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America spoke |
Heehee! We voted Amanda to be our nominee! She's freaking! Candice and Jessie are the two additional PoV players besides HoH and the three nominees. She's now freaking out about the upcoming PoV comp plus the fact she might go home!
They all think that Howard is the MVP who made the decision.
what's good for the goose is good for the gander
Thanks for the quick update! Been waiting for this!
Lol My last captcha was RAIMISEN ramen/raisen
Sorry, pain meds making me silly.
Amanda is having a full on freak out session.
Its kind of funny though.
Now she is telling Jessie and Aaryn when they should drop if in fact that is what the veto is.
She also told Jessie that she can't go for any luxeries if its a luxury veto.
This is the reason I threw my votes on her.
If my life isn't on the line in that house I think I would take money or a trip over saving her but anyway...
I think its time for her to not win and have a flip in the house.
I missed live eviction show so don't know if they told them about America picking the MVP nominee, but I'm guessing not based on the recaps. Did Julie say if Aaryn and Kaitlin were the first and second choices last week? The HGs were told there would be a twist though so were they told it was something else?
I'm obviously easily confused.
Thanks if anyone can help.
Nope, as far as I know, BB has told the hamsters nothing about MVP. They are building fantasies out of their own insecurities.
Julie didn't tell them, only Kaitlin in the interview. Aaryn was our first choice, Elissa second, GinaMarie third.
The HG are still very confused, but think either Elissa nominated herself or Howard is MVP. Some have thought America, but couldn't understand the nominees with that thought.
Thank you very much for clearing it up for me!
Let's look at what the hamsters are thinking, and what it means:
1. Suppose America is MVP and nominated Amanda for eviction. Amanda, you aren't popular with the viewers.
2. Suppose Howard is MVP, but Howard was chosen by America because we knew he'd nominate Amanda (Howard, who unlike Elissa has no built-in fan base, plus remember what "MVP" stands for, so there'd be no other reason to select him). Amanda, you aren't popular with the viewers.
Either way, Amanda, time to wake up.
I think it's funny no one has realized the implications either way.
(By "no one", I mean the hamsters.)
Two things are creeping me out this season: the HOH bed, although it doesn't seem to be getting as much of a workout since Aryan has been HOH and Spencer. Every time I see him I thnk "Stranger Danger". He is such a pervert!
I have trouble understanding the correlation between viewers disliking a houseguest and wanting them evicted.
If everyone who’s controversial, mean, arrogant, etc…leaves early—the way viewers seem to want; doesn’t it get real boring, real fast?
Where’s the entertainment value?
I suspect that the average viewer doesn't think like that, JimmyB. They think, "I don't want this person to have any chance at the money - get rid of them." Viewers think in terms of rewarding people they like.
JimmyB - I also think like what if I were in the house. That's why Amanda was one of the first I said needed to go. This was before I knew of her racist tendencies. She was a bully and pushing others to do her dirty work. And she did not take it well when someone told her no or not giving the answer she wants (poor Jessie's catching that wrath today). So do I like Amanda? Nope. Do I want her out of the house? You bet! But I think it would be in the best interest of several house guests if she goes sooner rather than later.
Andrea - Excellent analysis if the situation with Amanda. I feel the exact same way about her. Amanda does make the game a little more interesting. She's smart, but other than that, I'm not finding many redeeming qualities.
I also can't help wonder what's going on in McC's head about her now too. Last night, Amanda tells him she loves him (more than once). His reaction was less than positive, so I'm thinking her "displays" have turned him off.
I might be a little more selfish, I suppose. I watch (priority) for entertainment. I'll have my favorites, too...but that comes a distant second.
Example: I certainly disliked Rachel (year 1), but was thoroughly entertained by her antics; particularly her friction with Ragan. Never laughed so hard.
Agree totally with voting out the people that make the show entertaining. I won't be watching when they end up with Howard Spencer(pervert) Jesse, Candace(sleeping)Helen Elissa (two moms chatting how they are moms and have a family like thats something no one else has)!!!! Although Amanda has made mistakes at least there is something to watch. I was thrilled Aaryn won HOH and if there are any other twists I hope she gets rid of Elissa!!
Glad she is being taken down a peg.
BTW, it was high of 76 today, and will get mid-50s tonight & tomorrow (KCMO) I am so loving it!
My favorite Battle Royale was Janey, Howie & King Kaysar against the Nerd Herd.
Petals, lucky you. We never made it out of the 60s today!
Amen!!! Bitch needs to go home!!!
Anon 8:20 and JimmyB: don't get me wrong. I love a good game but I am so tired of the milla vanilla, Oreos, butterscotch and egg roll flavored vjjs, watermelon flavored manhoods, black napkins and a whole bunch more comments that would take me days to recount. If it wasn't for all that, I still would be giving Amanda props for her game play but would still think it would be best for her to get voted out because of the overly pushy behavior - it places a huge target on her back.
Doin my happy dance..yay! Amanda!!! We have the power!! I just hope people in he house realize what a huge opportunity we have bestowed upon them.
They MUST get her out!!
It seems like the only way Amanda can be taken off the block is if she winds. The odds are in our favor!! Hopefully the HGs flip their vote to evict Amanda.
For sure Spencer should hit the road. He is more than vile. He was in the bathroom early this morning when the GIRLS were taking a shower and sat there and watched with his sunglasses on. I wish they would kick him out for perverted behavior. It is totally disgusting.
Jimmy~~~Amen to that. Gosh...this is a TV Show for entertainment. I loved it when whomever was talking about lies and Amanda said...What show are you on??? This is BB. I can see Amanda getting all worked up and SPEAKING up to other houseguests which is always VERY entertaining.....aka Evil Dick!
Whatever. Everyone watches for different reasons I guess.
Spencer is a pervert. And bold with it. So much so, I fear for Jessie. He is fixated on that poor girl.
"If everyone who’s controversial, mean, arrogant, etc…leaves early—the way viewers seem to want; doesn’t it get real boring, real fast?"
That's why they ditched the original means of eliminating players after season 1. In that season, and in every other version of the show internationally that I'm aware of, the viewers voted for the players they wanted eliminated. The end result was that they did get rid of the people who rocked the boat and kept the "nice" people. It was boring at the end, particularly when compared to the other reality competition that debuted that year, "Survivor." The second season of "Big Brother" was a lot more like "Survivor" with the players voting out the people they didn't want kept around and viewer participation severely limited.
I think "America is the MVP" is the way they're going to go for the rest of this season, and I'm not sure I'm happy about that.
Brent, I remember the first season, and you're right, it got boring. I can't remember, though, if America did the nominating AND the voting or just the nominating.
I like how the HOH nominates two, and the MVP nominates one. The house still decides the evictee, and there is more drama because of the uncertainty of who the MVP puts up.
I don't think we'll be the MVP every week. Just don't see it happening.
Witt :)
Yeah...I too was glad when Aryan won HOH. For about 1 or 2 seconds I was unhappy, then I realized it was probably for the best.
I don't like her, but I'm not ready to see her go.
Ya know, with all of the controversy, this group seems to be getting along better than any I can recall in recent memory.
Watching BBAD: B-O-R-I-N-G!
Spencer won pov
Spencer won POV
Looks like the worm is turning again.
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