Tuesday, July 23, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Tuesday - July 23

I don't predict a wedding.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Creepy Critters:
  • Oh, geez. Where do I even start?
  • Let's talk Jackson for a minute.
  • He's a Have Not and has regularly been sneaking food into the shower (of all places).
  • It's obvious that he's eating in there.
  • Last night, as he ate while showering, BB called him to the Diary Room.
  • Hopefully it was to address the eating.
  • Hopefully he'll get some sort of penalty.
  • Attention BB: An acceptable penalty would be for him to go back up on the block. Hey, even in Bella's place.
  • Bella doesn't know it but she has been maligned once again for being of Chinese descent.
  • She should come off the block just because. Yep.
  • Oh, yes … that brings me to talking about Jack now.
  • Jack and his latest bigoted nasty mouth.
  • Tommy, Jack, Analyse and Christie were by and on the hammock for a while last night.
  • They were talking about Bella.
  • Tommy, though I do hesitate to approve of him in general, made an innocent statement to the effect of: "The proof is in the pudding."
  • Jack quickly jumped in with: "In the RICE pudding."
  • What is this dude's problem? Unfortunately I worked with someone who would make slurs like that. It annoys me to no end that people like him still exist in this day and age. 
  • Tommy and Christie quickly tried to fix the slue by saying "the slop pudding."
  • But the damage was done.
  • Later Tommy and Christie were talking about it. Christie had been brought into the Diary Room and questioned regarding the slur.
  • Hmm.
  • Production indeed knows what's going on with the guy. They've changed the editing slightly, but not enough.
  • He needs to be exposed as the misogynic bigoted person that he is. The more we see of him, the more we understand why his family and friends (if any) refused to sign releases for him to talk about them or have photos of them in the case of HoH. Perhaps he can make friends with some of the hamsters on BB15. There's a thought.
  • Let's see … what else?
  • Well, Sam decided to hold a house meeting to air out his grievances.
  • Kind of like Festivus in July.
  • It's all over the Cliff/Nicole vote last week.
  • He's still upset that A. He wasn't in the loop on the Nick/Bella blindside and B. People are saying he knew what was going on.
  • Darn, this house doesn't even know how to give a house meeting.
  • In BB lore, house meetings should be legendary. There should be kerfuffles and perhaps even a brouhaha.
  • Instead, Sam was coming across like a stand-up comedian (a bad one) at times and everything ended up going touchy-feely and akin to group therapy.
  • I really don't understand this bunch of hamsters.
  • Division exists in the house. That's typical.
  • But they all gather together for group dinner every evening. 
  • It's almost like they're punching a clock. "Okay, I'll play the game from 9-5, then we're off an hour for dinner, then punch back in."
  • In other news, Cliff still (probably mistakenly) feels secure with his deal for two weeks safety. He actually thinks he's a part of the Eight now. Jack, who can be convincing and condescending all at the same time, told him how they could do so well with comps as a team.
  • I know Sam knows he's so low on that totem pole that he'll be a target soon. I just hope Cliff wakes up.
  • It still looks like Bella will be voted out.
  • It really should be Jack. I don't like either of them, but for different reasons. Bella's just immature and kind of obnoxious. Jack is something altogether different. And, if they were thinking about it, he's more of a contender to win. His behavior aside, just the game threat should be enough for them to think to get him out while they can.
  • But they won't.
  • Wah. 

Remind me again. Why is she here?

What slur is next?

Is it a pick? Yes, it was.

House meeting with no drama. Rats.

How is his final two with Nicole now?

Mostly off the radar at the moment.


Terry is a Texan! said...

I so am sick of Jack setting aside the fact he is narcissistic and will have no family or friends to go home to, anyone who insults any race or attempts to lump them together is a zero in my book. No one can say “men are all alike”.and so forth. He’s immature and in need of some real edication

Jackie S. said...

Both Jacks are disgusting in so many ways.

Judi Sweeney said...

I am neither of the Jack’s fan! I wish Cliff would smarten up and vote out Jack!! Not sure why he thinks he can trust them! He and Sam are at the BOTTOM of the pole!!! Thanks Jackie!

Mindy said...

Honestly, based on your reports (which I read religiously) I stopped watching the show at least 5 episodes ago. Just don't want to see the "manufactured" edit from CBS. I'd rather just follow along by reading your recaps and knowing the truth. Thanks for all your hard work. I think this show has seen it's day and needs to go. Or the powers that be need to start responding to the real issues instead of ignoring them.

Unknown said...

One of my CBS chat-rooms are so PRO JACK/SON that I can't even tolerate being in there. They defend the Jacks by saying, "It's the same as Cody!"
No, Cody was nothing like the Jacks.

Jackson is an insecure boy trapped in a man's body. His brain hasn't caught-up to his brawn (bulk?)
Jack is all the worst things, in a package with a 28" inseam. (he is so oddly-shaped, it's actually sick). That loooong torso and lil bitty legs. LOL Fitting a suit on him would be a nightmare (not that he'll ever have occasion to wear a suit...Court, maybe?)

Unknown said...

that was Petals above, at work

Brandi said...

They have even started protecting the idiots on the live feed any time last night the girls were talking about how scary Jackson is or that he is blaming it on being a have not and how horrible he was to Holly they jump to Nick and Bella laying on the couch doing nothing. At first I thought it was just a bad camera decision but it happpened over and over again yesterday. Now bad show edits are one thing but controlling how someone is in the feeds is just dishonest. Also Christie and Tommy are on my last nerve with . We don’t like bullies blah blah blah. Then seconds later you tell Nicole she better vote with us she owes us we saved her. They talk more crap about the others than anyone in the house. Yes Bella did stupid things she played way to hard way fo fast but theses 6 literallly do nothing but talk bad about the others all day. Jackson was still gripping about and making fun of Kimmie yesterday and Jack and Tommy were making fun of Ovi. It’s
Like beating them in the game is not enough they have to destroy them.

Sharon N said...

This show's original 13 or 14 seasons were so wonderful. There was always a couple of jerks, but it was competitive and fun to people-watch... even when they were being idiots.

But with the change in production staff, the course of the show started to change as well... selecting so many bottom-feeders with huge egos, zero self-respect, and no knowledge of the show. Thankfully, BB does normally give us at least 1 or 2 "nice" people to keep our spirits up. Unfortunately, there's way too many snakes who choose to gang-up and spew venom.

CBS has fallen into the sexcapade hole: Bachelor, Bachelorette, Paradise, and that newest 5-nights-a-week nightmare. Heck, if they could find a way to sell sex on Survivor and TAR, they would.

Sharon N said...

Thursday's comp is supposed to be physical. I'm hoping for The Wall because there's no way any of the bigger "men" would win that one. It's structured for a smaller, lighter-weight person... like maybe Nicole (hopefully not Tommy).
I just don't want it to be one of the Evil-6.

PaulaB said...

In 4 wks approximately if Jack's are still there,there will be nonstop chatter about getting them out.

Cheryl in NC said...

Wtf is wrong with Cliff??? For someone who is supposed to be a fan,he is not playing smart.I don't believe for a second that they will keep in safe. And what about his plea to the girls to stick together against the other side...I hope Jack is just such a jerk over the next few days that they wise up and vote him out.Of course I like your idea Jackie,that production should put Jackson back on the block..lol.

Bizaro22 said...

Funny how after Cliff chose not to pull the power move, his HG rankings fell significantly on Jokers. He let so many down. Not that I trust them for a second, but Jack and the 6 seemed to be saying to each other that they actually would keep Cliff safe for two weeks. But we all know how fast things can change.

Anonymous said...

They should penalty nom Jackson michie mucinex what ever he is called, if you are have not you are a have not none of this eating or sneaking food in the shower if they (production) loose there minds over someone humming a song, you know they can see him sneaking food and eating it, they gave Jenn penalty for eating so let’s give pony boy the same or make him not eligible to compete in the next hoh.

Sharon N said...

"...let’s give pony boy the same or make him not eligible to compete in the next hoh."

JonMD, I like the way your mind works!! Jackson has snuck food several times, so I like the "not eligible" option best! Wish that could happen...

Petals said...

Where is production this season????

Sharon N said...

Production only cares about potential copyright lawsuits over music/singing.
There's no such issue with a Have-Not eating foods not on the approved list.
Maybe Production doesn't say anything hoping there will be a kerfuffle or bruhaha... bring some life into the house! lol

Petals said...


Nickelpeed said...

It's obvious the group has a problem with POC. The only ones voted out (aside from Cliff) were POC. Neither Jack, nor Jackson treat women with respect. Jack said what? There has been an uproar about bullying, slurs and racism. I doubt anything will be done.

chrob61 said...

You know, in a way, my thoughts are that these houseguests are a sampling of just how our society is today. I'd like to think we are better than this, but perhaps the producers like showing the houseguests- warts and all.

I need to go to the CBS website and see if there is a popularity poll on the HGs. It would be interesting to see.

It would also be a good shot in the pants to the Big-6 if Julie were to pop on the screen sometime this week and let the HG know that we the viewers will be voting for one of the HGs to have a special power or something. ANYTHING to knock these horrible HGs down a peg or two!

Bizaro22 said...

@chrob61. Here's the best HG popularity poll. As you'll see, the public is pretty good at not liking the right people.


chrob61 said...

Thanks for that link Bizaro- that poll shakes down just about how I see them!