Boring day in the house, yet it was. And still is. Ronnie is still in exile hiding out from the world at large. It's sad, yet deserved.
- Casey thinks Russell has gone too far in terrorizing Ronnie.
- Jeff has picked up on Jessie pretty much staying out of the Ronnie brouhaha.
- Jeff would also like to see Jessie go on the block, not so much to be sent packing but to freak him out.
- I like Jeff's thinking.
- Michele is worried that if she goes up on the block, Jeff will vote her out.
- He said he wouldn't and that he doesn't like "what if" scenarios.
- Kevin told Jordan he doesn't think she'll be going home unless people aren't telling him things.
- Russell talked to Ronnie. And no ... not yelled at. He told Ronnie that he has no intention of nominating him and that the HOH comp should be thrown to him (Russell) to ensure he isn't put on the block.
- What Russell didn't tell Ronnie is that everyone has pretty much agreed the best way to get rid of Ronnie would be to backdoor him.
- Russell told Ronnie he wants Casey gone. I really haven't seen much mentioned about that prior to this. I feel it's for the benefit of Ronnie.
- Russell told Ronnie that he and Jessie can't say anything in his (Ronnie's) favor right now in front of others.
- Lydia wants Ronnie out, then Russell.
- Something has been being built in the yard while they've been on indoor lockdown.
- They were just let into the yard. The feed I had on only showed them going out the door.
- "What's this?" "Is this just for fun?" "No, it's the HOH comp for tomorrow!"
- It's kind of like skeeball with a catapult. Now the feeds are cutting in and out as they practice. Every time one of the production people talk, we get blocked.
- They roll a ball down a plank and jerk the plank up to pitch the ball into buckets.

Ronnie's t-shirt of the day:
The Letters I'M LYING are in white...
Petals...you mentioned your pool boy Jesse on the other post and I have a question for you. Does he seem quieter to you this season? Do you think he learned from the last time he was on and is trying to hold in his talk? I haven't watched the feeds, so maybe he is a whirlwind in the house and I haven't seen it. I guess I am wondering if being in before has made him have a game plan this time?
I think Jessie is playing better this go round. He is very well-situated alliance wise, he controlled last week's and this week's evictions, the evictees are ppl he wanted out. And the target on his back is very small considering it's Jessie we're talking about. I would bet money on Russell and Ronnie being evicted before Jessie.
Wow, that web in the BB house just gets bigger and bigger.
Petals, I still don't like your pool boy. I hate to see either Laura or Jordon go home. Laura is the smarter player, by far. I think the TH will keep Jordan because of this.... plus Jordan is a sweeter girl.
I wonder if Russell is playing the GG now?
WV oustus..... Russell to Pee Wee, "I'm afraid they will oust us if they know I am still supporting you."
Yep Russell is definitely playing the GG... he told Jessie he wants to keep Ronnie. It would be 4 of them instead of 5, and he wouldn't turn on them if they manage to save him this coming week. I'm not sure what "4" he's referring to. Jeff wants no part of the jock alliance.
I vote to knock out the TH all together.
Jessie is keeping his mouth shut, he has the atheletes around him listening to him, doing what he says because he knows the game ohhh so well. Week 1 he tells Russell to be his eyes and ears. Week 2, he has Lydia as a F-Buddy and Natalie swooning over him, but she's not into him remember (cough), and Ronnie thinks they can rule the galaxy together as Father and Son.
The season already feels like we're 6 weeks in.
Loving your little posts, Plaid Chick.
Ronnie is making a huge mistake if he approaches the other hg's right now. Clearly Russell and Jessie are genuinely alligned with him and he has plenty of time to campaign later. Ronnie's problem is an inabiiity to shut up and wait. He's constantly running his mouth. Even Jessie and Russell have more common sense. Personally, I think the 3 of them make a very amusing alliance. Ronnie also must stop gunning for Michelle. She is his teamate for at least 2 more weeks and if she or Chima win HOH, he's safe. (Also Ronnie's whole gunning for Michelle is total jealousy b/c she's smarter and better looking and a much better BB player. Ronnie is obviously intimidated by women like Michelle.)
It sucks that Ronnie has such pathetic BB skills b/c I have no doubt that he will somehow manage to skrew up his odds of being safe next week. But he's my pool pick so I'll root for him.
Great, HOH comp looks like a complete crap-shoot. Anyone can win it, including Jordan!
The athletes CAN NOT win this. It has to be Casey, Jordan or Jeff. Feff can't nom Russell or Jessie, but he sure can get Ronnie out of there. Casey can have his pick of Jocks and Brains, and so can Jordan.
Please, and I throw up a little in my mouth with these words, let the planets align with the HOH this week.
Hmmmm... now we have Russell like a snake slithering out of the HOH room with Rat Ronnie trying to walk out of the room.
Don't snakes eat rats?!
I was feeling this earlier in the day because of the way Russell appeared to go up to the HOH out of nowhere, then the disussion with Jessie, and then their latest conversation in the HOH and Russell says "I want the HOH BAD" that DR is coaxing them along to get Russell re-aligned with Ronnie.
I have to go throw up now.
Monty you and I are thinking the same way.
Saltines and 7-up?
2 anon fans for plaidchick. heheh
Who in the world lists there occupation as bikini model. Does anyone know what Laura's job is?
not sure if this is allowed. ronnie is more nuts then we thought. check out this video he made.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVqFj2prXwo -jeannemarie
jm-check the link
Anonymous said...
jm-check the link
7/23/2009 1:03 AM
just checked it. brings you to the video.
what is
DOR? -jeannemarie
what is "FoTH?" tia -jeannemarie
jm- I get this when I copy the link.
"The URL contained a malformed video ID. "
Is it user error? Wouldn't be the first time. :^)
Casey, Please STFU already
Oy, I could only do 2:06 min of the mr. rogers-esque sicko ronnie you tube video. I shoulda waited until morning to watch. There goes my sweet dreams.
Oy, I could only do 2:06 min of the mr. rogers-esque sicko ronnie you tube video. I shoulda waited until morning to watch. There goes my sweet dreams.
Anon you got farther in the video than I did and I didn't even have the sound on. What a jerk!
Siz...I don't have the feeds either, so I don't really see Jessie acting weird, however, when he made faces at Dan, that reinforced my dislike for him. He's playing it close to the vest, so, that I'll give him credit for, and he's smart in wanting to keep Ronnie as an extra vote for the TH, but still not a favorite player of mine, so joyn, Petals hasn't won me over (yet anyway).
However, stick to your guns Petals...he's your pool boy so you need to be faithful. Now why did I think I even needed to say that, to Petals of all people... 'she gonna do whatever she wanta do.' Smile.
PlaidChick... Ronnie's T-shirt?... am I to assume that the shirt is white... too funny either way.
Becky, I hate seeing Laura go home too, but Jordon is my girl so gotta root for her. I was about to pass on her during the "telling time by the quarter hour" conversation she was having with Jeff. But Ablinka changed my mind a little... I guess people can get a road block and just not get it.
I'm that way with multiplication. The 6,7 and 8's get me still to this day. And math is a favorite of mine... Go figure.
OOOPPS... I wrote a book!
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