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Amanda crying behind the garbage can |
Gee, apparently we missed at least one crucial behind the scenes happening during the live show last night. It now gives the green light to put something in motion which was bound to happen anyway. However, now it's easier for the parties involved. What am I talking about? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Tears and Fears:
- What we missed is that Elissa said something about not wanting to sit so close to GinaMarie and Aaryn on the couch for the show. They say she made some kind of comment about not wanting to be associated with "girls like that" or something to that effect.
- Both GinaMarie and Aaryn felt that she was putting them down and acting like she is so much better than them.
- Uh-oh.
- But let's get back to right after the show ended ...
- Both Aaryn and McCrae admitted to trying to throw the comp to Amanda.
- Yet Amanda couldn't win. In her own words, she sucks and isn't good at anything.
- So, she cried.
- She even ran to the storage room and hid behind the garbage can crying.
- She cried even more when McCrae said something about it.
- Elissa thinks she can't win anything.
- So, Elissa cried.
- Helen went around trying to cheer everyone up.
- If she said, "Turn that frown upside down," one more time, I might have screamed.
- Aaryn, once again, isn't particularly happy that she won. She likes being safe, but hates to be the one making nominations.
- The 3am Alliance is going strong -- Amanda, Andy, Aaryn and McCrae.
- Their plan is for Aaryn to put Elissa on the block because of her offending hurtful comment ("can't sit next to these girls" bit) and then, put Helen up with her "as a pawn."
- They (Aaryn, being stuck with the deed) would tell Helen she was on the block because Elissa was the target and that way she (Helen) wouldn't be in the position of voting her friend out.
- Yeah, right.
- Helen will fall for that.
- I really wish I didn't know Aaryn's beginning of the game with her racial slurs and all. She IS proving to be strong in comps. And, although she's being used by Amanda, at times she's almost likable.
- But, the past and the fact that she has throughout the game let others make her decisions and even affect her behaviors, do her in.
- But I just can't be in her camp because of that.
- Amanda is SO jealous of Aaryn. She freaked because Aaryn once again sees photos of her family and all.
- @@
- Aaryn did point out to Amanda that whoever stays (of Helen and Elissa) will come after her (Aaryn), not Amanda.
- Hey, that's what Amanda and McCrae want!
- Unfortunately, if Elissa stays, she's not capable of doing much in comps. She's not a Rachel gone wild with fury. She's just a bit ... um ... odd.
- 3am talked of Aaryn making a deal with Spencer just for show -- tell him he's safe this week if he keeps Aaryn safe the next.
- But Spencer's all but off the radar this week with them.
- They want the blood of HELEN!
- Oh my.
- Aaryn was upset to know people could tweet them (from Julie on the show) and how could "they" know what it's like in the house?
- Heck, we who follow the feeds technically know more about what's going on in the house than most the hamsters as we see all sides of the conversations while they're just privy to their own and rumors.
- No, we don't know what it's like to be IN the house.
- Most of wouldn't want to be there ... especially with this crew!
- When Amanda told Helen that Aaryn's target is Elissa, it must have clicked with her.
- Helen, probably fearing her fate is sealed and that she's a target, turned on the tears once again.
- She's spent so much effort protecting Elissa and she can't do it anymore.
- She's spent so much effort protecting Andy and she can't do it anymore.
- Cry, cry.
- Real tears.
- All to shift the focus off of herself.
- I don't think the tears are working this time.
- Elissa told Helen she just didn't want to sit with Aaryn and GM because she just doesn't like them.
- She claims that only Amanda and Helen knew she said that.
- So, who told the two wayward blondes?
- Probably Amanda, I would think.
- Helen cried some more, realizing that Aaryn will be siding with McCranda and Elissa isn't any kind of good partner at all.
- Meanwhile, Elissa would just as soon go home.
- But that's not going to happen unless they can't get Helen out due to a veto win.
- The writing is on the wall, Ms. Helen.
- If Helen does indeed survive this, she will be -- in her own words -- amazing.
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GinaMarie being weird playing with HoH key |
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Helen crying |
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Elissa crying |
I wonder as Helen walks out the door if she will be saying "to early to get Amanda out"
I agree. I can not feel sorry for her at all. She got rid of all the players willing to work with her and had multiple chances to get Amanda out so Helen, welcome to the cruel world Jessie had to live in for a week. If she really goes this week it will be her own fault.
I think it is ironic and fitting that the person Julie directed the question to about when are the Hampsters going to make any big moves in the game was Helen. Since Helen has been the main one to hold everyone else back from making moves it serves her right that the first big one will be getting rid of her.
If any of them bothered to read anything into who she directed the question to they might get an idea of what the outside world is thinking of her game play and what is going on in the house.
Amanda and Aryan have just outplayed Helen. Period. No shame in that.
If Helen had gone after Amanda earlier, they would both be gone now. Unfortunately for Helen she lost the critical HOH.
As much as we may not like Aryan or Amanda, they are the two who most deserve to win based on game play.
Sadly Joe... that is true.
Am I the only one that agrees with Elissa?
I mean, she has to be nice to the scum while she is stuck inside the house, but why should she be near them in front of America (live show)?
Elissa is right: They are vile, and she wanted to distance herself as much as possible.
Well I'm very disappointed, but I can't really feel sorry for Helen. She let Amanda beat her to the trigger. It was always "too soon" to take Amanda out and now it's too late. Good thing for Amanda that she doesn't need to win comps to run the house, because she truly sucks in comps. It was painfully obvious that both McCrae and Aryan were trying to let her win and she couldn't do it. That was my only enjoyment of the night. I thought that comp was ridiculous. I couldn't understand a word of those songs. It's really sad to me that a totally disgusting person is going to win BB. I know it's not the first time, but it still drives me nuts.
Totally agree with everyone posting here. Hard to feel sad for Helen when she kept saying (to Jessie, to Andy) that it was too early to make the move on Amanda. I'm bummed it turned out like I thought it would - I mostly liked her best of the slim pickings, but she did this entirely to herself.
I missed the 'Pool Party' last night. :=(
Didn't watch the show, took in the Browns football game instead. :=)
Instead of BB15 they should rename this season BB-Amanda! Really disappointed!!
If it wasn't for Jackie's blog & well versed recaps and all you cool people I probably would not even bother with this show anymore.
Is Amanda somehow 'connected' to Grodner? Just curious, thought I read that somewhere.
With the Jessie ouster we have to say goodbye to Margo, Janice from GA, Pearlgarden and Dave B. Hey, there's always next year...right!
Aaryn - QuixoticElf, Isabelle, April Weaver, Donna in FL
Amanda - Petals, JimmyB, Barb S., PDX Granny
Andy - Nickelpeed, jessica Underwood, Patti, Brent McKee
Elissa - theresa jordan, Caela, jo, Ninboh
GinaMarie - Merrlee, Jackie, Cheryl, EileenM
Helen - Dr_Celine, Sasha, Buzzmaam, RBennie
McCrae - Tammy, gaylos, Chacha, Joey
Spencer - Becky, monty924, Chris (chrob61), Carrie
Jessie - Margo, Janice from GA, Pearlgarden, Dave B.
Judd - Lili, GueGee, Karen in CaliforniaHer, Ed in Ohio, Marlol
Candice - Terry is a Texan!, Shannon (purrbal), cloverandthetwins, Michelle C
Howard - Glenn, Jennasmom, ORKMommy, Aya
Kaitlin - DKNYNC, Jillian's mom, BloggyMom, Billy
Jeremy - Tami, JonMD1267, lynn1, Delee, JOKATS
Nick - Witt, MikesGirl, Brian, poodlepam, Brenda
David - Sally, DebbieD, Sharon S, SSW
As much as it pains me to say this, Amanda has to be one of the best BB players of all time. She hooked up with the boy voted 'least likely to have a showmance', which boosted his ego and made him want to do whatever she said, she sucks at comps, she bullies everyone around without them even realizing it and she plays a very personal game but somehow she comes out smelling like roses every single week! We might not like her but she's doing something right...
I agree with you ORKMommy and believe me, it pains me too. I do think though that she has been able to command the house due to the caliber of "sheeple" (thank you Petals) in the house. It's a shame that she's slutty, crass, vulgar and a bully. I would be rooting for her if she had any redeeming qualities. I don't think she would last for long in an All Star season (and please BB powers that be, don't invite her back for one).
Helen dug her own grave. I feel no pity towards her. I don't like Amanda but she has been running the show for weeks so she actually should be the winner of BB15.
Assuming that Helen goes home this week the only 2 players left that should be considered contenders would be Aaryn and Amanda. With Aaryn being HOH this week I would guess that next week she will be the target.
At this point I will enjoy seeing the self proclaimed masterminds Helen, Aaryan and Andy go down in flames.
Obviously I'm in the minority here. I do tend to agree with Joe...yes, Helen was outplayed and no shame in that. I haven't understood all along why people are so negative about Helen. I think her biggest flaw is trusting the wrong people. Seems to me Andy was the one who "was holding people back" from trying to oust Amanda. What Helen didn't and apparently still doesn't know/understand is that Andy is loyal to Amanda. He'll also suffer from that soon but that's BB. So is Helen's misplaced trust.
I agree with Petals re Aaryn and GM as far as Elissa not wanting to be associated with them. HOWEVER,it's poor gameplay on her part. And sadly for Helen, she (Helen) has her most solid alliance with someone who hardly appears to want to be there.
Again, it's BB. If it were the real world, I couldn't run fast enough from these horrible people. I can't like Aaryn one bit (yes, I can acknowledge that she has managed to stay despite her horrendous behavior) and I wouldn't last 10 minutes around GM--not only loud, crass, and vile but then SO fake with her "honey, sweetie, Mami" cr*p as she says she's just SO truthful while she knifes and insults everyone including her "bunny" (gag me). And I won't even go near the Nick thing with his cap on her knee in every live show. Thank goodness for Jackie and "youse guys" because that's all that saves the show for me. Of course, Amanda's behavior is also ridiculous to me but if I list every hamster this season who annoys or digusts me this post will be even longer than it already is.
Sorry, but I don't get to post during shows so I guess I say too much at once.
Sasha - no worries, let it all out. This is therapy, LOL
Ork - I know, I know. If only that sasquatch were more likable, it wouldn't be so painful to see Demanda skate to the win.
Ed - how did the Browns do?
Re Amanda knowing Grodner, I have heard/read that several times, too, but Jackie says it is only a rumor. Unless you are Amanda or AG, you won't know the truth until much after the season is over. That rumor mill also predicted the winning check already had Amanda's name on it. I'm thinking that all those rumors are proving to be not so far off track.
Thanks, Petals :) And thanks, Jackie for watching everything and recapping for us. You deserve a medal!! I try watching the feeds and just have a hard time watching these "people" LOL
I don't know how Jackie does it without throwing something at the screen ;)
Watch Rob Has a Podcast where he and Ian addressed a lot of the BB buzz each week. Last night's podcast was another good one.
Once again they addressed the rumors, the power rankings, who's playing the best game, etc. Listen to what Ian has to say about all of this... from one who played the game and won it. Two weeks ago he addressed the Adderall conspiracies as well.
Honestly, Helen played well but she was almost always the weakest half of the Amanda/Helen pseudo-alliance.
I thought Helen had sort of evened the odds with the Judd ouster, but then Aryan defected.
Honestly, I respect you folks, but anyone who thinks Helen messed up by not ousting Amanda earlier is just wrong. Helen never had the numbers. Every time someone was warning about Amanda it was because they were on the block. Those people don't even vote. Helen never had the numbers to oust Amanda. Her only 100% solid ally has been the unusual and detached Elissa. She briefly seemed to have Aryan working with her when Aryan was trying to bounce back from the whole Jeremy fiasco. Who else did Helen have:
Andy - really an Amanda double-agent
McCrae - really an Amanda double-agent
Jessie - always on the block and couldn't even vote
Candice - a useless ally who was also always on the block and couldn't vote
Howard - for 2 minutes before he was ousted as he was originally aligned with the guys.
If we're being honest, Helen played great with a weak hand. She survived by staying close to the real power in the house: Amanda and her various allies and pseudo-allies. Helen managed to oust the pretty boys with Amanda and weeded out most of the floaters. And if she or Elissa had won HOH this week, she probably could have flipped the odds more in her favor with an Amanda or McCrae ouster. Although, somehow, Helen seems to believe McCrae is her ally.
So, in the end, I think Helen went far with a very weak hand but she got outplayed by Amanda et al. Hate her all you want, but she's played brilliantly this year.
I consider this one of the most watchable BB seasons in several years. I know a lot of you disagree, but that's just personal dislike on your part. If these were fictional characters, you'd probably consider this a Grade A drama. LOL. I mean the Ewings and the Sopranos were far worse than these guys and people watched them by the millions.
And OrkMommy - don't throw everyone out of the pool yet...someone is coming back. LOL
The best thing that could happen this week is for Helen to get booted and then re-enter the game. Can you imagine how absolutely nuclear Amanda would go? And Aryan would be exposed for what she is, an Amanda ally.
At this point I don't see bringing someone from the jury back as making any difference in the game. They will just get voted out immediately unless they either win HOH or POV or come back in the house with immunity for a week. The only one who might stand a chance of really getting back into the game is Judd.
RBennie, I don't think that's necessarily true. In the past, they've always brought back the player earlier in the season. At this point, with two alliances and few floaters, a returning jury member could be the difference maker.
Joe, I think that would be true in any other season, but in this Amanda-run season, not so much.
Can someone please tell me why most people here wants Judd to come back why? He'e just another puppet, I cant believe why BB would bring anyone of the ousted players back, they weren't any good any way,they didnt matter before and they wont matter when they come back, they will be sent home again,these people vote they way they are told. Aaryn will be next after they get Helen out this week, she certainly deserves to go home with her "IT'S TOO SOON", MCCrae and Amanda has been in an open alliance since day one and these fools are too stupid to break them up. People are saying Amanda has played a good game I beg too differ she has bullied her way into her position against some spineless, immature, puppet like , and bigoted players, none of these people could think themselves out of a paper bag. This has been the worst BB series EVER.
Joe in NY~~A man of reason!!
I agree totally. And for me I want one of them to win. I tune in to watch the BB Game.
I do hope Helen leaves next. Elissa seems useless.
Hey Joe in NY, you are absolutely correct, if Helen gets voted out and comes back, that would also expose, Andy and Aaryn, because remember the only person that would vote for Helen to stay would be Elissa, because the rest of the house votes the way they are told, these idiots knew to break up the all guys alliance, but not the most open allliance in the house, Amanda and McCrea. I dont want Andy to win a quarter either, and if the last two standing are Amanda and McCrea it doesn't mean Amanda will win votes from the jury, she wouldn't get Judd, Candice, Jessie, Helen, Aaryn (if she stabs her in the back) Spencer ( because he just doesn't like her) remember these people dont think about who played the BEST game, it's all personal. Really I cant she Amanda winning HOH or POV, unless she's holding back.
I wouldn't mind a McCrea win, because he's just as stupid as all the rest of the house guest, but he was able to get all the benifits, just being Amanda's puppet.
Well, Joe - you know me. I absolutely base my opinions on personal and not on game. LOL
The difference between Dallas & The Sopranos is that I was aware that those were actors saying mean things, berating & lying and abusing people. But on Big Brother, these are "real, unscripted" people saying VERY REAL AND TERRIBLY DEGRADING things to other real people.
For me, that makes all the difference.
I know.
But I don't care about these people. It's just entertainment. So if I can watch despicable fictional people, I can watch despicable real people. Just give me something entertaining to watch.
Joe -
I don't care about the ones remaining, either. But I related to little Jessie and watching her get treated so badly did bother me. And Candice, too. I liked her and didn't see why she was the object of so much hatred.
Now I can watch and enjoy the jackals feasting on the marrow of one another.
Petals the Browns looked pretty good! Alas it is only Pre-Season. But any ray of hope is welcome, they have been pretty bad for a long time now. We even had a streaker running across the field sideshow.
Re; Amanda
I don't think she is a good or great player at all. She seems to have this 'pre-ordained' respect/fear personna that no one should come after her or challenge her. That along with being cast with a bunch of 'sheeple' has made it smooth sailing for her so far.
Perhaps this cast 'got wind' of this so called rumor of her & Grodner during their screening??
For me this is the least entertaining season in recent memory. Just MHO!
P.S. Loved the Sopranos!
Petals @ 12:13
don't count Helen out yet....remember someone is comin back...
also, pov....I have faith in helen
With all the quietly off-the-cuff things Elissa says now and then... to pointed people... I keep hoping she has been playing a ditzy part and will come out with guns blazing at some point.
That point is almost over though and she still has yet to show any sign of caring if she's there or not. Even on the Jeff/Rachel video interview, Rachel can't believe that Elissa isn't doing SOMETHING.
Someone coming back after this eviction may be the one possible chance now to shake up the house. Once the true alliance of Amanda/McCrae/Any and Aaryn is exposed whoever comes back may be able to team up with Spencer, Gina Marie and either Helen or Elissa (whoever is left) Depending on who wins the next HOH (It can't be Aaryn and probably wont be Amanda) they may be able to get rid of someone in the 3AM aliance and then have the numbers 4 aqainst 3. Hopefully the person who returns has immunity for the week. No matter who comes back it isn't good news for Amanda and her mindless minions.
Preach Petals!!!!
I completely agree
The funniest thing would be America getting to vote an evicted HG back, and the best comeuppance of all? Let's VOTE BACK CANDICE!!
I think it was an Anon that said "why vote Judd, he was just a McManda puppet". True! Judd can rot in the Jury House.
Since the cast is unwilling to rock the boat, let's do it for them:
If I heard right, I believe Julie said the 4 jurors would have a competition and the winner will return to the game. I would prefer it if we could vote someone back in.
one thing I have noticed watching BB is, when you have someone identified someone as a strong influential player, you get them out as soon as you have a chance. There is no special "time for them to go" when you leave them in, this is the result. Helen could have turned the house against them if she hadnt been so hurt by Howard's lies and brought him, spencer and candice on board. Oh well we will never know but its fun to speculate.
Im sending Candice my good vibes and hope she wins the contest to get back in the house. Not that i think she would win, but just to see the looks on the faces of Amanda, Aryan, and GM. Now THATS good tv, lmao
Yup, going to be a Jury competition.
Candice doesn't win comps. Period.
Jessie, Judd and Helen have won 1 comp each.
If only the winner was only playing vs Amanda.
Amanda would be ub the SR, hiding behind the trash bin again! LOL
It kills me that Aaryn is proving to be so good at comps. I am envisioning the future People Magazine cover that will be displayed at my supermarket: her pretty/ugly face with the big headline "I am not a Racist" UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would suggest that Judd has two comps, not one. He won the frog toss comp outright, but took the 5K so Jessie could have the veto. Jessie didn't really win that one. Just pointing out a fact... now *ducking for cover*! ;-)
AlbGlinka - if Aryan's mom has her way, that's EXACTLY what will happen!!
Monty, you are correct. My bad. LOL
So it will probably be a comp of 2, with the other 2 fumbling (aka watching).
That's true Monty. That veto was handed to her. As far as Aryan being to good at comps, I think it's more like everyone else sucks at comps. She was trying to lose the comp, but Amanda couldn't win one that was gift wrapped for her.
Probably, Sharon. It would be super funny if Candice did get back in just to torment the blonde duo, but I don't think that will happen. One can hope!!!
So, as expected...
This morning, Aryan is going over her nom speeches with the real HOH winner... Amanda.
I agree, RBennie... with a big pink bow on it! That was something to laugh about.
RBennie - it was funny and appalling at the same time... watching Amanda blow the gift. Only thing she's competent doing is bully tactics. oops... pretty good at exhibitionism too. So that's 2. :X
If Candice won and got back in, it would SHOCK the blondes, but then they'd still do their best to make her miserable. Candice could get some digs in, but they'd pay her right back, and she's not capable of winning a comp to stay. Sorry to say.
Ok, this is funny!!!
Helen's entire week explained in a photo. LMAO
Honestly, I think it might be going to far to call Aryan a racist. She's slept with black men. No real Aryan would do that!
It might be better to say she has no common sense or understanding of racial or ethnic sensitivities. Which, by the way, is true of most of my students. I had a Thai girl a couple years ago who was born in LA and constantly referred to HERSELF as a Twinkie. I had to tell her every time to stop being "racist". LOL.
Oh for gods sake please dont let Candice go back in that house, she does not deserve to be treated like that ever again in life. That was pure cruelty. If I were Candice, I wouldnt even play for a chance to go back in there, BB should have enough of repeated failure twist, this group is strictly playing for personal gratification and screne time. I cant see bringing any of those ousted guest back making ths game anymore exciting, they would go right back to being inefficient.
Wasn't it Amanda who said she's slept with black guys? Did Aryan say that too?
RBennie: good point about others being bad at comps. Amanda seems like a dim bulb, I thought you had to be smart to be a real estate agent?
RBennie - I think you are correct about it being Amanda saying she slept with black guys. Aryan could have said that, but I don't recall hearing or reading about it (though she doesn't seem the type to so-called cross 'racial lines').
AlbGinka - I can't recall if I read it, or Amanda actually said it, but she apparently has ADD. Which would account for being so bad at comps requiring cohesive thinking.
Ahh, that would make sense Sharon.
There is NO WAY Aaryn has slept with black men, sorry that seems impossible to me. Amanda however: anyone with a pulse most likely...
It was Amanda, not Aaryn who said she'd slept with (she used a coarser word) black men, and "therefore" was not racist. I commented on that here a day or two ago. My opinion then and now is that that's like Spencer, Nick, and Jeremy saying they can't possibly be misogynistic since they (coarse word) women. Duh?
I agree with you about Aryan and Amanda, Albglinka
It was Amanda who slept with black men and therefore was not racist. And it is most definitely not going too far to call Aaryn racist as well as a few other things. Sadly her attitudes fit in all too well with this group. Of house guests
IMO, whichever jury member returns; my guess is that it will help to save one of the current houseguests moving the target to the returnee.
The odds of the jury member surviving more than a week are slim.
What Joe in NY said about Helen...I agree.
Helen tried a bit to get Amanda out instead of Candice, but not enough votes. She tried really hard to get Andy to nom Amanda, Andy refused cuz he is aligned with Amanda.
Aaron used to be Helen's pawn, and ousted both Howard and Judd for Helen, but then Aaryn accepted McCrandas F4.
And most people in the house have fallen for, or fallen victim to, Helen's machinations. But Amanda has something Helen doesn't, a solid alliance member who is sharp, BB savy, and is sleeping with her.
Meanwhile I soooo hope Jessie returns AND wins HOH AND puts McCranda on the block and Amanda, who could not win POV even if the final question was....what is Amanda's middle name, goes home!
You say Amanda has never been HOH??? Well she has gotten out everyone that has left so far. Slept in the HOH bed almost the entire time in the house. I think she is the winning hamster of all. Kinda like living in the big house without paying any rent. Maybe she should win. Do not like Aryan at all but have to say she turned her game around more than anyone. Would rather vote for her than Amanda. She has worked for it.
My wish would be for Judd to return. The three jury members are among the weakest players. That said, Judd at least had an excellent social game.
Candice and Jessie had a horrible social game. At least Judd kept his head in the game. Rule #1.
Hi Jackie and everyone here.
miss all of the posts and the shows.
To Joe in N. Y.:
JOEY said" nice to see the professor and his great insights as well. but I always thought that with reguard to Helen,I was thinking that she may started out with thinking of a final 3 with AMANDA and AARAN because she thought she would look good with them as final 3 and then when it all blew up on her, she panic and lost control of what little chances she had with anyone and started to throw people under the bus as well.
but if I was HELEN or any of the ones returning, exspecialy JUDD , I would stand up during meeting and turn to AMANDA and say: I applaud you for a truely great way you play and con everyone into your lieds by saying each week that person or this person is the M.V.P and then knowing full well how much you control and pull all the strings in the house, you were able to trick us all into believeing each one was that M.V.P. and voted them out and since even poor JUDD beg and pleaded with all of you to believe he was not, there is only one answer to that, since we all agree we were not the M.V.P. there was only one person who's could really benifit from being the M.V.P. and that person is you, AMANDA, you was the M.V.P. each time and knew if you put your self up and would play piss knowing full well how much you control each one and knew you would not risk being voted off so you accuse the ones you wanted out because they were ones who you could not control. so when the end of M.V.P. was announce you were then with out your great ways to win sympathy from others and with your fakes tears as well, and they all believed you too, and yeah, I know you will denied it all, as expected, that is how you would deflect the focus off of you, and then play the victim, which you are not. please fools wake up and see it.
but in truth, I know it would never work, it only a dream, they don't have a clue about anyone or any things, they are just the less part of clueless, as for AMANDA saying she has class, make me laugh, because she wouldn't get class even if you spot her the C and the L part, she would only get the ass part...
just my two cents.
actually since we been gone for so long and took a while to catch up, hard to believe how bad it has become with the house of fools.
sorry to vent on.
I hope the winner of the jury house is Helen, and she comes back hard and winning....
I stand corrected. It was Amanda.
Agree Pat - as mush as I'd love Candice to come back (just to piss off Aryan, GM and Amanda), it makes MUCH better for someone like Helen to come back. After eviction, she will finally realize how little she controlled anything. That is, if they stick with Helen out instead of Elissa.
Helen's nauseating and over-the-top 'mom-instruction niceness' reminds of those gooey Hallmark cards that make me want to gag, especially when she tries to "work her magic" on a stray.
Judd was not a good player, when he won HOH Amanda controlled it, thats why he got blindsided, Amanda thought he was the MVP that put her up.
It appeared to me that Helen orchestrated Judd's eviction.
Helen is not a sincere person. She is however playing the game her way, just as Amanda is. Helen and her...Turn that smile around, and telling everyone they are amazing is her game. Amanda explained at length to someone the other night how the game cannot be emotional and you have to keep thinking. She IS playing the game HER WAY. At least she plays the game. Helen plays the game. Candance did not really play the game. Howard did not play. Jesse did not play...the 3 of them slept all the time. They were always in bed or off alone. Aaryn is playing the game. GM, not so much. Andy is a snoop. Its his game though. I hope Judd wins the comp when they go at it in order to return to the BB House. I will not be sorry if Amanda or Aaryn win BB.
I still say these are the dumbest people to ever play this game, they listen to Helen and Amanda each week as who to get rid of instead of getting out the most blatant alliance ( Amanda and McCrae) that has been in the house since day one. Aaryn is still a racist pig,so is GM and Amanda, I hope McCrae wins and tells Amanda where to go and how to get there.
HAHAHAH ... Havn-Not comp over and all the girls are HN's except Aryan.
Oh goodie... Head Cheese and Habaneros!
I really don't think Aaryn is that strong at comps. She impressed me last night with her win but the others not so much.
Her 1st HOH was a result of Jeremy doing the heavy work with that fill the bowl game,HOH # 2 she won by a ball dropping in the right hole,and I really think that she was trying to throw HOH #3 and backed into it. Did anyone else catch her expression when she won it? It was a look of shock and anger.
How dumb was Helen to think McCrae would turn on Amanda who taking care of all his needs Miss "It's To Soon to go after Amanda" is getting played like a piano now
Jeremy did not do "all the heavy work" on Aaryn's first HOH. If he had been as fast as lightning, they would not have won if she had not been fast, too. She kept her feet and didn't spill as much as others. It was a cooperative win. They both had to be fast and accurate. She was JUST as responsible for that win as he was. He could not have won it at all without an equally capable partner (and a bit of cooperative cheating).
I'm a bit tired of people sneering at that win. Jeremy did not win it for her. THEY won it!
Helen must have one gigantic ego to, 1) to think McC would be actually aligned with HER now, and 2) thinks Aryan wants to evict Elissa or backdoor Spencer. @@
Maybe deep down, Helen knows she's on her way out cause she's doing a lot of crying. My thought is that she is just using the usual tears to try and get people to feel sorry for her?
I say, welcome to Candice's and Jessie's world... and a week of misery!
I wish that they would tell Helen that she is leaving unless she wins POV because that is what the house wants.
I would literally laugh out loud.
Helen is only crys for effect. She said it herself when BB first started.
I want Helen to be walking out that door and then maybe the tears will be real and she and Candace can start keeping it real at the jury house. Helen is very very annoying. Not fun to watch at all.
What is Spencer still doing in the house. He should have been long gone. I hate when he is even on camera. What a creep. He should have had to leave when he talked about child porn.
O M G !!!
GM says she thought Kaysar was hot but wouldn't date him because she's not into black guys. She says she doesn't date anyone out of her "species"
Ok, other than that being a totally appalling statement.... if GM is going to insult someone, at least get it right. @@
If I remember correctly, Kaysar was a homo sapien, so I wonder what species GM is?!
Kaysar was hot and intelligent too...He wouldn't have even looked at GM even if he had been so drunk he couldn't see straight.
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