Friday, August 26, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Nominations Bulletin - August 26


Turner has been telling different people different stories and it's hard to tell with whom he might be telling the truth.

Well, now we know.

After saying most of the night that he would be putting Alyssa and Terrance on the block, his real nominations today were ... BRITTANY AND TAYLOR. Since, with that story, he was tying in a Michael backdoor, I would guess that's what he's aiming for.

I think Michael is one of the best overall players we've seen in years. If Turner pulls that off, he certainly would have a feather in his cap. I will have to Photoshop one in on the screen cap. It would be a good game move for him. If he can't get Michael out, no one could win against him at the end.

I'd prefer for my own reasons that he target Kyle. 


Cheryl in NC said...

Awee Turner whatcha doing. I could care less about Brit but why did you have to put Taylor up!

Petals said...

I totally agree with you, Ms Jackie. Turner nommed them, knowing neither is likely to win veto; if he backdoored Michael it would be a HUGE move.

JonMD1267 said...

Dang it Turner but I totally agree with Jackie if he got Michael out that would be impressive. If Michael wins veto he then is obviously going to save one of them in a Sophie’s Choice deal that he can’t win, then realistically Monte goes up and either way one of them goes home unless he plops up someone else but him putting those two up sort of says where his minds at and veto will be crazy crucial this week.

Sharon N said...

I don't have to like it but can't blame Turner for thinking he has a better chance of winning if he's with the other 3.

They better hope their Plan works because Michael already realizes... if one comes down, he's going up. If Michael is backdoored, my hope is for Turner or Monte to win.

BTW, what happened to the urgency of "Monte is a HUGE threat we HAVE to get out?" Now Kyle wants to bring Monte into the After Party? It's almost September... sheesh.

Jackie S. said...

By the way, Jasmine's birthday month ends on Wednesday. Jackie's birthday month begins Thursday.

JonMD1267 said...

No Jackie… Your Birthday Year Begins !!!!

Jackie S. said...

Yes, Jon. Remember it!

JonMD1267 said...

Is your birthday right on the first ? You don’t have to give year just date? Cause I already put the first in my phone as a reminder lol Also, please trust that I would never ever, pinky swear ever steal a muffin and or any other bakery related product from you lol

Jackie S. said...

It's the 15th.

JonMD1267 said...

Thank you Jackie!! Already changed in phone lol I cannot possibly give you what you so richly deserve and honestly I so wish I could help you get through this rough patch you are experiencing. Everything you have given to everyone you come into contact with and all the time and energy to bring us all so much joy. I can say that I don’t have much to look forward to at times and knowing that this space that you provided here is one of the few genuine joys I look forward to each day and year and has saved me many a time when I was down and it still does. You are a special soul and I don’t know what I believe in anymore but I wish nothing but the best for you, and to heal and get well and thank you for everything you have given to me and everyone else!!!!

Cheryl in NC said...

Wow Jon..What a beautiful tribute to Jackie.And I agree this is a special place she has given us here to come together and share our favorite summer obsession .Thank you Jackie for all the time you put in to keep us up to date with the goings on in the house with your amazingly funny and well written posts.
And Jon thank you for keeping us entertained on show nights! Love this bb family here.