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Which one will win? |
Welcome to the BB18 season finale blog party! I'll be live blogging the events as the show airs here on the East Coast, so refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments ... please feel free to join us there!
But, first ... before we get started with the show, here are the remaining blog pool peeps -- and, yeah, I'm one of them!
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J
Yes! Let's set these house hamsters free!
For a change, let's start the show with a recap.
Finally to the cat/laser beam/endurance comp that started at the end of the last show. The winner of this first part goes on to the last part while the other two face off in the second part comp.
This part one comp is great! I love the cat theme and the mix of endurance tossed in!
Nicole almost loses it, swinging around on a rope and then falls. James fell right after. PAUL wins the Part One Comp!
Julie tells us that we'll be able to impact the BBOTT (fall online BB season premiering next week) before the houseguests even move in. Hmm.
Second Part HoH - "Snapshot" - Roller coaster in the yard, it sounds all discombobulated to me -- taking photos of previous hamsters, gathering the photos by clues, sending up on the roller coaster, taking photos. Yikes! Nicole goes first. She's nervous but at least knows all the clues.
Then it's James's turn. He's not as good with the clues, nor the photo taking. He did better with his second and third rounds.
James: 19:06
Nicole: 7:24
WOW! She won that by a landslide!
So it will be Nicole versus Paul in the third part.
Jury Roundtable with Will Kirby. Corey walks in. They talk James first. He gets kudos on his social game, not getting blood on his hands, under the radar. Day wants to see him take risks as does Victor and Corey. The consensus is that Paul is a very strategical player. Day says Paul the player is phenomenal but Paul the person is obnoxious. The words he said have people bitter against him. Michelle is very bitter about Nicole. She makes nasty comments when others say decent things about her. Oh, geez. Michelle cries because everybody is "picking on her" over her hatred of Nicole. Bridgette thinks women are bitter. Day gives her kudos.
DANGER ALERT! We can vote either Jason (BB17) or Jozea (BB18) into BBOTT. Everybody, PLEASE vote Jason. Thank you.
Aww, Pablo is in the audience.
Time for the third part of the final HoH comp. It's the Scales of Just Us once again. Paul and Nicole compete. Eight questions.
1. Both right
2. Both wrong
3. Both wrong
4. Paul gets a point
5. Both wrong
6. Paul gets another point leads 3 to 1
7. Nicole picks up a point
8. Both right.
PAUL WINS THE FINAL HOH COMP! Now we get tears from him. But they're not as annoying as Michelle tears.
It's time for Paul to evict either James or Nicole. He votes to evict JAMES because he kept stabbing him in the back.
Nicole and Paul are the final two (just as I hoped).
Jury interrogation time! Day wants Paul to stay in the house. James appears on stage with them. Three questions for each.
Natalie: Paul, very good player, some of the things said vulgar and across the line. Why should we vote for you? Love to have fun, always crazy.
Michelle: One move earn it? Had to convince Natalie to put up Paul and Victor.
Corey: Paul, great shot? Six times on the block.
Victor: Nicole, aligned with men riding coattails? I was the brains behind a lot of it, planted seeds.
Zakiyah: Paul, why deserve? Apologizes to vets, first timer, involved, always a target.
Paulie: Nicole, why deserve? Gave 100% 1000% of the time, gave it her all.
James: Paul, lost the second part of HoH, were you ever honoring the deal we made? Nicole relayed all back, you weren't as loyal.
The speeches:
Paul -- Easy target, worked ass off, won Veto when needed, teamed up with others at the right time, no help, no care package, won his way to the end. Most comp wins. Stayed true to self, nothing to hide. Friendship!
Nicole -- Crap, that was good. So happy to be here, watched since 8 years old. Called a snake. Convinced Paulie to be a pawn. Convince Natalie put up her people. Time to win comps, struck against Paul and Victor. Gave it all I got.
Voting time:
Da'Vonne first, Zakiyah (so far they all say they love them both), Bridgette, Paulie needed a speech gave to best game, Michelle, Natalie, Victor, Corey, James.
The pre-jury is introduced. Onto the vote tally.
James - Paul
Corey - Nicole
Victor - Paul
Natalie - Nicole
Michelle - Paul
Paulie - Nicole
Bridgette - Paul
Zakiyah - Nicole
Da'Vonne - Nicole
NICOLE wins BB18!
For the first time, a woman has won against a man in the final two.
Faves vote: Victor, Natalie and James top three.
VICTOR wins favorite houseguest!
And there you have it. BB18 done and over. I want to thank everybody for hanging with the blog this season and welcome the new folks who came aboard.
What? It's not over? Nope.
Over the next few days, I'll be posting BB18 interview links and things like that. Don't go away just yet! (Well, you can go for tonight. I've been posting a lot and a certain cat wants shoulder time.) Thank you all again!
1 – 200 of 368 Newer› Newest»Alright!!!! I'm ready!
Well I made final 2 last season with Liz but came in second. I don't have a hamster in the fight tonight so I'm rooting for Paul and Nicole. May the best one win.
Hot apple crisp with vanilla ice cream over at the bar. Pouring myself a Top Shelf Margarita on the rocks with lots of salt!!
Judi, good seeing you over at the Survivor pool. We tend to get a little more drunk on Survivor nights because we only party one night a week, lol
Hi Judi & Monty and all that follow!!
SueGee on the LeftCoast (heading for the apple crisp)
Still watching Survivor, but jumping in here for the scoop!
Mouse on the House! Switched pool partoes. Let's go Nochole. Win and take James.
I hate it that the first two parts of the HOH will take up the majority of the show. :((
I still have to wait another hour & a half before anything starts here LOL
Hi everyone! Long time no see! LOL
Hey SueGee, Sharon and Mouse
Me, too, Monty. Irritating.
LOL, hey Penny
This will just be getting over when Survivor starts here
Got my chicken nachos ready with fresh guacamole! Hi Monty and Sue...
I'm for Nicole or Paul!
Okay, who'd everyone vote for favorite player?
Helloooo Jackie!!! Everyone!!! and MMMMMOOOOONNNNNTTTTYYYYYY
Hey everyone! The fun continues.
Becky, for you, I brought my bread owl!!!
~*~*~**~ SPLASH ~*~**~*~*~*
Hey everyone. XOXOXOX
I voted my boyfriend, Victor, and heard he wins by a landslide, WOOO!
since we are switching pools, maybe I will go switch computers...brb
I have left overs from Survivor! LOL
I'm wondering how the girls vote? They're still so mad at Nicole. Very Jealous.
JJJOOOONNNNNN, ready to party?
Hey tbc
Tears lol I will never make it to work in am lol
The drinking word is Friendship! (or tears...) LOL None of these were even showmances, tho. Not like we've had in the past.
Penny, voting had to go majority to Vincent.. except David for Bridgette. lol
Hi Jackie and everyone!
#tearsinthejuryhouse lol
Oh Good Grief. Meech cryin at the jury roundtable. There's no crying at the roundtable!!
I voted for Victor... Over and over again!
JON! Missed you in the Survivor party. DO you not watch Survivor?
Hi Jackie and everyone!
WOW, I went to do the dinner dishes and make a side trip and there is already a crowd. Hey, everyone.
Oh, I've go my friendship t-shirt on lol
She is the WORST "superfan" and I use that term begrudgingly lol
Hi, Monty!
Loosing is your thing James so please dont even lol
Here kitty....kitty!!!
Hey Becky and Cheryl
hey Teebs (tbc), hey Glenn, Hey Cheryl and EVERYONE!
*thanks again, Ms Jackie & Vincent, for hosting*
I wonder if James did throw this one? I mean, it's hard to tell with him. He's cagey.
Sweet!! The window seat is a mini wall
Nic first one down
Hey Petsls!
I love this competition!!
Paul wins that easily
Aahhh go play in the litter box Paul
Julie looking lovely tonight
he is such a tool I mean, he should have never came back lol
oh no! OH NO!! I just realized, we have to see Jose' again. Ick.
I loved the competition too. They have had some good ones this season.
You mean the messiah Monty lol
They did have some great comps this season. Made it more enjoyable not seeing the same ones over, and over again. Even the repeats were good.
I was thinking that, too, Becky. Great challenges.
Oh good grief... that's right. We have to listen to Jozea tonight. @@
Don't worry Monty Julie I doubt will devote much time to the early exits lol, we will be lucky if we get a photo of Glenn lol
True, Jon :))
LOL Jon. Poor Glenn. I'll take Glenn all night, just not Jose. I hope he's learned a lesson about his own "fame", like - it never happened!
Thinking of seeing Jozea leads me to the bar. Can I get a Stella, Petals?
LOL.... I can appreciate that Monty! Refreshing drinking never hurts anyone! Hey Sue!
A lot of running with this one... WOW
awesome comps
I love this challenge. How cool.
Hello everyone. =)
Still watching survivor here. Who was the lucky camera guys that got to stay and film the storm. lol
James just finished this like two hours ago lol
This is another great competition!
yeah, Teebs! I love this new comp coordinator.
Ugh... Jozea!!!
I do not think James has any incentive to win because both have promised to take him.
Wow, there's a lot of running. Geesh.
(wonder if James knows what "bougi" means?)
It wasn't as close as they make it appear
doubtful Petals lol
LOL - Petals. A very old term
Bring on the JURY
At one point in the past coupla days, Paul stated that he's watched BB for more years than Michelle.
Was he just bloviating? Or was he a secret BB fan? I know he was a recruit, so..? WHo knows!
Personally, I think the two best should compete for the votes. However, she thinks she can beat James. I don't know. The girls do not like her, they could give it to James. It's all up to the women in the Jury.
I doubt ANY of them knows what it means
I don't think he's watched it as long as he said lately. I still think he was a complete newbie to the game with only one season to watch in sequester. If that isn't true, he's a damn good actor when he thinks nobody is watching.
Here we go
My boyfriend is so cute! ♥Vic♥
Get a ROOM, Paulie & Corey!
Love Dr Will
See, they do not like Nicole. SO, I do not think she can possibly win. Just jealousy on their part.
Testify lol
Corey, that is the pot calling the kettle black.
Women are catty bags, man. They will NEVER vote for another chick if there is a man next to them. Period.
The only women that have won BB have won over other chicks, never over a dude (right?) Yes!
Paul will take it for sure but couldn't stand him at all
Love Natalie's boots.
What do you call that? About Paul? Dick*tude? Assh*lism?
There's Paulie
Michelle, you are just so jealous of her. She beat you.
Meech will never vote for Nicole
Michelle hate Nicole, wow. And is so loud about it.
I'm surprised that Paulie has continued to shave his head in to that short-bus hairdo!
That was a big move taking out Michelle LOL NOTTTTTT
Michelle's hatred of Nicole is actually helping Nicole. Oh shut UP, Michelle!
Wah! boo hoo
@@ Give me another margarita. I can't stand Meech!
I will never forgive BB if they ever ever even think about bringing Michelle back in any way shape or form lol
I had hoped Victor would have shaved!!
Michelle, enough....
Michelle - most ridiculous houseguest EVER! Makes Whamber look emotionally stable.
Victor said that BB wouldn't "let him" shave :(
*'Rita coming at ya, Monty*
Oh Michelle..... STOP! Please!
CHEERS to that, Jon and Petals!! #neveragain
SPLASH Just tuning in and all I have to say so far is THAT'S what Nic decided to wear for the finale?!??
Jason Roy!!!
I hope Jason brought his suitcase cause he will be staying lol
Everybody go vote against Jozea right now
OMG the choice is sooooooooooooooo easy Jozea NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jason! NOT Jose!
Jon and Petals, I am nodding my little head in agreement with both of you.
I actually think I heard all of America groan on seeing him lol
Oh please I hope it is Jason. Thanks Jackie for putting up with them all summer for us yet another year. Seems like I have known you forever since I've been following you since the AOL days. :)
Good gawd, don't brink that Mesiah wannabe back!!
I actually feel confident in America voting on this one lol
OMG! A coupla days ago, Paul said that Jose would be on BBOTT! He KNEW! The leaked it! If Jose' gets in, I will KNOW this is rigged.
No way rigged or not will he win over Jason Petals lol
Jon, no! Paul said that Jose was gonna be on BBOTT, then the next day (to cover his slip), he started back-tracking. But he said IT!
How is that possible? No one likes JOse? How can he win over Jason?
Come on Paul!!!
I just sent all my votes to Jason, but sadly, I feel like this one is already decided. :( If Jose is on BBOTT, I won't watch.
totally voted Jason 20 times just now!!!
He is very funny to follow on snap chat.
Now I get why he hasn't posted the last few days!!
Oh my gosh this gonna do me in lol
come on nicole!!!!!!!!!
lol Jon! ( you don't like Jose, do you?)
Paul wins.
Geesh, were either of them in there with other people this season???
Sorry just jumping in. Did Paul win part 3?
LOL Monty
Still going on Ashes
she cant even give the correct answer in this lol
Thanks Monty
Paul will win it.
mmhmmm shock-not
Nic will miss this.
wow. *smh*
YES lol
He will take Nicole -- and he will win.
Anti-climatic! What's that 4 wins in a row?
Take James Paul and it's a SURE thing. Still think he will take Nicole.
No didn't want him to win!
am I the only one who is very disillusioned?
I tell you, seriously, if Jose' gets voted-in, I won't watch.
I missed the part about Jason and Jozea. What was said?
Paul will win regardless of who he takes. I'll give him points if he takes Nicole.
Really? Let's back up... Jozea may get into the BBOTT house? That is just not right!!
Paul has been a better player and deserves to have the choice.
James will make more money if he's america's favorite player.
I see Petals has the conspiracy theories going early for the next season!
Agree Ashes!! I just want it to be a FOR SURE, FOR SURE thing, lol. Nicole deserves to be there in the final 2. I knew he'd beat her in that part 3 but didn't think they'd both miss so many. :)))
Becky, if you have the feeds, you can go to CBS.com and vote for Jozea or Jason to be on the online BB. No vote if you don't subscribe.
OMGosh. Glad I won't be watching! Jackie, just in case my manners fail me, thank you so much for hanging in there with us. If were not for you, this blog and the people who come each time, I would NOT watch BB.
Oh, Zing'n on Petals early on. Hugs girl :)))
Don't understand what people see in Victor. This will be the first year in awhile I won't be happy with the favorite. I can't forget how he treated the women in the beginning.
I don't have the feeds. I am an early to bed, no hurry to get up kind of gal. I love retirement!
tbc, Jason got all twenty of my votes
Jackie, I had NO conspiracy theories for this season. But yeah, I heard that Jose gets in days ago, and NOW "we" get to vote? Yeah, I'm suspicious.
This is driving me crazy. I couldn't post until I resubmitted my google info. UGH
Anon, in the beginning, I think Victor the Jozea/Paul influence getting to him.
He developed some humility and courtesy after being voted out.
WOW! Bye James!
I'm proud of Paul.
Way to go out on a good note, James. LOVE JAMESY
I gave my 20 votes to Jason.
Whoa! No hug at all for Nicole. WOW
You have to admit that was funny though, Petals. Slide me another Rita
Geeminy, Nicole! That outfit? Dirty Daisy Duke? Ick.
And what does that numb chuck think HE did when making final two with both of them.
Dam I wanted James to go
*top shelf RITA coming at ya Monty*
I tried to vote. I couldn't find it!
Good, Monty!!
you accomplished the not winning
MONTY! I just saw that. LOL!
outlook not good lol
It won't let me vote since I'm not part of all access. Dang. Can't let Jozea win.
Slide me another one,please.
Pauls WINS easily now
Aww, James - trust me, baby: this is NOT a showmance.
Poor James.
tbc, you have to go to BBOTT and not BB18
she has two votes corey and james
Oh, that explains it, Nickelpeed!
I am not so sure that James will vote Nicole.
*sliding Becky another* :)
Anyone else?
Joe? Are you here, lurking?
I think Nicole will get Paulie, Corey, and James for sure. It's up to the girls after that. They'll vote for Paul, as will Victor.
All three of them made final two deals with the other. Paul isn't fooling James on that
Yup.... Would be shocked if Paul doesn't win and he was true to his word with Nicole. She will at least get some money....
Oh, I need another STELLLLAAAAA !!
Oh thanks, Monty!
I think James will vote for Paul!!
Petals, are you still bartending?
If so.... could I get another Maggie please?
I want Paul to win. I have stated this already.
Hope everyones drinks are good....
voting for BBOTT
I need another stiff Margarita
Yeah, slide me a Stella. Thanks!!
I just hope that there isn't any nastiness during the Q & A. I hope they keep it clean, positive & friendly. (notice I didn't say "friendship"?)
BTW, "Friendship" is the drinking word. LOL
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