Jordan is in charge of choosing Have Have Not. She's put the names of the hamsters in a graduation cap. Those on slop last week aren't in it. She chose Natalie (I won't take a shower for a week), Kevin, and Jeff. They told her not to use Jeff. Jessie told her to throw Jeff's name aside. She chose Jessie. He joked a redo and lost again.
Lydia said she'll go on slop in his place. He refuses. He said he lost fair and square. Natalie said she could go and use her slop pass.
Why do these people keep kissing Jesse's butt? He wouldn't do the same for them. No way. I'm glad they let Jeff out of it.
Thanks for the updates Jackie!
Have a good night. Wow, it's almost 1am! Good night all!
I think the tide is turning. Nessie won't have any power, and they're the have nots.
Jesse has to man-up. He's on national TV. Doing otherwise would make him look bad. Worse, I mean. Saving Jeff from slop would be for the same reason, of course. Jeff, at least worked hard and deserves some nourishment now.
Russell joked to Jessie & Natalie 'you're going up next'. HA. Let's hope he isn't kidding.
I brought this one over from the other post.
This is actually satisfying to see the little lap dog/nasty (actually the YAP-YAP dog) worrying over her fate. I will relish a week of Natalie in the dungeon... cold showers/no showers is toss up. Did she ever take one anyway?
All in all, a good night minus Russell snookering Jeff.
I hope this all aligns with the planets! :)
Does anyone know...who won what present and what was in there????
Jesse and Natalie will be plotting all night long, wondering IF Russell IS joking. Make 'em squirm, the slimy snakes.
jokers said that ronnie won the 5,000 and jordan of course won the have or have nots thing
Dang that Ronnie is lucky! Thanks for the update Anon on what you know!! :)
Gotta go. Hope to hear some juicy details in the AM.
Jessie is sulking like a baby, and I can't count how many times Natalie said (about various things) 'that's not fair.'
Couldn't be more fair IMO.
kevin won the $5000
So who really won the $5000?
Luck of the draw, Jesse, and maybe a little karma?
Kevin! and Nagalie STFU already about the have/have nots starting now
Ronnie has man-boobs.
The smartest thing for Russell to do is to put up Jessie and Natalie.
Getting rid of Ronnie now is a waste, he's no threat whatsoever, he's no mastermind, all he is is Jessie's bitch, as Jordan so delicately put it.
Getting Ronnie out this week was Jessie's opportunity, and he blew it and if he makes it to final 2, it will come back to bite him.
Russell has bigger fish to fry, meaning Jessie. With Jessie gone, all the little hero-worshipping lackeys will be cut loose not knowing which way to turn.
formerly anon....well said!
I think Russell wil keep his word...he is my guy in the pool but I wasnt sure about him at first at all....now I think he is an all right guy....
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I'm so glad Jeff stopped biting his nails, cause he's so cute.
I am not that anon. :^P
Natalie has a new name, besides lap dog, Jessie's bitch, brat etc, nagalie, Nessie, Jessalie,
Thanks for the updates, Jackie!! I really appreciate them!!! Glad Jeff doesn't have to be on slop!
Ronnie's level of delusional thinking is quite astonishing.
He seems to believe that America loves him, LOL! Oh boy, I just can't wait til he gets back into the real world to see how he was perceived.
Same with Natalie and Jessie, they think they are the shits.
Well, they are, all three of them, they are the shits, but not like they think.
wv: legism
"Russell got a legism during the HOH comp and wouldn't it be cool if he had to go home and Jeff got to be the HOH?"
Having just watched the final moments of the comp on BBAD, it was very obvious that Jeff would have won if he had stayed in. You could see that Russell had the cord wound around his shorts in the crotch area and that it was highly uncomfortable and that he could not extracate himself from it.
I think that maybe Jeff did not have his contact lenses in and so could not really see how Russell was doing, which was too bad or else he'd have known that Russell was really near the end of his rope.
And I was upset at Jordan for trying so hard to be "fair" to all of those "people" who had repeatedly used her as a pawn, AND that she included Jeff's name in the Have Not draw! Wow, a total slap in Jeff's face. Her and Jeff are just not cut out for this game at all. They give too many benefits of doubt.
It will be satisfying to know that one day soon Ronnie will learn that he's not America's Darling, far far from it, the delusional little dorkopotomus.
Did anybody else see mini-turd Rattie hit his head on that lamp tonight? He let out a very nerdy-sounding 'Ow'. I had to rewind it about 50 times and keep laughing at it. My wv is werderst. Rattie is the werderst HG in BB history!
don't know what he was thinking
other than jordan there is no one he can trust!
well if russell backstabs him and he, jeff, has the the power than he can get revenge right then and there!
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