Laura eavesdrops on Ronnie and Jordan.

So, what is Ronnie going to do when Jeff takes himself off the block? I really don't know. He seems to be lying to the one side (Jeff, Casey, Jordan, and Laura) and seems closer to the other side (Lydia, Jessie, Russell, Natalie, and Kevin). But is he telling the truth to anyone? I don't think so.
- Jordan told Ronnie straight up that he's been playing them and she can't trust him.
- Ronnie ran back to the body buddies and told them Jordan is dead to him in the game ... and all bets are off, he might even put her on the block.
- But he told Michele he didn't want Jordan to go home. He asked Michele to vote the way he wants her to. She agreed.
- Michele told Ronnie that she's committed to the brains and the athletes. Argh.
- Chima and Casey enjoyed the movie.
- Ronnie told Casey he's not putting him on the block.
- Kevin approached Casey for a "secret alliance." Shh ... no one knows.
- Ronnie told Casey he's likely to put Jordan on the block.
- Is he lying?
Ronnie thinks he is being innovative playing the game but it's amounting to playing for the body buddies team. No matter who he puts up against Laura, the Jessie team will control the vote. He thinks he has control but he's playing into the other teams goals, which I doubt include him. He thinks he knows EVERYTHING. How odd.
I'm waaaayyy behind! I've been on vacation for the past week, and have just now watched the shows. I haven't had a chance yet to catch up to all the comments here. I'm anxious to see how the "real" house compares to what I've seen on the shows.
So far, I'm happy with Casey, which is good since I have him in the pool. I'm liking Laura better than I thought I would. She seems to be smarter than I thought she'd be. As far as Ronnie goes, I'm ready for him to just that ~ GO!! He seems to think he's all that, and more. In all actuality, I think just about everyone is seeing thru him.
I'm going to start trying to catch up now to see who I should really be liking, or disliking now.
Jordan angered King Ronnie, so she's now the new nominee.
the above is from "big brother gossip"
Jackie, I'm so sorry to hear about Scherzo. The relationships we have with our pets is something so special. It's something we all know, but it's hard to put into words. I haven't read any comments yet from your original post about Scherzo of a few days ago, but I'm willing to bet someone has mentioned the Rainbow Bridge. If not, please ask about it. It will give you comfort.
I'm joining you in the heartbreak club tonight. We found our sweet kitty Casper dead early this evening. I hope he is playing with Scherzo on that Bridge. We've only had him 2 years, but I hand-raised him. He was a little white feral kitten that I found with a broken leg. I had to keep him in a cage for over 7 months while he healed. All he did for those months was hiss at me. He grew into the sweetest, silliest cat ever. It's going to be a tough road for awhile. Hasn't been a very good week, has it?
Jennasmom-- I am so sorry to hear about Casper. I know he's on that bridge with all of our blog friends' furbaby that have passed.
Jennasmom, such sad news about your kitty. Take comfort in the knowledge that the 2 years you had Casper, you gave him a wonderful life. Whether it's 2 years, or 17 years like Scherzo they're a part of your hearts and family and will be missed.
You and your family are in my prayers.
You know Jackie, I think Casey may turn out to be a really interesting pool pick. I think he'll do well in the game.
Jordan truthfully would make the most sense for Ronnie to put up if Laura is the target. Then again the whole house hates Ronnie and maybe he'd earn their respect if he got out Russel. He would earn my respect if he puts up Russel. If I were him, I would backdoor Russel.
I probably should have read the posts before I commented about the game.
That is very sad news about the kitty Caspar.
The HGs seem to be somewhat interested in at least making it to the jury house. Do they really make that much money on this show?
Jackie I just want to say I am so sorry for your loss. All I can say is I really feel for you. It is so hard to lose your fur baby. I was in hospital & missed your notes on what was going on all over. Was able to find just the video of kitty. Do you have somewhere that you would like a donation to be made in your kitties name.I hate to ask, but I guessed I missed alot of BB stuff too.If you can let me know what date to look under for the stuff with Chima's speech about Julie & Braydon & being put in have not status.Maybe where & what time to look & where to see her speaking part. Again I am so sorry.Would appreciate any info. You do a Great Job & were a great Momma, I can tell from the video clip.Take care of yourself.
Jennasmom - I'm so sorry to hear about Casper.
I am so sorry to hear about Casper.
Having hand raised some fur-babies myself I understand the special bond you had with Casper.
Take care and know your blog friends are thinking of you.
Hi everyone,
Been awhile. Since Big Brother is back, so am I. Love to talk game with all you folks at Jackie's blog.
Sorry to hear about everyone's losses. My dog had surgery for a knee problem and, after he hurt it, I cried for hours because I was afraid that it might end with me having to put him down. Fortunately, he seems to have come through it. But "animal people" understand the real pain such a loss can cause and my heart goes out to Jackie and Jenna's mom.
Can't believe that of all the old hamsters, we got stuck with Jessie for another spell. At least he was kind of funny in an annoying sort of way.
See ya!
Joe in NY
Welcome back, Joe in NY!
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