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Inconsolable. Too bad. |
After the rush of excitement, the waters calmed ... a bit. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Tearful Tizzies:
- As I posted in the bulletin, GinaMarie kept true to her plan, putting McCrae and Amanda on the block.
- During her nominations speech (blocked to the live feeds) she said they were a power duo while everyone else was alone in the game. She also said that Amanda took the fire out of McCrae's eyes once he settled in with her.
- I hate to say it because I'm not a GinaMarie fan, but the girl is on a roll with competitions and she's spot on with her nominations and the reasons behind them. Good for her.
- Amanda cried and headed to bed with McCrae ... naturally.
- McCrae actually said hardly anything.
- Perhaps he's thinking about how he might have done as a lone wolf in the game. I don't know.
- It wasn't long before Amanda went wild -- screaming that Judd and Spencer are working with Elissa, it's not FAIR, GinaMarie is DUMB for nominating her, everybody is gonna hate GM ... rant, rant, cry, scream.
- When she confronted GinaMarie in the HoH room, it was kind of funny with two grown chicken men roaming back and forth like winged security guards.
- No one spoke up for Amanda in that brouhaha and GinaMarie held her own on her own just fine.
- As Amanda screamed about how not right the noms were -- when one of them came off the block with the veto, her re-nom will go home, Judd quietly mumbled, "So we all should just pack our bags, right?"
- Like the old song went, she got no satisfaction and went back to crying all over McCrae, first in the Have Not room, then in their bed.
- Now that I've mentioned their bed, I must get this off my chest: No one has ever lived in their bed like McCranda! It's ridiculous. They canoodle constantly, eat, sleep, lounge about in the bed. Heck, I'm surprised they haven't asked for diapers so they can truly live in that poor abused bed!
- Phew. I feel better now.
- I hope BB burns that bed after this season. It's way tainted!
- Amanda is sure she's the target.
- She's not.
- McCrae is GinaMarie's target as she thinks he's more dangerous.
- She's right. It would be better for McCrae to go as, if he were alone, he'd probably team up with Spencer, Judd and Andy or a combination thereof.
- Also, without Amanda dictating the moves of puppet HoH winners, McCrae just might scramble back to his ways at the start of the season when he was honestly in fear he would be voted out.
- With all the Amanda outbursts, I think McCrae thinks if the noms remain the same, it's Amanda out the door, not him. So, in a way, he still feels personally safe this week. In the past he has talked with Spencer about Amanda having to go before him.
- Now, GM's not telling her boys that she fears a hook-up with a boys crew and McCrae.
- Although Elissa isn't a part of the Exterminators, there are mini-deals being made. Spencer told Elissa he'd keep her safe if she did the same for him.
- It's weird to once again see Elissa mingling about the house, probably with more hamsters than she has all season. In the past, she was pretty confined to hanging out with Candice and Helen.
- Amanda went into a fit of feeling sorry for herself and giving up, wanting to go home.
- Oh, save the drama for your mama, Amanda. It's the premise of the game. You played so many others, it's time for you to get played for a change!
- On a side note, after the "love" is gone, I wonder if McCrae will be singing this tune from his heart over Amanda.
- Throughout all of this, GinaMarie's foot continued to swell from her fall on the stairs Friday morning. Like an idiot, she forced her sore foot into heels for the nominations ceremony.
- Now you have two guys in chicken suits, McCrae in his stupid filthy pajama pants and you need to wear a cute black dress and heels when your toe might be broken?
- @@
- Amanda did go around apologizing to people for her outburst, but she still thinks that GM is being stupid not getting Elissa out.
- McCrae and Amanda then became unwatchable for most of the rest of the night, just hanging out in bed cuddling and crying.
- GinaMarie made up Chicken Parmesan for all.
- Amanda had the cojones to ask GM if she and McCrae could have a night in the HoH room. GM said okay.
- Ew.
- @@
- Spencer and Andy will tell Amanda what she wants to hear all week, then vote as planned.
- Andy and Spencer talked about how they feel Elissa shouldn't win because she doesn't need the money.
- @@
- However, Elissa not winning will be part of the Exterminators plan anyway.
- They do want the final four to be their newly minted just in time for the numbers alliance -- GM, Andy, Spencer and Judd.
- There's no Elissa in there, nor an Amanda (or McCrae, but he will go this week unless he wins PoV).
- Amanda gave both McCrae and Andy all kinds of advice for "after she's gone." Don't trust Spencer. Elissa and Judd are the biggest targets.
- Oh, silly girl. You'll be stuck staying! :-)
- I really hate to say this, but if this all goes down as planned this week and the Exterminators stick together, GinaMarie (of all people) just might be deserving of the win.
- Well, if anyone from this season's cast of losers is "deserving" of the win, that is.
- PoV comp will be later today. We'll see what happens. Whatever happens, either McCrae or Amanda is out the door this week.
- Yay.
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All we need is Chicken George to join in |
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A chicken studies the Memory Wall at night |
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She's filling her face, he's picking at his nails |
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It's not FAIR! |
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BB needs to make a rule about NOT living in beds |
Good morning, Jackie! Thank you for the highlights in the habitrail! Also, I REALLY hope GM changes the sheets on that bed, EWWWWW!
This is like a scientific study of how bullies work. That kind of bitch is born of one thing: FEAR. And Mcrae has Stockholm Syndrome. Worst contestants ever.
Susan in Kansas
Wonder who GM will put up if Amanda or McCrae win PoV. Smart move would be to put up Andy if she wants to break up McRanda.
Andy would be her smartest choice for a re-nom. Of course, Andy might think differently about that!
Though, if Andy did go up as a re-nom, it would be good for his own game -- he'd have no "blood on his hands" in the McCrae or Amanda initial eviction.
Here is a very funny video about Am, El and Gm. I hope you don't mind me putting this on here Jackie...It's just so perfect. (even though it's on another site I still like yours best)
I believe last night GM said she may put up Spencer as the Renom- He did offer himself a pawn if i remember correctly.
I watched the feeds and when all houseguests were in GM's room playing cards and jenga they were are all laughing and having a great time.
I was thinking about what I would do in her place if I had to re-nom. On the one hand, she has the Exterminator alliance so to protect that she should put up Elissa. On the other hand, she has a side deal with Elissa and putting her up could hurt that if she makes it to the final 2. I'd probably make Andy understand that by putting him up they guarantee one of McRanda leaves because the alliance will protect him. If Elissa goes up, they take the chance of someone voting the wrong way and McRanda stays. I agree with Jackie's assessment of Andy's game too. If he's up then he can't vote McRanda out so they'll still vote for him in the end.
Just my two cents...
GM is fearless. She's fun to watch.
I agree that Andy would be best to put up so he can't change the way it needs to go but on the other hand it would be great to see Amanda or McCrae grovel to him for a vote.
GM is like a character from "Mob Wives straight out of central casting. She's a nice person with a heart of gold,as long as you're not a minority.
Players being picked for Veto Noms now
Did Amanda go through the 5 stages of grief after being nominated? You know...denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance? I'm hoping after Amanda and McCrae are gone someone gets rid of Andy. I used to like him now he's such a cry baby (almost like Amber)and loves to talk behind peoples back, especially Elissa. I heard him tell McCranda that he "Hates her", then turns around and acts like he's her best friend.
Everyone playing for Veto except Judd.
Sissy - yes, Amanda went through all the stages, but has regrouped and she's now at the 'fight for Veto" stage.
Andy is such a snake... never know what he will do. If they both stay OTB, it's his 'out' to vote for one of them. If one comes off, he's so stupidly loyal to that pair, he'd probably vote off the replacement nom. It amazes me how he can be such an educated idiot!
This season has been such a disappointment. I am completely prepared for a McNasty veto win; one will come off, Elissa will go UP, and Elissa will be voted out.
McNasty stays.
I just cannot imagine either of them going. Especially Demanda. She isn't going anywhere, dammit. It's like a plague.
pleaseletmebewrong pleaseletmebewrong pleaseletmebewrong
Spencer should cry, holler, get in everyone's face, threaten, whine, get under the covers etc the next time he is put up (which is a lot). Let her see how it looks. Not one other person that has gone up on the block has acted like Amanda has. I can not believe BB powers has not put a stop to that. In all the seasons I have watched (all of them) I can not remember one person that carried on like that when they went on the block. This is a 28 year old child acting like this.
I loved Judd at the start of the show, then got disappointed in the way he dealt with Jessie.
I was encouraged by the way he is coming back in the house and enjoy watching him again. But at the same time it's a little disappointing that he trusts ANYONE now, especially Andy.
Elissa tells Judd that Andy is playing 'every side" and instead of playing it smart and watching Andy for a while, he goes and blabs to Andy. Bad move Judd, really bad.
After being evicted once, you'd think Judd would be more careful about what he tells, and to who. He KNOWS Andy has been a devoted follower of McRanda, which means he should be suspicious of anything that snake tells him!
Judd needs a 2x4 slapped upside his head!
Ahh, "happy" times.
remember this?
Thanks Petals - What fun!
Never got to see it that the first time!
POV time!!!
What would be great is seeing Elissa win POV and have Amanda or McCrae beg her to use it!
Petals- GM said she would not put either Elissa or Judd as replacement.
She will put up either Spencer or Andy
@Sharon, LOL! Judd does need to get hit upside his head!
My 'pool pick' got a second chance & he needs to wake up and make the best of it.
@Petals, Thanks for the link. I too did not see it B4.
"Shake it if you got it"
Thanks Petals. That was fun!
Can some explain the double eviction , will there be another HOH comp or does the present HOH pick another person to go up on the block,and then the present POV winner can not go up, GM needs to reconsider getting rid of the only other female in the house, the guys are sure to go after her next,
I knew it. Up goes Elissa, out goes Elissa, and back to the same ol, same ol.
As if it were scripted for nail-biters.
Anon. There will be another HOH comp before the second eviction...and a POV
If GM follows through on what she said she would do, it won't be Judd or Elissa going up as a replacement.
If she puts up Spencer, Amanda will be gone. Never know what will happen if she puts up Andy.
Judd suggested telling McC they would put up Elissa in Amanda's place (if McC used Veto on Amanda) and they would vote out Elissa... all the while really planning on voting out McC. Don't think McC is quite that dumb.
In the meantime, GM says she's not putting up Elissa because she didn't put up GM last week. So Spence is volunteering to be the Pawn... yet again.
If the Spencer/Pawn holds, then Amanda will be gone.
Judd is delightful in so many ways.
But sometimes that boy can be dumb as a post.
Will Amanda or whoever they evict be interviewed by Julie since it's a double eviction week? I'd hate to see Amanda escape her moment of truth.
I don't understan why no one wants to take El to the final 2. It seems to me that if you were next to her there you would win the money because they have all talked ad nausem about how much she doesn't need the money and they all do. I think it might actually be possible that a couple of them...Judd and Gm, surprising to me to, have thought about it as well. I'm also sure that An has thought about it but doesn't feel he can trust El. I don't know about Sp is he that strategic.
Did McCrae win POV?
Yes,McCrae won POV :(
Seems to me that Spence is always covering his tracks and mentally working on a backup plan.
Spence is the type who will take advantage of being in whatever alliance, but at the same time, he will do what he thinks is best for himself. As they all should....
Jackie said GM would be a good one to win. Just because she made a good move don't move her into first place. People seem to forget all the crap people said at the first of the game. GM was right in there with it. the players seem to not care... i havnt forgotten....i don't feel GM should win .... I think Amanda is just as bad, except she hid it at first... it has come out since though... Some of the players seem to have forgotten. I say hold everyone of those people's feet to the fire that made cruel comments.
Everyone pretty much agrees they don't want one of the "bad people" to win.
However, it's not up to viewers ... it's the jury's choice. However, the public does get to vote for Fan Favorite and I'd like Judd to win... though I suspect the Brenchal army will be out in force and load the ballot box for Elissa.
so Mc Crae got the veto. maybe he will let Amanda off? haaaaaaaaaahaaaaaa
Seriously, she did not put up Elissa did she?
Amanda needs to GO!!!
What has Judd done that he deserves to be Fan Favorite?
Judd thinks Elissa would be safe next to Amanda (he's wrong). In any case, GM has said she will not put Elissa or Judd up as a replacement. Spence has offered to be the pawn.
HGs as well as fan all like Judd so it doesn't matter what he has or hasn't done. He's a good person.
But that doesn't matter either since the Brenchel army will vote for Elissa... no doubt about it.
If they vote out Elissa this week, then every one of them deserve to lose. I just don't get why these people trust Amanda so much. I honestly don't think Elissa would go after GM if she gets HOH. I could see Amanda, McC, Andy and Spencer teaming up and Judd and GM will end up on the block if Elissa is gone.
GM has already said she will NOT put Judd or Elissa on the block as McC's replacement. End of story.
However, in one of the 2 double evictions next week, Elissa will probably go on the block then. So unless she wins either HOH or POV in both comps, she'll be evicted then.
Anon 7:15 - exactly. That is why I am so disillusioned about the show. I mean...forget it. I can't state the obvious.
{it is as if they are being PAID to keep Biff, see?}
And you can't say this is "great game play". This Demanda-dom is beyond comprehension. How else are we supposed to feel? This has to be... forget it. Dammit!
Elissa and GM are solid. If Elissa were to win HOH next week she would put up Andy for sure and probably McCrae. Spencer of course would be the pawn if one of them got off the block.
Has Amanda started working on McCrae to use the veto on her yet? I may have to get the feeds just to watch the two of them for the next few days!
It's a good thing Aaryn told GM to not trust Amanda & McRae before she left the house. Otherwise GM would have put up Elissa. If Amanda does not go, I would feel this is some set up by BB producers.
The POV ceremony isn't even until Monday afternoon, so GM hasn't put anyone up as a replacement. GM will not renom Elissa for reasons already mentioned here.
And, I might be missing something but why would anyone think that Amanda wouldn't try some of these arguments and tactics to get Elissa up as the renom? She's not going to roll over and play dead until she leaves on Thursday.... no matter who she's up against.
The thing about Amanda is that she can't control her emotions. Even if she has a valid point, if the person she's talking to doesn't seem to be buying it she gets pushy and mean. Petals doesn't call her Demanda for nothing! If she could calm her emotions and stop being a brat she might stand a chance.
If we thought she was bad last week, just wait until we see what she's going to do this week. She will blow a gasket.
I'm stocking up on popcorn.
How could she (Amanda) not see this coming... McCrae did but he let little McCrae play for him it seems.
Lesson for Amanda:
The illusion of absolute power corrupts, and, it corrupts, absolutely.
Lesson for McCrae:
You saw this coming, you chose to ride this train (should of jumped bro). Sad to see you go this way, because I know you will see it later and it will haunt you for a bit. It should.
Judd should take up a ventriloquist act after this.
I mean, he is already 98% there...
Who would of thunk GM would become the Hero here...such an odd game.
I feel bad for McCrae, this is going to haunt him for a long time..he dreamed of this, and blew it over something he knew better of....
*Jackie has new post up.*
Susan in Kansas, you have touched upon some truth there
Perhaps bully is Amanda's game...she is foolish though to think it would work in the long run. I feel bad for McCrae, he just wanted to play...
He made a decision though, and chose the wrong way
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