Monday, June 24, 2019

BB21: The Ika ET Canada Interviews - Part 4

The last of the series. (Yay!) You can find Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE and Part 3 HERE

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I hereby predict that Sam will win the MOST LIKELY TO SHOUT IN THE DIARY ROOM award. Personally, really loud people make me cringe. In the BB house, it can be good or bad. At least he's not shrilly and loud. He's a fan, his wife more of fan. I like that he admires Derrick's game, but Derrick played things very low key. I don't think Sam can do that. He does have a lot on the ball about strategy and the way things work in the BB house. I believe he might even be entertaining on the live feeds. He looks like he might even do okay in comps. But, will he win it all? I think of he can just calm down a bit, he might get near the end. I didn't like that he mentioned wanting to last at least to jury. On the other hand, I like (for the game) that he thinks he's ruthless. 

She's a HUGE fan who went and contradicted herself by focusing on BB20. She talks a lot. I get the feeling that she's often the center of attention. Now, she commented about Tyler's great BB20 game. Her own self seems to not jibe with how he played the game. Tyler was much more low-key. Oh, my gosh … does she even stop talking to breathe? She's the one who has been rumor-linked to being Facebook friends with Holly, another one I'm not too keen on. I think she might have quick trouble in the house. Just in this interview, I've toned her out to like an ongoing Charlie Brown adult wah-wah noise -- not whining, mind you. Just noise. I swear she would be the person yapping on the cell phone in the quiet car on NJ Transit commuter trains.

Hmm … the Southern manners bit is ingrained. I can always tell that and the similar military "Ma'am" or "Sir" as coming out naturally, not fake. It becomes automatic and is certainly better than potty-mouth automatic. He seems to be a show fan, admiring Paul, Derrick and more. But I don't think for sure that he's going to pattern his own game after any of them. I get the feeling that he will be purely himself. My jury is out on him. He will either do extremely well or crash and burn early on. He should do well in comps, but his social game will make him or break him.

I do like Jessica. And, I find it personally refreshing that, while she's a model, she's not one of the bikini ilk that we so often see. She's the only hamster I can remember who hasn't released her actual age -- she claims to be 30ish. I don't know what's up with that. I genuinely hope that the internet is kind about her size. I think it is a more natural state, but I also think it may hinder her in some of the more physical comps. She claims to run marathons, though. More power to her! She is a fan of the show. Even so, I don't think she's going to be overly strategic. For some reason I think she is going to skate through mainly on a social game. We'll see.

Any thoughts on this group?


Petals said...

I like Jackson & Sam.

Judi Sweeney said...

As always you are so good Jackie! This group is going to be interesting in who and they try to align with! I like Jackson and just hope he doesn’t team up with some type of bromance that will take him under. I like Jessica but I too am concerned about her physical competition abilities. I hope she teams up with others who are good at physical competitions!

Thanks Jackie and SueGee! Let the games begin!