Earlier today Jordan and Michele spent time race-walking laps around the yard.

While Natalie slept.

But as the evening came on, the houseguests split into pairs and Michele is once again the lone wolf.

Here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Schemin' Demons:
- I'm sure you noticed that I'm only doing a dawn and night report today, not three reports.
- That's because this bunch isn't doing ANYTHING!
- I'm tempted to just post screen caps of them laying about.
- Well, Natalie could be lying about.
- ;-)
- Jordan didn't feel too well this morning. I'm thinking it could be a mix of stress and the wine BB is feeding them at night.
- Kevin wants to tell Michele that Natalie's acting strange and see if she falls for the bait.
- Kevin and Natalie talked more about hiding things to make the others think BB was messing with them.
- They fixed the kitchen sink so it would squirt.
- It got Jeff. He said they should learn to do the dishes instead of playing pranks.
- Kevin and Natalie are experimenting cooking on the grill.
- They can smell the wild fires in the distance and apparently the sky is affected, too. The moon is red. But the main thing I'm picking up on the feeds are a lot more sirens.
- Natalie plans to drink all of Kevin's Mike's Hard Lemonade tonight.
- BB should play along with her plan and penalize her for underage drinking.
- The one season they actually had a 19-year-old on the show, she wasn't allowed to drink at all.
- That's all I have for you. Someone go poke these folks with a cattle prod, please.
They should be able to smell the smoke and even have ashes falling on them by now.
Our sun is bright red when it sets here in San Diego and that's smoke in the air causing it. Bad stuff.
I wish I could think of something to sharpen the dullness in the house this week. I'd also like to see the wits sharpened a bit, too!
Thanks for making the day as interesting as possible.
Thanks for sifting through the feeds to find the relevant info for us, Jackie.
I just finished watching tonight's show, and I must say I'm disappointed with Pandora's Box. I was expecting something with much more impact on the game. It seemed very anticlimatic, given the way Julie introduced it last week.
Hope those who can watch Thursdays show at the regular time will post a lot of detail in their comments. Here in the Green Bay area, the CBS affiliate will be preempting Big Brother for the Packer-Titan game and won't air
BB until early Saturday moning. They seem to do that once a year.
Hi Sally! I thought I might be the only person awake tonight. I was disappointed in the Pandora's box thing, too. What if he didn't put his hand in there? Then it would have been a real dud. I'm thinking he was told to put his hand in by the DR.
I think we will be disappointed in Thursday's show and all shows after that, too. I hate saying that, but the future is bleak at the BB house these days!
Laurie, in case you didn't see it on an earlier post...
OT: Survivor has one girl, Kelly, who's from San Diego.
Sounds like Kevin is still tight with Natalie. If those two make it to the end, I REALLY hope that Kevin wins over pigpen.
If you have the feeds and want to see Natalie at her finest, drunk a$$, b!tchiness, check out the flashback feature from around 1:30 a.m. on any cam.
She's a freaking mess tonight. If these people do not wake up and get rid of her, I'm going to hurl.
Why, when Kevin and Jeff have both said she's drinking and under age, have they not called her out or asked in the DR to call her out?
Hi all y'all, checking in late.
As a person of the gay persuasion, I am TOTALLY into Kevin! He makes me laugh so much. He made the Pandora's Box concept fun to watch.
He was right when he said tonight that gay folks have had a history of not making the best decisions on the show, and I'm proud of the way he's playing, other than being alligned with the odious Natalie.
Jeff is eye candy but has made huge mistakes. Kevin for the win!!
Sally, I also hope someone gives the info while the live show is on Thursday night. Here in New Jersey they are saying it will be shown immediately after the New York Jets game. Who knows what time that will be? The Showtime after dark is finally showing them all playing cards together (game has a bad word name I will not say)name I have never heard of.Better than hearing them eat with mouths open again. Spoke too soon, Natalie is drunk and chewing her cud again.
Kathy said... Natalie is drunk and chewing her cud again.
jeff is eye candy but on the insidehe's just as bad as the others
like watching grass grow huh Jackie?
Gosh if Jeff goes, Jordan and Michele will be crying...while Kev & Nasty do the happy storage room dance.
Letting Jeff leave will completely be a downer.
Of the 4 left I want Michelle to win now, she has done well in comps..tried to play a smart game,but her lone wolf thing should have kept her while the couples were being ticked off...
I just hate seeing Nasty win on her
records....who could vote for that?
My WV is perpas
Was there really a perpas for this season?
joyn, I did see that SD is represented in Survivor. Maybe I'll get her in the pool, although she doesn't really look like she would survive for long!
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