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Howard-a-Day |
Okay, I've already touched on who the Have Nots are for the week and who's on the block. But now it's time for the details. Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
- To recap a moment: Judd, GinaMarie, Amanda and Candice are the Have Nots. The foods voted for them are ramen and raisins. Howard and Spencer are the nominees chosen by Aaryn (and her "friends").
- Aaryn told Howard that she wouldn't backdoor him and asks that he does the same for her -- not backdoor her if he wins HoH.
- She also told him that most of the house wants him out. They're worried he's just throwing comps and will suddenly start winning and flip the house.
- Aaryn thinks that if the MVP is America, then Elissa will be the nomination as she can't play for veto this week.
- Amanda told Aaryn she'd like for her to be the last girl in the house with her, over anybody else.
- Well, yeah. Make the jury decide between the lesser of two evils!?!
- Nobody wants to talk gameplay with Elissa since the fiasco the other night.
- Aaryn told Spencer that Howard is the target.
- After the feeds returned from nominations block, we found out Judd's key was the last one pulled from the box.
- Yikes! The order is usually telling. However, the order was Aaryn's, the nominations were Helen and Elissa this time (as per Aaryn's deal for safety last week).
- Jessie, of all people, cried to Howard about how much she likes and respects him.
- @@
- Howard spent even more time secluded with Candice. That's not quite the way to win friends and influence people.
- Judd pointed out that the Goof Troop alliance -- himself, Andy, Amanda and McCrae -- are the only four in the house who haven't been on the block yet.
- Amanda and GinaMarie had a hate fest about Candice. They laughed that she has her period, she's a Have Not and her boyfriend is on the block.
- Candice is sure she will be the MVP nomination.
- Howard told her that if she is, he will win and use the veto to save her.
- @@
- Sorry, Howard. But if I were dealing with all the idiocy in the house, I'd be in it to win it, not to give it to a showmance.
- GinaMarie fussed that since she hurt her hand a few weeks ago, she can't snap her fingers.
- Good. I don't want her snapping her fingers.
- Amanda wonders if America might be mad at her due to the drama with Elissa over McCrae's birthday.
- Nope, Amanda. That's not why. We're mad at you because you're obnoxious and controlling.
- She thinks she's funny in her Diary Room segments.
- I'll give her credit for that.
- I guess.
- Amanda told McCrae she's head over heels in love with him.
- Um. Well, the heels up I believe. Alas, I've seen it.
- He thanked her. He didn't say he loves her. Good.
- Elissa thinks Andy got the MVP -- perhaps because he was called to the Diary Room.
- The suspicions start.
- Judd pointed out that no matter what teammates he had, he's lost every Have Not comp he's played.
- Judd told Candice she needs to put up a good front.
- GinaMarie referred to her cockroach speech as "medicalphorical."
- McCrae felt that Howard was referring to himself and Amanda when he said he had "bigger fish to fry."
- Well, I'd say Amanda, at least.
- Jessie, who poured her heart out to and cried for Howard, has changed her tune. She said that Howard, Candice and Spencer have all changed and gone crabby since the nominations.
- To be honest, she never liked Spencer much anyway.
- The HoH crew wondered why Spencer claims he loves his girlfriend Marilyn at home, yet totally lusts after Jessie night and day.
- Amanda, McCrae and Judd wondered if Howard might be Danielle's (BB5) brother.
- Why? Because he's black and attractive?
- @@
- Aaryn thinks the show wants to keep Howard because the Diary Room keeps asking her about him.
- Amanda thinks McCrae is too nervous and negative.
- But she loves him anyway.
- @@
- Jessie got really ill, possibly with a migraine headache. Judd helped her get to a room to rest.
- Judd again said he can't cry.
- I often wish I couldn't.
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Cop Candice in food comp gear |
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Le braid |
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The infamous Judd's bear shirt |
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Judd sans bear shirt |
GM can not snap her fingers because she hurt her hand....Does she only have one hand? That girl is a few light upstairs!
I keep thinking of MVP scenarios and think it could be GM or Amanda. Would America vote Howard or Spencer? Making those 2 next in line. Thoughts???
I'm thinking the MVP nomination might be Amanda, Elissa or Spencer. Don't ask me why. It might be because I myself am weary of them!
I keep forgetting Jessie is even there! Every time you say something about her I stop and think 'who?'.
I'm hoping MVP vote will be for Amanda. I'm so tired of her. It would be a tossup between Amanda and Spencer who I dislike more, but Amanda is more dangerous. If she goes up, and the hamsters are smart, they will vote her out.
Can't figure out why she is so adamant about getting out Howard. He hasn't won anything, and doesn't show he can do comps. Maybe her own prejudices are showing? (beyond ugly things she has said)
Saying Amanda wanting Howard out is racial is NOT TRUE. Please!!!
Everyone knows Amanda is a gamer and is PLAYING THE GAME. She talks too much and puts a target on herself but ITS NOT RACIAL.
Very sad.
Didn't you hear GM's gem and I am paraphrasing it, something to the effect of, it's okay that they say the horrible things they say (racial slurs, homophobic slurs, et al) because (HORRORS) Candice swore at her! (GM) @@ That girl IS a moron. Seriously. Apparently in what little there is of GM's mind, the "F U" word is far more offensive than the "N" word.
Anon 12:59 - I only gave that conjecture because Amanda HAS said various hateful things several times. I did acknowledge that she IS "dangerous", thus a gamer. However, because of the things she has said, is it not also possible she "might" be influenced by her own set of prejudices, which "might" have created her rapid dislike (or suspicion) of Howard? There really seems to be no real reason for the early dislike and push to get him out when there were other bigger fish to fry.
Candice doesn't count because nobody in the house is fond of her, unlike with Howard where te majority of suspicion has been started/created by Amanda. Candice's personality wore thin on all the hamsters (and fans) rather quickly.
Personally, I hope Howard finally shows some aptitude in comps and wins POV. Just to upset Amanda's applecart!
Amanda wants howard out for her own personal being in the game.
She can't control him like everyone else in the house.
But that is my own personal opinion.
This has been the worst bb yet.what if the teo who hate each other the most didba secret alliance. noone woukd ever suspect elissa and aryn to work together. i might sound craxy for saying it but it id no worse then these crappy playes. i dont think any of then deserve money at end.
Thanks again to jackie for blog.
anon 2:08
i believe we say at some point almost every season this is the worst one yet.
in my opinion season 10, the winter edition was the worst one in recent history.
LOL Chacha but I do think this has been the worse yet too. I think it's the combination of the sexist comments, the mean girl behavior and the racism.
Andrea Johnson-
i have to agree to some degree but i just feel I always say this.
I think the only season I didn't say it was season 8.
I have said from the beginning that Howard is like a piece of furniture. He does nothing. He does not mix well with the others in terms of HE NEVER TALKS..and engages in converstion. It has NOTHING to do with his color of skin AT ALL. I just don't care for him. Bringing race into everything Howard is wrong. I just enjoy thinking GAME. JMHO
Amanda is the Third Nominee!!! Our votes worked. They are already saying Howard is the MVP this week!!
Mine didn't. :(
I threw all my votes to Elissa
But if Howard is a nonentity, then why be in such a big hurry to get him out? That's not "game".
She may be the replacement if Amanda wins...
Thanks for the news chacha! Glad my votes worked. Here's hoping who ever wins pov won't use it. Would like to see spencer the pervert or Amanda go home. Gotta head to the feeds!
Jessie(who is a non entity in the house) and Candace will be playing also.
so if Candace or Howard dont win then He will probably go home unless they flip the house.
Fingers crossed here, Chacha! :))
Don't be naive, this entire season is now about race. You have to ask yourself why Helen is holding a grudge against Howard but is willing to forgive Aaryn her hateful remarks. You have to ask yourself why Amanda has been pushing so hard against Howard for weeks when she has had no direct attacks from him and he has not shown to be a great competitor ... could it be that basic fear of a Black man. You have to ask yourself why they make fun of everything about Candice. YES THIS SEASON IS ALL ABOUT RACE ... and I am now questioning the motivation for some of the comments here as well.
Anon - Let's not turn this into a racial issue here in comments, thank you.
I am really disapponted in your comment. I thought everyone was free to give their opinion ... I guess it's only okay if it is the same as yours. Just put me on the list of minorities who have been mistreated in connection with BB this season. I am out ...
Why, Anon? Because I don't want to have to babysit a flame war in comments? I've ALWAYS contended that comments need to be about the hamsters, not other members here on the blog. If you want to say things about the race issues on the show, fine. But, when you start bringing in the other commenters, no. Not happening.
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