Don't do it, Joseph! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep:
- It really should have been an easy week for Taylor.
- One good thing remaining is that she knows no way no how will she be on the block.
- But, besides that, she has a mess on her hands.
- She's to blame for part of it.
- Y'see, Taylor is a nice and forgiving person.
- Despite the nasty things Jasmine has said about her, she doesn't want to have her evicted.
- She put Indy and Terrance on the block, but doesn't want either of them to go, per se.
- With Indy, she feels like she's betraying her gender.
- With Terrence, she feels like she's betraying fellow Black people.
- While they are spreading the word that there's a backdoor plan to put Monte up, it isn't true.
- However, she does need a pawn (not a pond as Indy thinks) to have for a renom if the veto is used.
- In comes Joseph.
- He apparently is willing to Pooch himself to try to save one of his two people outside the Leftovers.
- Indy has a crush on him and he promised to save her if he wins the veto.
- Terrance is his buddy. However, Terrance has been off on a Daniel tangent for days now.
- If Joseph does not win veto and ends up on the block because he volunteered, he deserves to be voted out!
- He was doing so well, playing both sides of the house. But it's become like a deep undercover narcotics cop getting hooked on drugs. He doesn't seem to be able to draw the line.
- As I write this up, I don't know who the veto players will be.
- Also, I think the only people really safe from being renoms would be Michael, Brittany and Turner. Maybe Monte as Taylor considers his words to her as falling for Paloma's lies.
- I guess we'll see.
The time it be forgiving is outside the house, not now! |
She KNOWS the game, but can she compete? |
Jasmine makes cleaning a major operation! |
Has he won too much for his own good? |
Am I the only one not looking forward to the House being split into two groups next week? Not a fan of the idea because it artificially ends what has been for weeks a very very successful large alliance. If The Leftovers are split in half then one group will have four of them and one group three.
At that point do they stick together, win comps, and target the non Leftovers in their half? Or do they start targeting each other?
I would prefer to just let things play out and see when and who pulls the trigger first to target one of their own rather than BB breaking them up this way. Michael, Brittany and Taylor could easily use Jasmine and Indy to vote out Monte. But if Kyle, Joseph, Monte or Turner win HOH when the times comes, who would they target first? Probably Michael, maybe Taylor?
Looks like we won't know now, with BB interfering by breaking them up. Boo. However BB splits them, I hope Kyle and Alyssa don't end up in the same half.
Why Joseph though? She’s been having a flirtmance with him and there are plenty of other choices!
Anon - Because he's Pooching himself -- volunteering! Of course, the veto comp may change everything.
He better not put himself on the block! He’s my pool pick and the FIRST one I’ve liked in years! Come on! Don’t be a fool!
I hope Joseph doesn't get Pooched. His alliance has had 'power' for so long, he thinks they will keep them safe and not take the shot (yet).
It will be interesting to see how BB plans to "split" the house.
Maybe they'll have the new HOH start by picking someone for their team, then each pick someone down the line? I hope Michael/Brit are still on the same team, but Kyle/Alissa get split up.
Have they said how they will split up the house? There is a chance that one side could all be Leftovers. They're going to have to turn on each other sooner than they expected.
Same here t-town!
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