Here are the FINAL pool standings! Let's give SueGee a round of applause for running the blog pool this season!
Holly ----------------> Dr_Celine, SueGee. Ashley, Quixotic Elf
Nicole ---------------> JonMD1267, CherylNY, Sherri Vegas, Donna in AL
Jackson -------------> Jennifer, Janice, ChicMc. Krysta Gibson
Let's get this party started!
Recap recap recap
Julie is all dressed up and sporting a beautiful hairdo.
Jury Roundtable with Dr. Will. Most seem to think Cliff is joining them -- they're right. They seem at a dilemma with Jackson's game -- yes he won comps. But how about the way he treats people? Has he integrity?
Then they talked Nicole and seem very impressed with her game. Sis thinks it was more luck than strategy, most seem to think she was playing a great game. As for Holly, they're not as impressed.
Now it's time for the taped Part 2 HOH, they have to retrieve "memories" and matching days. It's physical as well as mental. They're doing wall climbing to make the matches. They do it one at a time.
Holly - 10.38. Nicole - 14.38 -- HOLLY WINS PART 2
Live Part 3 starts - The Jury is Out, have to tell which jury statements are true or false.
1. Both right
2. Both right
3. Both right
4. Both right
5. Holly wrong
6. Both right
7. Both right
8. Both right
Jackson wins. Sigh. No real surprise there.
Expect the expected -- he evicts Nicole, the final two is Holly and Jackson.
Recap recap recap
Julie is all dressed up and sporting a beautiful hairdo.
Jury Roundtable with Dr. Will. Most seem to think Cliff is joining them -- they're right. They seem at a dilemma with Jackson's game -- yes he won comps. But how about the way he treats people? Has he integrity?
Then they talked Nicole and seem very impressed with her game. Sis thinks it was more luck than strategy, most seem to think she was playing a great game. As for Holly, they're not as impressed.
Now it's time for the taped Part 2 HOH, they have to retrieve "memories" and matching days. It's physical as well as mental. They're doing wall climbing to make the matches. They do it one at a time.
Holly - 10.38. Nicole - 14.38 -- HOLLY WINS PART 2
Live Part 3 starts - The Jury is Out, have to tell which jury statements are true or false.
1. Both right
2. Both right
3. Both right
4. Both right
5. Holly wrong
6. Both right
7. Both right
8. Both right
Jackson wins. Sigh. No real surprise there.
Expect the expected -- he evicts Nicole, the final two is Holly and Jackson.
She gets overwhelming applause. She held up well until she spotted her family in the audience.
Jury questions time.
Cliff- Jury management to Jackson -- defends his game
Christie - Holly strategy?
Tommy - Jackson degrading to women? He denies
Analyse - Holly played his game? She says no
Jess - Jackson why you over Holly?
Jack - Holly why you over Jackson?
Final speeches --
Jackson lists his stats and asks vote on game
Holly planned to fly under radar honwat
Voting commences
Early evictees are next.
Ohh … let's talk controversy. Ovi says Nicole was bullied when closed out of that HOH room. Kemi is upset with Jack and others. They all apologize. Jackson denies he's a racist. Bella is SO upset with Nick.
The votes
Nicole - H
Cliff - J
Tommy - J
Jess - H
Nick -- J
Sis - J
Kat - H
Jack - J
I don't like him as a person and thinks he has a lot of issues to work on in his life. But, game-wise he was best.
NICOLE WON AFP! Tommy and Cliff were the other top vote-getters
1 – 200 of 274 Newer› Newest»Hello Jackie!!! Hey everyone !!!
Hi Jackie Jon and all who follow
And through random pick - I'm still in the pool!!!
Have a great night everyone!! I will check in and see how things are going.
Hi everyone, again!!!
Hello Jackie, Jon and everyone coming over from the other pool.
I have Bourbon Sriracha shrimp, Coconut shrimp with Pina Colada dipping sauce, and Red Wine and White Peach Sangria. Dig in!!!
Hi folks
Mmmooonnntttyyyy lol Jennifer, sue, jo
Hey Jackie and Suegee..thanks for all ya'll do!! Hey everyone...lets getthis party started.. I have wine!!
Lol that just dies not get old When she falls
Hideho, Jackie, Jon, Monty, Sue Gee, Jennifer and joC!
Not dies lol
Holly needs to run after hearing all Jackson’s cry for Momma!
Monty you've out-done yourself! I have STELLA and Champagne, natch.
I have ice cream and cake for your belated Birthday!
Hello again Jackie, vincent & Everyone! Jackie - I plan to make a contribution to
the pool fund for all of your hard work (on Oct. 4).
Hi Joe, Monty and Cheryl!
Here we go
Woooo Hoooo Hi Everyone! Happy Birthday Monty!
Dr Will looks so dapper!
Hi all! Part II
Lookin sharp in the tux, Dr. Will
I love this part.
Will looks good.
Thanks Petals and Judi. One can never have too much cake, LOL
Thanks Jackie and SueGee!!! I brought hot grilled chicken nachos and guacamole!
Hi Everyone! I only saw the last half hour of Survivor so I didn't jump in the pool, but jumpin' in her for the BB Finale.
These people are delusional. There is very little loyalty in BB, except that 1 or 2 people.
It's interesting that Nick & Jack respect the 9 comps and most of the women are looking for the "nice person". Could be interesting.
Hi Ed, Judi, and Petals.
Perfectly stated, Tommy!
Nice... we're going to get more than just one short jury segment
Hey Penny!!!
Hi Penny
Dr. Will forgot his socks.
Happy belated Birthday Homie!
Thanks Homie
I agree, Joe. They want a nice person to win. I do agree, Michie could take responsibility for his game, but that's just is a game. You lie to people. You back stab people; and you sneak around. However, you should never be horrible to people; although I can name a few winners who were vile, yet, they did win.
I mean, seriously, this game has always been about backdoors and shifting alliances. If they want to hold that against Michie, they really should look in the mirror. Aren't a bunch of them former gr8teful members who turned on each other early in the game?
I'm glad Tommy wants to vote his morals. He lied to the entire house from day 1 about his relationship with Christie. He also made promises to both sides of the house that he broke.
I just hate when they play the exact same game and yet think they are morally above it.
Sis, you're confused about EVERYTHING
Poor, Sis.
Sis has now said that she supports NONE of the final 3
Well, I was wrong, lol. Sis was right on there!
That was funny
Yes! Everything you said!!
Hear, hear, Joe. It's okay to do, but if your done against, you are a horrible person.
I hope if michie and holly are f2 that holly wins but if she wants to win 500K go with Nicole
Hi again everyone. I like how they showed this Jury Roundtable broken up by People. It looks like Jacksons best chance to win might be against Holly.
sounds like to me if one of the girls wins the last hoh and votes out Jackson...they could win this game... we know one would, but would the other have the guts to do it??? I doubt it bit a girl can dream.right??
Dr Will was asked if he would do Big Brother again. He said it would have to be something incredible. He said he is content now to do Jury. He said expect the Unexpected lol
do we already know who wins this part of the comp?
Looks fun to do the climbing on this challenge!
Yes, Petals, we know.
Lol, Joe 9:41 and 0:42. Yes, poor Sis.
Lol damn I’d still be trying yo put the harness on
And she did that with her broken brain, lol
poor Nicole
Nicole looked sooooo sad
Poor Nicole.
Holly won the Days comp.
I'm not sure why Nicole is any bigger an underdog than half the people in the House. That's really a self-esteem issue. She's not exactly suffering from chronic pain or poverty or whatever...
This is the competition where people said that production used too much C02, which caused Nicole to black out. They also said producers would not show the truth. What truth? She hyperventilated.
My money says she can't or will try to throw it to Jackson. DUMB
Holly needs to stay loyal. Nicole would beat Holly I believe in Jury!
Holly really has no choice. A bitter jury will likely blame her as well as Michie. A jury based on merit is going to see Holly and Nicole as a toss-up and Nicole is going to be more likeable.
Aww, Nicole looks so pretty tonight!
Wow tents instead of the scales.
Well, it looks like Holly would consider to not take Michie? Wow. However, I still think she will lose.
Comp like last year's Final 3 HOH - sort of
Glenn, Tyler and Kaycee stood in phone booths last year... no scales
I liked the Kat letter to Brett.
These questions are hilarious.
This could be interesting. I hope that Jackson wins and takes Holly.
Where's Moleman? I wonder if he is OK. Physically I mean.
Lol energy
Holly got rattled by the last questions
Anon - Moleman is organizing a Nicole for AFP rally outside the Studio City walls.
I fell off a wall lol
game over for nicole
Petals with the zing lol
Well, Jackson will take Holly!
I mean, seriously, it's hard to argue against Michie. He just tied the comp record.
oh good grief
Expect the expected
Yes Jackson makes it to Final 2.
agree Joe.
Lol, Petals!!!
I feel badly for Holly. I think she may well be as much an "underdog" as Nicole. She seems to have real esteem issues.
So, all the talk of Holly winning last HOH, was false. Fans on Twitter will have egg on their faces. They were so positive Holly won.
Michie is more observant than people thought.
I agree with Nicole, though. If Holly wants even a chance to win, she needs to talk up her game.
Jackson will win this I am going with 6-3 vote ...hopefully Nicole takes afp
Penny, it's always LIVE... how would they have even known???
penny no one could have was live just now
I voted the wall as America’s favorite player lol
Penny, I stay away from twitter when it comes to BB. Those people are crazy!!
Cheryl, agree. I had it 7/2 before the jury roundtable, but 6/3 sounds right too. I think it will be definitely more than a 5/4 close vote.
Thanks Monty telling me about the Booths from last season.
Nicole will get AFP....
Absolutely theres no way he gets 500k!
I hope she does
He'll take Holly because he thinks they're the first showmance in F2. He obviously didn't watch All-Stars (S7)
PSA: Please remember our fearless, tireless leader Jackie, and donate if you can.
Bye Nicole!
Michie does NOT want 2nd place. He wants the confetti. PERIOD
And the confetti, don't forget the confetti, Julie!!
Jinx, Petals :)))
Love is a overrated word in this game!
That was the longest I lasted in pool lol
She just makes me SMILE from ear to ear
Gotta love lil Nicole. Love her lil skirt, too.
Michie deserves the win.
So the Showmance makes it Final 2. Now Nicole wore the Hat that Cliff left behind. Hopefully the Jury votes Jackson as the winner and not a bitter Jury.
I just loved her shock!
I love Nicole. She's such a sweet woman. She's perfect for working with children. I hope she got AFP.
Moleman - I can see your "I ♥ Nicole" t-shirt.
Petals Holly wanted to hold hands and walk out of the house together, If Jackson wins will he want Confetti over Holly lol.
I Love Nicole too
He wants the confetti more
One thing I can say. Michie was focused. He never lost it. He said from the beginning that he was there to win and that he wanted confeti. Let's hope the jury isn't too bitter. They are really going to take a knock at him. Hopefully, he stays cool and thinks about what he says before he says it.
Glenn, that's funny because Andy Herron missed his confetti moment because he waited to walk out with Gina Marie, LOL
Oh if Michie wins, he will NOT wait on Holly. He will burst thru those doors alone, a la Boogie/Erika.
Yeah, 7/2 or 8/1
I hope not, Petals. I hope he does keep his promise. I hope he doesn't act like a jerk.
Nick is dressed as a waiter/blackjack dealer. LOL. typical
Except for early game, Jackson and Kemi....
Huge discussion in my house... so painful
I'm lighting the candles on Monty's belated birthday cake...
She's rambling.
Petals get out of my head lol
I wonder if they know if they know that word. LOL
what Jennifer? Painful?
Nope, apparently they don't.....
Jackson looks a little ticked off
Thanks Julie, for making holly stop talking
Well, we get one more painful Holly speech. Sorry, but it's true. She handled the questions just okay in my opinion.
I think he's really nervous, Cheryl. It's like he said. He's a very intense person.
Film fans: See Joker. This is Joaquin's year!
Jackson didn't fully own his game nor his behavior, but I think he did enough for the win!
Jackson will say that Holly embarrassed him in front of everyone, He will see it as she is saying that Jackson is aggressive who needed a leash.
Good answer holly
Petals, I want to see that and J Lo in Hustlers!
Looked like Holly touched Jackson before commercial and then backed off. He is pissed.
I will be skipping Hustlers.
Analyse can’t sit still
Like how they have actually campaigned for themselves
they are all kinda giggling at Holly. Jackson for the win.
Jackson was a have not? *sarcasm
I think she's a little kind of nervous.
Good speech, but rambling...
How funny if they dropped watermelon on him instead of confetti?
STFU holly @@
Lol Anon 10:31
lol @anom
can holly pull out an upset?
Hoping for a win after my loss🤗🍾🎉
Hmmm... may be a 5/4 split
Are Nick and Bella going to acknowledge each other?
I was replying to comments on holly’s speaking
Does Jess vote for Holly since she had said before she was only voting for a Female winner?
Good question, tbc. Bring on the pre-jury :)))
At least we won't have to sit through a proposal that took up ALL of the time like last season
Glenn, I think Jess was a lock for Holly and so was Kat.
Here we go
Yes... OVI!!!
This is great. Letting the pre jury confront them. Everything they are saying is absolutely true.
I hope they think on what they said to Kemi. It really was racial.
Red cheeks???
What who me lol
Holly also very nervous here - they ALL know what they did and said
Lol nick
don't think it was your mind
Damn... Big Kudos to Big Brother for that segment!!
wow - so much anger, so many reasons why.
Agreed Monty..very different from past seasons
Again dont hook up in house with cameras 24/7 unless you are ok with anything lol
Does Bella toss back to Nick the Necklace of his she wore out of the house. Jackson looks like he asked Holly how bad was he shown,
I'm so glad they did this. I do not think people would have let this go if they had not done this. Some will never say it was enough, but this was great.
I applaud BB for doing it. We haven't had a pre-jury segment like this before. Even in S15, they didn't address it as much as the things from this season.
Maybe the way handled this tonight will make the next houseguests think twice about ther=ir behavior. Also maybe casting will think twice or 3 times..
this season was particularly ugly, for so many reasons.
not super excited
He looks a bit worried
I think Jackson could be really, really nervous. Maybe Hot flashes.
so subdued.
I win... I win 🤗
Confetti time!
Yep, walking out together. He kept the promise
He doesn't even want to go out now, LOL
he seems so...unhappy?
Yes Jackson won.
I don't remember what was said either.
He is so upset about the accusations.
Jackie, before I forget - thank you for slogging through this rough season, particularly since you were ailing.
I think he is scared how he came across and what he said and is like what will I be facing
But did he really Glenn?? He looks almost distraught
That stole a little of his thunder... he deserved the win, but deserved that too. imo
Nicole for AFP?
Jackson had said his family video was bad. That his mom did not look happy and he wished he never got it.
I hope it Nicole.
Wow. Michie's face. I think he's in shock from the criticism. He thought he was God's gift to BB. I think he feels like production ruined his night.
Nicole 🤗
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