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Will she be someone's Victoria? |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Drama Llamas:
- At least it now has dawned on Fessy how much he sucks at the game.
- He thinks everyone (at home) is laughing at him because he's been so dumb.
- But, to his credit, he's even laughing at himself (and his alliance) now.
- That is making Haleigh even more miserable.
- After all, they're now on the block together.
- Every time Fessy laughed at himself or the way they've played the game, Haleigh would complain that it's not funny.
- Oh, but it is!
- Of course, no one thinks they're a couple (wink, wink), so the only reason they're on the block together is because they're the last two from their side ... after getting rid of their own third person this past week.
- Haleigh thinks that, of the two, she has no real chance of winning the game and Fessy should be the one who remains.
- Fessy is willing to give it all up for her to have the chance.
- Perhaps because he's been so active in sports, he's definitely treating things more like a game to be won or lost, then move on.
- In the Level 6/4 land, Brett told Angela, Tyler and Kaycee his big job lie.
- None seemed all that shocked or impressed that he actually works in cybersecurity.
- I personally still don't understand the need he felt to lie about it.
- I think they just might feel the same way.
- Level 6/4 did a lot of days studying.
- They talked about comps they expect.
- Haleigh wants the chicken wire/egg comp because her fingers are small. Fessy thinks he would do horrible at that one.
- Veto is later today.
- Angela would prefer no changes in nominations. If someone gets saved, she will have a dilemma with renom. Whomever is put up at that point wouldn't be the target at all -- they want it to be either Haleigh or Fessy going.
- We know that whichever one stays, their force will be up to two still after Thursday due to the jury battle back. All jury members are from "that side."
- But, if Fessy remains and Scottie comes back, he just might gun for Fessy.
- Level 6/4 talked about how impressed they are with JC -- how smart he is, how he's taught himself English within six months and still asks about different words to learn more.
- Brett says he's never met a gay guy like JC who's just himself, no way stereotypical, etc. Kaycee mentioned a lot of gay people are like that. Brett said he's probably known some, but they've never said they were gay.
- Angela has to decide Have Nots today. Tyler, Sam and JC will be eating well at midnight and a new three will take their places.
- Before nominations, Angela was saying she was going make Fessy, Haleigh and Brett the Have Nots.
- It would be such a shame that Haleigh and Fessy are both on the block AND Have Nots!
- Heh.
- JC tried to reassert himself in the standing with Tyler, telling him that Angela and Kaycee have a final two deal and beware.
- JC also tried to reassert himself with new best friend Brett, telling him that Brett is lowest on the Angela, Tyler and Kaycee totem pole and that Brett should not discuss game with Angela.
- JC is the only hamster who's never been on the block.
- Will he end up there if Angela makes him a renom after veto?
- And ... what has Sam been up to?
- Well, her first try of the nicotine patch resulted in sleeplessness and a vivd nightmare, so she will sleep without them.
- She cleaned the whole house hoping to tire herself so she could sleep well before today's veto.
- She didn't curb-stomp anyone, but did make a weird comment to herself (and us) about if they thought she was crazy before, they haven't seen anything yet.
- Oh my!
- Tyler and Sam talked. She told him that she gave Haleigh tokens during the HoH comp so she wouldn't go on the block if Haleigh won. Tyler told her that she was never a thought to go on the block this week -- that was all Fessy and Haleigh talking.
- Will today's veto comp throw an iron in the works?
- In the long run, no.
- It seems they would prefer Haleigh out more than Fessy, but they'll take out who they can.
- On a reality television note, it was 18 years ago this past week that America watched Richard Hatch win the first season of Survivor. Many fans of both Survivor and BB aren't even that old!
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Excitement as Brett tells his real job |
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Reassuring Sam ... again and again. |
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It's just a game. No! It's not! |
Said this a few weeks ago and looks like it could stand repeating...
Not only would it be funny if Sam's "Crazy" is just a really good act, but absolutely hysterical if she's managed to fool everyone, including us!
If it's all an act, put that young lady up for an Academy Award!!
Sam's pattern of getting close to the eventual evicted probably won't work this week. I don't think Fessy or Haleigh would want much to do with her this week.
That seems to be a pattern with people when trying to quit smoking, either a lot of energy so they do things to help keep their mind off it, or a lot of eating for the same reason. I am glad she is going for the keep moving and doing stuff option.
It only took 60+ days for Fessy and Haleigh to realize they suck at the game. LOL If they had bothered to associate with people outside their alliance to begin with, they might have been able to figure it out. Depending on one "spy" JC to tell them what is going on and assuming he is telling them the truth, is not the way to know what is really going on and setting yourself up to be played.
Since we didn't get to see much of the 'real' Sam the first week as she was a robot, and then everyone seemed to feel sorry and like her - makes you wonder which personality is true.
And yes, I remember watching Richard Hatch win Survivor. I guess that makes me OLD!
When Jackie posted something Sam wrote or said before coming into the house regarding how she would play the game....I say this is all an act. When you really see what she is doing and whom she is doing it too...it makes sense. I guess..good for her...but she still bugs!!
I remember Richard Hatch winning the first Survivor, too. And I AM old. But I am glad to be here still and enjoying Jackie's and her wonderful/funny followers. OK, I admit it, Petals is my favorite and I had to laugh at her watching the feeds at work!
Auntie Leigh - I'm with you! I vividly remember myself, my then-husband and everyone we knew were all WAY in to Survivor. At the time, it was the only show of it's kind. Reality TV, back then, was mainly MTV with Real World (which I still love, but it's much less real).
We "oldies" need to stick together, hehehee
Aww you are TOOO sweet, but you made my day. TY. I needed it today
Veto picks were JC, Sam and Kaycee (Haleigh had HG choice and picked Sam @@)
By now, you'd think Haleigh would know better than to listen to ANYTHING Fessy says. @@
He has not been right about... anything.
Hopefully, Veto is something L6 can win, or at least require smaller hands or a more active mind than his.
It's JC, Kaycee and Sam playing in the veto. Hmmm.
I know Sharon, but to give Haleigh some credit, no matter who she picked wouldn't use it on her anyways.
You never know with Sam... she's more than a tad squirrely. :)))
I want Hayleigh voted out this week. I think she’s way more dangerous than Fessy because she actually “thinks”. As for the Battle Back, I want Scottie to come back in, take out Fessy and Sam, then be voted out again.
I remember the first season of Real World with Rachel Campos and first season of Survivor and Big Brother. I loved Jackies chatroom from the AOl days.
JC is trying to get Tyler and Brett to go against each other. He wants to breakup Tyler and Angela. JC keeps trying to get Brett to flirt with Angela. He sent Brett to the HOH last night. JC needs to go soon.
The HGs had to grab snacks before the comp, and as long as it's taking, I'm thinking it's that individually-played cartoon thing.
I think it's probably the comic book covers too. 6.5 hours now
rumor is that Fez won. How is that possible???
Also, check my FB to see a fan's idea of Ty's comic.
Feeds are still down, Petals. None of us know who won the veto. I've been on veto watch going on 7 hours now.
BB Comics with Fez, JC, and Sam? We might be here all night waiting for the results.
the Twitter rumor mill is running overtime. I won't believe anything until I see it.
OH! And another rumor is that Paul was the person in the hoodie for the Hacker video.
I can see this being real. But who knows?
I watched "Off the Block" with Ross and Marissa yesterday. I wanted to watch the interview with Scottie, but they sometimes have a guest prior to talking with the evicted. This time, it was Paul and he stated he was the Hacker's video/voice.
If Fessy does win the Veto, unless he pulls a Marcellas, it guarantees it will be Haleigh playing the Jury to reenter the house. If it requires some 'talent' to win, I can easily see Scottie or Rockstar winning. But if it's a crap-shoot (and it usually is), it will be a surprise!
This POV watch is over 8 hours now, lol
Petals, Paul was on Off the Block with Ross and Marissa and his voice was the hacker voice. Now, whether that was him in the two weeks or just a stunt for Off the Block is another thing.
wow - a rumor that could be true? Coooool.
Yes, Sharon - I totally believe that Hay could convince Fez to save her if he wins veto. She will tell him it'd be "legendary". LOL
KC won?
Feeds are still blocked. BBAD is on Tyler and Brett in the HOH (the only two not playing in veto).
Still no winner, Petals! In the grand scheme of it, does it really even matter? I'm surprised that I'm staying up this late just to see who wins it. This is a week that will be null and void with the Battle Back, so I may just go to bed and skip this reveal. UGH
Petals, I heard Tyler and Brett say that Kaycee won veto when they were practicing days and events at the beginning of BBAD. I don't know if that was true or just wishful thinking.... Then they heard JC shouting a little later and said something about him "getting six." ... It seems like they know the results already. In all of these discussions in the HOH now, Tyler and Brett don't seem concerned about Fessy or Haileigh not being on the block. ... I wonder if production is having the veto players re-tape parts of the competition.
Kacee won POV!
Kaycee won the VETO!!!
Yes, she did. I have a post up.
Sharon N...anyone who can 'act' crazy for 60+ days...IS crazy. Glenn Allen...I thought I was the only 'adult' watching MTV during that first and amazing season of Real World. Did any of you even have a computer back then? That was back before Pedro or any of us knew that AIDS was a virus called HIV. I think, anyway. one more thing, "pull a Marcellas", yes that would be the perfect ending for Fessy's reign as "most blunders in one season".
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