Sunday, February 06, 2022

Celebrity BB3: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening, Nominations - Feb. 5


He's the Anti-Mango these days.

You'll have to pardon the briefness of the report tonight -- I'm not feeling all that well. No, not Covid. Just one of those pain days. I blame winter. Anyway ... here's the latest from inside that Celebrity BB House of Who Are These People?:

  • Not the big shot he was when he let the BB23 cast stay, party and play in his house post-season, Todrick seems obsessed with his envy of Carson.
  • He doesn't seem to like sharing the spotlight (or more accurately, sitting off the side of the spotlight in the dark) as the fun popular gay guy.
  • Chris Kattan sightings in the house are rare.
  • Chances are you're most likely to spot him sleeping.
  • That said, they talked today about how he almost won the HOH comp.
  • The feeds cut very quickly when Todd mentioned he had Covid while in sequester watching previous seasons.
  • As I mentioned before, Chris Kirkpatrick (HOH) didn't want to make any big moves.
  • So, he put the often sleeping and not mingling Chris Kattan on the block with the already on the block so no big deal Mirai.
  • I'm thinking the Power of Veto comp will be tomorrow (Sunday).
  • We know eviction is Monday.
  • That's all I have for you tonight.

On the block again, on the block again ...

Such entertainment!

As it's BB, we have Hats in the House

Taking it all in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how everyone is saying no big moves this early and they are in house for like three more weeks, when is someone going to make a big move on finale night lol. I guess even in the BB house when you are used to being the star of your own universe and have to share your neighborhood with other stars, someone is always going to outshine you, you either except it and share it having that inner confidence and learn from the experience or you try and get rid of them lol. I know it’s a game and yes that is the ultimate end result but some of Todriks comments are very much coming across like ageist and being just jealous more so then just gameplay to get Carson out. If anyone who claims to be a fan of the show knows looking from the outside in we the public are going to be more aware of Carson then Todrick, we have that built in recognition of him, we like him, so if someone is going to gun for him we are going to root for him and place him in the underdog position, it’s going to make the public view you as the villain for coming after Carson. I guess it really is something in that house that makes semi delusional people more delusional to not know that they are being filmed 24/7 and the fans are going to see on the feeds how they act and represent yourself no matter what edit you may or may not get on the show that airs. Just my opinion on things and we all know what that means lol