Monday, January 21, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Blog Pool Opens

Come one, come all! Glenn will be our lifeguard for this season!

Despite the short season, we want to see if we have enough folks interested in the pool. Mind you, winning gives you bragging rights, not the big bucks. Glenn himself will be in the pool as will I. So, in order to have one person for each HG, we need ten more people. More is even better.

If you're interested, please sign up ONLY on this post. Spread the word near and far!


SueGee said...

Sign me up!!!

Thanks Glenn & Jackie!


DKNYNC said...

Please sign me (Donna NY) and my daughter (Kelsey NY) up for the pool! Thanks Jackie & Glenn.

Sally said...

Sign me up too, Glenn. Thanks.

Jennasmom said...

Sign me up!

Bizaro22 said...

Count me in....

Glenn Allen said...

Cheryl in NC had posted in the other thread that she wanted in a pool if one started so I will add her as well. Check to make sure your name is on the list and let me know if I missed you. Thanks everyone!

Here is the list so far that I got.

1. Jackie
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5.Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC

Glenn Allen said...

I went back in the first night thread of the premier and found more names of people who wanted in a pool if one was started. The more the Merrier that wants to join. Jennifer and Monty924 and TBC and Itchy. I am looking forward to this season and Pool. I am looking forward to the Lifeguard duties this season!Spread the word to anyone that might want to jin the pool.

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5.Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
10. Jennifer
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy

marthalight said...

Sign me up, I'm in and so happy to be back...

Glenn Allen said...

Marthalight is added. Welcome back!

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5.Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
10. Jennifer
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight

Joyce Johnson said...

Please sign me up.

Dr_Celine said...

Me too please. Thanks!

Glenn Allen said...

Joyce Johnson and Dr Celine are added,

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5.Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
10. Jennifer
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine

gaylos said...

Me too, me too!

Merrilee said...

Please add me


Brian said...

Please add me


Ayana said...

Please add Ayana and CaelaXO

Fred aka TwoBlackAces said...


Janice said...

Count me in the Celebrity BB pool please!

Skyriverblue said...

Oooo! The water's fine. Please add both of us: Skyriverblue and Skyrivergold to the pool! Thanks!

CherryPie said...

Count me in!

CherryPie said...

Hello everyone!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up

Karen in Ca

Glenn Allen said...

I added all the new folks. Let me know if I missed anyone!

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
2. Glenn
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5. Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine
17. Gaylos
18. Merrilee
19. Brian
20. Ayana
21. CaelaXO
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces
23. Janice
24. Skyriver Blue
25. Skyriver Gold
26. Cherry Pie
27. Karen in CA

Sharon C said...

Please add me to the pool!

Glenn Allen said...

Sharon C you are added.

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
2. Glenn
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5. Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine
17. Gaylos
18. Merrilee
19. Brian
20. Ayana
21. CaelaXO
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces
23. Janice
24. Skyriver Blue
25. Skyriver Gold
26. Cherry Pie
27. Karen in CA
28. Sharon C

Judi Sweeney said...

Please count me in!!! Thanks Jackie and Glenn!

Glenn Allen said...

Judi Sweeney added,

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
2. Glenn
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5. Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine
17. Gaylos
18. Merrilee
19. Brian
20. Ayana
21. CaelaXO
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces
23. Janice
24. Skyriver Blue
25. Skyriver Gold
26. Cherry Pie
27. Karen in CA
28. Sharon C
29. Judi Sweeney

Donna in FL said...

Please add me to the pool. Thanks Glenn and Jackie.

Jackie S. said...

Glenn, we seem to have a good turnout! I was wrong. If we close the pool tomorrow afternoon, will you have time to do the random matchups before the show airs?

Glenn Allen said...

Yes I should be able to do that. Do we want to give a second chance to the people who lose their pick on Friday!

Glenn Allen said...

Donna in Fl added.

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
2. Glenn
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5. Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine
17. Gaylos
18. Merrilee
19. Brian
20. Ayana
21. CaelaXO
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces
23. Janice
24. Skyriver Blue
25. Skyriver Gold
26. Cherry Pie
27. Karen in CA
28. Sharon C
29. Judi Sweeney
30. Donna in FL.

Cheryl in NC said...

Add me please if I am not to late!

Cheryl in NC said...

Awww Glenn just saw your list above and that you already knew I would want in!! Thanks friend!

Glenn Allen said...

YW Cheryl.

Jackie S. said...

Glenn, if you don't mind rematching them, sure! Merci!

tbc said...

Thank you, Glenn

Sharon N said...

Add me please!

Glenn Allen said...

Yes. I don't mind rematching the ones out Friday. Sharon N added.

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
2. Glenn
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5. Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine
17. Gaylos
18. Merrilee
19. Brian
20. Ayana
21. CaelaXO
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces
23. Janice
24. Skyriver Blue
25. Skyriver Gold
26. Cherry Pie
27. Karen in CA
28. Sharon C
29. Judi Sweeney
30. Donna in FL.
31, Sharon N

Alicia in TX said...

Please add me

Alicia in TX

Chacha said...

please add me.
Sorry I am late to the party
Cha Cha

David said...

Add me please if it is not too late. =)

Glenn Allen said...

Alicia in Tx and Chacha and David Added,

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
2. Glenn
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5. Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine
17. Gaylos
18. Merrilee
19. Brian
20. Ayana
21. CaelaXO
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces
23. Janice
24. Skyriver Blue
25. Skyriver Gold
26. Cherry Pie
27. Karen in CA
28. Sharon C
29. Judi Sweeney
30. Donna in FL.
31, Sharon N
32, Alicia in Tx
33. ChaCha
34. David


Renee said...

Please add me. Renee from NJ

Glenn Allen said...

Renee Buck added.

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
2. Glenn
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5. Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine
17. Gaylos
18. Merrilee
19. Brian
20. Ayana
21. CaelaXO
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces
23. Janice
24. Skyriver Blue
25. Skyriver Gold
26. Cherry Pie
27. Karen in CA
28. Sharon C
29. Judi Sweeney
30. Donna in FL.
31, Sharon N
32, Alicia in Tx
33. ChaCha
34. David
35. Renee Buck/Renee from NJ

Jenna G said...

Oh my gosh!! I've been so busy this week! I haven't even seen an episode yet. Snow day...hubby has MY car his sucks for driving on yucky roads so I'm catching up on BB! If it's not to late Jackie please add me to the pool! Looking forward to hanging with you all tonight!

Jenna G said...

Thanks Glenn Allen for doing the POOL list! Your awesome!

Glenn Allen said...

YW Jenna G. I have added you.

Here is the updated List,

1. Jackie
2. Glenn
3. Sue Gee
4. Donna NY
5. Kelsey NY
6. Sally
7. Jennasmom
8. Bizaro22
9. Cheryl in NC
11. Monty924
12. TBC
13. Itchy
14, Marthalight
15. Joyce Johnson
16. Dr Celine
17. Gaylos
18. Merrilee
19. Brian
20. Ayana
21. CaelaXO
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces
23. Janice
24. Skyriver Blue
25. Skyriver Gold
26. Cherry Pie
27. Karen in CA
28. Sharon C
29. Judi Sweeney
30. Donna in FL.
31, Sharon N
32, Alicia in Tx
33. ChaCha
34. David
35. Renee Buck/Renee from NJ
36. Jenna G.

Glenn Allen said...

Here are the Pool results. The first one out plus if Mooch is gone will be reassigned to another guest. Jackie please let me know if I missed anyone.

1. Jackie- Ryan
2. Glenn- Natalie Eva Marie
3. Sue Gee- Jonathan
4. Donna NY- Dina
5. Kelsey NY-Kato
6. Sally-Joey
7. Jennasmom-Tom
8. Bizaro22-Kandi
9. Cheryl in NC-LoLo
11. Monty924-Tamar
12. TBC-Anthony Mooch
13. Itchy-Ryan
14, Marthalight-Jonathan
15. Joyce Johnson =Dina
16. Dr Celine-Kato
17. Gaylos-Joey
18. Merrilee- Natalie Eva Marie
19. Brian-Tom
20. Ayana-Kandi
21. CaelaXO-LoLo
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces-Ricky
23. Janice-Tamar
24. Skyriver Blue-Anthony Mooch
25. Skyriver Gold-Ryan
26. Cherry Pie-Jonathan
27. Karen in CA-Kato
28. Sharon C-Joey
29. Judi Sweeney-Tom
30. Donna in FL.-Kandi
31, Sharon N-LoLo
32, Alicia in Tx-Tamar
33. ChaCha-Anthony Mooch
34. David-Dina
35. Renee Buck/Renee from NJ-Ricky
36. Jenna G.-Natalie Eva Marie