Thursday, August 17, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds into Thursday - Aug. 17


A rare Bowie Jane sighting!

Good morning fellow hamster voyeurs! Before we get going with this, I would like to thank those who donated to the blog. I did notice an issue with the Buy Me a Coffee system. They apparently don't accept payments from credit cards outside the United States. I had two CC payments for $5 each, one from Brazil, the other Belgium, that failed. (Yes, my statistics show I have readers from pretty much all over the world which I find very cool.) I do appreciate the efforts of those two readers, though. I believe PayPal does accept bank payments outside the US, plus makes it easier for me to thank folks. Thank you all again!

So ... what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Drama Llamas?

  • Cirie is trying to backpedal to Jag and Reilly over the flip. She has Izzy with her for the talk but told her to be quiet.
  • Just on Tuesday it looked like the Save Reilly campaign might result in a near unanimous vote.
  • But then common sense and the long game plan came to Cirie and Izzy.
  • Why would they get Hisam, the condescending King of Comps on their side, mad at them this early in the game?
  • As Mecole so wisely put it the other day -- the math is not mathing up.
  • Sure, everybody is upset with Hisam and he put a huge target on his back.
  • Hisam cannot play for HOH this week.
  • But if nominated, he CAN play for veto. Although odds are against someone winning four comps in a row, it could happen. He's that good at both physical and mental comps.
  • Now, if he just had a social game!
  • Cirie is trying to convince Jag and Reilly that their own side is lying to them and will vote Reilly out, so she and Izzy must follow suit.
  • "It's not my doing and I can't control it. People want to vote with the house."
  • Hmm. Actually, right now, it looks like there won't be a house vote this week. Things will probably split along the battle lines of the two sides.
  • That leaves people like Cory and Jared stuck.
  • Both have been playing both sides of the house and they will have to show their cards.
  • Reilly's bunch claims they want to target the floaters (after Hisam).
  • But they do consider Cirie a player.
  • They seem very unsure of Cory, Mecole, Bowie and Red.
  • America seems way iffy. When she's with Reilly's bunch, she's with them. When she's talking to Izzy and Cory, she's with them voting out Reilly.
  • I can't figure the truth although I'm leaning towards her voting out Reilly as she just formed a little alliance with Mecole.
  • But, then again, America is the one who planted the seed with Blue and Jag that Cirie and Izzy are the leaders of that side.
  • Cirie thinks it was Reilly calling them the ringleaders.
  • Cirie told Red that the other side was going to go after him, Bowie and Mecole as they were "middle players" AKA floaters.
  • Red went to Hisam telling him that Matt was upset with him (Hisam) over feeling that he threatened him, and America was playing both sides. They both agreed the next target should be Matt.
  • Jared and Blue's continued friendship continues to grow.
  • Eventually that will clash with Mama Cirie.
  • At the moment, it looks like Reilly will be voted out.
  • But even for me, it's hard to tell the concrete votes other than a few to do that.
  • Laters!

No one is targeting Matt ... for the moment.

Why does she even talk to him?

Felicia's laugh is infectious!

Will the friendmance go showmance?

We aren't the ringleaders!


Petals said...

Darn, I was really hoping the #SaveReilly flip would be successful. I'll miss her, she's adorable and a good friend to Matt.

Sharon N said...

Riley doesn't do anything for me. Unfortunately, Matt's obvious "attachment" to Riley may cost him... sooner than later.

So far, Matt is the only one I really want to cheer for... but on the other hand, guess I am sorta cheering for Hisam.... to get the boot!! lol

Judi Sweeney said...

I am a Matt fan too! I would like to see Hisam a little shook up… I’d just like to see him get nervous. I feel with each win, he becomes even more cocky and I really hate cocky hamsters!

Nickelpeed said...

I like Matt, too. I hope he can read lips really well. Hisam is a little too sure of himself. He doesn't think anyone would dare put him up. I can't see him getting nervous, I see him getting even in some way.