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At least he can still smile a bit |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Catastrophic Casting:
- The Have Nots have ended. Thankfully Kevin won't get yet another week of it for throwing the HoH comp first.
- A friend of mine, a fan of BB in the early years, tuned into the show for a few minutes last night. She couldn't believe how stupid this cast is. As she says, "I try to never show my stupid in public and they're on national television showing their stupid."
- Raven told of more (fake) illnesses she has. She told Paul that she is hypothyroid -- but gives him the facts about hyperthyroid.
- Later on in the day, Alex listened to Raven go on ad nauseam about both her mother's and her own health woes.
- I have to give Alex some credit there. I would have burst into a case of the giggles.
- Oh. Raven's mother also has epilepsy. Raven has had to work since the age of 14 to support her because disability doesn't cover the bills.
- Well, disability when you've hardly or never worked doesn't pay much. I'm beginning to doubt that her mother ever had a real job at all or for very long if she did.
- But how can poor deathly ill Raven work so much to pay all those bills?
- It's a mystery.
- Oh. There are always Go Fund Me sites!
- Ha.
- Oh. And Raven apparently had to doctor shop to find one who would say she had the gastro-whatever.
- Gee, I wonder why?
- Raven's grandmother had to have surgery just when she was leaving to go into the BB house. A "full knee replacement." Um, that could very well be true. Many many folks have that done. I have two of those.
- Oh my. Raven also has acid reflux. The horrors just never end.
- Josh is upset because the latest plan, still to vote out Jason, is to save Alex with the veto. Kevin would be put up in her place but not voted out.
- Paul thinks that will gain Alex's trust and she won't try to win HoH -- she'd be willing to throw it to Paul.
- Josh thinks that the plan gives Paul more favor than them. Of course, he's the ONLY one thinking Paul needs to go. That almost redeems his circus music and pots and pans from the early weeks.
- Well, not quite. But ...!
- Josh stated his thoughts to Christmas, but she remains Paul-blinded.
- They don't seem to be thinking about double eviction ... except for Josh. He thinks it's coming this week.
- Josh even tried to tell Paul that the plan would expose himself (Josh) and Christmas.
- Christmas, Paul and Josh had a heated conversation about Josh's thoughts. The two dismiss Josh as "freaking out" and they know what they're doing.
- Josh even pulled his "superfan" card about double eviction coming this week and they pooh-poohed him.
- A bit later Josh alone talked to the camera. Hey, bud ... we all agree with you. The plan will only aid Paul -- he gets "no blood on his hands" and you and Christmas do. We see it. We've seen it since Day One and y'all let it get to this point.
- Josh is amazed that he's the only one who sees through Paul.
- So are we.
- Paul snapped at Josh telling him to never question his loyalty again.
- Oh my. Keep questioning it Josh, win something and put up Paul. The show fans will rejoice. You will go from zero to hero. Just do it!
- In other news, Christmas and Paul think that Raven is a mean girl and wonder if they should confront her about her behavior.
- I think all of the women in the house this season fit the mean girl description. If Paul weren't a guy, he'd be a mean girl in so many ways. Oh, not to your face, but ...
- Paul and Christmas stayed up until the wee hours. They still want the save Alex, put Kevin up with Jason, vote out Jason, Paul befriend Alex plan.
- Paul will now attach himself more to Raven because Josh might have hinted to her that Christmas/Paul are working together.
- Is this all going to end soon?
- Please?
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Paul and Christmas into Monday dawn |
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Is he the only one with smarts? |
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Yeah, put the nasty feet by your drink |
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Will his fate be sealed today? |
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Close the refrigerator doors! Sheesh! |
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Suffering through Raven disease tales |
Jackie,Your friend must be channeling me. I watched last night's episode later and all through out it I kept saying to myself "I'm watching a masters course in stupidity".
As I mentioned earlier today in the previous thread Raven has completely lost her over the top southern drawl ever since Matt left the house. Disappearing voice syndrome disorder?
I'm surprised Raven and her mother aren't paid big bucks to be studied by some science institute. I mean they are both medical marvels. I'm curious though how she knows all this medical knowledge. I suspect a little munchausen syndrome going on with both her and her mother.
I so wish Josh would just win the HOH and evict Paul. How fantastic would that be? It's sad that he sees what is going on, but since he is alone in his thinking there really isn't much he can do about it.
Anon - I agree with the Munchausen's theory; it's been mentioned a few times this season, about Craven & her mom. We may never know, b/c I suspect when the season is over, we won't be hearing from them ever again.
How weird is it that Josh is the ONE person who knows exactly what is going on? *smh*
Anyone heard of ol Charlie Manson, Paul got these people so brainwashed if he said to kill one of them I honestly think they might consider it...jeez
Josh & Paul have a planned a "fight", LOL. Paul told Josh to call him "short", bwhahaha..
Wonder when we'll get to see it?
:::sigh::: this season is.... just fill in the blank. :::sigh:::
Hilarious Craven parody: https://twitter.com/igif_/status/904518681912197121
Jody had it figured out weeks ago...but no one wanted to listen. Screw 'em all.
Anom.... Exactly! I brought up the Charlie Manson thought process in a previous posting! I never really understood how Manson got so many to blindly follow his wishes... but, he also used drugs to mold their minds! These people can't even blame their stupidity on any drugs!
Josh should start talking with Kevin... He knows Kevin has raised suspicions because Jason has (of course) brought it to their attention! I had to stop watching last nights show! Just so stupid and boring.
Very proud of Josh. He and Kevin need to get together. I pray Jason stays. I enjoyed watching Jason and Kevin having fun. Seeing them laugh was worth watching. Just to hear "Paul you have been evicted from the house".
Jackie, NC... now THAT would be GREAT TV!
Alex has been taken off the block and Kevin is the replacement. Plan is to still evict Jason. Paul has told Kevin to act a little nervous but won't give him details. Tells him to stop asking questions.
Of all the HGs, I can't believe Josh was the only one to figure this out. Kevin had doubts, but Josh I think really gets it. It would be interesting if Josh got HOH and put Paul up. Wonder what the HGs would think if his speech? Oh, I forgot. They have no brains so they can't wonder or think.
Josh gets ZERO credit for figuring it out. Jesus! Cody and Jessica were all but yelling this over the echo of the pots and pans weeks ago. The fact that it just NOW has reached Josh's brain hardly makes him a genius. It just means he has the slowest neuron speed since the dinosaurs.
And if Josh really wants to start exercising his recently activated neurons, he might look in the mirror and realize that HE HAS BEEN A PAWN OF PAUL & CHRISTMAS. Has it dawned on him yet that when Josh isn't fetching Paul's water (literally), he's fetching Christmas's (figuratively)?
There's only 3 people that have played this game at all. [4 if you count Jody's awkward attempts.] Paul, Alex and Christmas. But Paul has been the head with Alex and Christmas the hands. That Christmas ends up closes to Paul's heart is a lucky accident for her. If Alex were HOH this week, it might well be Christmas and Josh up there.
Just give Paul the money and let's play Survivor.
No, no, no, NO!
Paul may have been playing the game ....
But his game has been too shady/unkind/evil to reward.
Give the money to anyone else..please!
Paul's gameplay reminds me of Russell Hantz the first season he was on Survivor. He's played the best game, but I think the way he has went about it might rub some of them the wrong way, if he is in the final 2.
Also, as much as I can't stand Alex would love to see her get the next HOH and get rid of Christmas or Paul. I just want this all to blow up in their face this week.
I can see Paul telling Alex that he will be her ride and die just as Paul has Raven thinking that about her. Paul in a DR said that when the pairs got broken up he would move from final three in their thinking to final 2.
Every time they run the ads for medication and they list off all the possible side effects, only Raven whips out her check list of had, not had, soon to have it, ohhh want it, lol I'm not saying she is not sick (mentally, cough.. cough), but if this girl was that sick how can she be in the BB house let alone not in an iron lung. Hope everyone had a great weekend and all is well :)
Thank you, Joe! Yes, Jody had Paul figured-out from Day ONE, but everyone was so blinded by their "bullying" (by the way, can we all have a good laugh about that one?) that they ignored what they were saying.
Side note: Josh was my pool pick. I think this is as far as ANY of my pool picks have ever gone. Weird.
Mon 5:32 PM BBT Paul talking about loving dogs specifically English Bulldogs
Cue the sad trombone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMzpJ8geRdo
Mon 5:32 PM BBT Raven brings up having to put down her dog of 17 years in response to Paul's dog story.
I'm just now catching up on last night's ep. What the actual heck is happening in that house?! They all threw it and then Alex asked to be a pawn. I. Can't. Even.
I mean, we knew it, but we hadn't SEEN it with our own unbelieving eyes. Speechless. I can go catch up on the comments now and see how speechless you all were watching it yesterday lol
XXXMas said she was on food stamps? How is that possible? Seriously - how does a single female 1) need food stamps, and 2) QUALIFY for them?
I ask because between our surgeries & time off work, Gary & sure could have used assistance, but of course did not qualify! (never rally looked in to it, honestly, because I was sure there is no way we'd qualify).
Does anyone know if there are states that allow single healthy people with no children to be on Welfare?
Petals, food stamps are issued based purely on (income x number) of people in the house, along with medicaid. I recently helped an old girlfriend go though the whole process on the way to getting disability, which she was approved for about 2 months ago. (degenerative mental condition)
Getting actual welfare (cash) for a single person is a little more difficult but it was not that hard. Just took a bit more time. The food stamps and medicaid was almost immediate and just took dragging her to the HHS office and helping fill out the paperwork.
I never thought this was something I would know about, but it was actually waaaaaay too easy and anyone with questionable moral ethics about their actual income could scam the system very easy. It actually confirmed my worst thoughts about how the system really operates.
I just read this again, and you know what's really expensive? Dance lessons. I don't know how Raven could have afforded them, found the time to do them since she had to work to support her mom, and graduated high school. She didn't have time to be sick.
April,The way Raven dances she may be self-taught or maybe took a course at a community college. Center stage at the Met material she's not.
It's actually a smart idea to replace alex with kevin. That way Paul and Christmas can continue their fake beef and paul can befriend Alex and weaponize her against raven and kevin. Of course this also leaves josh out to dry. Unless paulmas plan to protect josh.
Now I know how Trump got elected. Too many idiots in this world.
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