Well, the PoV meeting went down. Ronnie is rationalizing putting Jordan on the block when Jeff saved himself as they don't have the numbers to get Russell out against Laura. He thinks that if he put Casey or any of the athletes up, there would be lesser of a chance of getting Laura out. And, despite what he told us on the show, he must want Laura out not Russell. Um. Okay. I just wish he'd shut up with his lecturing other houseguests on why he did what he did and how great a move it is.
- He claims he strategically gave his side (Jeff, Casey, Michele, Jordan) back the numbers in the long run.
- Um. Okay.
- Laura doesn't understand why "all those girls" love Jessie.
- Neither do I.
- After saying she enjoyed the movie last night, Chima groused about it this morning.
- Chima, in an effort to keep up with her starring role of Drama Queen, also has been complaining about how the diary room treats her and that she isn't getting her iron pills on time. She says that if Julie Chen asks her how she is on the live show, she's going to mention that she's not getting enough iron.
- After the POV ceremony, Laura asked that she not go out unanimously. One vote, please.
The sooner Ronnie leaves, the better. I am so sick of his voice, it is like nails on a chalk board. Hope Casey, or Jordan gets HOH, maybe then some of the athletes will go home or Ronnie.
Patti in OK
my wv is ratest make me think of rat test....lol
So not only is Ronnie a wuss, and a dork, he's delusional as well.
I would love Casey and Jeff to tear into him right about now, or better yet, if one of those three win HOH, just look at Ronnie, and take their finger and move it across their throat.
Casey and Jeff are my favorites but I do have to say I like Russell. Ronnie, jesse, Chima, and Natalie need to go. I agree Plaidchick I would love to see Jeff and Casey intimidate the hell out of Ronnie. The only bad part about Jeff winning HOH is that he can't nominate Jesse or Nat.
Patti in OK
I wish it wouldn't be Laura going home -- she's the only one really playing a smart, observant game. [sigh]
PlaidChick, I would love to see them do the finger across the neck while looking at Ronnie.
I will be cheering and waving my pom-poms when Pee Wee walks out the door.
I wish Casey would talk to Russell and tell him how Ronnie, Chima and their little click wanted to back door Russell.
What I want to know is why didn't BB show Russell going into the storage room and having the talk with Jordan and then telling the rest of the TH that he won't treat them ugly, that they are human too. I guess they want us to continue to dislike him.
I think Ronnie planned all along for Laura to go home. As he said, she is the only one who sees through his game plan. I hate to see her go.
Becky said...
I think Ronnie planned all along for Laura to go home. As he said, she is the only one who sees through his game plan. I hate to see her go.
Agree, Becky... but now everyone is on to him because he's a dimwit and thanks to his own manipulations, he's out the door before jury if they can keep the brains from winning HOH. I actually think if Russell won for the jocks, he'd put Ronnie up (I think). I'm just hoping Jeff or Casey wins it. Or heck even Kevin or Jordan... anything's possible.
I had to laugh watching a clip from yesterday between Ronnie and Jordan, and then between Jordan and Laura. Jordan was good and po'd at Ronnie and I saw shades of Janelle there. She said (speaking to Laura about Ronnie), "Put me up, I don't give a f**k." It reminded me of Janelle's drunken rant in the bedroom on her season 6. Funny stuff!
Actually, Jani said "what are you gonna do, evict me? Evict me, B**CH!", but it did make me chuckle when Jordan said what she did.
Just heard a new name for Lydia and thought it was funny...... Lydiot
Patti in Ok
I do love when they turn on their own in this show. Please, let the cliques end this week and stop this nonsense of being safe because the HOH is in your clique.
If that doesn't happen soon, they please allow the stars to line up just right that PeeWeeRonnie gets stomped by his bromantic jockstrap and leaves before jury time starts. Or, Jessie Jockstrap could go home, but really, I'd rather see Ronnie go now that Jessie isn't HOH!
I can't stand the way pompous Ronnie struts around thinking he's king of the game. I'm surprised the term "nerd" was invented before he was born. I hope he watches himself on tv after all is said & done, and sees what a jackass he is.
I agree Laurie. This season is way too predictable if they keep these cligues together much longer. I'm hoping they break them up soon (after this week, I hope). I'm trying to remember when they split S9??? Wasn't it after just two weeks?
Someone help my memory!
I LOVE the name LYDIOT. Fits her perfectly.
So Natty doesn't shower huh? Yuck!
No more Ronnie, PLEASE. How many more shows to get all this finished. Three?
Oh I hope someone wins HOH who will put Ronnie up! I want him out before Jessie and that's really sad, as I still can't stand Jessie.
{Brought this over from earlier...}
OK. Time for my daily defense of Jessie.
Can't we view his encouraging Ronnie to work out as "a really nice thing to do"? Ronnie is like the Pillsbury Dough-y Boy, and could really use someone to teach him proper eating habits and help him with a training program.
It really isn't so bad...Dan taught people to swim last year. Jessie is only trying to help Ronnie not look like the TOFU that he is. It may seem like a stretch, but if Jessie can at least get Ronnie off the Double-Stuffs, it's a step in the right direction.
I like Jordan, so far. She seems like a good southern girl.
Petals, you don't think Jessie is playing Ronnie like a Playstation? Thanks to BB10 Steven for that one..
The HG's are calling Lydia's Luke because she has to dress like Natalie until midnight tomorrow night. Why doesn't Natalie have a boy name?
The Russell/Jordan talk happened after the nominations and I suspect CBS might show his turn sort of turning on him tomorrow night. Russell told Casey today he felt there are more important people to get rid of first than Ronnie. SAY WHA?
I knew he wouldn't put Russell up.
"Darth" Ronnie must have sensed that the force was too strong in Laura.
Or maybe, Jessie whispered..."Ronnie...I am your father"
WV is enono
Ronnie: can we backdoor Russ?
Jessie: e no no
Anonymous said... I like Jordan, so far. She seems like a good southern girl.
SSW, I agree with you. She does seem nice. I am pulling for Jordan and Jeff.
I like him a lot too.
Is it possible that Ronnie's whole personna is a put on?
This guy can't be real...can he?
Gamer...bubble maker...persuasive speaker...all of the Star Wars crap...the stupid stuff he says and does....
Big Brother is getting Punk'd by this guy....right?
Ronnie can't possibly be a motivational speaker. I mean, maybe as a hobby, but what about HIM would be motivating? I'm sure he's a decent human being & husband & whatnot, but his appearance doesn't exactly scream, "Let ME show you how to get it done".
Plus, how can Ronnie be faking his doughy middle? He just looks exactly like a guy that sits in front of a screen all day, inside, with a joystick (or whatever those game thingys are called).
I don't know where I read it, one of the many hamster sites, but Ronnie didn't win any awards for his debating, what he did win isn't considered a big deal in the debate world.
Basically Ronnie is FOS. Anybody read his HOH tweets today? Major @@
FOS-hehe How do you read the tweets?
BBAD just started the scroll just said: "Jessie told Chima he has a serious crush on Natalie, and Natalie is freaked out by that because she has a boyfriend at home."
I had saw he told Chima he likes Natalie, didn't know that was interpreted as "serious crush."
Anonymous said...
FOS-hehe How do you read the tweets?
go to www.twitter.com sign up for a free account. Then look for BigBrotherHOH
Oh you have to sign up? Thanks.
You can go to this link and read the HOH tweets without registering or opening an account: http://twitter.com/bigbrotherHOH
Thanks for the info Sally.
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