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Happy to be in a more mellow season |
Yes, this is a bit late today. I had to be playing refrigerator repair technician in my kitchen. The good news is I succeeded! Maybe I have a new calling in life. It's good because do you know how expensive new refrigerators are these days?!? Yikes! Anyhow ... what has been happening in that Big Brother House of Happy Hamsters?
- As you know from my last update, Cody nominated Keesha and Kevin for eviction and the Power Of Veto comp should be played out today.
- Since that time Cody has spent much of his time explaining what a nice guy he is, had two days to get to know people, had to choose, woe is me that this is all on me, ad infinitum.
- See ... who says Latin is a dead language? It perfectly fits in with a phrase here and there!
- Both Keesha and Kevin had crying bouts on and off. Neither seems angry with Cody. But neither wants to go home. I think Kevin is taking it worse than Keesha.
- It seems Nicole A. may be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past season -- putting trust in the wrong people.
- Both Kaysar and Janelle wanted to work with her. She was star-struck.
- Um, now the Cody Contingent wants to draw her in. And, she seems receptive.
- I honestly think that, in the long run, the Kaysar/Janelle bunch would be better for her. I think the Cody Contingent would be quick to feel she's expendable, especially as they gather numbers.
- Ian seems to be gravitating towards the Cody Contingent as well. But I think he has more confidence in his own abilities than Nicole A.
- Alas, Ian did pinky swear on an alliance with Nicole F. as they are the only two past actual season winners in the house.
- Unfortunately, we have an Old School versus New School game afoot.
- In other news, it's obvious that Dani hasn't kept up with the show. She was shocked that there was no key box and a video photo screen in its place. I can't recall when they introduced that but it had to be at least four seasons ago or so.
- They played charades. I had to turn my volume down because of all of the excitement and screaming. These people really need the yard!
- Ian said that he was very upset when he Googled himself online after BB14 ended and one of the first results was "Ian Terry autistic." He knew he exhibits symptoms but thought since no one in the house mentioned it, that no one noticed.
- Ian's mentions of that brought up Kevin telling of a physical disability/disease he was born with that has something to do with the chest muscles not developing right.
- I'll report later on the PoV comp winner. Unless I've missed it (and I may have), I don't think players have been chosen yet.
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Trying to play Nice Guy |
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Every day is Christmas to her |
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She is a star, but will she stay the Queen? |
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Life on the block |
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Meows to Bayonne, NJ |
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Has she really learned from the past? |
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Not the master player now |
Thanks for the updates Jackie
HI Jackie!
Re Dani: Yes, she & Dom live this weird hippie life. No TV, no social media, etc. Au naturel, Zen & shit...
What puzzles me is why she is STILL feuding with her dad. She mentions it, and I cringe. Like, how old is that? Plus, what kind of beef can it be? And don't people get over it, eventually? (unless it's a crime, which it couldn't be, or they wouldn't have been together on BB originally...)
Just saying, as a Scorpio and as me, it kills me to NOT know EVERYTHING. LOL
I loved Kay talking with Cody for an hour today, but Cody took nothing away from it. Grrrr
I camt figure out Memphis out. I thought he was playing both sides but this morning he reported everything Kasar said back to Cody. And he does not seem to be giving Kasar information
Memphis seems to want a Cody/Memphis final 2 like he had with Dan. jmo
Thats the feel I get. I wish Kasar would chill out a bit. I feel.like he is putting people off because he is playing so hard.
I like Kasar so I hope he slows down a bit
A pleasure to see Janelle and Kaysar back in action. They are the complete package....strategy, comp winners, social game, and fan favorites.
They are such a contrast from the usual suspects we get most seasons that are selected mostly for how well they fill out a bathing suit. The kind of folks that six weeks into a season are still sitting around the backyard claiming there aren't any alliances in the house.
Because just as Kaysar is doing, soooo much Intel can be gleaned from just keeping an eye out for who's going in and out of the HOH room, and how long they're in there. Anyone who spends two weeks in the BB House and can't figure out at least partially who's in an alliance with who, and isn't in one themselves, isn't really playing the game, they're just taking a summer vacay on Reality TV.
There are a whole bunch of people I'm very glad to not see here on All Stars, like Frankie, Boogie, Rachel, and Brendon. This summer is already difficult enough without those folks being on my TV. I think they selected a pretty decent group, from a wide range of seasons, and it's nice to see David Alexander back. I agree with Jackie, he doesn't really qualify as an All Star, but it's nice he's been given a second chance. Let's see what he does with it.
Cody not only didn't get anything from his talk with Kaysar, he seems to be more turned against Kaysar. Unless he was just spinning for Memphis' benefit.
Cody, Memphis and Kaysar are all Alphas. When they entered the house, Cody/Memphis gave off pretty strong Alpha vibes at each other, so I didn't think they would team up. Alas...
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