs to keep me informed at all times. I was so addicted to the feeds that I had to give them up the past two seasons in order to still have a life. I was able to give them up knowing Jackie and her bloggers would always be there.
As far as AC"S votes. I am really worried that Keesha and Renny will spit the votes and cancel each other out. I really can't decide which I like best, so April made my choice for me. By voting for Keesha it will make April the most upset and that makes me so happy. April really bugs me more than anyone in the past with the exception of Boogie
I have a question. I see that Dan finally told Memphis about Michelle coming with him to the beach. But when did he tell that to Memphis?
Darn! I missed the viewing party. I just watched my videotape, with some cold pizza and a Diet Coke.
April really is a bitter, jealous broad, isn't she? I'm so glad she isn't someone I actually have to deal with in real life.
And I'm so glad that Anybody But Jerry will indeed win the money.
You know April's face if Keesha won America's favorite juror would really be priceless, lol!
You all have me convinced, I'm gonna give most of my votes to Keesha.
What the hell happened here???
I come in after finally watching the show......lime chips smashed in the carpet, passed out bodies on the beanbag chair, empty bottles of booze everywhere and Bob Seger blaring out of the boombox(just take those old records off the shelf....I sit and listen to them by myself)!!!
Thank God no one threw up!! LOL
You guys were more entertaining than the show. I did notice that our hostess went and hid in her bedroom though....
I'm voting for Keesha. I would like to see her win something because Memphis wouldn't have still been there if it weren't for her!
It's getting late...I guess I will go get my own Chocolate Dreamz Ice Cream since Breyer's Snickers is melted all over the coffee table!!
Dan for the win.
Keesha for the $25,000.
April needs to get the stick out of her butt.
How many wagers that Keesha gets a call from Heftner when she gets out?
Petals, move over and make some room. Your bean bag is too small and I want to feel bad for the stooge, too.
Maybe if we didn't have the minibar under here with us, there'd be more room :)
9/11/2008 8:15 PM
Oh & Momty924 is right on target regarding Ice Cream, years ago while on vacation in Mexico,
I couldn't eat solid foods, except Ben's ice cream.
my stomach is nervous, where is everyone from California? I'm in Texas, no flights out.
I haven't heard from my family in 2days..I'm scared of Texas residents, they are snapping photo's while they're driving. I'm afraid to dine in public.
Nana in the NW said...
What the hell happened here???
I come in after finally watching the show......lime chips smashed in the carpet, passed out bodies on the beanbag chair, empty bottles of booze everywhere and Bob Seger blaring out of the boombox(just take those old records off the shelf....I sit and listen to them by myself)!!!
Sorry for the mess - somebody mentioned BBAA & I grabbed that Stoly and took off!!
It's Friday I think? WV is bluurrry today!
For anyone reading this
I know we all love Renny but how great would it be to give Keesha the money and shut April up!!!
That chick is blind to her own faults ! Unbelievable how mean she is to keesha, how full of herself, how self righteous.
So I for one have decided to vote KEESHA the money.
Jerry was too mean
Renny is great but would be happy for keesha.
Keesha got the raw deal!!!
ewwwwwwwww, did anyone catch the shot CBS gave us of Jerry in his TIDY WHITEY'S? Why not showe Memphis at least? GROSS!!!!!!!
I am not sure if I missed the posts from our Texas friends, but I hope all are prepared or are evac'ing. This is a monster and nothing to stay and stare in the face.
Tornado warning were just posted for New Orleans, so Ike's reach is far and wide.
Please let us know what your plans are...I and others will be extremely worried as we watch IKE grow and approach the coast.
Hugs and Prayers
Come on everyone...Keesha is sweet but she did not play a great game. She hooked up with Memphis and then just took it for granted that he would keep her till the end - in spite of Renny's many warnings to the contrary.
Giving her the money to piss off April is ridiculous. April will just think America believes she alreay won the big prize by finding love with Ollie - April is delusional. Hopefully the fallout from her sexcapades on the internet will send her into hiding.
Keesha performed pretty badly in a lot of competitions expecially near the end and some of the ones she won were practically by default - remember the flower garden one? They were supposed to stay an hour and Keesha was first one out at 23 minutes but won because everyone else went over. Giving her the money because she played a great game (she didn't)or because you feel sorry for her getting played (her fault -she was stupid to trust Memphis so completely and not play harder) or to piss off April is wrong.
The prize is for favorite houseguest - think about it - what about Keesha made her the favorite houseguest? nothing I can think of.
I'd rather watch Renny any day!
It doesn't matter whether Keesha played a great game or not. That's what the big prize is for.
AC is for America's choice, and we get to choose who gets our vote for whatever reason, just like you get to choose who gets yours.
God Bless America and the freedom to choose!
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