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Who woulda thunk she'd still be here? |
While it's been a day of activity in the house, not so much here on this end as the feeds get blocked for both the Have Not comp and nominations. Here's the day's happenings inside that Big Brother House of Misanthropic Misfits:
- As I previously mentioned, the 3am Alliance has decided that Helen and Elissa will go on the block. Helen will be told that Elissa is the target and she's only on the block as she would be a vote to keep Elissa.
- What? The HoH? Silly you ... it's the alliances who make the decisions these days, not the HoH! Where have you been? Under a rock?
- That said, Aaryn does personally want Elissa out. But, since Elissa isn't really the target -- said target is Helen -- this is not her decision at all.
- As good as Helen is at playing people, shame on her that she seems to be falling for the lies everyone is telling her. Shame on her.
- Before the nominations went down, Elissa apologized for her comment about not wanting to sit next to GinaMarie and Aaryn during the live show.
- So ... Aaryn tells her that she (Elissa) isn't the target. The target is Spencer.
- (Personally, I'd rather Spencer or Elissa leaving rather than Helen. I think those two, particularly Elissa, have a lot less game in them than Helen.)
- Amanda told Aaryn that she (Aaryn) needs a vocal coach to strengthen her vocal chords. She needs something. That gurgling almost like it's underwater voice drives me bonkers!
- Amanda told Helen that Aaryn was going to put her (Helen) on the block with Elissa so that Elissa won't be saved with the veto. Amanda said she wasn't sure if the plan was to backdoor Spencer or what.
- Now, Helen is buying all these lies.
- Shame on her. She should know better.
- Helen is leery enough that she went to Aaryn and promised if she won the veto, she wouldn't use it to save Elissa.
- Nope, that ain't gonna work because YOU are the target, Helen!
- All the ongoing lies were put on hold for the Have Not Comp. Woohoo.
- GinaMarie, Elissa, Helen and Amanda are the new Have Nots.
- I'd love to see Spencer and McCrae given a stint with this. Wouldn't you?
- America chose head cheese and habaneros for them. Oh my. If it were me, all I would eat would be the slop!
- They think head cheese is gross.
- So do I.
- Apparently Spencer was the shining star of the comp. Um. Okay.
- Aaryn told Amanda she really wants Spencer out.
- So, nominations time came.
- She nominated Elissa and Helen as per plan.
- Helen's only chance to save her game would be to win the veto.
- We'll see.
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Slop chef |
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Hiding behind the pillow again |
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Nick came! She kissed him and ... |
Good morning everyone!
I've been thinking about Helen since yesterday and think that Joe in NY hit the nail on the head -- Helen went as far as she could with what she had. But, as Joe stated, she never really had Andy, Aaryn and McCrae in her pocket (Amanda had them), she really only had Elissa. Jessie and Spencer (who also did not like Amanda and would have helped to get her out) were always on the block it seemed, and could not help with votes.
I hope Helen gets the veto, if only to postpone her departure another week. That would signal the departure of Elissa, but from what I read she didn't totally want to be there anyway?
Witt :)
Helen only has herself to blame if she goes to jury. She was the ring leader in voting everyone in the jury out and they are the ones that she could aline with to stay. To think she has such a good game she really has poor judgement. Hate to say it but Aaryn and Amanda are playing best. McCrae maybe could but he is to afraid to play for himself. Puppet for Amanda so not pulling for him.
Witt and Joe NY are right on. Helen has lost this game all on her own...she got our weak players who would work with her.
And MY EYES Andy with the yellow pillow on his shorts I thought he was naked!!!
I think the jury would have to vote for him if he survves cause he has been a very convincing mole.
Same old, same old! Nothing new. Queen Amanda rules the roost!! All hail Demanda.
"Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled." --Michael Crichton
Silk, Nice quote. How apropos!!
I still dont think Amanda will win the money because there will be so many players in the Jury that will not vote for her, when Spencer gets there he wont (he doesnt like her, Candice, Jessie, possibly Elissa wont , it might be her and McCrae the last two standing, that means judd would probably vote for McCrae, unless she turns on him, in that case it'll be up in the air with Aaryn and Andy, and who really cares about GM.
Maybe America will give the $50M to Jessie or Candice just because they had to endure all mean and nasty treatment. I really wish Andy would go on the block just because he creeps me out....
Thanks, Terry, but I really cannot claim any of the thought process to Helen's situation...Joe in NY saw it earlier than I did (I love hearing his point of view; it's always so thought out!), and I just agreed.
@Anon 9:44...If Amanda does go to the final, prepare that she may still win. People may not approve of her personally and want to go get a drink with her, but may respect the fact that "she played the game" and vote for her anyway. On the other hand, this summer people have voted for personal and not strategic reasons and may just say....why start now?
Someone voting for personal reasons wouldn't vote for Amanda no matter what a good game she played.
I've been offended how the people in the house have treated each other, and I would have a very difficult time voting to hand any of them anything.
Witt :)
Remember last year how everyone felt that Dan had played a masterful game, the problem was Ian could win comps, Amanda's problem is she cant, unless she's holding back, you know they dont wont ,BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS" she couldnt even win one when everybody tried to give it to her,but if you really think about it she and Helen really won all the HOH comps because they contolled who was going on the block, I'm not sure she,wouldn't be able to talk dumb ass GM and Andy and maybe Aaryn to put themselves on the block if they could. That being said can someone PLEASE explain to me why Helen thought she could to go to McCrae with a plan to oust Amanda. These have to be the most stupid people to ever play this game. No one has ever thought to break up Amanda and McCrae's very very open alliance.
That's what I've been saying all along, these people wont vote for who played the best game, it's all personal, I dont like Amanda (and that's putting it mildly) but she has played the best game, but remember each of these people that left lately was because they were not liked (with the exception of Judd) (THEY ALL WEPT) Helen aligned herself with someone (Elissa) who doesnt even try to or care about winning.Inot sureif they can discuss the game wil in the jury house, but at sometime a light has to come on with them as to mastermined all of their demise (not who played the best game) they will say they didnt like her.
If Amanda wins or even makes Final two, I wonder if any of them will remember that Howard was right to want to break up McManda and to get Amanda out early on. Howard could see the writing on the wall. And the reason Amanda wanted Howard was the fact she could not control him and she knew he could see through her.
Correction, I meant to say the reason Amanda so fiercely wanted HOward out of the game was because she could not control him. I think the same goes for Katelin, Jessie, and Candice.
So it turns out the departed houseguests were the ones refusing to be controlled by Amanda and refusing to let her control them and probably the most insightful ones.
I don't know about the jury voting on strategy or emotion. The jury house is much more relaxed, less intense, and people are able to back off a bit and look at things more objectively. I am constantly amazed at the way on Survivor, where the jury questioning is face-to-face, the jury members spit buckets of venom at the final candidates, and then turn right around and vote for the ones they hated most.
"Ok, you got me. I hate you for the way you got me, but you got me. You win." There's little respect for floaters and tail-riders, no matter how nice and inoffensive they've been. I suspect that if it's Amanda and McCrae at the end, Amanda would win. Then the jury would throw up.
The winner will be the one who kicks Amanda out.
hey everyone, I have been scarce as I can't stand this season.
The comments, racially, sexually are all gross and still continuing.
Now that i am off my rant, Aaryn is the stupid one as she is Amandas puppet.
If she had any kahuna's she would have put up Mcranda.
If Helen walks out the door this week she will know her downfall is Amanda and will let the Jury know that.
I am hoping she is the one who competes to comeback and wins. The best would be that the jury member who competes and wins becomes HOH. I would bet that if that was the case then Mcranda would be put up unless Judd comes in.
Onto Elissa, does anyone think with her saying she will walk is just a tactic to stay in the house?
On a final note, I have said before that this season is like season nine, the winter edition, we all hated that Adam won. I have a feeling still this will be the same in the end!
Hope everyone is doing well. I check in and read but can't seem to find the energy to comment on any of these abismal players!
Two things Amanda has going for her are her bully tactics and her social game. Her bully tactics have kept her a shield in front of others, and her social game with others, showing loyalty to an alliance or a plan have kept others close.
Like it or not, Aaryn is playing the game with Amanda and not against her, so why would she put up anyone in the 3 A.M. alliance or GM who is her other go to person?
I'm with you Chacha. The behavior of most of the house guests is deplorable. I don't have the interest to post because of it. I guess McCrae is trying to make a statement by the way he dresses and Amanda's aggressive behavior with him in and out of the bedroom is not my enjoyment to see of want to watch. Every one for the exception of Alissa has said something ugley in the house. The Producer might have chosen these contestants for shock value, but there is enough of that with other Reality Shows. I was hoping that this Big Brother would be different like years past, but I was wrong. .
I think Aaryn will get Amanda out in the final HOH. Amanda has no chance of beating Aaryn in a competition. Also, I do think Andy is playing a smart game by befriending everyone and by playing both Helen and Amanda.Everyone likes him and if he is in the final 2 they might vote for him. I hate Helen and can't wait to see her go this week.
Amanda and Aaryn are playing the best game. Elissa is a complete ZERO. For some reason BB wanted her there. No one liked her sister when she was on the show. Somehow she has fans now. Beats me. People seem to have a selective memory regarding Brendon and Rachel. They spent a lot of time under the covers!!!! No different than Amanda and McCrea.
I hope Helen leaves through the back door. Celebration time.
Hello, I think Helen's goose is cooked. But please don't let Amanda win. She is in full Dr. Will mode. LIES about everyone and everthing. My hope is that McRae wins and dumps her ass in a FL gutter. OMG, would you buy a house from that women? ~C
Amanda said something about "big, black, scary Howard" but she said she can say that because "I'm not racist. I'm a Jew." The ignorance of the HG is appalling.
If Helen is voted out, she may have a good chance of getting right back in on Thursday, if Elissa goes, she won't have a chance in hell. I don't think Jessie would have much of a chance either so it may come down to Candace and Judd, either one I would be happy to see back in the house. Maybe it's good that this isn't the week Amanda gets the boot. Once she's gone, I don't want to see her have a chance getting back in.
I don't think that is wholly accurate about Howard. Howard was NOT against Amanda early on. In fact, he was part of the guys' alliance that included McCrae. In fact, as you recall, he was playing both sides and got in trouble because they thought he was "shady". Remember Helen got mad at him because he lied to her.
And all of those people you list, with the exception of Candice, weren't really aligned against Amanda. They only flipped on Amanda when their own butts were in a sling. As a result, there were never the votes to oust Amanda. And, even if there were at one time, Helen never controlled them.
I think people are giving Helen way more power than she ever had. She's worked hard and had a lot of influence, but not because she controlled a lot of votes. Amanda always controlled the votes. Helen only seemed to have power because she was working with Amanda. Helen has never had more than an alliance of 3, and even the 3rd member of that alliance was more fantasy than reality.
Helen would have been gone a month ago if she had opposed Amanda because Amanda would have targeted her earlier and Amanda had the votes.
Another episode of the photo caption blog! Jessie and Helen at the chess table is SO like it was.
Joe In NY, This is a house of flip floppers it's hard to tell if Amanda always had the votes to stay, because Howard, Candice, Spencer, Jessie,Elissa, Helen and even maybe Andy and Aaryn at one time could have voted her out, they were just too stupid, everyone went along with the house, this group here would vote you out if you raise your voice, you were instantly not liked by the whole house Would you have left Amanda and McCrae together this long. I never could understand why on any of the BB episodes the houseguest allowed showmances to last so long in the game, if someone just saw two people talking they would get suspicious and get rid of one of them, just like these fools here, and whoever ssys Amanda is another Dr Will is certainly wrong. NO way
I think you are right. They have busted up "showmances" from the beginning..starting with David and Aaryn, then GM and Nick, Jeremy and Kaitlin. All one week after another so why are Mcranda still there? Someone should have busted up that showmance weeks ago. It may be too late now. Also...poor Jessie, she wanted a showmance desparetly and no one gave her a second look.
Thanks Silk - always a kick in the pants to see those!
Joe in NY always has the best and most accurate comments. I like how he evaluates the show without so much negativity. After all, this is a game show!
This is an article (blessedly short) on the BB4 jury votes, when both candidates were roundly hated by everyone (Jun Song won).
There was apparently racism (or xenophobia?) then, too, mostly directed toward the Korean and Puerto Rican hamsters.
They could take this article, change the names, and republish it as the BB15 finale report.
Helen is so smart, but apparently doesn't have common sense to alert her to these lies. She just doesn't catch on. That's too bad.
Sharon it is so true.
It breaks your heart to see Helen still have hope and faith that Andy will support her. What happened to her sharp wit and intelligence. I think either it is too much slop or some kind of BB anxiety reaction. I wish Elissa would try to make her see the light. But you never know exactly what Elissa is thinking at any given time. Helen was so fierce at first.
Kathy in Brooklyn
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