
Yikes, they're snacking again! Not only will they gain weight, but it's really annoying listening to them chomp and chew all the time. Here are the evening's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Oral Fixations:
- Natalie told Kevin not to bother talking to Jeff anymore -- he's going home.
- Jeff told Jordan that Michele was lying about everything. They think she's losing it.
- Michele had been crying again. It's got to be rough being alone, but she's a stronger competitor than either Jordan or Natalie, for sure.
- BB gave them alcohol again. Sheesh, I swear the show wants to create alcoholics. Who drinks booze every night?
- Natalie said the day they entered the house, BB did her make-up for her.
- Jordan thinks she can talk Natalie into keeping Jeff.
- Jordan is still willing to give up her chance to win for her man Jeff.
- Jeff and Jordan think they'll both wear black for the eviction.
- Jeff wondered if there's more to the Pandora's Box and the key he found.
- BB hasn't told them the money amounts or what the key means.
- Kevin and Natalie plan to team up with Jordan after Jeff leaves.
- After they get Michele out, they'll target Jordan and be the final two.
- That's their plan.
- Michele may just muck it all up. She's a very determined woman.

Just once I'd love to hear Kevin call Nat out on her "we" plotting. "We" have to do this & "we" have to do that.
No little girl, YOU don't do anything but spread your venom and get everyone else to do your dirty work for you!
I think I'd rather have Jessie AND Jerry back...yeah, I said that...
And on a lighter note, Slippier....ummm slippier....ummm slipperier...that's not even a word is it?
lol If Jordan wins maybe she'll take some of the money and go back to school.
Does anyone think that this Pandora's box twist might be that the person who finds the key can take themselves off the block?
It seems like it would be more than just money after the way Julie was talking about it on the live show. She talked about the HOH having a new responsibility. Could that mean that by unleashing the money they released the freedom to someone?
Well, whatever IT was, kevin unleashed it by choosing money for the house to pick up.
I'll bet there's more to it than we know now, and that it involves something that could change things up.
After watching last night I have to say that Natalie's verbal game makes up for her lack of physical game. I can't believe that Kevin didn't see the Michele bashing for what it was, an attempt by Natalie to keep her hands clean on ousting Jeff.
She really is scappy.
Several in the house, inc Jeff and Kevin, have said their reason for 'not liking' Michelle is that she doesn't tell them who she is and what she is thinking. But, I see the same thing going on with Kevin, just he is hiding it better. Kevin sits by while Nat makes plans and seems to think up plans for him to do, but it always looks (just by his actions if you ignore all the words) that he is doing what he thinks will help him in the game.
There was a movie character years ago, a female, who was a busy, smart, exec type. Maybe it was Holly Hunter in Broadcast News? Maybe someone else? She set times for herself to cry everyday because of the emotional release, regardless of what was going on in her life. Anyone else remember that?
Go, Michelle! I hope you do a really good job of mucking up K/N's plans! I just can't stand N!
WV: helizz
Helizz watching Natalie win.
Found this Definition of Pandoras Boxon the web : She opened the box, and from it flew hate, anger, sickness, poverty, and every bad thing in the world. She slammed the lid down and managed to trap the final evil still in the box: hopelessness. So today, even when the going gets tough, every human still has hope.
Hooray!!!! Maybe there's still hope for Jeff & Jordan! I bet he gets to stay!!
Found this Definition of Pandoras Boxon the web : She opened the box, and from it flew hate, anger, sickness, poverty, and every bad thing in the world. She slammed the lid down and managed to trap the final evil still in the box: hopelessness. So today, even when the going gets tough, every human still has hope.
Hooray!!!! Maybe there's still hope for Jeff & Jordan! I bet he gets to stay!!
Nat said (and we all know we can count on her to say the truth) the finale of the money comp would be today because the accountants are off on Sunday.
just had to post my wv "herarse"
Too funny!!!
I just read over at jokers that people are unhappy with Jeff over his Gay Tirade. I am one who loved Jeff until last week. His true colors really came out. Hope he makes a sincere apology!!
I am hoping the key for pandora's box will finally rid Natalie of the house. I can't see the HOH or the POV winner being able to leave if that is what it really is.
I think there is definetly more to the box than just money.
Maybe since Kevin opened it he will have to vote out NAT....
If I keep saying it maybe it will really happen.LOL
Im getting all excited now....Pandoras box could "trap the pitbull?" wouldnt that be sweet...Jeff takes himself off and puts up Natalie....
my wv is desse
maks me think of Lucy and Desi
I am having pregnancy brain today. If Michelle uses the POV to save Jeff, are both Jeff and Michelle safe??
I have no clue what if any the twist could be.
If hope or hopelessness is a clue then I would say the twist would have to affect Michelle or Jeff.
Michelle sees hopeless in her lone wolf status and Jeff has the huge bullseye directly on him.
If I get to be boss for a day I would want the twist to help Michelle.
I am so over Jeff and Jordan even though I have Jordan in the BB pool.
iwas thinking about the box too.. so maybe the person with the key can remove an nominee which that means Jefff removes himself that foreces Natalie to go up and then Jeff and Michelle will vote and you know Michelle will vot Nat and of course Jeff will since he won't vote out Jordan... I saw on BBAD last night the mystery will be reveiled on Tuesday night... gonna be a great show
Anon yes if michelle takes Jeff off they both are safe
No michelle wont be safe if she uses the veto on Jeff she remains on the block.
There is no way she will pull a Marcellas...
If there is a twist, I hope it cannot change the game is so huge a fashion as to change the noms. That would be proof to me BB is pulling all the strings. I always tell my kids "you always have choices and if they choose "stupid" there are consequences that they need to accept them and not whine." Jeff needs to accept the consequences of his stupid choices.
Do you think the box and the money are tied in with each other? It's interesting to me that BB hasn't told them how much money they have. I wonder if the will have to make a choice involving keeping the money (amount unknown) or trading the money for something else involving the game. Greed plays a big part in the game for some people and that would be a difficult choice. Wasn't it Nat who wanted someone else to set Kevin free so she could stay and pick up more money?
WV: regerb Thinking of Natalie winning makes me regerb a little.
Off topic:
Please pray for the fire fighters working the SoCal fire near LA. Two lost their lives last night and the fire is only 5% contained.
Thank you.
assuming everything stands as is
Jordan needs to try and hook-up
with Michelle it is her only hope.
Jackie as always you are doing a great job in what was not a great
Thank You
What I think is Funny is that Jeff keeps telling Jordan that she needs to hook up with Michelle after he leaves. Then two minutes later he talks about how everything she says is a lie.
I can't wait for Jeff to watch and find out all that happened to him in the BB house when he is home. I would think that Michelle would get a phone call with apologies and a aomment from Jeff that he was stupid and its his own fault he lost. That would be great.
I Realized the Saints game Thursday. I told my man that I am not going. I don't think I want to miss a minute of BB. What to do What to do. If I go to the game I will be checking my phone the whole time for updates. My luck my phone would decide it can't get a signal in the dome.LOL
why doesn't someone plant a bug in kevins ear that natalie will win the jury over kevin
jordan/jeff could promise him safety again (lol)
if he puts up nat
then they could promise to get out michelle (not really) and go to final 3 with kevin.
j/j have nothing to lose by trying!!
i wish jeff could use his key to pick the replacement nom and put nasty up and out!!!
Anon, the word was slipperiness.
Jackie, have I mentioned how much I love your little subtitles on your BB posts. The "BB House of..." Very creative.
Hope Michele does "muck it up" somehow or that key does. Love to see that smirk wiped off Natalie's face.
By the way, I love that picture of J&J. He has some sexy looking lips. I'm fanning myself.
If Kevin was smart he would put Natalie up. She told him last night that she will put him up on Thursday when she wins HOH...I love how she can see into the future so well.
Last night Kevin was mumbling in the HOH by himself something about Jeff and what to do.
She is saying she has thrown the comps all season. I am not buying it at all...
wv~~ rates
I rates natalie a 1 on any scale.
cha cha i thought the person that won the veto and uses both of them are safe...
yes only if the person using the veto was not already on the block
if nat uses it on jeff then she could go.
if jordan had it it would have rendered her and jeff safe if she used it on jeff.
The POV is used to take one person off the block.
She can't take herself and Jeff off the block.
Years ago Marcellas did this because he was told he would be safe. Biggest mistake in BB history(well almost) but he was so sure he was safe he was voted OUT.
Michelle can take either herself or Jeff off but not both. She stated to Jordan and Jeff last night that she will be using it on herself.
I think jeff has coded int he BB house
Michelle just told Nat if she uses the VETO on Jeff she is putting alot of faith in her.
I am hoping that all the crazy talk from Michelle about using the Veto on Jeff is to just get information...Please oh Please....
She can't be that stupid. Last night she said she was using it on herself...
Next time around, no matter what Natalie says, she has to be worried about Kevin getting some votes from the jury. Lydia, Russell, Jeff and Jordan would not vote for her, I believe. She knows better than anyone that Michele is the one to be in the f2 with.
Nat would have no qualms about backstabbing Kevin too.
My head is spinning with all the possibilities. I just want Natalie gone and if Kevin was the one to make that happen he would be my hero!!
America won't vote for her either.
Kevin jsut told michelle NOT TO USE THE VETO ON JEFF!!! He said she will go home. I guess he is thinking after all. Maybe he is seeing more of Natalie then he did before.....I am Hoping anyways
Cha Cha why do you think he would put up Natalie and not Jordan?
I don't think there is any way K will put up N. They've been together too long and her hold too strong.
I'm torn. I'd like Jeff to stay, still think he's a good guy, esp. compared to N - but he did backstab Russell. And for some reason I really felt for Russ.
I also don't see why M will take anyone off but herself. Doesn't everyone say how smart she is?
So, maybe the secret key/box thing is the ticket. You gotta wonder at some point though how much BB is orchestrating. Jeff gets the Coup d'etat and then a magic key to get him off the block? While I want him to stay, it seems contrived.
Girlsmom, Iowa
If the key is to save yourself, then anyone could of found the key. Jeff was just the one that did while everyone else was greedy. I hope the key saves Jeff and Nat the Ghetto Whore goes up and the OUT!
I don't know how that key thing worked but didn't any of the hgs have the ability to find it? Why is it "fixed" because Jeff did?
I'm also saying that Natalie is capable of backstabbing anyone, even Kevin if she thinks he might win over her. Kevin should realize, if he's smart, that the votes would be a shoe-in for him over Michele.
Not that I ever much care who wins - since they don't share the money with me - but if Jeff has another get out of got free card, it will seem unfair. There is usually one such twist per season, but I don't ever remember two such twists in a single season. Does anyone else?
By the way, isn't it also possible that the key helps win the next HOH rather than the last POV?
It just seems a bit unfair to make the hgs play hard for HOH or POV and then upend them with these mystery powers.
That said, it would be great fun if there was some kind of money or safety choice involved. We'd really see some interesting choices and consequences. Just spitballing, but suppose HOH and POV were safe and everyone else was given the choice of money or safety (secretly, of course). How cool would it be if everyone but one person chose safety and they got sent home for their greed?
Honestly, showering issues aside, it's not clear to me why everyone is sooooo against Hot'nNasty. She lies, but I'm not sure she's lied much more than anyone else in BB history. Dr. Will almost never told the truth and he's revered by most BB fans. Nakomis invented the lying, backstabbing backdoor and she's revered by most fans. So, Hot'nTasty lied her way to the Final 5. Who cares? She was actually pretty loyal to original crew right up till now. More loyal, in fact, than Jeff who offed Russell without a moment's thought
Jeff needs to go to kevin and make a deal that if he put up Nat and she goes then jeff will go after Mich and it will be Jeff, Kev, Jor F3
I repeat, they all had a chance to get that key, didn't they? If Nat had found it, you probably wouldn't have a problem with it. Right, Joe?
People TV News had an interview with Russell. The answer to the last question put to him was perfect. "What will you do in the jury house with Jessie and Lydia?" Russell replied, "Hide my sweaters." Love that!
He also stated he has no hard feelings for anyone in the game and hopes that Kevin wins it because he stayed under the radar so long and is now playing the game. So you know where his vote is going.
The key thing was the luck of the draw as far as I can determine. You don't get to say it's unfair that Jeff has it. No more than it's unfair that Kevin won HOH.
Joe, the more you sell Natalie to us and compare her to people I don't know, the more I dislike her. Go figure. I probably would have disliked those other folks, too.
I don't think you can compare games and people because the circumstances are all different. There's no even ground for comparison.
All we have is what we have now, and (IMHO) what we have in Natalie is a lying, scheming, bitch who uses people to advance in the game. It's her only skill and I don't like it and I don't like her.
And before you ask, no, I wouldn't rather have Jessie back in the game.
I was thinking that because last night he somewhat saw her true colors on the feeds. He also knows the lies that she is capable of.
WV chlocupe=== Have no idea what it means but sounds like dirty Nat would be one if it were a word... Pat in Fl
y n said...
I repeat, they all had a chance to get that key, didn't they? If Nat had found it, you probably wouldn't have a problem with it. Right, Joe?
People TV News had an interview with Russell. The answer to the last question put to him was perfect. "What will you do in the jury house with Jessie and Lydia?" Russell replied, "Hide my sweaters." Love that!
He also stated he has no hard feelings for anyone in the game and hopes that Kevin wins it because he stayed under the radar so long and is now playing the game. So you know where his vote is going.
8/31/2009 2:44 PM
Not true, joyn on several counts. First of all, I don't really have a problem with it, not exactly. Second of all, even if Hot'nTasty had won it, I'd still think it was one too many secret powers. The problem is not the power itself but the secret nature of the power and the way it upends HOH and POV. Not to defend Chima's position, but when you win HOH you stick your head out and make decisions that you can/will pay for. (Which is why Dr. Will wanted no part of it.) Despite the fact that Chima was safe during CD'E week, the mere fact that she had no say in nominations AFTER having already made her noms and staked out a position was to her definite detriment. So, in retrospect, she might have been better off throwing the HOH comp.
The same could be said here. Suppose Jeff does have a 2nd POV or whatever. Kevin has now made his move under his HOH and if that power (minimal though it is this late in the game) is removed, Kevin will suffer from his HOH with no benefit from his HOH. Jeff now knows he can't trust Kevin and, worse, if Kevin is forced to nominate his ally, Natalie, because THREE hgs are immune, it just seems a bit unfair.
Of course, all's fair in BB in the end, but it kind of seems like one twist too many and way too late in the game to give anyone a chance to recover from the ramifications. At least if everyone knew (did they?) that there was a POV key in the room with the money, then maybe it's a bit fairer. But it just doesn't feel quite right to me no matter who benefits from it.
Anonymous said...
Jeff needs to go to kevin and make a deal that if he put up Nat and she goes then jeff will go after Mich and it will be Jeff, Kev, Jor F3
Why would Kevin go for that?
A. Jeff is a bigger competitive threat than Nat.
B. Jeff doesn't trust Kevin anymore so why would Kevin trust a deal with Jeff when he knows Jeff got got and wants revenge?
I'm not telling you to like Natalie. I didn't tell anyone to like her. It's enough for me that I like her. What I asked is why everyone dislikes her so much?
If Jeff (or Dr. will, or Nakomis, or Michelle or Kevin etc.) lies, everyone (including Jeff) calls it gameplay. Other than lying (and perhaps not showering and chewing with her mouth open - big deal!), I don't see anything that Natalie has done that could be construed as anything but gameplay. So, I asked the question: why is Natalie worse than any of the other current hgs (except maybe Jordan who I'm not sure has lied to anyone, although she physically assaulted Russell and appeared to be faking her anger a bit in that fight.)
Laurie said:
All we have is what we have now, and (IMHO) what we have in Natalie is a lying, scheming, bitch who uses people to advance in the game. It's her only skill and I don't like it and I don't like her.
Joe responded:
And other than making nice/nice with Jeff, what's Jordan's skill in the game? What has Kevin done besides win one HOH? Scheming is a huge part of BB, always has been.
And if Jeff were a woman, wouldn't you call him a bitch. He threw Russell under the bus because Russell dared to have a Final 2 deal that didn't include Jeff even though Jeff had a Final 2 deal that didn't include Russell.
In fact, Natalie has actually been truer to her word in this game than Jeff. Natalie was in an alliance with Jessie and stayed true to him until the end. She stayed true to Chima and Kevin despite the fact that at one point that looked to be a fatal mistake when Jeff's group had control of the house. She lied to the other side of the house, but the other side of the house lied to her. In the end, she has not turned on any of her original alliance while Jeff did.
Now, you can tell me you hate Jeff as much as Natalie and that's fine. But I just don't quite track (call me ignorant) how Natalie has done anything worse than any of the other hgs, past and present, who lied and schemed there way through the game.
Thanks, Cha Cha...guess I was hoping maybe there was a chance Joe's gf would go up and out :)
Sasha said...
Thanks, Cha Cha...guess I was hoping maybe there was a chance Joe's gf would go up and out :)
8/31/2009 3:47 PM
Joe's gf...what a nice thought!!! LOL
worse than any of the other hgs, past and present, who lied and schemed there way through the game.
Of course, that should be "lied and schemed their way..." before Meb gets after me again! :)
Cha Cha, I will be at the Saints game on Thursday night. No BB show for me that night.
I will be able to re-live it through Jackie's blog and all my blog Buds comments which will probably be more entertaining that the show itself!
You're welcome, Joe :)
(BTW, on behalf of meb and myself: a few posts back...it's 'back pedaled' not 'peddled'. whew. finally got that off my chest.)
Sorry meb, I know you have nothing to do with it, just trying to avoid another anon onslaught lol.
It looks like Michele used the veto on herself (hopefully). Kevin says to Natalie "he gone right?" Natalie says "yes." Aahhh, but what about the twist?
I'm not finding "peddled" anywhere but your post. Is it a previous topic?
It's the essence of Natalie I don't like, Joe. I can't explain that.
I. just. don't. like. her.
Leave it for what it is. I'm dun discussing it.
Beverly said...
It looks like Michele used the veto on herself (hopefully). Kevin says to Natalie "he gone right?" Natalie says "yes." Aahhh, but what about the twist?
8/31/2009 4:04 PM
Do the hgs even know there is a twist? I find this particular twist (besides possibly unseemly) to be a bit odd since they don't seem to be aware that there is one.
Laurie said...
It's the essence of Natalie I don't like, Joe. I can't explain that.
I. just. don't. like. her.
Leave it for what it is. I'm dun discussing it.
8/31/2009 4:06 PM
I didn't ask you to discuss it. It was a generic question.
As I said, I could care less who does or doesn't like her. I LIKE HER and that's enough.
I hear ya Lynn but I was thinking I got to choose my battles with the Baby sitters as well. I will forgo a pre season game for the Three Night games we have this year.
It will also give me a week or so more excerise. I almost died walking to my seats two weeks ago. Unfortunetly our friends that we have tickets with used to love to sit at the top because we could get away with smiking cigs. Now we can't get away with it and we are still up there. I am on a waiting list for club seats.
these are two pea's in a pod....
J/J - saying that them and casey are the only ones who came to make friends, and the others were here for the money and just for themselves
I don't think that Casey wasn't thinking about the money. Its nice of them to say this now. Now that Jordon wont get her earrings and the trip with Jeff to Haiwai...And he wont get his Bears Season Tickets
Cha Cha said...
these are two pea's in a pod....
J/J - saying that them and casey are the only ones who came to make friends, and the others were here for the money and just for themselves
I don't think that Casey wasn't thinking about the money. Its nice of them to say this now. Now that Jordon wont get her earrings and the trip with Jeff to Haiwai...And he wont get his Bears Season Tickets
8/31/2009 4:20 PM
Someone says that every year on BB and I don't believe it ever. Who would put their entire life on hold and move into a house with a bunch of lying, backstabbing hgs to "make new friends"? People you may never see again? Really? You left your family and your friends and your job and your hometown to "make new friends"?
Color me a cynic, if you aren't doing it because you want the money or just want to be on TV, I think you're kidding yourself...
It was on a previous topic. I looked for an email on your profile to tell you privately but couldn't find one so I let it go...well I tried to let it go :) I truly thought you'd want to know the right expression. Sorry if I was wrong. Love your posts and sometimes even agree with them :)
I don't buy it either that they come to make friends.
Wasn't it Jordan that said she was doing it to help her mom get a new place to live.
Jeff needs to move out of his parents basement.
Nat wants to help her father for all he has done for her.
Michelle I am sure has loans to pay off and has stated she doesn't make that much money.
Kev said he has always wanted to be in the house. I am sure he and his partner can use the money for their future together. I don't remember him saying what he would use it for.
I can't stand Natalie because that's ALL she's done is lie. She doesn't do anything else that even attempts to show real gameplay. She's always so happy about screwing over everybody. If she at least tried to win a comp instead of ALWAYS letting her alliance do the work for her, I'd have some respect for her play. It's boring to see nothing else from her. I really hope that Kevin, whom has finally seen the light concerning her do nothing, let everyone else do the work and take the crap for it later scheme, will finally have the cujones to take her sorry, lazy, dirty butt out of the running.
Dr. Will was exciting to watch because he had pizzazz which Natalie totally lacks. Dr. Will made no bones about what he was doing. Nat only hides behind lies. Natalie is a floater, a lying floater, yes, but still a floater who hung onto anyone in a position of power. It's just Kevin's turn now. If Kevin is smart and has the oppotunity next week, he should rid himself of that leech.
Sasha said...
It was on a previous topic. I looked for an email on your profile to tell you privately but couldn't find one so I let it go...well I tried to let it go :) I truly thought you'd want to know the right expression. Sorry if I was wrong. Love your posts and sometimes even agree with them :)
8/31/2009 4:24 PM
Oh, I don't mind being called out...even if it isn't me who did it. LOL
I'm familiar with the expression, but when I get typing I sometimes replace the correct word with the homonym. Guess it comes from talking to myself when I write.
Anon from Anus USA
I understand BB is a game. I really do and lying and scheming is all part of it but...(here is why I don't like Nat) This doesn't mean you have to lose your humanity. Even when Natalie is alone (watching spy camera)she says hateful and hurtful things about Michelle. It is on the live feeds for all to hear. She seems to gain so much pleasure in hurting others and cheating at cards and pool! I don't hate her but I wouldn't want her as a friend. I am sure her fathers girlfriend would agree. She is just a mean spirited person, period.
ROFL..."Anon from Anus USA". Very funny. And with apologies to all of the other "Anons" who are quite friendly and amiable, I love when you do those at the bottom of your posts, Joe. That one particular anon deserves the humorous jab.
joy n
I can't stand Nat either but I was saying last night to my boyfriend that if she makes it to the final two depending on who she is there with she may deserve to win. Not for personal reasons but I had to admit when she comes up with this crap and they fall for it...that is game play. I don't like the fact that she has everyone else doing her dirty work but it is the game.
Jessie had Ronnie do his dirty work by taking out Laura.Jeff and Russell had Michelle do the dirty work when taking out Chima Kevin and Nat had Jeff do their dirty work to take out Russell.
the following was posted at Jokers.
Maybe the key twist is that the holder can 'buy' a vote with the money from the comp
That would be awesome. Jeff would be stupid to sell his money to Nat and Kev and still go home. What could make him think they want him to stay. This was their plan all along.
Jordon would sell her vote for the other houseguests to vote for her to go then they would keep her and she would still be out of the money
Great PointI totally agree with you. I like Natalie and Kevin both. I do not see anything that Natalie is doing to warrant all the hate either. She is playing the game. People keeping focusing on competition but to me playing a game using the mind is hard to do. Trying to stay under the radar and stay in the game at the same time. Look how Michelle have played both sides lying along the way. Jeff and Jordan think the money was only for them but they have to realize everybody is in the house for the same reason to win. BB do not have a rule that you can not lie. I think if Natalie can make it to the end and win she deserve it. Michelle, Jeff, Russell all talk about good they are/were but Natalie use everybody else to do her dirty work; like she said she don't have no blood on her hand. If they are guillable enough to believe Natalie why penalize her for her game play. Jordan keep talking about how pissed she is going to be she needs to get real. Anybody that is forgetting about their family for a man she just met a few months ago have to be out of their mind. All she want in return is a pair of earrings and a trip to Hawaii.
For Jeff to get 2 great breaks in this game with the "twists" ( if indeed there is one) I think there would be some huge uproar that BB had something to do with wanting Jeff to win? But, having said that, I too feel there is something left to this "key" deal and the "money" thing yet to be uncovered that may be a twist to be played out tomorrow night. Either Kevin or Jeff may be involved is my guess.
I think we were told about it being a huge twist, not the houseguest. They are just left with the unknown of not knowing how the count of the money is being handled.....and given some lame excuse that the account was off for the weekend.....duh!!!
to be contnued.....
As much as i hate to admit it because i cannot stand her, Nasty has played her ass off. She has gotten out people that she wanted out and did not nominate any of them and Jeff is next. And the people she wanted out have no idea she wanted them out and wont until she makes it to the final 2. She has even convince Kevin to take her to the end where he wont win against her. Kevin should be getting Nat out instead of Jeff. Yeah Jeff is stronger than him in endurance comps but Kevin has competed well in all the others. Nat player of this BB GAME.
ChaCha, Nat's lies had a hand in each choice of whom to get rid of (other than the TH) in any given week. She told bald-faced lies even when she didn't need to. She lied about Laura, Casey, Lydia, Russell, Jeff, Jordan and especially, Michele. I believe she even lied about Braden, didn't she? Didn't she also early on tell lies about Kevin to Jessie?
Maybe if Natalie had something going for her besides lying and being rude and crude AND being a leech........ But she doesn't.
joy n
Of course she lied about each person that was on the block.
I have said this many times earlier that I don't like her but if she can get herself to the end this way then KUDO'S to her.
This would be one season that I wouldn't be happy with the outcome but it happens
People complain and trash floaters, but floating is part of the game especially when there are two sides or individuals going at each other. Stay out of the way and when the dust settles you are close to the end. No one can survive being a target the entire game.
Poor J/J they see no evil, hear no evil, I think they speak evil but Natalie has got to go!
lately J/J have been doing all three of those.
I never realized how vial they can be towards Michelle. I don't think that she has ever deserved that.
Yes Michelle is quirky in many ways but she doesn't deserve half of what is being spewed out of Jordan, Jeff, and Nats mouth. I have heard a few things from Kevin but not as bad as the other three.
I agree with BJ, my dislike of Natalie stems from the pleasure she seems to derive when she is successful in hurting/defeating another hg.
It seems to me, she will taunt Michele just to try to make her cry so that she can then ridicule Michele for crying.
Lying to continue in the game is vastly different than lying just to be cruel or hurtful.
If Natalie wins this, it will be my all-time least favorite season ever. Guess I just want the good guy not to come in last. At this point, the good guy is anyone but Nat. I don't like nasty people and especially nasty people who take joy in lying for their own gain.
Okay, I'm getting off my high horse now.
Except for this: wv is forat. I would hate for rat Nat to win.
Can't help myself.
joy n---
I do agree with what you said for many reasons.
I can't stand the way Nat has played the game. If she makes it to the end and wins then she deserves it. I do think though that the jurors will come together and realize how Nat made all of the other houseguests do her dirty work. I don't think they all will applaud that to their demise.
I believe this will be like the TH season that ended with Maggie or Yvette winning.
That was the year of Katrina and we didn't get cable or electricity for that matter back until October
At least Dr Will had charm going for him, Natalie has nothing but lies.
Jeff is gonna feel foolish when he gets out and reads the blogs or watches the episodes.
So I just read that Nat was finally successfull in stealing Michelles gloves.
I think that she should be penalized for this. You are allowed to hide things. but downright going through someones personal bag and taking it is a whole other matter. We all know dam well that it was caught on camera.
She should be forced to give them back!!!!!
You don't have to like any of the HGs, but you don't have to be pissed at others here just because they have favorites. (no matter how misguided) LOL
Well, I guess I'll hope for that then. That the jury will not award her for her gleeful deviousness. Really, she used them too.
And, yes, she should be punished for theft.
Ol' Nat is a real outstanding citizen, isn't she?
Wowee! You people were busy today while I was at work.
I do agree that the Michele bashing is uncalled for, mean-spirited, cool-kids mentality nonsense. I hope she gets to stay just because of it.
Jeff was gay-bashing? He keeps falling further and further away from the nice guy image we all had of him. Don't you just hate it when you realize that you were wrong about someone? I do.
wv: carmellon
Nat has been playing like a carmellon and agreeing with whichever side she is talking to.
I'm sorry but Jordan is an IDIOT to listen to Nat. Jordan is a MORON!!
joy n said...
Anon, the word was slipperiness
Sorry, Joy it was slipperier
Anon 6:33 & 6:44 AM
a/k/a Anne in CT having trouble with Google passwords ;>)
I don't care how wrong it is...I want Kevin to open the door and Jeff to get a suprise that makes Nat squirm.
I was just reading over Jackie's post again and was thinking....anyone remember the seasons where they all exercised all summer, on purpose? I seem to remember some of them holding abs classes and the like. I remember one group who walked the perimeter of the yard like it was a track.
Didn't that pilates girl give classes too? Wasn't there an inside excercise room most years? Is it there this year?
How strange that this group is snacking and sleeping the summer away, gaining weight. I saw Jeff and Russell do some working out work, but that's about it.
wv: valinate
I hope the show on Thursday will valinate my suspicions that a final twist is in the plans.
Hi all!
Please tell me there's a way to save Jeff! I'm anxious to find out what the Pandora's Box twist is about. Thanks to all of you live feed watchers who report what's going on 24/7 in the BB house here on the blog.
I don't mind Kevin so much but if Natalie makes it to the final 2 I'm going to be very angry. ;)
I haven't read any dialogue yet but I'm disappointed to read that Jeff was gay bashing.
My prayers go out to the heroic firefighters that we've lost and to the victims of the CA fires. I've been very fortunate that the fires have not been close to my city but watching the news is heartwrenching.
Hope all is good in your world.
Anon 6:32pm. Just watched that part of the tape again. I stand corrected.
Natalie is a pig! She doesn't shower, her hygiene is revolting. She eats like an animal always chewing with her mouth open. She has been lying since the moment she entered the house starting with her age. She lies not just to further her game play but to be hurtful. In fact she actually seems unable to tell the truth. (Didn't she say she never cries?) She is mean spirited, lazy, selfish, two faced, greedy and a user. There are a thousand things she has done that turn my stomach -a few examples: going through other houseguests possessions, dumping their clothes, stealing other peoples things, hiding stuff in the house to screw with the other houseguests, speaking spanish with Kevin (against the rules) reporting to BB Kevin's eating a few grapes and Jeff's drinking a gatorade (resulting in an extra day of slop for each). I could go on and on. She enjoys hurting people too much for me to ever give her credit for good gameplay. I cannot remember a BB houseguest that I have disliked more than Nat.
Jackie has a new post up.
ZT: Glad to hear you aren't near the fires. I was worried about you!
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