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Conspiring |
Hmm. So far, I'm just not getting into this as much as the real seasons. I wasn't too thrilled that the HoH "comp" we actually saw play out live wasn't really a competition, per se. Perhaps because it's all still new to me, new ways of doing things, new rules. I dunno.
- Tonight is the night to vote for America's nominee. They still don't know that's coming.
- Shane and Monte are growing closer and closer.
- Not like a real bromance close.
- But, like a solid alliance close. If they work together and stay strong, they could be a final two.
- However, the others are noticing. The target will be on their backs before long.
- Monte's plan for nominations are Jason and Danielle, with the target being Jason.
- Supposedly, Danielle will be the pawn.
- But ... a lot of the girls don't care for Danielle.
- Hmm.
- We'll see how this goes down.
- They had their first Safety Ceremony last night. They all got these block pass necklaces that light up indicating they're safe.
- The ones who have safety as of last night are: Neeley, Whitney, Cornbread, Morgan and Shane (in that order).
- When Monte made someone safe, he'd touch the photo button of the person on the wall in his HoH room. Their image would light up green and their necklace would flash.
- Rather convoluted, methinks.
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A coonskin cap. Really? |
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He's jus' chillin' through life |
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Allergic to the sun or ... vampire? |
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BB didn't spring for new bowls |
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Hamster grooming rituals |
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Our boy is in trouble! |
Yep, Jason and Danielle are the nominees. I'm voting Cornbread for my nominee.
Do we do cornbread or Shane?
I voted for Cornbread. Thought about Shane too, but I think Cornbread isn't a comp threat, so voted for him. Want Jason to win the veto.
This whole thing can sort of backfire in a way. If the house gets a hint of who America doesn't like, it's a reason to keep them around til the end since we pick the winner. Hmmm
Thanks Jackie, Monty and Chacha! Wait until they find out America is involved!
Hmmm, I think it could also signal to Monte if Shane is nominated that America is not happy with his nominations and is throwing up Shane as his closest ally as punishment. Since they currently do not know this is going to happen, it could influence who future HOH's put up for nomination.
I voted to put Shane up. Since the last time I checked they still have use of the backyard, I don't think it will be a physical competition they need a big set for. The way the comps have been done so far, they will probably get a note saying they hid the Veto in the house somewhere and whoever finds it wins it. No set needed at all for it.
I understand where you are going Monty but agree with David that I think this will scare Monte. If these idiots don't take Shane out if he is on the block eviction day then they are stupid!
At about 8:05 pm last night Julie came on and informed them of the america's nomination. Monte and his posse did not look happy at all. lol Julie also said America can not vote the same person two weeks in a row and if the nomination gets themselves off the block through Veto, there will not be a replacement for them put up.
Not long after Julie made this announcement Cornbread drove the point home to a bunch of worried faces still sitting on the couches without meaning to. He basically said you can be all nice to everyone to their faces but if your being a Douche to them behind closed doors America can see that and punish you for it.
I'm glad Zakiyah, er, I mean Danielle is the other nom; it's no secret that I don't like her.
Monte's "aww shucks, Ma'am" had won me over - AT FIRST, but now he is driving me crazy! He's a little schemer with a huge attitude. Power trip much?
I can't get adjusted to this schedule. Was there a full episode last night? When is another?
Cornbread is americas nominee
wow. I am surprised America went with him. I thought he was likeable.?
I could tell from Twitter that the majority of people were going to place their votes for Cornbread. I still don't totally understand the rationale behind it, but he seemed to be the overwhelming majority. I was definitely going to vote for Danielle after hearing most of the girls don't really care for her (thinking that they may just go ahead and vote her out instead of Jason), but when she got nominated I had no clue who to vote for.
I also don't think production even knows the schedule yet lol. It's almost like this is an entire new show and even the people running it are figuring things out on the fly. Kinda frustrating but even more fascinating I think!
Get used to it Jackie. With the whole "no blocking the feeds thing" I think all the competitions will be like the Infection one....smaller, in-house games rather than full on elaborate competitions.
The houseguests keep talking about "mental comp" this and "physical comp" that and I just don't see that happening. They will be small little games.
And yep, the 2 ssfety ceremonies are rather silly. It makes no sense not to just have the hoh simply tell everyone who he wants safe instead of hiding them in the room and pushing the buttons, only to come down and explain themselves anyway.
I think all this is so diffrent because of the all access and no feeds. They can't simply have a ceremony because it requires too much direction for production. I think Production gets on the intercom and explains things and answers questions during the real elaborate comps and ceremonies, which they can't do. So they have to have these bright as necklaces and dramatic "ceremonies"
There is a storyline forming: Each week one person gets HOH, has to save everyone except 2 people, then america votes for the third and each will get a chance to play for veto. But the real fun will come next week when everyone starts getting clues about what america really thinks about them For instance Monte is almost gauranteed to go up next week at least by america at which point he will realize how much they love Jason, which could shake up the house.
Monte will also be a half not. Knowing that America gets to pick the winner AND is voting for Have not and third nom each week is bound to shake up the house. They will be playing for each others' graces and for America. Meaning if Jason survives this week (which I doubt if he doesn't win veto) he has a good chance at winning the game because no one's gonna want to go after him.
LOL ***HAVE not***
David, Jason was joking about the back yard being open too. He said it would be the dice comp only instead of getting in them, they'd just roll them on the table, LOL
Monte, Alex, Whitney and CB are all working together and they aren't hiding it.
Jason won the veto
Two dining room chairs, four magnet letters, 4 sunflowers, and nine fish
The comp last about 30 minutes.
The comp was called Veto Vault. They were locked outside and BB added things to the house. Players had to go in to find the clues and then go outside to the vault and guess the 4 digit code to unlock the vault. If they were wrong, they could go back in or just back in line to guess again. The winning code was 2449
Very Glad Jason won.
It was actually boring watching it live. I would imagine watching Regular BB veto comps are more fun...
Uh oh. Monte's in BIG trouble next week!!!!
JASON WON?!?!?!?!?!?
HA! Take THAT Monte & his Minions!
It was boring, Chacha but it was also nerve wracking for me, lol. I kept my fingers crossed for the buzzer when anyone else took a turn and the ding, ding, ding for Jason everytime he took a turn. :)))
I wonder who Monte will put up in his place. Probably Kryssie
Good for Jason. Now he can go on the rampage he was talking about last night. lol
He probably won't, but it would make good feeds. Depending on who Monte puts up as a replacement, I guess the token Old Guy might just go home first again. Maybe I should apply so I can get a free 2-3 week paid vacation as the token old guy. lol
Monte is definitely in big trouble with the viewers. He will definitely go on the block next week. I hope they don't pull the same rules for the Have Not's as the nominee vote, can't put up the same people 2 weeks in a row.
Oh David, that would be the only way America doesn't make Monte a Have Not every week, LOL. That or he wins HOH every other week :)))
I'm SO glad that the producers didn't let the HGs know how much viewers would be involved.
Wish that Shane had been nommed, not CB. Monte & the Minions seem to think we love them and CB was nommed because he'd be guaranteed safe. @@ Idgits.
Danielle is the Michelle of this season - she is ALWAYS eating.
If they believe that, they are idgits!!
So glad Jason won Veto!
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