This is what happens when they only have 13 episodes on television. Tonight they're jamming in the last HoH, Nominations, apparently a live Veto and Eviction.
I'll be live blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please stop in and join the fun!
Here are Lifeguard Glenn's latest blog pool standings --
Donna NY - Dina
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky
Buckle in … turbulence ahead!
Well, after the Previously On segment, that is.
Tamar is an excited gal. Who woulda thunk that? Lolo is lamenting the loss of Natalie, but says now she's playing for the both of them. Kandi is just thrilled to still be in the house. She kind of trusts Dina and Tamar, but will depend on herself.
They have a champagne breakfast when the doorbell rings. It's Mark McGrath from CBB1. Lots of small talk, talk of the Mooch and flashbacks. More small talk. (Have we got time for this?) More flashbacks.
More and more flashbacks. I might be wrong on all they SHOULD cover tonight. I guess it's a Whatever Show. I really prefer more organization in these things.
Kato trying to make Ricky laugh, Tamar and Lolo arguing over sea bass. Flashback after flashback.
Ack. My apologies … but I just can't live blog a clips show. I should have looked more into what was supposed to be on tonight. Now they'll really have to cram everything in two hours on the Wednesday night finale.
Finally to the start of the HoH comp which was days ago. Marissa is there and it's set up in a theater theme. It's her musical. Horn sounds hit button to operate music box, fly to get puzzle pieces, all timed. They're dressed as bats.
And, we just get the start of the comp.
Hi Jackie and all who arrive after. I'm not sure what we will see tonight, but we only have this one and Wednesday. I brought red and white wine to sip on. Take your pick...
Who will win this veto??? The entire game depends on it even more so than regular seasons!
Hi Jackie and Monty.... I will take some red;)
Hey to all who follow!
I guess it's going on as we watch, but I'm curious to see if it shakes things up.
Hi Jackie, and Monty, red for me please! Well my two favorite players are gone 😭
Pouring a glass of Cabernet for Jennifer
Hey my neighborJennifer!
Oh thank you, cheers!
Pouring a glass of Cabernet for Jenna...
Thanks Monty!
I know folks thought Tom was odd, but I like to dance around dorky at home when there's not anyone watching. I prefer to think that I dance okay in public, LOL
Hi Jackie and Monty and Jennifer and Jenna G And all who follow!
Hi all!!
And Dina is still on no ones radar...ugh..
Hey, got a free car wash today.... thank you God for the water lol
Hi Glenn & tbc!
Ha, Kandi is a smart cookie
Hi, Jenna!!
Hey Glenn and tbc
Rained ALL day! Glad is wasn't ice. I'll take the rain, for sure
Mark looks better now than last year!
Hey Jackie and everyone
Hey Cheryl
Hi Cheryl!
Hi Cheryl
Hi, Monty!!
That was the best foot in mouth moment!!
Hi TBC and Cheryl.
Soooooooo bad...but soooooo good for TV!
Sooo, who do you all think has the best chance and against who???
That was funny. I didn't know they had cartoon drawings of season 1 BB celebrities in the house. I wonder if that was in place of regular BB super Heros comics.
I'd like to see a LOLO and Tamar showdown!
I almost forgot it was on tonight.And I have plans Wednesday and will miss the finale!! At least I have dvr and i can read the comments from here as I go
I'm going Kandi if she makes it against anyone. Tamar is second to everyone left but perhaps Dina and that ain't happening. LoLo or NoLo could beat Tamar... I know I've left Ricky out of my guesses. I just don't know about Ricky.
I think anyone has a good chance over Dina...
A lot of manscaping going on with Joey!!
Ricky and Dina floated to the end...any one but them two!
I would like to see kandi take it all... my by Ricky confuses me too, he is definitely a wild card!
Ricky looks like he has ashes in his forehead from Ash Wednesday
These nuts.... hahaha!
Well guys since this is mostly a recap show I'm getting voted against. Fam wants to switch to AGT...Jackie, thanks for all you fo for us. I will be here for the finale Wednesday so until then, everyone have a great couple of days!
There's LoCo LoLo again
tbc, Ricky is into a lot of rituals but I don't think Ash Wednesday is one of them
Bye, Jenna!!
Look at them clean, I’m impressed!
And yes, a Lolo / Tamar showdown might be fun to watch
Lol, Monty! So true!
It’s just a funny mark on his forehead
I wouldn't mind Kandi winning either.
I really thought it was supposed to be an eviction show. I hate the scrambled why they shoved everything in thirteen episodes.
See ya Wednesday!
Jackie, it will be packed with the entire before on Wednesday so we will get little actual LIVE finale. ugh
I have to admit I am pulling for a loco Lolo win because well she's my pool pick and I have yet to win annnnyyyyy pool on any show.. it's
But it’s still fun to watch 🤗
Did anyone see the article about Dina's Ex Husband trying to garnish Dinas Big brother winnings. He had won a judgement against her for $100,000 which is how much they are paying her. He said that Dina lied about him on the show so he wants his money. He said he was even helping keep her house in order while she was in the house. He plans on donating the money to charity. He said he had not gone after the money before because she was broke!
I am glad they are finally showing all the crazy fights.
With celebrities, you always get the dirty laundry!
Cheryl, I have Tamar and I'm finding it hard to root for her. I don't like LoLo either, so I'm rooting for anyone but them.
Glenn - I saw it on my Google News feed. When they announced her for the show, the only thing that came to mind was her dealings with the ex. So I'm not surprised.
They will have very little time to have the jury discuss what they learned after they got out of the house that changed their minds,
Kandi seems to be the only one I personally could spend any time with without going mad. That is, of the ones left. Dina's nice enough, but ditzy.
Glenn, agree with you on your jury comment... I would really like to see some heated discussion as they get to see everything!
Thanks Jackie. People will really feel sorry for Dina if no money from the show and her possibly being catfished. Are they suppose to show any of the HOH comp tonight?
Glenn, it's my understanding that they will begin the HOH that we already know who won when the show goes off tonight. Everything from there forward will be shown on Wednesday. It will be a crammed and packed finale.
Sadly that will be the fastest hour ever!
I'm giving all my votes to TOM just because of how nasty Natalie, LoLo, and Tamar were towards him. just me though
I think I will do that also about voting for Tom. I hope either he or Ryan wins it.
Tom is the man!
It was funny about Ryan asking for expert setting on the Pool instead of beginner lol.
I'm hoping for a tom or kato win for Americas fave.
Cheryl, I think it is between the two of them. I just hope there isn't a split factor and neither wins.
Goodnight all, thank you Jackie... chat again on Wednesday!!
Thanks Jackie... will see you all on Wednesday. Stay safe and warm out there
Tamar freekout again lol.
Thanks for coming by!
Thanks as always Jackie! Good night all! Will miss y'all Wednesday unless I somehow make it home near the end.
Thanks Jackie! I’m voting for Tom....
Judi - ditto. Tom all the way
Sorry I missed the party, SLEEP!
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