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What have they done to Tyler?!?!? |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of False Foxes:
- The same three names keep going around in nominations discussions -- Fessy, Haleigh and Sam.
- The suspense builds.
- We had a false alarm with the feeds gone reruns earlier.
- BB ended up giving them a new smaller table. They were on lockdown in the HoH room for that, but we had no clue.
- JC's new comedy pairing is with Brett.
- Tyler and Angela thinks that's a good idea because they think Brett feels left out a lot.
- He is the person they consider the most expendable in the Level 6/4.
- They might even include Not Really A Member JC more towards the end than Brett.
- Kaycee would make it because I think both Tyler and Angela think they could win in a final two with her.
- Oh, wait. Where are Fessy and Haleigh?
- Oh? Gone by then?
- They are worried about a jury buy back and a double eviction.
- Life is rough in the hamster house.
- The Level 6/4 group is still laughing at how Fessy handled his HoH.
- Angela told Tyler all Fessy did was hide up in the HoH room and then get his ally Scottie out.
- She said that as she and Tyler holed up snuggling in the HoH room.
- When Kaycee came to the door, Angela jumped. But Tyler said he thinks Kaycee knows.
- Angela and Tyler both think they don't owe anything to either Fessy or Haleigh.
- JC keeps pushing for both of them to be on the block -- then it's guaranteed that one will go home.
- He even said he'd vote to evict Fessy if Fessy was the one. Hmm.
- Yet JC is getting really antsy about Tyler's loyalty to him.
- Haleigh has been warned she might go up as a pawn with Sam; Sam being the target.
- If both Fessy and Haleigh go on the block together, Angela figures she has good reasons to say for the nominations.
- Now I'm just doing one of those waiting games to watch for when the feeds come back -- they're doing nominations as I write this up.
- Or, maybe BB is giving them a smaller couch.
- I really don't know.
- Hopefully soon.
- I want to get this posted.
- Oh ... I forgot to mention that Sam told a slew of stories of her life today.
- That was new and different.
- Not.
- While I'm waiting for the feeds to come back, I'm going to grouch a bit. A. I wish they'd go back to food comps to earn foods for the week They used to show them on the live feeds. B. The feeds are too dark this year. I have to edit the screen caps so they don't all look like serial killers hiding in dark places. C. The volume on almost all is way too low -- however JC and Brett (and before this week, Scottie) often come through as shouting. D. This cast sings too much (which shuts down the feeds due to royalties issues) and is annoying. Yeah, JC and Sam -- I'm talking to you!
- Feeds still down.
- Maybe there was a brouhaha and we missed it!
- Finally ... 9:02pm ET and the feeds are back.
- Just have to figure out who's on the block now ...
- My gosh, it's Haleigh and Fessy!
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They got the smaller table today |
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Trying to look like the photo |
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JC's new best buddy for comedy |
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Stop it. Just stop it. |
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I'm sure Kaycee knows, Angela |
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Noms are on the wall - Haleigh and Fessy |
That was a good move for Angela and level 6. I think it would be better to get Haliegh out before Fessy. Scottie if he wins the battleback would go after Fessy. Scottie would try to work with Haliegh.
Ok, that top screen cap of Tyler looks like Michael O’Keefe when he was in “Caddyshack”. I prefer the William Katt comparison....
Fessy is such a moron. He was going on and on today about how good his HOH was last week. Bwhahahahah!!
tbc - That's not Tyler in the top screen cap. It's Frank Eudy from BB14 and BB18 -- his season was among the reruns during the feeds block.
WOW, it got me that the top screen cap wasn't Tyler.
Tyler is normally so cheerful, that 'splains why he looks a bit glum! :D
How much more boring can this get? It's like which one of the chickens are we going to have for dinner this week. Scotty goes with barely a whimper and now these two morons are up. What has to go down as one of the most idiotic statements ever came about an hour ago via the nitwit comedy team of Fessel & Hayleigh.
Fri 6:49 PM PT: Faysal asks do we have to hang out with other people now? Haleigh says yes one of us needs votes to stay. @@
I think BB needs to speed things up a little. Not quite as fast as the BB Celebrity went, but a little more bang bang. Too slow and too predictable. JMHO
SueGee aka Squeegee
I think we've gotten a little spoiled from all the non-stop action this year. These slower weeks are usually how most whole seasons go. It will pick back up when they have to start eating their own.
Jackie, you had me so fooled. I thought it was so strange! Lol thank you for clarifying!!
Oh, don't get bored folks. This will likely be a boring week, but things are going to change and starting full speed soon. Has to with L6 having to battle each other with a little Sam and JC on the side. :)))
Tyler has so many deals. It's going to be interesting to see how this all falls out and whether L6/4 can remember that it's a game (not personal) and stay friendly.
Worked their magic for getting ONE of the last two FOUTTE out... now will be getting one back since that's all there is in Jury. LOL
Just when I think Fessy can’t get any more dense, He proves me wrong!
Yayay!! Wait until they find out whomever leaves will get the chance to return.
Ayiyi. Haleigh and Fessy. You two trust the wrong peeps. Both of their HOH tanked
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