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They all still love him. |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother house of Kool Kats:
- But first ... I hope you're all enjoying a fine Labor Day weekend ... despite any weather woes.
- Yesterday and last night were pretty much without any real suspense.
- Neither Scottie nor Haleigh expect that Kaycee will use her veto to save either of them at the veto ceremony (later today).
- Haleigh continued her strategy from last week -- mix and mingle and be friendly to everyone.
- Well, not Sam. She's not friendly with her still.
- Scottie is also trying hard to fit in. Perhaps a bit too hard.
- I'm beginning to remember how annoying he can be, even when he doesn't mean to be.
- They got the yard -- something they always enjoy.
- They got the yard -- something which often makes the live feeds boring.
- Why? Because they lay about in the sun, exercise and run.
- Sam remains confused about how to actually play the game. She had a talk with Brett telling him she didn't quite understand how to "work together" with someone.
- @@
- She also had a talk with Scottie and Angela saying she wasn't trying to complain as much as she had been doing.
- Hmm.
- Weird.
- But that's Sam for you.
- Kaycee reaffirmed with Tyler that she's his final two deal. He told her it's the only one.
- Hmm. Love ya, Tyler. But all these deals might bite you in the butt down the road.
- Tyler decided the Have Nots will be the first three to drop in the HoH comp -- JC, Sam and Scottie.
- JC is angry about being a Have Not again.
- What else is new?
- Haleigh got into a crying jag about her predicament.
- Who cheered her up and got her to laugh?
- Scottie.
- He proposed all kinds of creative ways for her to campaign against him.
- It's looking like Scottie will go this week now.
- But it's a long time until Thursday.
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Sam's back to trusting only Tyler |
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Will win ... Most Obsessed Nailbiter |
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Pushing his Scottie Out agenda |
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Was she throwing comps until recently? |
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Will he ever win another comp? |
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Trying hard to fit back in ... too hard? |
So Hayleigh's butt kissing is actually working!?!
Anon, It’s not working. They just have bigger fish to fry with Scottie. He’s better at comps, not afraid to make big moves, and they can’t trust him. Haliegh is way easier to control and wants Sam’s head on a platter. Right now, she’s better for their game than Scottie.
in other news...Tyler kissed Angela. *dangit*
this whole Sam doesn't know how to play is just an act by her.
She knows that playing stupid may work. She also knows that as long as
Haleigh is in the house she has some protection.
I really want a Kaycee/Brett win this Thursday. I am sure it will be
Sam/Haleigh on the block with a backdoor of JC if needed.
JC read the havenot card to see if the producers really made it first 3 that had fallen in the HOH competition. He thinks that the producers did it to get back at him and to allow angela to be able to showmance with Tyler and get drunk.
I am personally cheering for a full blown Tangela romance. I'm not a fan of fake showmances. But I don't mind a real honest to goodness romance. They are sweet together.
I agree 100% about Sam. She's more savvy than anyone might think. Brett is one of the HGs that has caught on to her voting-act... kissing up to the one being evicted and vote out the one staying. She doesn't know what "working together" means? Really? Nope. Nbody is THAT dumb.
Although it's nice to see what looks like a real romance blooming, they aren't being careful of the other HG's perception. But unless something happens to make them suddenly turn on Tyler, the target will remain on Angela. Maybe that's why he's not concerned? :)
Tyler Knows that he and Angela are called Tangela. He knows from a Twitter question he was given because the question was asked by someone with Tangela in the screen name. Angela thinks it should be more equal like Tyegela. They were trying out different names and decided they like what the viewers did in calling it Tangela. They can't wait til the houseguests signon after the season to Tangela link.
I think what Sam was trying to get across with her "what does working together mean" is that even though she's working with someone, that doesn't mean she will vote the same way (ala her buddying up to, and not voting out the leaving houseguest). She wants it known that to "her", it just means she will not put you up. That way she can feel ok voting her own way. That was my interpretation anyway.
Joe - I think Ty deserves more. I don't see it lasting beyond 30 days out.
I think Sam knows exactly what she is doing in every way shape and form. She is not dumb like she acts. She needs to go. JC needs to go. TYLER FOR THE WIN!!
Petals....maybe no girl could be good enough for our precious little pet? I was like that about all my little brother's girlfriends...js
Petals, 30 days is about 15 days longer than your average Bachelor contestant. LOL.
But no one believed in Brandon/Rachel and they are still married with children.
No one believed in Jessica and Cody and they are engaged and still together.
And, if you ask me, Angela and Tyler approached this in a much more adult manner. They weren't all hot and heavy out of the gate. I think they built a friendship/partnership.
I'm a Tangela fan.
I'm a Tangela fan too. I've been an Angela fan since early on when everyone was calling her a piece of furniture in the house. I watched and noticed how she worked behind the scenes on the feeds. She's quiet and figures things out in her head, like how she figured out that Rachel had moved over to the FOUTTE side. #whatswrongwithangela :))
I am a Tangela fan as well. I think Tyler and Angela are good for each other. Tyler told Angela he was scared to talk to her for 30 plus days. Angela told Tyler on day 37 that she told in her HOH question she had a crush on Tyler. Tyler said when Angela becomes a Model on Sports Illustrated he will probably be scared to talk to her again. Angela said don't you dare.
Vegas said the producers met about Tyler's feet coming off the disc during the HOH competition. Vegas said the producers considered several options but decided to let Tyler keep his HOH.
Hahaha..Production considered several other options. Their fair haired boy gets caught cheating
and they do nothing?? The show gets phonier every year. No wonder they're losing viewers like a sinking ship.
Evel Dick tweeted that if Houseguests want to question results of a competition that they must do it immediately. He said otherwise what ever happens happens.
It should be up to production to ensure an honest game. Tyler clearly broke the rules and as a result Scotty and Hayleigh are up on the block when they shouldn't be. Tangela would probably be up if Hayleigh had won.
Professional referees miss calls all the time. That's just how it goes. Like ED said, pic you have an issue, if needs to be brought up immediately or it didn't happen. Also, I found a pic of Meech or someone else feet off the disk too. Rules or no rules, I think holding yourself up with your arms is harder, so it shouldn't be a penalty.
Angela and Tyler keep mentioning that their alliance is falling apart yet do nothing about it. Getting a little frustrated with my favorite duo!
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