Sunday, August 09, 2020

BB22: PGA Tournament Delays East Coast Episode - 08/09

As Julie mentioned in the show's closing Wednesday, some areas may have the Sunday show on a delay. Well, that seems to be all of the East Coast. Due to the PGA tournament, Big Brother isn't even scheduled until 10pm EDT. I'm assuming that PDT should be the normal time; not sure of Mountain and Central. Check your local listings!

I will have a blog party post up for the 10pm EDT show as it's scheduled here.

They still don't have the yard.


Cheryl in NC said...

Glad tomorrow is not my early Monday at work.See ya'll at 10(as long as the golf doesn't go over)

Nickelpeed said...

Hi Jackie and Vincent. Thank you for giving us a place to come and talk.

Hi Cheryl in NC!

Nickelpeed said...