Will there be the need for his vote? |
What's going on inside that Big Brother House of Waffling Wombats?
- Actually, not a heck of a lot.
- That's all.
- Thank you for stopping by!
- Oh. You're still there.
- Well, let's see ...
- Janelle is still campaigning for votes to keep Nicole A.
- Nicole A. is still scheming against Janelle and Kaysar. She is reading people so wrong. I don't know what to say.
- Da'vonne tried to get Memphis to commit to voting to keep Nicole A in the case of a tiebreaker.
- Race is playing a part in all of this -- at least among the Black people in the cast. Bayleigh and Da'vonne are torn about the vote. In a way, they want to support David in a bit of solidarity. But then they also actually like Nicole A. In the end, they just might cancel each other's vote out. I don't know.
- Dani is continuing being a Mean Girl. Rats. I really did want to enjoy her on the season.
- Da'vonne isn't playing a fantastic game. However, her insight into people seems to be back. She thinks Tyler is one to watch.
- Bayleigh continues with her yoga classes. Both she and Christmas really are good at leading the sessions.
- David went to Nicole to warn her she won't have the votes to stay. He told her he didn't want to get her hopes up.
- Hmm.
- While it's most likely that David will stay over Nicole, I don't think that was appropriate timing, nor quite the right person to bring her that news.
- It's only Monday. We know how things can change in the house.
- Plus, I think the warning should come from anybody else ... not the person who's on the block with her!
- We have two more days of this ahead ...
Outward facing dog. See! I'm learning! |
Hammock at capacity!
Too bad she's sinking her own ship
Still out of his league |
When Cody got wind of Bay/Day potentially working with Jaysar, they immediately formed a "fake" alliance called Slick Six - Bay/Day, Enzo Cody, Dani & Tyler. @@
NicEFF uninvited Janey to her wedding (by telling Victor to retract Janelle's invitation). Oh, I'm sure that will keep Janelle awake at night...
So far, Ian is playing the smartest game, IMO. Except for his odd allegiance to NicEFF, he hasn't committed to anyone or any alliance. He just takes it all in.
Tyler was right when he said, "it is just too much!"
What makes ian so good @ bb in your opinion?, to me he seems like a smart player that gets alot of twists to go his way with a slightly below average social game especially at the beginning.so what does he do to put him up there with the will's dan's and derricks of it all?!
I read an article on show biz cheat sheet where allot of the fans are saying the cast is suffering from “Janellousy” and how they are talking about her, it’s worth a check out for the mock movie poster someone did lol very funny and spot on. That’s not really a good move on David’s part telling her don’t bother so to speak. I get that Janelle and Kaysar are a force but you would think some of them would buy a vowel and work with them to benefit themselves as long as they are in they are big targets keep the focus off you and on them.
For allstars, I see some pretty dumb thinking.
I'm late to the party as I was out of town. But first thing that grabbed me is that this is an Allstar season. lol good job Grodner
I count Maybe 3 True Allstars, Grodner just keeps her record of being one of the worst producers in TV history let alone Reality TV history intact.
At least, with all being returning players, some of the noob shananigans should not be in play, and perhaps we will have gameplay dominate for a change.
But Allstars....no freaking way! lol
Must concur
Thanks Jackie!!!
After the Slick 6 meeting, Tyler and Cody and Enzo said they will be final Three. Enzo gave Tyler the Nick name bandit because he wears a Bandana Yo. He nick named Cody Zucco from the Movie grease and Enzo is still meow meow.
Nothing of what is happening in the house/game is making any sense to me. WHY arent Janelle/Kayser aligned with anybody? I still don't get why they were not nominated this time. Im glad they were not, but don't see much of a future for them. I hate this. Plus, the house has all kinds of cool decor but...Oh well...
i find Memphis to be vile. He can strategize, make alliances, but how he's spoken to David is highly condescending & offensive! He's showing his true character & i hope the other side of the house kicks him out on his arse
Glenn - that shows how infantile is Enzo. That he insists on secret code names. @@ Gimme a break, already!
The vitriol of EVERY SINGLE HG against Jaysar has to be production-generated. I can't see how 2 people - who have done NOTHING MEAN (feeders can see they haven't) - can have 13 people despise them.
And NicA is not only a stupid little basement-dweller, she is also a meanie-in-awkward clothing. Her beet-red hair and "quirk" are about as much depth as she has, and it shows this season! JMO, as always. Not to offend...heck we ALL rooted for her last year, with the philistines she was cast with.
It's very stressful to watch the feeds, and read the dialogue from Jokers, etc. Almost as stressful as the Cody/Jess season, when the entire house bullied one pair. It was painful to watch, and so is this!
NicA was thisclose to calling a house meeting to "expose Janelle's lies". She had everyone hyping her up, then...seconds before she did it, Dani talked her out of it.
You know why?
Because they ALL lied to NicA. They ALL lied about Janey & Kaysar. And a house meeting would expose them all (except the intended targets, who are truly blameless).
Darn it, I was hoping for an embarrassing house meeting.
Once again...Petals says it all. Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once again anybody that locks there parents in the basement is evil, especially when they admit it on national tv or the internet!
Remember ... this is a SHOW. This is a GAME. WE are not participants. There is no need to be stressed out because WE are not on the show! Deep breath.
Even his own alliance doesn’t much like him. Pompous.
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