Monday, July 22, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Monday, PoV Mtg. - July 22

I just don't know what to say, Cliff.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bad Decisions:
  • Okay, Cliff won his way back into the house. FANTASTIC!
  • Okay, Cliff won HoH. FANTASTIC!
  • Okay, Cliff nominated Jack and Jackson. FANTASTIC!
  • And then things started falling apart.
  • Jackson won the PoV. Obviously he'll take himself off the block.
  • So, what should Cliff do?
  • Since Christie blabbed her power and the whole house knows it, she's a problem in the midst of this.
  • No one other than Nick really likes Bella in the game.
  • She lies, she tattles and she's basically a problem child.
  • Cliff originally planned to let Christie THINK he'd put Bella on the block in Jackson's place, then put her (Christie) up in Jackson's place when she didn't invoke her DPOV powers. FANTASTIC!
  • Now just because they promised him two weeks safety, he reconsidered.
  • Y'see, Bella in the house is actually good not only for Cliff, but for his allies as well. She's like a shield. The other side would always target her first, yet they could get her to vote with them.
  • But, noooo …
  • Why would Cliff even think he could trust Christie and Company?
  • Bella has gotten the word from Sam and some of the others that she's in trouble this week.
  • She's been crying … a lot.
  • Nick has been trying to separate himself from her a bit. He claims he cares about her, but I notice he's quick to think game before gal when it comes down to it.
  • To his credit, Nick did try to convince Cliff that if Christie doesn't use her power, he should go for someone other than Bella on the block.
  • But then again, Nick was trying to suck up to Jack, telling him they could trust him if Bella goes.
  • Nick is scrambling.
  • If it ends up Bella and Jack on the block, I'd imagine the votes would tip for Jack to stay just because they don't LIKE Bella.
  • Bella can't/doesn't win comps. Jack has won comps. Who would I want out if I were in the house? Jack. Bella is the kind of person you would want to sit next to in a final two for an easy win.
  • As I type this up, the feeds are blocked for the veto meeting.
  • So, in other news -- it seems like some sort of rash is spreading through the house. Odd thing is … the ones who haven't been having sex don't seem to have it. Heh.
  • More other news -- Holly wants to break up with Jackson now that she (and he) know that the cameras will broadcast their sexual escapades.
  • Jackson doesn't seem to care that much. He's conquered two foolish women in his short time so far in the house.
  • He'd like to move onto Analyse next.
  • Jess is still a purely ineffectual player. I guess she's a vote.
  • Jack and Jackson have been doing much of the kitchen work, cleaning and cooking.
  • But they could do without them.
  • Plus, Jackson keeps drinking milk out of the gallon jug and putting it back in.
  • Totally EW. I do that here, but I live alone!
  • Okay, the feeds came back on.
  • I see no screaming, no Christie hysterics.
  • Sigh.
  • Bella is on the block with Jack. I don't think Christie used her power.
  • I'm disappointed in Cliff. He made a deal with the devils and they'll backstab him the first chance they get.
  • He also blew the chance for his allies to gain ground.
  • He should know that the Jacks and Company will do him wrong.
  • The only chance to flip this is if they can get Christie paranoid -- she has told Tommy she'd like to take out Jack eventually. If they can get her in hysterics, she and Tommy would vote alike and Jack would go.
  • But, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Problematic, but no threat for a win.

He does help in the kitchen. So what.


Sharon N said...

Incredible opportunity was LOST because Cliff decided Sheriff wasn't enough.
He'd rather be Deputy Dog. :(

Petals said...

And Nick has FINALLY noticed that this is like Paul's season - one man, one flock.

Sharon N said...

And Sam too. Nick/Sam are an alliance of 2 now.
Cliff is hopeless... bet his daughter is having a flaming fit.

Glenn Allen said...

Earlier today Jack told Sis that Grateful was back to 8 members. That Kat was the 7th member and that Cliff agreed to be the 8th member. Jack said now they have a power and that Cliff can win Puzzle comps they think is usually in Double eviction week.

Terry is a Texan! said...

ah yes, if Ifs and Buts were candy and nuts , we'd all have a merry christmas

Cliff I had such high hopes!!! I think they will keep Jack,,,,then both J's will go after Cliff and he doesnt have solid backup

Glenn Allen said...

Jack really seemed excited to have Cliff in the new Grateful he also told Christie that puzzles would most likely be won by Cliff. He said that way Nick and Bellas spots were replaced.

Judi Sweeney said...

Oh sorry ch a disappointment Cliff... just when we thought there was hope! Why would he EVER TRUST the Jacks!!!! Thanks Jackie!

Pinky said...

If Nick and Sam could get Kat, Jess, and Nicole to vote out Jack - it would be a tie. Cliff could break the tie, get Jack out, make his big move, and still be safe for 2 weeks (if they keep that promise, which is unlikely).

Anonymous said...

I don’t have the feeds and haven’t been too excited about watching the show this season, but can someone explain why Cliff wouldn’t want Christy to use her power. If he was going to put up Bella anyway, why not make her do it and get rid of her power. It seems like Cliff made stupid decisions all week and that includes believing that he isn’t going to be on the block next week.


Brandi said...

They promised him two weeks safety if he didn’t make Christie use her power. Also evidently Jackson and Holly had some kind of fight last night on the hammock and Jackson jumped up which caused Holly to fall to the ground and she said he just kept walking didn’t care if he was hurt and he said something like you don’t want to play this game without me I’m the only reason your safe to which all the girls told Holly that they would have her back or his. I did not see it I just heard Holly and Kat and then Holly Christie and sis talking about it. So maybe more cracks are forming.

Brandi said...

*Her back not his*

Sharon N said...

Re Jackson and Holly. From what I gather, the issues causing their rift stemmed from:
1) Kat walked in on Jackson/Holly having sex and told them the cameras don't go off people having sex so, congrats, they've made a nice porno. Holly was upset to learn this and didn't want to have sex out in the open anymore. @@ Since Jackson could care less if anyone can see them, he was irritated with Holly's attitude. @@ She's stupid. He's a total ass.
2) Jack made a remark about how ripped Jackson was... when they entered the house. Holly patted Jackson's belly (or chest) and said, "I miss that Mitchie." Jackson was thoroughly ticked-off and stomped off.

Judi Sweeney said...

Jackson is so immature! Hope Holly stays strong!

Anonymous said...

I guess some koolaid was left in the hoh mini fridge and cliff drank it lol

Cheryl in NC said...

I think you are right,Jon .I don't understand Cliff at all.