Cassi in a cap. Does that make her Cappy?
Not only has it been on the boring side in the house today, but the feeds have been suffering technical glitches -- down and/or freezing -- and blocks for the last several hours. Argh.
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Doofy Duos:
- Early morning golf practice. Wowsers.
- Shelly said she thinks the Newbies think they're cohesively voting to keep Keith.
- In other words, bye-bye Porsche.
- However, she and Kalia plan to keep Porsche, thus siding with the Veterans.
- Brendon told Shelly that Rachel got turned down for some jobs because they recognized her from the house and thought she behaved that way.
- Which she did behave "that way" and still does to an extent. And probably will behave "that way" more once she's not HoH.
- Gee, how did you figure that would happen? Go on a reality show and come across as a loony cheap needy floozy and lose job prospects?
- Rachel told Shelly that she breaks down and cries during job interviews when the show comes up.
- Well, that's not the way to get hired, either!
- She has a two day a week $9/hour job, no health insurance, etc.
- Rachel got the HoH digital camera and went around taking photos.
- A good time was had by all.
- Yippee.
- Kalia told Dominic that Porsche told her she thinks she's going home and that she (Kalia) would be the next target.
- Meanwhile, Jordan assured Porsche that she's staying.
- There was a fairly lengthy HoH lockdown.
- Those are always horrible because it's all chit-chat and laying about.
- Then the glitches started.
- (Argh)
- Keith, relatively certain he's heading home, told Daniele she's the player he most admires in the game.
- He gave her his hat as a "going away" gift.
- He also sold out his buddy Dominic to her.
- Daniele is definitely playing the social game.
- Keith told Lawon that if he stays he'll target Veteran power players.
- Who's going home?
- Hard to say for sure, but I still think it will be Keith. I think the "power players" are more worried about leaving him in the game than they are Porsche.

Keith selling out Dominic to Daniele.

Mr. In Charge

Daniele infiltrating the enemy camp.
Just hope that Daniele can do what she did with Dick/Dad without Dick/Dad. She's definitely playing a better social game this time. She isn't hiding under the covers with Nick. I think she learned a lesson the last time.
Hey Jackie! Thanks for doing this again this year. Friday is pay day and I'll be sending in my donation over the weekend. Must keep Vincent fed!!
monty...I agree Danielle is playing a better social game ... she has to... there's no one in the house she would want to get under the covers with. : )
I meant to tell Zoetawny that I LOVE the new logo she made. Zoe I hope all is well with you, or the best it can be. You've really been through a lot. Keeping you in my prayers.
Jackie... loving your posts... you have such a way with words. Get that knee healed!!! OBX in 2 1/2 months! YAY!i
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