GinaMarie put Amanda and McCrae on the block.
Amanda is freaking, McCrae is just hanging out in bed.
Make sure you read what's brought this on in my last post. It's kind of scary that GinaMarie's thought process on the nominations is both rational and strategic.
![]() |
Whole lotta shouting going on! |
Woot Woot!!! So happy. And GM towed the line.
See where bullying gets you? ON THE BLOCK! Hahaha!
Amanda is officially delusional. She believes everyone wants GM out because she put up McManda.
And as we suspected, GM did not back down from the inferno known as Amanda.
It is about time. There will be quite a ruckus in the cage tonight!
I love it! The player got played!!
Doing Happy dance!!!
Amanda is such a spoiled brat. If things don't go her way she cries and whines about it and says she wants to leave now. I wish she would self evict, so we don't have to listen to her for another week.
Cuckoo Amanda is like the guy who gets caught on video tape robbing a gas station,drops his ID as he's leaving and insists he didn't do it.
Amanda is REALLY clueless. She just can't help herself.
I can't wait to hear GM's speech during the nominations I bet it's a hoot!
Amanda's meltdown is epic :D
^5 GM!
Suddenly, I love GM.
Does anyone know what Amanda is doing???
That was pretty awesome! It is slowly dawning on her but she still has faith in the Rat. Let's see how that conversation goes?
Yes, Amanda, you looked like a fracking idiot. Wait until you realize that like the cheese, McManda stands alone.
Everyone knows that I am not a GM fan, but I am buying this girl a DRINK!
Hey GM, GM, GM, GM, Gm what day IS it today??????? Its McCrandys on the block day. WOOHOO
Susan/MA - she is slowly losing her mind!
Too funny Stormy!
Wonderful, wonderful news! I am glad that GM is the HOH. She is more than enough to stand up to Amanda when the tramp goes ballistic.
Thanks, Andrea. I can only imagine. Times like these I miss the feeds.
And if McManda does not win the double eviction HOH, the next one wont be so painful. Quick and easy. day of the season
Perfect way to spend the evening for Amanda... relaxing in a bowl of hot soup!
Sure wish Spencer hadn't been so misogynistic and gross. I could have liked his late-game. Other than that stuff and some of his gross habits & language, he really has a good sense of humor... and does a good job of acting.
Andy remains a self-serving snake, taking Amanda's part now in wanting everyone to take care of HIM.
If McC gets evicted, and depending on upcoming fast HOH's, I wouldn't be surprised to see Elissa alongside the remaining member of McRanda.
It is so suspicious that we go fishing every time ANYONE discusses Biff's promiscuity. Hm, Just sayin (don't scold, just an observation)
Get this: GM called AM crazy during her Nom speech and then Elissa chimed in with "That's for sure"
Petals, I've noticed the fishing happens when the pregnancy issue comes up. I suspect it has something to do with medical privacy issues.
Amanda is worried about Elissa's exit message to her. Yeah, should be less worried about that and more worried about her conversation with Julie!
And might I add, Julie looked positively like a 60's georgy girl (hair and all) on Sunday!
LOL Andrea ... I bet the eviction will be quick but easy/Amanda maybe not.
Oh how the worm has turned!!
Love it!
My most two hated things when they come together - the HOH bed and McManda. EEEWWWWWWWW!!!!
Can you believe that after all her ranting and screaming at GM she (Amanda) just asked GM if she and McCreep could have the HOH room for a night? GM said sure
I hear ya Ed!
It was all so predictable and incredibly boring. It was more than irritating to watch the level of Amanda's insane and bratty behavior.
Andrea - a little play on words? LMAO
just floating on air at GM's excellent decision...get those two creeps out and I don't care who wins it
Feeders! Watch Biff - she is staring in the mirror, primping constantly. Even during her "breakdown", she is constantly camera-aware. Still going for the showbiz ring. @@
Seriously, tho - check it out, she is having conversations, looking PAST people to look into a mirror. LMAO
oops... crazy Amanda is starting to revisit that fine establishment!
Found out Elissa had been outside the door and tried to slam the door on her face! Too late... Elissa was gone. LMAO
Can you imagine what Julie will ask Biff???
(can't help it, now I am getting ahead of myself.
Ironic how MC and Am thought it was so in bad taste for Elissa to say how she wanted to go home, but when AM says it, it's ok. Hmmm?
Petals - don't want to burst your bubble, but if GM and her new alliance have their way, it will be McC leaving this time.
The only hope is that Amanda goes out quickly in the double eviction, but they might take that opportunity to take out Elissa first.
there went the bubble. hehehe
Oh well, I was just daydreaming anyway. :)
After all the talk about how crazy GM, Jessie, and Aaryn are, it turns out Amanda's the craziest of them all!
How about if McC wins the veto??
Well think of it this way Petals, a couple of weeks ago, would you have dreamed that McManda would be on the block as a matched set?
That is an improvement, right?
Petals,Julie will ask Am why she lectured Aaryn on racial slurs and then started using them herself.
Ed, if Mccrae wins veto, he would most likely take himself off the block, and GM would have to put someone else up as a replacement. She'd probably put one of the Exterminator alliance up, probably Sprnser, so that the other Exterminators would choose to sent the real target home.
Ed, if McCrazy wins the veto, hopefully he will take himself off and Amanda will go. If he's stupid enough to take Amanda down, he really deserves to go. He esentiallly gave up his BB game for that scuzzy bully.
a happy improvement, yes.
Then I kinda hope McFly wins veto, b/c I'd rather see that scuzzy bully (thanks Susan in MA!) leave!
Silk / Susan, I would think he would use it on himself which should certainly send Amanda on her way.
Probably only McC, Amanda, & GM will try hard for the veto.
How great would it be if Elissa wins Veto tomorrow?
If GM's back and foot aren't healed by that time, it could be trouble. Spence and Andy have already said they plan to throw it. At this point of the game, it's flippin' stupid for anyone to throw anything now. JMO
Sharon,Andy is now scheming with Spencer to win veto and get El up on the block. Says El must go before Amanda. Geez I hate that little rat!
I don't believe Elissa needs to win Veto tomorrow. If one of McRanda wins Veto, someone 'safe' will go up in their place... to guarantee the couple will be divided.
However, Elissa will need to win Veto with the next HOH, and possibly the immediate HOH after that... or she's gone.
Cripes... a little while ago, Andy and Spencer were saying they planned to throw the Veto comp! Maybe GM has talked with Spence and told him he'd go up as pawn - again- if necessary. He's pretty sick of that tactic at his expense!
Andy is now telling Spencer he wants Ellisa out over Amanda because in his mind Ellisa thinks he is not trustworthy. The Exterminators are thinking about taking McCrae out first before Amanda this week but Andy wants Elissa gone over Amanda in the next eviction. Andy is such a snake.
I can't believe how NambyPambyAndy is now wearing the bully hat & bashing Elissa.
It REALLY bothers me, that she (Elissa) has not had a single day in that house without someone hating on her and/or bullying her. Not a day's peace. Where one stops, another starts the bash.
Sharon,I want Elissa to win veto just to stick it to McCranda s little bit more.
Ellisa is in a stronger position now than ever before. She's friendly with GM and aligned with Judd. The three of them are now the strongest comp players in the game.
Yup, it's looking like Elissa might have to win everything that she can from now on. Only one that seems to like her is Judd. GMs will be nice to Elissa (like everyone except Candice), but feels GM's promise has been fulfilled and she doesn't owe Elissa anything now.
I will wretch if Elissa goes before Amanda. :(
It could look bad for Elissa if she or Judd do no win POV. Spencer and Andy are suspicious of Ellisa and GM will vote with what the majority tells her to.
Sharon, I honestly couldn't care less which one of them goes before the other. Just me :)))
well, there went the hour of hope & happiness.
Biff gets to stay (probably McFly, too)
That extermination lasted an hour.
*hanging head in disappointment*
Monty - Elissa isn't great, but she's ok and, most of all, doesn't come close to Amanda's level of obnoxious. And she did provide some amusement when she was HOH last week. That spit-take was worth the whole week!!
So, my preference would be for Amanda's eviction first... just so everyone left will have at least ONE day of relative peace. You know... where knives aren't removed from the house (for whatever reason?), and there won't crazy ranting and screaming 24 hrs a day.
Boring for feedsters, but...
Petals what are you talking about??????????????
Petals said...
well, there went the hour of hope & happiness.
Biff gets to stay (probably McFly, too)
That extermination lasted an hour.
*hanging head in disappointment*
8/30/2013 10:38 PM
Sharon, I disagree. Elissa is that obnoxious. You only need to watch her on the feeds and you would see it too. Trust me ;-)
Probably would have been better to evict snake Andy instead of Aryan. At least they KNEW what they had with her. Never know who will win Vetos or HOHs, so Andy is trying to cover all his bases with everyone. Too bad Judd trusts Andy and can't seem to see him for what he is.
Monty - I only see After Dark and read things going on and I do get tired of Elissa's whining. It's just a matter of I don't want Amanda going any further because she is SO much worse than Elissa.
I am just so tired of Amanda brow-beating everyone. With Elissa, at least we don't have to witness hours of wandering about in thong underpants, sex and slurping with McC.
Jokats -
Because Spencer & Andy just pow-wowwed and decided that they are changing the extermination plan and want Elissa gone. They plan on throwing the veto, so one of the McNastys will come down, and putting El as replacement so she will go.
That is why I am deflated, the party is over for me.
(but you know how I am ~ my imagination runs completely amok)
Sharon - AMEN, sista! LOL @ slurps & thongs
What would spoil their plan > Elissa winning Veto!! GOOOO Elissa!!!
I want that Amanda scumbag and Andy snake out first!
Petals, Hopefully GM has enough sense not to go for that & put up one of the boys??? (fingers crossed) I hope GM has enough "street smarts" to CHA (cover her ....)
I really think Judd, GM & El would be a good final 3 (replace any w/ Spencer if it has to happen)
I just developed a theory about today's messy comp... BB figured that's the only way to get that dump cleaned up!!
lol @ Sharon..... prob gonna stay that way till the end, unless they send in house-keeping
JOKATS - unfortunately, the only housecleaning crew that comes in is for the new HOH. The rest will fight the ants and filth in the bathroom & bedrooms... until this season's show is over. Every year it's this way though... like living with a bunch of cruddy teenagers!
Who'd a thunk it... Amanda holding it together and McC falling apart.
I don't think he's stopped crying for the last 2 or 3 hours!
C'mon, I want some comedy relief in there. How about Andy chokeing either Spencer or Judd so that BB announces over the speakers " Andy, quit chokeing the chicken"
Bad David, Bad!!! LMAO
Lol @ David
Now I remember why BB stopped giving them cards. They are boring as all get out when they sit around playing cards. I can watch that any weekend night with friends playing poker.
Monty, for ONE night, it's not too bad. At least it's not that 24/7 CHESS or POOL. Two hours of it should be plenty though.. then put the cards away! lol
I remember how inventive it was when Rachel made her own cards. Forget what she made them from tho.
And next week is the double eviction...this is too good!!! LOL.
However, this is what I am worried about. They all want to evict Amanda more than anything else. I'm all for that. Say she is evicted. McCrea is back with his guy friends, they get their little alliance back together and start targeting all the women. I don't know, maybe that isn't all that bad.
Yes Sharon, tea bags. :)))
Homemade cards just seemed more exciting I guess, LOL
Sharon..they used tea bags and nail polish
Andy has joined the ranks of annoying for me. At this point, I'm going out on a limb and rooting for my pool pick. Go Spencer!
I dislike the majority of them so I might as well root for my pick in the pool, or Judd - lol. UGH!
I think Andy is STILL riding the middle ground even yet. He does not want to take a firm stand anywhere. My My hope he does not get away without everyone knowing how he has played this game.
Hope McCrea goes this week. See how A manda will do ALONE in this game. It will drive her bonkers to know McCrea is in the house with all those other gals.
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