Are L.A. evenings this cold?
But I do like the look.
But I do like the look.
Another night in the BB13 house, the last night for one hamster. Who will it be? To be honest, I haven't formed any sort of connection with either Keith or Porsche. So, guess what? I don't care! One of 'em, get out of there and let the game go on!
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Conniving Curs:
- Keith told Shelly that all Cassi wants to do is hang out with Jeff and Jordan.
- Wait. Isn't Cassi a Regulator?
- Keith, thinking he's a sunk ship, is going around giving advice.
- He told Adam that Kalia and Lawon should be the next target.
- Wait. Isn't Lawon a Regulator?
- Keith already threw Dominic under the bus to Daniele.
- Wait. Isn't Dominic a Regulator?
- So Keith has given the Judas kiss to all in his alliance.
- Talk about burning bridges.
- As it's the evening before a live show, no alcohol for the hamsters.
- Keith said he doesn't need to practice the golf game for HoH.
- Rachel is nervous about Shelly, whether she'll stick with them or not.
- Meanwhile Shelly tried to give Keith a pep talk, saying how good he could be at the game but that he was letting his plans get ahead of things and isn't flexible.
- Kalia told Porsche not to tell anyone she's voting to keep her.
- Shelly told Cassi that the Veterans plus Kalia would be voting to keep Porsche.
- So, Kalia's big secret? Not so much.
- Cassi said she still plans to vote the same (to keep Keith).
- Shelly told Cassi she can't believe Keith has just given up and isn't even trying to stay.
- Shelly also told her that Porsche thinks she's gorgeous (she Porsche, not she Shelly).
- She says that Porsche is upset that men aren't falling all over her.
- Um. Okay.
- Maybe that could be good for a Rachel vs. Porsche cat fight! Bring it ON!
- Daniele warned Brendon and Jeff that they're both coming off a bit power hungry and it could bite them in the butts if the Newbies get HoH.
- Brendon and Rachel now seem to have pros and cons about keeping Porsche and letting Keith go.
- But I still think the Veteran vote will be Keith, along with a stray or two from the Newbies.
- Unlike previous seasons, I don't think we're going to see a landslide on the first vote.
- Maybe they're not lemmings.
- All are asleep as I post this.

Dingy, but I like her.

When I'm not paying attention and she speaks,
I think "guy."
I think "guy."

Shelly trying to pep talk Keith as he packs.
When I'm not paying attention and she speaks, I think "guy."
I thought the same thing the first time I heard her speak. Then I started looking for signs that she really is one. Now I'm convinced she used to be a guy. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I just can't really figure out what "side Shelly is on". I do think that the vets see she can't be trusted.
She does sound like a man....
I don't think Shelly sounds like a guy, I think she's been smoking to too many years.
I'd like to see Porsche sent home only to thwart the HOH plan. I enjoy it when the HOH spends all their time making elaborate plans and then it doesn't work out!
yes jackie, calif nites do get this cold, meaning 50's and 60's. i know, we are babies out here LOL but thats cold for us
debi in calif!
Cheryl- I do agree its fun watching the fireworks after the eviction, HOH is crowned then running to the live feeds to watch screming and yelling like what happened last year. it was great.
To me personally whoever is kicked out first really doesn't matter. I forget about them by the fifth week,
Dingo's daily ratings: special Rachel edition are a hoot. I can't find her HoH blog on the CBS site. Has it posted yet? Anyone know?
I too think it is from years of smoking. She is married and has an eight year old daughter.
I think it is from smoking, too, I just liked the idea of her being a guy at one point. You know, expect the unexpected.
Debi in CA speaks the truth, it does get chilly in the coastal areas of CA. The sun goes down and there's a chill in the air that is sweater or sweatshirt worthy.
I need to find out what time tonight's show is. Need to be sure I'm home to read the blog!
It was brought to my attention that I had Becky on the list twice. I had to wait til I got home to my master list and Becky has Keith and Beadlebug has Cassi. The corrected list follows.
Adam - Auntie Leigh, Ayana, ML
Brendon - SueGee, Sally, Chris
Cassi dla, Beadlebug, Buzzmaam
Daniele - Terry in PA, EileenM, Jennasmom
Dominic - Witt, Rbennie, JOEY
Jeff - Petals, Donna in AL, Delee
Jordan - Sydney, Meb, Brent McKee
Kalia - Nana in NW, Monty924, Laurie
Keith - Zoetawny, PDX Granny, Becky
Lawson - Dr_Celine, Jackie, Caela
Porsche - Ninboh, Donna in FL, Sharon S
Rachel - Jamie, Margo, ChaCha
Shelly - Sasha, Paris Hilton, Janice
It would be nice to see an upset...I think Porche can make it harder down the line and he ever would.
Thanks Margo for getting me in the pool, although I'm not sure I can stand Adam screaming at me all the time. I guess I'll just keep my head under water!
Cold in CA -- we are a desert, hot in the day and cold at night. I can go places without a jacket but when I sit outside for hours on end (and I do), we need the jacket.
Not only is there a huge drop in temps at night, we are also going through a bit of a cold front in CA this week.
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