Sunday, August 09, 2020

BB22" Power of Veto Winner Update

Yes, we have a winner!

Showing off the bling.

Oh my. Enzo won a comp. Chances are that he will not save Keesha. He probably won't use it at all, but definitely not on Keesha.


Jean said...

Hi Jackie. Thanks for the update. Can you tell me why every 3 minutes the live feeds go to the green/stars screen and theme song for about a minute? So annoying.

monty924 said...

Jean, when the talk about production or mention someone who hasn't signed a release, or if they sing. Those are the three BIG no no's and feeds go that this year. They've changed it over the years as to what they show on the screen, but those are the reasons they do it.

Jackie S. said...

What Monty said. They don't seem to be singers this season and most blocks seem to be talking about people without a signed release.

Jean said...

Thanks, I've watched the feeds on the past 2 seasons and of course, I've watched BBAD. I don't remember them being blocked so much. Speaking of BBAD, will it return?

Brandi said...

I think the should get some kind of penalty for the feed issue over the last few years it just keeps getting worse. I dont pay money to look at stars so they don't have to follow the rules. If there was a penalty involved maybe it would mean more than just the booming voice that they all seem to just laugh about

Jackie S. said...

Since it's not here yet, I think we've seen the end of BBAD. They should have donated the Orwell owl to the house. Maybe Cliff stole him.

Sharon N said...

Agree Jackie.
CBS makes $$ off people paying for their special CBS-Access, so that would be their preference for viewers now. In this economy, BBAD is more than likely poof.

The moleman said...

Probably the end of bbad, hoping it will comeback though!