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Enjoy the yard while you have it |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Societal Misfits:
- As expected, when the veto meeting went down, Paul saved Alex.
- Christmas put Kevin on the block with Jason.
- The plan remains that Jason will be voted out.
- Paul keeps telling Kevin not to worry.
- But Kevin is thinking it's likely he will go home.
- When Kevin mentioned Alex won't vote against Jason, everybody else will? -- Paul nodded and told him to stop asking questions.
- That also puts Kevin in a bit of a predicament. He seems to think with the family and new baby on the way, Jason needs the win more than he does.
- Paul is working on his plan of getting close to Raven to throw the others off the idea he might be working with Christmas.
- Josh too is trying to convince people he's not working with Christmas.
- Kevin and Jason have both agreed not to campaign against each other and just enjoy the time they have left together in the house.
- I was thinking ... as deathly ill as she is, isn't Raven taking chances on her life going without a doctor's visit all summer? It's a wonder she hasn't passed right in the house!
- At times, her make-up job looks like she might have.
- Raven talked most of the day. Apparently she doesn't have any laryngitis issues.
- Christmas and Josh spent some time studying dates while Alex, for some reason (perhaps boredom) pored through the BB Rules book.
- And on it goes.
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Josh talking about being alone in the game |
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Paul's blow-up doll sprang a leak |
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Christmas and Josh not working together |
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Lost in a BB daze |
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Poor pitiful Raven has lost her accent |
The best news of the day is that Paul's STUPID TOY is leaking! Why does he need props? Wait, I already know why...
I don't understand how the hamsters can't see that Paul is clearly working with Alex by taking her off the block. Obviously if Jason was the target than why change the nominations. Really? No one can see this glaringly obvious move? It's truly mind bloggling. Paul the Swami Svengali.
Paul is working with everybody. Equally loyal - to no one.
They all think he has a final two deal with themself, but this move states it's Alex and not "me". They are all going to blindly follow his plan. It's so odd.
Jackie, are there any new developments in Josh figuring out Paul? Is there another blindside coming?
I really hope it's not Kevin going home. We know Alex will not vote Jason, she'll vote Kevin. And, I have a feeling someone else will, too. Paul will use it as, "I have to keep her from thinking I'm not with her." So, that means Josh and Raven need to vote Jason, which will mean Christmas will have to break the tie. If not, Kevin will go. I'm really sad for Kevin.
I'm glad I'll be able to watch the double eviction Thursday night.
Jackie, I hope you are feeling better. Thank you for taking your time to blog for us. It's greatly appreciated.
The only positive if Kevin gets voted out is the fact that he will be out of this house of terror. At least the people in jury arn't as terrible as the ones left in the house are.
So Raven can't eat red meat (so she said about the steak they were cooking earlier in the season), but she can eat tacos with Matt everyday and eat a burger at the BBQ tonight. @@
Paul's filling Christmas' head with a line of bull. Says he got some personal information in there today and he's playing depressed about it. They didn't even tell Renny about hurricane Katrina in S10. I'm not buying it, but Christmas is.
I found this site that lists all of Raven's "illnesses" and mishaps. There are a ton!
You can agree or disagree with this article. Personally, I completely agree and I hope all BB fans give it a read. It's about as accurate as you can get, fair and well written.
Sorry, but I don't think Cody played a good game. True, he was bullied. But he too bullied others and had absolutely no social game in the house. He handled the initial HoH totally wrong as far as how to win friends and influence people. He isolated himself from the others much like Amanda and McCrae in their season. I didn't like them doing it; I didn't like Cody and Jessica doing it. I don't think the "article" was all that fair. It would be a travesty for Cody to win fan favorite -- he's just not. Obviously, the writer of the article wants Cody to win it, but that doesn't mean he's a favorite. It just means he's that writer's favorite.
To say anyone on this cast "played a game" let alone a good game is a big stretch. I think the Cody for AFP movement is a protest action against this horrible season by True Big Brother fans, if it were to play out. I could care less who wins AFP, none of them deserve to win anything. Paul has dropped major notches in the eyes of people who were fans from BB18 due to the way he has played the game. He could have done anything he wanted this season, without the need to bully, be condescending and downright mean.
Sadly, it appears ratings have been pretty good this season. I suppose the overall majority of viewers who only watch the edited shows is all that counts. That's too bad. This is a very cool game, but this mgmt team are obviously only interested in producing a TV show, and could care less about the game, the integrity of the game (Matt broke this camel's back), and us the few that really love this game.
I agree, Fred. This season's casting was the worst ever. As for AFP, it usually goes to the most likable or entertaining person in the cast, not a protest movement. I personally would go for either Kevin or Ramses because they are both likable. In my mind, Cody is not. I would hesitate to deem people "True Big Brother Fans" though -- the true fans are all over the map. I will say that those who only watch the show only get about 10% of what really goes on in the house.
Tbc I love the idea of Paul the Swami. That's a much better representation of his game play than "puppetmaster". He could never be as good as Derek. His success cannot be attributed entirely to his manipulation of the house guests , it's more due to their willingness to be manipulated.
I'm going to be sick (insert some fictitious illness) if Raven is sitting up there on finale night!!!
I think my vote for AFP will be Kevin, even though I can see some justification for Cody, but I think he needed a better social game.
Ceemurp, right, "puppet master" doesn't fit Paul. He'll tell us he is and future players will refer to him as, but we know he's a Swami.
*ceemurph (sorry)
I really like Kevin, but why is he so worried about being voted out, he has contributed absolutely nothing to this game. Giving him AFP is also a stretch for me, they ALL have been little lap dogs of Paul. Kevin should be very thankful for that $25K. Jason is getting his just deserve. These people will watch how they were manipulated by Paul and laugh and say how good he was instead of how stupid they were. So Paul will get all the Jury votes execept Cody's Cody did not play a good social game but at least he wasn't one of Paul 's stool pigeons.
The Cody cheerleader's article was seriously flawed. "Heroic battle back victories"? Gimme a break! He was up against weak players to begin with. He only beat Paul because he had already played the hand-eye comp and Paul had to come in ice cold. Sorry but Production's thumb was heavily on the scale to let him back.in.
Nickel,I believe the plan is for the vote to be a tie. Xmas will vote out Jason as payback for Jason trying to get her out of the house earlier.
Watching the last HOH when Christmas won ( if you want to call it a win ?) reminds me of watching a Charlie Manson performance leading his followers........ So pathetic! Yep! Paul reminds me of a Charlie Manson leader of the pack! Makes me sick to my stomach ..............
I hope Paul's toy deflating is an omen of things to come for Paul's game.... we can hope!
I agree... Cody was the only one onto Paul from day one! He and Jessica couldn't be manipulated. He wasn't in aww of Paul. His eyes were wide open. He unwisely thought others would see it too and moved to fast to evict Paul. Then with Paul getting three weeks free ride, that collapsed all hope. Too many hamsters star struck with Paul.
Yup... that is exactly who came to mind for me too Anonymous!
Evel Dick was interviewed about the mob mentality bullying this season, led & orchestrated by Paul: http://bigbrothernetwork.com/big-brother-19-eveldick-weighs-in-mob-mentality/
Cody has been my #1 since day 1, and my AFP vote will reflect that. May be futile, but at least I'll know I did what I could to stop the miscarriage that is this season. Even if the Cody campaign is protestation, I don't care; the Paullowers need to know how much they've turned-off the audience this season.
Monty - I totally agree that Paul didn't get any kind of "bad news" from home. He is working the crowd, mostly Josh. He will pull on Josh's swollen heart strings and that will get him (Josh) to back-off questioning Paul's motives (which Josh has been doing lately).
I still have to go with Kevin. He's been my AFP from the start with his stories and how well he got along with everyone in the beginning. Not his fault this season went down the hatch.
I'm with you Petals... Cody may have not had the best "social" game.... but, his eyes were wide open and NOT star struck as to Paul... Not one of Paul's sheep AND he has a little girl that he dearly loves. Kevin at least got $25,000 and according to him their cell phone bill for his household alone is over $700 a month. Kevin's house must be doing pretty good financially speaking to afford that many cell phones!
Cody - AFP!
They should have timed how long Cody took to win and Paul should have had the same amount of time to practice. I thought that was totally unfair.
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