Ian's wearing a collar shirt for his Mom tonight |
Everybody ready for the big show tonight? It's going to be a double eviction. The hamsters were guessing at that on the feeds and may have been already told it today as they're all dressing up -- no physical comps expected. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major events. So, refresh the page to get the latest.
But, as always, the real FUN is in the comments! Bring your snacks and beverages, tighten your seatbelts on the comfy chairs ... we're in for a wild ride tonight!
Julie just told them it's a double eviction. Frank talks first, can't compete in next HoH, down in the game right now won't forget favors. Joe -- single biggest threat in the kitchen, been an honor, cherish everything, vote with your heart.
The votes to evict:
Dan -- Frank
Danielle -- Frank
Jenn -- Joe
Shane -- Frank
Frank is GONZO!
HoH Comp - Make Your Case - Quote from evicted houseguest pleas while on the block. Three-way tie with Jenn, Dan and Danielle. Tiebreaker time.
He nominates ... Joe and IAN. Wah! Ian. He claims it's because Ian hasn't been nominated yet. Grr, Dan.
Power of veto next. Swimming with sharks. Working a fin through a maze, return to start, hit the buzzer.
Ian takes himself off. Dan nominates DANIELLE! Oh, please ... but we know it won't happen. She looks shocked. She does that well.
Danielle speech - Love y'all, please keep me here. Joe - Thanks, loyalty love y'all.
The votes to evict:
Shane -- Joe
Jenn -- Joe
Ian -- Joe
Joe is gone. Everyone looked sad.
Sunday, another HoH (not live). Wednesday, another eviction (don't think live) and Thursday live eviction to get it down to the final three.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 314 of 314Only 2 people vote right?
I think he won the veto because he finally wore a collar shirt for his Mom. :-)
Ahhhhhhhh! More please! I should h ave know to bring some booze myself!
If this wasn't something discussed and pre-planned between Ian and Dan, this could end up being trouble for Dan. Ian WILL pull himself off.. hope he puts up Shane.
Wander if he puts up Shane??
I bet he plays safe now and goes with Jenn.
Lol, Jackie.
Bye Shane
Jackie... I think you're right. Did you see him looking ahead. I didn't see any of the others doing that.
2 bottle of Asti left.
* POP * POP *
Who the f does Dan think he is.ordering people around.?
When I saw a puzzle I had a hunch that Ian would do well.
Julie all house mother there, LMAO
it will be Jenn, a pawn again?
hey Becky! Worth popping in! YES, Ian was awesome
YES!!! Danielle!!! I'm sure he can get a 3-0 vote for her to leave!
What is Dan thinking?
Petals you might get your wish :)
More Mist??
Whoah.... Joe's gone but Danielle won't let that one go...
War in the BB house tonight! Yippeee
Dan was getting pretty frustrated with Dani last night. He mentioned getting Shane out and she started pouting.
Has Dan named a replacement for Ian yet?
Woah! That was a surprise. Do you think she is a pawn?
WHAT??? Danielle? (We could only hope.) I honestly don't know what he's doing....
She was completely blindsided by that. Did you see her calling Shane as they broke for commercial? PRICELESS!!
OMG!! YES!!!!
Love this. Darn it. Joe will go, but I wish he wouldnt.
Look at that bratty biotch. All gape-mouthed, stomping away. What does she think? What a BRAT! Grrr....
Surprised, yet not surprised. Both are clueless.
Dani.. please vote her out, please vote her out, please vote her out!
My computer froze up on me. I would have a drink, but I am afraid it would put me under the table.
Poor Danielle, she was really surprised
I'm hoping that Joe goes home so I won't have to listen to him yelling anymore.
Maybe Danielle's a pawn. Though, I am STILL mad about what she and the others did to Janelle and I want ALL of them gone! Wil, Mike and Brit are out...she's next.
Danielle is the biggest threat to win comps/anything beside Ian and Dan. Hmm ... don't think they'd vote her out, though. I hope I'm wrong.
Maybe she really IS dead to him, lol.
If my dream episode were happening, so far, it's 2 for 3. This is the time to backdoor Dani - she is dead weight, too. She is more on a dating show than a competition for money.
Well at least she was 'dressed' for the ocassion!
That was the only nom to make. Jen won't vote her out, Shane won't vote her out and that's all you need. But, damnit Dan's going to pay for that one. She's too simple to understand it.
Why did Dan want Jen and Ian in the room away from the others?
she will whine & pout so much for the next few days that EVERYONE will want her gone in the next eviction.
I think Danielle may be done. Dan spoke to both Ian and Jenn before putting her up. If he was looking for a pawn up against Joe it probably would have been Jenn.
I'd keep Joe, he can't win anything, she can.
right, Jackie? I mean, Joe is the obvious one to keep for DAN to win.
Buh bye Joe. There goes the only remaining entertainment in the house. Sniff again
I really like Joe. Sad to see him go.
He will be gracious & funny.
They should have took her out!...they will pay for that later?
Her cyclops has broken through her make-up
Dan's gonna have some'splainin' to do!
aww...see? Gracious!
Joe is a class act. I really like that guy!
So they did vote out Joe?
Dang it... I wanted DANI gone!
I am glad it is Joe. He couldn't be trusted. He would have put Dan and Ian up.
I'd like to see a Jenn win. Anybody but the Gorgon.
Monty, "her cyclops has broken though..." LMAO
"showmance". LOL In her dreams.
That was funny
Speaking of Joe, where is our birthday boy? I bet he is lurking, too shy to celebrate his birthday here.
So..Happy Birthday Joe in NY. xoxoxo
That was the most witty he has been this summer ha
I am off to bed. Nighty-night.
Joe does kind of grow on you
Night every one. Thanks Jackie.
Talk on Sunday!!!
Petals is there any Asti left? I have to watch this again *wink*
Well, I know how it turns out tonight (thank you all), but now I've got an hour to wait before I can watch all the fun!
Wow, what a ride!
Thanks again, Jackie!
Left Joe's cake with a huge candle burning. He'd better blow it out after we all leave.
Thanks Ms J, you must have tired fingers.
Night Beckie. Night Jackie and thanks for the super party tonight. whewww
Thanks Jackie for hosting the party as always..Goodnight all.
Headin over to the US OPEN, whoo!
Thanks again Jackie - GREAT party tonight. Too bad Birthday Boy missed it!
What a great show! Can't wait to see how the week plays out from here. Here's the pool standings going into this next week.
Danielle Murphre - Laurie, Ayana, Petals, Terry in TX
Ian Terry - Rbennie, Brenda, QuixoticElf, MEB
Jenn Arroyo - AmyTL, Jessica, Michi, Marlo Lee
Shane Meaney - Buzzmaam, Jackie, SueGee, Sydney
Dan Gheesling - Nana in NW, Chris, PDXGranny, Brent McKee, Jennasmom
Jodi Rollins
Kara Monaco
Willie Hantz
JoJo Spatafora
Janelle Pierzina
Wil Heuser - Delee, Dierdre, Merrilee, Becky
Mike "Boogie" Malin - M&M, Lynn1, Tammy, Gaylos, Joey
Ashley Iocco - JonMD1267, Cha Cha, Monty924, Auntie Leigh
Britney Haynes - Nina, Alicia, Sister Sue, Sasha, Witt, Donna in FL
Frank Eudy - Micaela, Donna, ORKMommy, Serina Cox
Joe Arvin - bbbw_princess, Janice/GA, Karen from CA, Glenn
Thanks Jackie as always!!!! Hope everyone has a good night and weekend, take care :)
monty - one bottle. it is already open.
same to ya Jon!
Time to watch the DNC here in my hometown..Charlotte
Been watching it Cheryl.
They're fired up!
Petals, the feeds may stay blocked until after the next HoH. It should be completed before Showtime. If not, it will be after Showtime tonight.
Good news is... Ian gets to play in this one ;-)
Ciao all! Been a blast!
Thanks Jackie!
PS; Petals, sorry about Roger
Thanks for coming by, everybody!
Joe sealed his coffin when he mistook Dan for Shane in the pitch black bedroom. How stupid!
Wrong again. The feeds are back. Ian just hugged Dani in the Arcade room and told her, "one of us just won half a million dollars". Of course so, but Danielle is too dense to realize that.
Aw, Ed, thank you. But I know Rog - he sometimes just doesn't have his head in it. And that's OK. I love him all the same. I am watching Nole now against Delpo. GO NOVAK!
Because it's all about Danielle, didn't you know? @@
NOBODY should EVER put her on the block.
In her view, she's supposed to slide right on through to the F2.
monty - how can Dani win? Against anyone except Ian, DAN would win. No?
Sharon - LOL
Ian meant one of the Quack Pack, Petals. Not necessarily Dani.
Sorry, rofl. I just now saw your new avatar. Where do you come up with them? Nevermind, I know :))
Does anyone know what day the season finale is on? I can't find it anywhere?!
yeah...my usual place. hehehe
I wish I could Powerpoint, but I am a novice.
*blowing out birthday cake candle*
This should be called the house of MORONS. Boring as can be...sooooo predictable, come on floaters this far in the game. Ian "twitch boy" should have been slashed long ago. Come on CBS.. you have got to start doing better. This is getting old. Are all these players that dumb to leave any coaches in??? Really??? Have you never watched the game. Dan is going to burn in hell for all he's done, and then tries to justify it. Burn Dan Burn.!
Kayla - Wednesday, Sept. 19 is the finale.
Looks like they are playing for the new HOH right now.
Sharon, feeds went to trivia around 1140 EST. HoH will be decided before BBAD comes on.
Thanks Monty.
I just looked at the TV schedule to flip and saw BBAD is coming on 1 hr later.
I forget that most weeks too. After the Thurs shows, BBAD comes on at 1:00 instead of midnight. Off work tomorrow, woohoo, so I get to stay up and watch it all. If it looks like Ian's a goner, I may just go to bed anyway. ;-)
YAY for the day off!!
I stay up and watch BBAD as long as I can, then start recording for the remainder and watch the next day.
Hey Monty, we may be staying up later than we planned for BBAD!! Doesn't look like the comp is over yet.
I think Ian won... not sure so don't go running with it!
Maybe Ian won HOH?
Dan and Dani talking and saying I wonder what Ian will do.
It HAS to be Ian won HOH.
Nobody else is happy. lol
Yeah, I'm sure of it. They're all speculating on who "HE" will put up!
Doing the happy dance. Wish Becky was here with her happy beagle avatar. I may have to find one again.
Oh Happy Day!!!
Oh, yeah doing the Happy Dance all around the pool right now.
Hoping Dan doesn't go on the bock and sticks around.
The only ones I'd be happy winning now are Dan or Ian.
all the loud mouths are out, lol....!pat
I think Ian can beat Dan, but they all have to be thinking get him out now.
Ian's win makes him final 4 for sure. The only thing that matters in F4 is the veto and that is always a put things in order comp. Shoe in.
I just hope he doesn't get down to final 3 and suffer the crap shoot fate that Janelle suffered in S6.
Ian likes the challenge of playing with someone he considers a good player.
I suspect Ian will put up Jenn, but no clue which of the QP. He'd be smart to put up Dan, but...
Might pick Shane or Dani to go up with Jenn... which would keep Dan alive. Ian doesn't seem to care much for Dani (welcome to the club).
Fingers crossed.
Ian the new HOH!! WooHoo!!!
Ian talking to himself and pacing alone in the KR.
Referring to someone as a socially inept loser in the F4. lol
Who knows what the little guy is thinking. Dan just asked Ian who he's putting up and they were weighing options. It does sound like Ian still wants the QP to be the F4. So that would mean Jenn on the block with one of them... and out.
Time will tell if Ian can be as conniving as Dan.
Sounds like Ian really wants to honor the F2 with Dan.
I hope this is the one deal Dan sticks with. Dan doesn't sound adverse to Dani going at this point.
It's almost reached the point of every man for himself.
I don't eat cereal, I know, I am a minority....but since seeing HG on BB, I feel alot better about it. Gross and disgusting.
What will the little guy do?
& then there's the Veto
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