Thursday, September 21, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Waffle Wednesday into Thursday - Sept. 21


Cleaning the windows ... thank you!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House Hapless Hamsters:

  • Yes, Waffle Wednesday was yesterday.
  • And, yes, they waffled. Hey, it's tradition, y'know!
  • Jared and Cirie talked about pushing the boot to America instead of Cameron.
  • They actually sat and considered numbers.
  • Mecole was already thinking about it.
  • But I doubt it will happen. It's still looking like Cameron will be the first one out the door tonight.
  • Of course, they don't know there will be a second one going out the door.
  • The feeds were blocked with adoptable animals for a period in the afternoon.
  • Now, those are reserved for comps and actual show stuff rather than to simply block the live feeds. The regular live feeds block is what we have been calling the colonoscopy screen.
  • They got some sort of transmission from the ScaryVerse in the pneumatic tube.
  • It was a clue with letters missing, possibly scrambled letters. They think a capitalized Z means zombies. They also think it's something about returning people. I don't know.
  • I just hope it's not going to be a battle back between the two evicted tonight. 
  • Cirie claims she really wants to win HOH. If she does, then Jared would not be the second one out.
  • BB needs to not EVER give the hamsters dental flossers again. I am so sick of watching people pick their teeth 24/7.
  • The feeds went to adoptable animals again last night for the halfway party.
  • This morning they are all getting a bit antsy as the storage room has not been restocked. "There's nothing to eat!" Sheesh, if I had that much of "nothing to eat" in the house, I'd have food for over a week.
  • Felicia was up first and is now cleaning and vacuuming.
  • Cameron sat up on the counter as his coffee was brewing and told Jag he's a gargoyle.
  • They just went to adoptable animals but I would guess it's a prep for tonight's show.
  • Tonight should be interesting.
  • Laters!
Added notes: Interesting, I just read that there will be no press exit interviews this week. Combined with the fact there is no veto show scheduled for next week, it sounds like the two going tonight just might not be gone for good. We know it's prejury. Hmm.

Leftovers from the halfway party.

Straightened hair, same sunglass stare.

Return of the roller queen.

Hey, Bro ... you need to GO!


SusanS. said...

Last night Matt and Cory were talking in the game room. It was hard to understand with the whispers but was Cory telling Matt to get rid of America instead of Cam? And how Jared hated America. Why does he talk about America so bad and then lay around kissing her? Maybe I misunderstood but I sure wish I knew.

Sharon N said...

Jared doesn't actually 'hate' America... that's a loose word the HGs throw around. However, he does want her out. Heck, he wants all of them out... except himself and mom. lol

I doubt Cory was saying get rid of America (yet)... before Cam, but I suspect he realizes how dumb it was to get in a showmance with her. They did agree to try and downplay their relationship, but that's pretty hard to do... while continuing to play smacky-mouth. @@
Pretty girl, but personally, I don't like much about her as a person.

Anonymous said...

It’s called being a man. They aren’t going to ever refuse fooling around or making out with an attractive girl who is willing no matter what…even if they don’t love her personality.

Anonymous said...

That sure is the truth!