Saturday, September 09, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Power of Veto Winner Bulletin - Sept. 9


As you know from my previous post the veto players were: Cameron, Felicia and Izzy joined by Jag, Jared and Matt.

The feeds went down for the comp at around 1:30PM EDT. When they came back about five hours later, we had this: no one on camera wearing the necklace. It seems Matt won/chose something to do with the TV show that's being promo'd. It SOUNDS like Jared won. He's telling Blue that Cirie is his mother, and he doesn't think she has the votes to stay if he uses it. So, I will go with Jared winning it unless I hear otherwise. Izzy seems upbeat.

Yes, Jared won Veto. He tells Blue he cannot use it. The five "losers" - Cameron, Izzy, Felicia, Matt and Jag have to wear costumes. Jag either has cash or a trip, not sure which. The comp had spinning in it.

Update: Jag got $5,000. It sounds like Cameron won a European trip for two.


Anonymous said...

VERY curious to see a Jared/Ccmeron talk


Jackie S. said...

Since the feeds returned I've only seen Cameron's feet in the living room and him say to a passing Jared, "We good?" Jared replied, "We good." I believe they were Cameron's feet. Sounded like his voice.

Sharon N said...

Thank you Jackie. :)

With all the negative talk about Felicia circulating, she'll probably be the one voted out. Does she even realize the bridges she burned with Cirie/Izzy/Jared? They'll try to make sure she's voted out, but if the rest of the HGs are smart, they'll join forces and vote out Izzy.

Glenn Allen said...

My Internet was messed up tonight. Hopefully I will be on for the watch party tomorrow night. I am glad that Jared won Veto. Hopefully my Pool person Izzy is safe and Felicia goes home!

Michelle said...

Glen, you mean ‘our’ Pool person Izzy. Haha
Izzy and Felicia are both entertaining. See ya tomorrow in the comments.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see them send Izzy home because she is a stronger and more strategic player than Felicia. However, I know this isn’t kind, but for my own sanity I’d l wouldn’t mind seeing Felicia go because her cackle-style laugh bothers me. Sooo loud and annoying to me. Not sure why but it does annoy me. Even though Felicia is my pool pic, I’d gladly lose the pool just to have that cackling gone. I realize it would be smarter to get rid of Izzy. Dr. Celine on mobile.

Sharon N said...

Too funny.
Jared has been on a Cory/America rant for at least an hour, working himself into a real lather. Then he started ranting to Cameron that Cory is becoming a problem for his (Jared's) game... and "I" could blow up America's game. Meanwhile, Cameron is just sitting there listening to him rant and calmly says, "they don't bother me at all." LMAO!!!!