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Plays well with others |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Voyeur's Voles:
- Is it Thursday yet?
- It can't come too soon.
- Hmm ... let's see, let's see ...
- Sam got creative again, making things that I'm not sure the purpose, other than to keep her busy.
- JC is in his slop mode grump.
- He's mad because others got a bit of alcohol last night.
- He's mad because, although he's the best fit for the satellite dish beds, they're so uncomfortable.
- He's mad because he can't eat whatever he wants.
- He's mad because he thinks Tyler targeted him as a Have Not because he kept warning him about Angela -- remember, the Have Nots were the first three down in the HoH comp, decided this week by BB, not Tyler. Don't kill the messenger!
- You'd think he was the only Have Not now or ever.
- Scottie and Sam are also Have Nots. Scottie is taking it in stride. Sam says at least now she won't be wondering what to eat for dinner.
- They got word that the yard will be shut down for an extended time frame once again this week.
- So there was a lot of sunbathing and exercising.
- They complain how hot it is, yet remain out there baking their skin in the sun.
- (Sorry, I'm a fair-skinned redhead and never had the urge to sunbathe. I just turn red, then pale again.)
- Haleigh is now focusing on her friendship with Kaycee.
- Lucky Kaycee.
- They had the veto meeting with the live feeds blocked.
- No surprises -- Kaycee didn't use the veto.
- Apparently both nominees for eviction gave speeches.
- Like a Brett speech, I guess both were very inventive.
- Wasted because she was never going to use that veto, but ...!
- The Angela/Tyler showmance continues.
- They're still trying to hide it, but it's rather hard.
- Mind you, they just cuddle, small talk and I know there was at least one kiss. It's not the soft porn we've seen with others when they've known each other two weeks.
- It's kind of cute. But I don't want it to ruin their gameplay.
- JC had the nerve to ask Tyler how he knows that Angela isn't working with Haleigh.
- @@
- But, the interesting note is that Angela is the only one not in a Final Two deal with Tyler other than Scottie and Haleigh.
- Brett is continuing his pseudo-alliance with JC, telling JC if he wins HoH, he'll put up Angela and Kaycee with Angela being the target.
- They seem to have decided that Scottie is more dangerous to leave in the game and it's likely they'll vote him out this week, target Haleigh next week.
- That, of course, is subject to change.
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Solitary slop, greeting bugs and birds |
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Me? I'd rather stay pale than to bake |
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Haleigh's new bestie |
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Scottie bed dancing |
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Some dancing you cannot unsee |
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Nobody puts Sammy in the corner! |
Had CBS done the right thing and disqualified Tyler for breaking the rules,Hayleigh would have been HOH and Scotty wouldn't be going anywhere. The show gets phonier every year. Last year Paul was the fair haired boy and this year it's Tyler. I canceled the feeds a week and a half ago and I'm glad I did.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I've been enjoying this season.
I've enjoyed it more than any season since S10. Too much not to like about this season.
Ditto Jackie and Monty. It goes without saying that every season has had a multitude of boring times and some really dumb players. Always has, always will, and both have been in abundance this year too.
The best part of this summer is that we haven't had the viciousness of the last few years, particularly that horrendous last Season of Paul. I'd much rather watch the conniving and planning Season of Tyler. Maybe because we haven't been subjected to nightly 'porn' sessions and the bully/mean angst of the last 4-5 years. It's refreshing.
I agree. This season has been a blast!
Well said Sharon, Monty and Jackie.
Can't sleep so I'm up listening to this conversation between Angela and Haleigh. It's Mean Girls time in the BB BY. Haleigh is just a little full of herself and has a revisionist outlook on how she lives and what she expects in the house. Sam had a point when she was HOH. Haleigh takes the most and gives the least. Now Haleigh is claiming that she has to have everything in order in her home and she's upset at Sam's hoarding tendencies, lol. Oh, girl. Angela isn't a saint here, but I find Haleigh's opinions on Sam hysterical right now. I think Haleigh is as clueless as Aaryn was in BB15 about what she's saying and how she's actually behaved in the house. I just find it funny.
*funny in a way that isn't funny if that makes sense. Haleigh really is a Mean Girl and should be getting the stone cold edit that Angela has got since the Rachel days. I actually enjoyed Angela's stone coldness. Haleigh, not so much. Just sayin'
I am lost, how did Tyler break the rules? I have to admit that I don't like any of the HGs this season but I am hoping for a L6/4 win just because they have played the game.
Artie secretly hates this show and makes up a new reason to hate it every week...while still watching. There was something about Tyler's foot coming off the disk during the HOH comp
As for the Tyler HoH thing -- When Angela (HoH) read the rules, she only mentioned not sitting on the suspended disk. In a Diary Room bit on the aired show, Kaycee said you couldn't take your feet off the disk. Tyler took his feet off, suspending himself by his hands/arms at one point. From what I've read, production reviewed it and the HoH win will stand. There's a huge contingent of anti-Level 6 folks on the internet who are up in arms crying foul. But, at this point, nothing is going to be done and the show goes on.
The number of FAILS by production this season aka Allison Grodner keep mounting. Grodner and her Cronies are a joke, and need to go. This battleback twist was yet another fail. And the blatant way that Grodner protects Tyler is an even bigger joke. I am done with this show until Grodner and her cast of inept producers are fired.
Joe,I made up Nothing! Tyler clearly broke the rules by taking his feet off the disk. The show has become a joke with zero integrity. JC assaults other HG's,uses the N word and just goes on his merry way after production "talks to him".
Jackie,Production is clearly in the tank for Tyler just like they were for Paul last year. Why
do I feel that way? Both Paul and Tyler were already appearing on other CBS reality shows before entering the house. Paul got "friendship bracelets" to pass out ensuring that people would be loyal to him along with a "pendant of protection" that kept him safe for another 3 weeks. Tyler conveniently gets a "power app" that would allow him to take himself off the block for weeks. While perks like these don't guarantee a win they do give the player receiving them a huge advantage over the other players and helps to keep them going further to the end.
Fred - I'm not a fan of the twists, either. Nor am I a fan of Grodner's ideas and the constant couplings she would prefer on the show. But I'm not seeing Tyler as being "protected." If anything, it seems she wants to push JC as the puppetmaster in the show edits. The only thing about Tyler I see as quasi-questionable is this HoH bit. But it has happened in past seasons -- if the houseguests themselves don't complain immediately, nothing is done. There were conflicting rules read with Angela's reading not mentioning feet just before the comp started. At this point, they cannot redo the week. I'm sorry you're not enjoying the season.
Power apps were also won by Sam and Bayleigh. They were voted for the wins by show fans. The three winners had their choice of app. Many of the hamsters this season are recruits. Bayleigh, Haleigh and Rockstar were all fans of the show. I think, judging on the show edit, production wanted JC to be the star.
For the first several weeks, FOUTTE was HoH more often than not. They screwed up their own game and Level 6/4 had to scramble and use strategy to get the upper hand. I think this season has been the most interesting and entertaining in years. People on Twitter are more up in arms about things than the hamsters themselves.
It's a television show. If upsets you, you can change the channel. If the houseguests themselves aren't up in arms -- and it's their lives -- fans needn't take it all so seriously. It doesn't matter who wins. Oh ... and the ratings are beating other shows in the time slots. I'm sorry your favorite players aren't winning. But it is a show.
And while JC is defining problematic, he absolutely said "snickers" and not the other word (you must watch the long version video). Twitter is a cesspool of butt-hurt fans. Don't hate the player, hate the game...
Right on Jackie!
Bizaro22 - JC did use the slur when discussing it with Bayleigh. He likened it to people calling him a midget. I do think it was in poor taste and not too bright of him to do so. But there is also a bit of a language barrier with him and he isn't very cognizant of proper behavior ... at all. However, no one living in the house has demanded he be penalized or removed. It's their call, not the show fans.
My feelings have nothing to do with favorite players. What I want is to tune in to a game show that treats everyone fairly. Tyler broke the rules and there is zero consequences. At the very least he should lose his chance to play for HOH on Thursday the 20th.
I will be joining the 19% of viewers that have stopped viewing the show.
Well, as I said, it's a television show. It's your prerogative to watch or not. If it's that upsetting to you, don't watch.
Smiling.... I don’t think there is a BB season that goes by that someone isn’t screaming Grodner must go AND I’m not watching until she’s gone. Every year Grodner is here and every year those screaming such, continue to watch... so, the beat goes on.... Welcome to Big Brother!
From what I heard Joe... In reading the game instructions, Angela didn’t say “You CANNOT remove your feet from the disc”. I heard she DID SAY “You cannot sit on the disc”. You can’t disqualify a player if the instructions were not read properly. Just repeating what I had heard...
Thank you Jackie....
Artie, I didn't say you made up the minor foot controversy. What I said is you come up with a new reason to hate the show every week. You should probably invest in a TV that gets more than one channel.
This has been quite the bitch-session. It reminds me of a joke/saying that I heard where several people are complaining about the food at some restaurant and one of them comments: 'the food is just awful....and such small portions!' I too get all up in arms about the show but I also do not miss an episode, or Jackie's. Must be love-hate.
I'm with Jackie if you hate it so much why watch? And then invest more time going to blogs and complaining about it. Some people just like to gripe. Thanks Jackie for the updates I am at the point in the season where the feeds bore me so I go back and watch all the seasons. So I check in with you to make sure I dont miss anything.
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