The day hasn't been rip-roaring exciting, but a few things have gone down worth mentioning. First, they had the Have/Have Not comp (blocked to the feeds), but the hamsters talked. Well, Chima fussed. She's too good for cocktail wienies! Yep, American chose cocktail wienies and cabbage for them. Actually, that was my choice as I don't like sauerkraut or pickled things. The brains lost the comp, so they get wienies and cabbage.
In other news:
- Jessie was miffed that no one came to him to discuss deals. Hey, maybe no one wants to commit to saving his butt at one time or another. I have the feeling that (if they're smart) if Jessie goes on the block, he's going home. He's too strong a player and apparently too popular in the house to leave in the game if they get the chance to evict him.
- Jessie really wants to get beyond the fourth week -- his exit last season.
- Jessie told Natalie he can trust Ronnie more than he can trust Chima and Kevin. Hmm. I personally don't think anyone, including Jessie, should trust Ronnie.
- Lydia tried to tell Jessie it would be good politically to send Ronnie home -- the whole house would be happy with him (Jessie).
- Jessie told Lydia that if he kept Ronnie and sent Jordan, Casey, or Michele home, he'd have a majority of five on his side.
- Kevin told Jessie that if Ronnie stays, he will keep planting seeds of doubt and putting the house in turmoil.
- Jessie told Kevin that if the general consensus in the house is that they want Ronnie out, he won't fight it.
- Jessie is probably lying.
- Ronnie told Jessie he'll report back to him every word Russell says about him (Jessie).
- How will Jessie know if Ronnie is lying or not?
- Now the latest plan is to backdoor Casey. Sigh.
- Lydia thinks Jessie is putting her up again. It could also be Jordan and Michelle.
- He should put RONNIE on the block. I hope Ronnie or his relationship with Ronnie screws things up in the house for Jessie. I know. I'm mean.
- The nominations will be later tonight.
Rock on Jessie.
Please, please, please put Ronnie up! Or at least let the viewing public of the 24/7 feeds(thank you Jackie) know that Ronnie is going to be back doored. Petals Jessie had better rock on that decision
Jessie could earn some points with the others if he put up Ronnie and they voted him out.
I want to see Ronnie cry on Julie's shoulder and tell her they got rid of him because he was the best player.
This group should have immediately aligned to get Jessie out. What a huge advantage he has having been in the house before. Just think of it.
Nothing else could give a player that kind of experience. He was the guy to get out of the house.
I can't wait to hear these nominations. In my ideal world, Jesse and Ronnie will be on the block together next week.
I was in such a funk over last night I had to go get a big skinny iced latte from Starbucks, and then march next door and get a pedicure this afternoon. ::sigh::
Jessie isn't going to put Ronnie up. He has the majority of the house, who are just whipped, IMO, agreeing with him that Michele and Jordan would be better, which the ultimate plan to BD Casey. Hmmm... so much for that secret alliance between Casey and Jessie. Casey has yet been up to talk to Jessie.
I also feel a cat fight between Lydia and Natalie brewing over Jessie. 2 girls and the majority of the house. It's his season ::puke::
Jackie said "He should put RONNIE on the block. I hope Ronnie or his relationship with Ronnie screws things up in the house for Jessie. I know. I'm mean."
I'm with you on this Jackie. Do you want to start a mean girls club? ;)
Jackie, Lynn1, I'll join that club.
Off Topic: Meb, Sydney, DEXTER will start season 4 on Sept. 27 at 9pm. SHO.com has a season preview and several cast videos. I'm so excited. I had to drop SHO but you can watch the episodes there, too. Can't wait!
My wv is rebor. Jesse showed up this season to rebor me again.
Can't help myself Petals.
Jessie went home in the fourth week last season? I have so many bad memeories of him, I would've bet he was around twice that long.
Do the "have nots" know what the other two choices for food were? If they did, they'd likely be grateful to the voting public.
PlaidChick said: "I also feel a cat fight between Lydia and Natalie brewing over Jessie." That's not fair to cats!
JimmyB, I agree with you that Jessie has a huge advantage, both because of his personal experience with the game, and because of the status that gives him among the current houseguests. Not fair at all.
My WV is ouatenut. Maybe some sort of eviction voting philosophy?
I really don't want them to get rid of Casey! Not only is he my guy in the pool, but I actually kinda like him. Based on the earlier profiles, I had my doubts about him.
Unfortunately, I think Jessie thinks it's better for his own game to keep PA (pissant) Ronnie. I guess if he can trust him, that might be wise, but I don't think he (PA) can be trusted too far.
I've missed most of the comments up until the past few days because I was off playing with Mickey & Minnie, so there's a lot I'm still trying to figure out. Such as, what's "GG?" And what about Jessie and Lydia "hooking up?" Is that what I read????
PDX Granny said... Unfortunately, I think Jessie thinks it's better for his own game to keep PA (pissant) Ronnie. I guess if he can trust him, that might be wise, but I don't think he (PA) can be trusted too far.
Such as, what's "GG?" And what about Jessie and Lydia "hooking up?" Is that what I read????
I agree, but you know how pig-headed Jessie can be.
GG are the Good Guys -- Jeff, Jordan, Michael and Casey. And yes, Jedia have "hooked up" if you want to call giving HJs hooking up!
If I had known that the Brains would get slop I would have gone for #1.
WV is roogr -- that's a Jessie rooster, only it is not the correct shape, rather like Jessie's body.
Did't go. New WV tionses -- that's the size of Jessie's rooster.
PDX Granny said...
I really don't want them to get rid of Casey!
Yep I like him too, and no he doesn't remind me of Mike Booger at all. Casey is actually funny, and not all gross and all out blech like Boogie was. When he and Jeff get going, it's pretty funny to watch.
Besides my husband already told me, if Casey goes, he's done watching the show for the season.
If Jessie would theoretically put Lydia on the block, I think y'all would have newfound respect for Jesie. LOL. That would be so awesome, if Jessie backdoored Lydia. It would be a great move, as would backdorring Cassie be a good move (but not if Jessie and Cassie really have a secret alliance).
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