Yesterday, Casey shaved and got himself spoken to by BB. They said he doesn't look like the same person. No, he doesn't. He looks a little more like a friend of Mike Boogie.
What's been going on since Jessie's nominations (Michele and Jordan)? Here's the scoop:
- Kevin told Natalie and Michele that the two on the block are about the only ones no one is really targeting.
- Michele thinks no one has her back like Jeff has Jordan's.
- She's right.
- Chima hopes there will be a slop (and cabbage and cocktail wieners) break for her upcoming birthday.
- Jeff and Jordan flirted, played and cavorted under the covers -- all fairly innocent. We're not talking a Jessie/Lydia showmance here.
- Chima fussed some more about being on slop.
- They played Truth or Dare. Ronnie was dared to hug Casey ten seconds, Natalie mooned Lydia, fun, fun, fun.
- Kevin was dared to cuddle with Jessie. But when he woke Jessie up with said cuddling, Jessie was not a happy pinhead.
- Jordan told Casey that Michele told her that he said he wouldn't use the PoV if he won it.
- Casey denied saying it. He claims he wants to win PoV. (I think he believes Ronnie will go up if he wins it. Jessie's choices would be limited if Casey wins/uses PoV -- Lydia, Chima, Kevin, or Ronnie.)
- Casey is growing weary of the "teenager" in the house with her big britches. Yeah, he thinks Natalie is 18 and trying to be Queen Bee or something.
- Jordan thinks the plan is to backdoor Ronnie, but she's once again seriously worried about going home.
- The BB voice started spouting numbers trivia like it did last year. Something they should remember or not?
- There are 121 marble slots in a Chinese checkers board.
- You needed to know that.
- Russell told Michele that if he wins PoV he'll save her and she can return the favor.
- Kevin told Lydia and Jordan that if he wins HoH, he'd probably put Jessie and Russell on the block.
- Sure, like Kevin the Invisible will win a comp. Plus, he's telling this to Jessie's sex wench!
- Speaking of which ... once again Sex Wench and Pinhead really messed around under the covers.
- This is not Jeff/Jordan flirting.
- At least they used a condom.
- Ew. I never understand how people can cheapen themselves so much as to know they're being filmed, on the Internet and national television and have no sense of personal dignity or integrity.
- I hope she covered the eyes on her Hello Kitty tattoo.

does Natalie ever shower? Her hair looks terrible.
Every three days whether she needs it or not.
O.K, now I have to say ewwwwww for both Nasty Natalie not showering regularly and Jessie and Lydia doing the nasty....
Now I really don't like Lydia. Poor Jessie. I for SURE never pegged her as his type. GUess she must be "good" at "something".
{Jackie - have you or anyone noticed ALOT of Collegiate wear in this season? I don't remember seeing so many college hats/Ts/sweatshirts in past seasons...}
Jesse is totally using Lydia, Petals, unless his type is anyone who satifies his "urge" of the day.
Lydia is a woman without shame. And in the end, it will all be for naught.
Good one, Jackie. LOL!!!
Thanks Jackie, I watch a little of Showtime some nights. Ronnie was with Nat, Kevin, Michelle, Ronnie last night. All is forgiven I guess. I know it was as a pretense, but they were all together and laughing. It always surprises me that Michelle hangs out with them.
Thanks Joy. I just needed someone else to say it.
You are all aware of my allegiance to Jessie, whom, coincidentally, is whom I was assigned to in our BB POOL.
Not being catty, here, but really: What the eff is Natalie? A boy, a girl, an adult, a tween? Good/bad? Were the pickings for contestants so slim this year that SHE was chosen?
Don't know exactly who or what Natalie is but I do know she's not a player, just a floater. Jesse may take her to the end (IF he makes it that far and it's starting to look inevitable). Natalie is probably the one he'd take to the end with him because who would vote for her to win?
I reeaaallly wanted to be excited about this season, but with so many non-entities, it isn't as fun. Yeah, I like Jessie and Jeff is eye candy & funny, but the rest are wallpaper.
Thank you Jackie; THIS makes it worth watching.
I honestly think if Jessie can maintain control he will take Ronnie into the final 2.
He knows everyone dislikes Ronnie and all of the TH like if not idolize Jessie.
I would think he would be smart to take a non athlete clique member to the final 2.
Jackie said: I hope she covered the eyes on her Hello Kitty tattoo.
ROFLMAO! Thank you for my morning laugh. Good morning to you too.
I am about at the point of throwing in my towel, collecting my float and going home.
I can't believe that BB has such a lame idea as they have had this year.
It looks like the GG are toast. I think Jesse will make it to the end. He will take either Natalie or Ronnie to the end with him.
Hi everyone! Happy Saturday! Well, I have not been able to make it through an entire episode this season and stay the least bit interested... I don't believe I have watched an episode beginning to end. Cannot find anyone to like, so, Becky, feel free to join me on a lounge chair in my cabana and have a cold adult beverage! They are boring me to tears... I can't even get excited enough to remember how much I did not like Jesse during his season. I am taking Dingo's lead and have him on ignore.
I am thankful for the entertaining commentary that I can find here. :)
Wow...I cannot believe that Lydia and Jessie did the nasty...eew...
I agree with everyone..This is the most boring BB yet, and isn't it funny that Ronnie thinks this is the most dramatic big brother so far...Puulleeaassee!! I hope BB has something unexpected to get things going again...
It must be a great season of BB when everyone is complaining so much! LOL
When do we not complain about floaters and boring people? The only time we don't complain about floaters and boring people is when complain about people who aren't boring and annoy us (Jessie, Evil Dick, Eric, etc.)
Personally, I'm liking this group so far. There are a bunch of vanilla folks, as usual, but Jessie's self-centered arrogance always annoys and amuses me. Russell is interesting in a scary sort of way. The whole Ronnie thing was very interesting to watch play out. The Lydia/Jessie showmance is interesting (and disgusting). I think the Natalie/Jessie relationship is interesting. Jordan is such a ditz that she makes me laugh. And the rest of them (except maybe Kevin) have had a moment or two.
And we're only 2-1/2 weeks into it!! I have high hopes for some high drama.
Joe in NY
this reminds me of the cappy season
when all the nice people except janelle got picked off one by one.
(not to mention the kaysar returns fiasco)
i like jeff and jordan and casey but alas it seems they will not be around long
what happened to jeff making a deal with jessie to include natalie and jordan, that would have been ok by me!
it is too frustrating watching ronnie strut around worse than jesse.
and russell tormenting him turned out to be for show!
Who in the house knows Natalie's real age? I sort of remember she told someone at the beginning. Casey still thinks she is 18? That would mean she doesn't drink in the house? I have to fixate on these small details to find any interest, I guess. But, wonder if Michelle knows the age is a lie.
sizzle...I thought I read on jokers that Nat told someone she lived wherever she lived for 19 years, which would be impossible if she were only 18...just made me go, hmmm. Sorry, can't remember the day or who she was even talking to. I do watch the feeds, but I do read them, so the smoosh together.
I thought that after saying she was 18, Natalie later told someone she's 24. Anyone else hear that?
WV is ampty. Kind of like Jessie's head ;)
Sasha said...
I thought that after saying she was 18, Natalie later told someone she's 24. Anyone else hear that?
That's what I was thinking, too, Sasha. Can't remember who it was, though. I have Nasty Natalie in the pool. Ewwwwww. Hope there's lots of chlorine in this pool! How can she stand to not shower????
Natalie herself said she was really 24 in the DR. Immediately after she said she was 18, Kevin said he didn't believe her and thought she looked at least 25.
People TV Watch has an interview with Laura who says she's been in sequester for a month now. I couldn't believe some of what I read. About Ronnie, she was asked to describe him in three words. She said, "Lying, conniving and malicious". That I believe.
What she said about Natalie surprised me. Laura said Natalie is smart and playing the best game of everyone. She says Natalie has Jesse under her thumb. And she said that Natalie has fooled everyone in the house and that Nat knows more about BB than anyone in the house. What does Laura know that we don't? Have I missed something? I see Natalie as the ultimate floater this season. Laura also stated that she hopes Ronnie is kicked out next but if he isn't, then she hopes he wins it over Jesse just because it would serve them right for keeping the liar there.
Does anyone with the feeds get what Laura is talking about in regards to Natalie?
Natalie told Jessie her real age of 24.
I would much rather Russell win than Jeff, Jordan, Chima, Jessie, or Ronnie. I can't believe they considered Ronnie "a brain." He's every bit as moronic as Jordan. I would rather someone smart, who's playing the game smart, win. Russell's blowups aren't to "bully" as some of you think. He's hoping he balances his "bullying" and "blowups" with friendliness and helpfulness so that he will be the one that is chosen to be in the final two...everyone would think..."I'll take Russell because he's a jerk that no one likes," a la Evil Dick style. He's doing it on purpose folks, as part of his game play.
I'd like to hazard a bit of amateur psychoanalysis on Jessie and Lydia "doing it" knowing there's a camera around. The simple answer is that in some way shape or form they are both exhibitionists. Jessie has the big muscles and competes in various body-building competitions, places where people look at your body. Lydia's body art effectively screams "Look at me; pay attention to me." If she didn't want to be watched and seen most of her art would have been on areas normally covered by clothing. I'm willing to be that Lydia shows her body off more than most of the other women in the house (now that Laura is gone). It's not that big of a jump from showing off that way to showing off in other ways - like doing it with a guy you kind of like knowing that you're on camera.
Of course what I know about psychoanalysis could fill a thimble with room left over.
In the picture jackie posted, what is Casey holding in his hands? I'm sure it is not what it looks like to me!
Casey seemed to still believe that Nat was 18. Maybe not, though. thanks for the responses on Nat's age. I have noticed that she puts words in Jesse's mouth sometimes, but couldn't tell if he was really taking her advice (and thought he was thinking of it himself) or not.
Brent McKee, good observations on the two who like to exhibit. I mentioned Lydia's posture yesterday. She is so bowed over, if I went by body language I would say she wasn't feeling too proud of herself right now. She seems to be filled with contradictions. And wearing the pretty sweet blue checked dress on Thursday's show was one of them I noticed. The flower in the flyaway hair is another.
I will watch Nat from now on to see if she is running things quietly or just along for the ride. Laura knew what she was talking about with Ronnie.
The collegiate wear might just be because of a store (Steve & Barry's)that sells inexpensive clothing that this age group would know about and be able to afford. My teenager has several t-shirts and hoodies from there representing many different schools. Unfortunatley the Steve & Barry's by us went out of business just recently.
I don't have any game comments since everything was utterly predictable. Darn it.
Any idea why the feeds are blocked? It's too early for POV isn't it?
-not the other anon
Welcome back Joe in NY! How's the dog?
Pinhead and Lydia undercover...eww eww eww. I can't wait till Nat finds out!
Nat has told Pinhead her real age and she slipped up yesterday when everyone was talking about their high school reunions. She started to tell about hers then said it will be in 10 years. Kevin has said from day one she is 25...cracked me up. He was like, no way gf, you are not 18...lol
Jesse does listen to her opinion a lot, after all she is Co-HOH, her words.
I hope Casey wins POV, what a crimp that would put in their plans. Please Please Please Casey win it!
Something else Laura said in that People interview. She wondered if Ronnie had also lied about being married. She said when Ronnie won HOH, she wanted to tear apart the pic he said was of him and his wife to see if he had glued his picture in there. Hehee.
Michelle won POV
oh caca, jordan might be out now
So the next 48 hours, we get to ponder does Casey and Jessie really have a secret alliance, because if Jessie puts him up, he's out the door. And surely Casey cannot buy the "I'll put you up as a pawn" story.
Time to get your game on Casey.
Great! That may screw up Jesse's plans. Bad news is Michele will likely save herself and Casey will be put up. Wasn't there talk of backdooring him anyway? The bad guys have all the luck. Sheesh!
It's all Murphy's law for the good guys.
Man, I hate the way this is heading.
Bad news is Michele will likely save herself and Casey will be put up. Wasn't there talk of backdooring him anyway?
Yes, when Jessie told them all it was better if they kept Ronnie, they all piped up and said they should BD Casey instead. However, I didn't see him say that was what he was going to do. Casey didn't pay Jessie a visit to the HOH either.
why does jessie want to keep Ronnie. An ally? He has enough of those doesn't he? you think he wants to keep Ronnie to the end because everyone who ends up in the jury house would pick anyone else but Ronnie and Jessie to win BB.
I haven't been keeping up with the blog as well as I have in past years. Shame on me!
First - I would like to say THANK YOU JACKIE!!!! I love and truly appreciate you keeping us up-to-date. I only see the 3 shows a week and your blog helps fill in the pieces that CBS doesn't show.
Second - Jackie, when do you sleep?
And - when did Jessie and Lydia hook up? Ick! Wasn't she all over Russell at first?
Laura said....
And - when did Jessie and Lydia hook up? Ick! Wasn't she all over Russell at first?
According to hamserwatch they hooked up July 14th, and again on the 24th, and last night...
First 2 were HJ's...
He using her for a piece, and she says was willing to have sex with a guy or a girl to stay in the house. She tells Kevin everyday what they do, and I think she's into him, and gets jealous over Natalie, and mad at him when he doesn't pay attention to her
Chima has to wear the red leotard and can not go to the Margarita party tonight...since it is her B'day she will really raise a ruckus when she finds out...
Lynn - Casey is holding a cold gel pack he put on his shoulder.
Thanks Jackie. I couldn't figure it out. I haven't ever see an ice pack like that one.
Hi Mrs. Whiggins,
Willie (the dog) is MUCH better, thanks for asking. It was a brutal 6-1/2 weeks but he is barely limping now. The follow-up X-ray is on Tuesday to make sure that the bone has knit, so my fingers are tightly crossed until then.
lynn1, I cannot figure out what you thought the things casey was holding was?
I was thinking she was thinking enema bag.
Jackie said...
Every three days whether she needs it or not.
Jackie--You have a great sense of humor!
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