Wednesday, August 11, 2021

BB23: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 11


Hello fellow hamster watchers! I'd call us voyeurs but that sounds too creeper-like. Tonight is the Power of Veto comp as well as the PoV meeting during which the veto is used ... or not. We're going into this with Britini and SarahBeth on the block. Will those same two be nominated for eviction by the time the show ends?

Well, we might know some of the happenings from the live feeds. However, since this is a show post, it's in the No Spoilers Zone. Please, let the folks who just watch the shows enjoy this! Merci.

I will be live-blogging all the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there! Bring snacks!

Previously on and blah-blah-blah. They sprawling across the TV screen that we're under a severe thunderstorm warning and I can hear the thunder. Hopefully my power will stay on.

Derek X talks to us about backdooring Christian while SarahBeth is surprised that he went after the Royal Flush. Britini is mad and cries to Derek F. The Royal Flush is all upset. Christian promises his fellow King that he will fight for her in PoV and she should choose him if she gets HG choice.

SarahBeth tells us she needs Derek X to be honest with her. He tells her that she's not the target. He tells her that if she comes off the block, he won't be putting up a Joker. He lets her know he wants to backdoor Christian.

Derek X tells us that he has to tell his fellow Royal Flush people that his target is Britini. He claims that he felt he had to nominate a King as Hannah was suspicious. He claims another Joker would go up if Britini comes off. Christian trusts him. Heh.

Many seem to be supporting SarahBeth. When Alyssa tells her that she will save her if she wins PoV, it makes SarahBeth realize that Christian (Alyssa's showmance) would be backdoored, but she doesn't let on.

Veto player pick time -- Derek X draws Alyssa. SarahBeth gets Claire. Britini draws Kyland (after she tells us she wants anyone but Kyland as he would save SarahBeth). Derek X is thrilled that Christian was not picked to play.

Veto Comp time. The backyard is set up with workout equipment. Kingdom of Curl A Lot. Everyone gets a prize, rewards and punishments. As they do the first exercise, Claire tells us she doesn't need to win it. She wins the Viceroy of Veto. She knows it will be taken. 

SarahBeth loses by a smidgen to Britini. Baroness of Bling ($5,000) and she keeps it! Her rationale is that Britini is still in it and would take the veto away. Kyland is out next, gets Duke of the Deck -- wearing a card costume and play 52 Pick Up on demand. He trades for Claire's veto.

Derek X out next. He gets the Jackass of Clubs. Jackass costume and make sandwiches on demand. He approaches SarahBeth about the money, but backs down as he just didn't have the heart to do it.

It's down to Alyssa and Britini. Britini is going wild with it and WINS! Alyssa wins Count of Communications. New phone and laptop, will get a phone call later this week and if still there in four weeks, a video call. Britini gets Lord of the Latrine -- punishment announcing arrivals to bathroom. She swaps for the Veto, of course. So, Britini has (technically) won the Power of Veto.

Derek's costume is very royal. Anyone wanting to use the bathroom must ask him for permission, he needs to unlock a hasp lock which has been installed and announce them and he's having fun with it. He does poop out, so to speak, after six hours.

Derek X thinks it's smart to warn Alyssa that there's a backdoor Christian plan? Oy. She tries to talk him out of it. She is not a happy camper about it at all.

Of course, she goes to Christian and tells him.

No, Derek X ... you are not blindsiding him if everyone including him knows you're doing it.

Time for the veto meeting. Christian wants Derek F on the block instead of himself. And, the show edit saves the suspense for tomorrow night. What a rip-off! 


CherryPie said...

Hi Jackie looks like im early for a change

monty924 said...

Hey Jackie and CherryPie

Cheryl in NC said...

Hey Jackie Cherry Monty and all who come in

CherryPie said...

Hi yall

jennifer said...

Hey Jackie, Monty, cherry pie and ALL who jump in!!

Petals said...


Cheryl in NC said...

Why do have to wear stupid shades in the house...ughghh

Petals said...

Hi everyone.

jennifer said...

Is it bad to say Sarah Beths sunglasses irritate me?!? Lol

monty924 said...

Hey Cheryl, Jennifer and Petals

Petals said...

Love DX.

jennifer said...

Hi petals, me too!!

Nickelpeed said...

Hi Jackie and Vincent. Thank you for hosting us, Jackie.

Hi CherryPie, monty, petals, jennifer, and Cheryl.

I won't be staying, I have to clear out one of my rooms. We rented a huge dumpster to get rid of items left by my daughter and SIL. The items have been here since 2012. I've asked forever for them to come get them. They still haven't, so they are gone. I want my house back. LOL Sorry for the rant.

Petals said...

Jenn - no. Many things about SB irritate me

monty924 said...

Hey Penny... we did that about a month ago and got rid of a ton of stuff. Felt good! :)))

Petals said...

I cave stay either. Beginning a new chapter in my life early tomorrow morning, so it's bed for me.

Jackie S. said...

If I vanish from the blog ... we're having a severe thunderstorm going on here.

Nickelpeed said...

Good Luck, Petals. Thinking of you. Night!!

Jackie S. said...

New job, Petals?

monty924 said...

I can't stand SBs little girl voice... just me

Nickelpeed said...

Stay safe, Jackie!!

jennifer said...

Nickelpeed, my daughter and sil are with me, when they go so does all their things for sure!! Good luck!

monty924 said...

Good luck, Petals!

Nickelpeed said...

Thanks, Jennifer. They know we have the dumpster here, but they've ignored coming by for 12 years. 3 of my rooms have their stuff. So, it goes in to the trash. LOL

Cheryl in NC said...

Good luck Penny...been cleaning out stuff here too

monty924 said...

Stay safe there, Jackie!! We dodged some storms so far this week.

Jackie S. said...

I just looked at local Doppler. We just finished purple, have red, then more purple heading our way. I heard hail before.

jennifer said...


jennifer said...

Good luck petals and jackie!!

Joe in NY said...

Still cheering for SB

monty924 said...

Hey Joe

jennifer said...

Hi Joe!

Nickelpeed said...

Hi Joe.

Yikes, Jackie!!!

jennifer said...

I think SB would make a perfect crazy person in a movie!

monty924 said...

LOL Jennifer

monty924 said...

Wow, that wasn't smart, but I get it. She wasn't going to keep the veto anyway but it looks bad to others.

Nickelpeed said...

They are continuously making Scream movies, so SB could try out for one of hem.

Well, I'm out of here everyone. It'll be the same tomorrow night. I'll stay until the vote, then I'm gone.

Will see everyone for a short time tomorrow night. Thank you, Jackie; and stay safe!!

monty924 said...

Lol @ Penny. Have a good night and will see you tomorrow

Cheryl in NC said...

see ya tomorrow penny

Jackie S. said...

The worst (purple) is hitting again. If it would cool things off, I wouldn't mind. It will probably just make it more humid.

Joe in NY said...

Purple rain...purple rain...

shout out to Petals who loved Prince.

CherryPie said...

Was SB crying tears when DX loomed lime he was gonna take her money

monty924 said...

Yeah Jackie, the last rain we got only made it more humid. It's horrible here today.

CherryPie said...

* looked like

jennifer said...

This is hysterical!!!

Cheryl in NC said...

go brit

monty924 said...

Lol... Derek's face :)))

Jackie S. said...

I don't think Britini would have let anyone else win that last one!

jennifer said...

It’s like that comp was made for her

CherryPie said...

Yeah Brit!!!!

jennifer said...

That commercial for survivor!!

Cheryl in NC said...

I would be letting evryone use the hoh

monty924 said...


Jackie S. said...

Derek had planned this out so well. What got into him to even think of telling Alyssa?!?

monty924 said...

So true, Jackie. He should have just kept quiet about it.

Jackie S. said...

No, I don't think I'm tough as nails. No, I don't want Dr. Phil knocking on my door.

CherryPie said...

Well hell why did he tell her that her 'boo" was going .....nooo dereck x u didnt

jennifer said...

That, IMO, was not good game play!

monty924 said...

Maintenance? It's management, Christian.

monty924 said...

They're not going to show it until tomorrow night, LOL

jennifer said...

Lol, Christian is begging for 750k!!

monty924 said...

Well, have a great evening everyone. Thanks Jackie!!

Jackie S. said...

Well, that's different. I think it's the first POV show with a cliffhanger.

Thank you all for coming by!

Cheryl in NC said...

THanks Jackie! see yall tomorrow night

Petals said...

Yes, Jackie. My office was gutted a little while back and I was a casualty of it. It's been a really lonely & scary time, but today is a new beginning.

Joe - awwww.

Petals said...

PS - I woke late last night to read (on Jokers) that there may have been some flip talks? I won't be able to follow it all day, so I really look forward to your morning post, Ms Jackie! It'd be a real coup if Christian pulls it off...

PSS - Let's not forget how tirelessly Jackie works to keep us voyeurs informed on the goings-on inside that crazy Habitrail. $$ make a donation to the pool fund $$

Jackie S. said...

Sorry to hear about the job, but it sounds like you have risen above! My update is up. And, thank you!

Auntie Leigh said...

So, whoever came in last! won the veto....I have been trying to figure out how BB could skew the outcome to Britini.....very sneaky, but I am kinda glad they did it.