Monday, October 09, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds into Monday Morning, POV Meeting - Oct. 9


Cirie! America and I are officially

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the HOH from Down Under:

  • All is in motion.
  • Jag will be using the veto later during the Veto Meeting.
  • As per Cirie's offer, he will save Felicia. Cirie volunteered saying that this way Felicia won't have to pack again and it will be less stressful for her.
  • Bowie Jane will replace Felicia with Cameron.
  • Cameron and Cirie will be on the block and Cameron will probably be unanimously voted out. (Like he already was!)
  • Now, if nobody tells Cam, all should go smoothly.
  • Yeah, right. This is BB25.
  • Cameron did confront Bowie Jane and Jag asking if he was going on the block. He told them he just wanted to know, he would be the same old friendly Cameron and all. (??!!) He says that if he goes on the block, he knows he will be evicted.
  • Y'think?
  • Sure enough, while Bowie Jane, Jag, and Matt are celebrating upstairs, out in the hammock America is talking to Cameron.
  • And telling all.
  • Every alliance, every word she's heard, that Jag is using the veto, that Cam will be the renom.
  • Cameron definitely gets upset that his fellow Fugitive is betraying him.
  • But then he goes on to tell America everything about his own game.
  • Not that she will get it all right on a retell to Cory, mind you.
  • But as Blue said to him, "You got voted out unanimously for how you were playing the game. So, you come back in and play the same way again."
  • Meanwhile, America and Cory are now officially named as boyfriend and girlfriend. I guess I underestimated the depths of their endying love for each other.
  • It's Monday morning and Cameron is once again talking to America. She seems to be the only one who will sit and listen to him.
  • He's telling her that he personally saved Bowie Jane and was there for her when she was in tears and this is the thanks he gets.
  • Cameron told America that he went to Bowie Jane about Jag using the veto and what she will do. He said she just said it's up to Jag whether he wants to use the veto or not (and avoided what she will do).
  • Meanwhile, in the house everyone else is gathered in the kitchen. Bowie Jane says to all what a bad game player Cameron is.
  • Cameron went from friendly non-game talk with Matt directly to: "How long have you known about the backdoor plan?"
  • Oh my.
  • He goes on to Matt about how hurt he is by Bowie Jane.
  • He is putting Matt on a mighty guilt trip. He's really putting Matt on the spot. He tells him that he gave Jag and Bowie a chance last night and they let him down.
  • Cameron thinks the move was intentional all along.
  • Matt tells him it wasn't.
  • It actually wasn't. Bowie wanted Cirie out. They pretty much assumed Cameron would play for veto and win it.
  • Technically, it isn't even really a backdoor because it was not planned.
  • The pieces fell in place once Jag won the veto.
  • Cory went to quick work making a sandwich and had just started to eat and Cam accused him of knowing what's going on when ... adoptable pets and the loud music started. 
  • Veto meeting in progress. 2:05PM ET.
  • Feeds returned at 3:36PM ET.
  • It went as planned. Cameron is up in place of Felicia.
  • Blue tells Matt that Cameron is just being dramatic. She doesn't think he will pitch to stay.

That's a back brace, silly Jag!

Let's party!

America tells all to Cameron
who tells all he knows to her.

So, this is really happening?

Felicia must have the record for Bible reading.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie!

Sharon N said...

Thank you Jackie!

Ha! Cam was positive Cirie would be taken down. oops

Jackie S. said...

Sharon N - Cam can't understand that move, keeping Cirie on the block, at all. First off, Cirie volunteered to spare Felicia another stay on the block. Second, while we all know Cirie is a big threat social game-wise, she sucks at comps. They can technically get her out at any time. But, shots at Cameron are few and far between with his comp wins.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie....its gonna get interesting now....!!!!!!!

Sharon N said...

Yup, I was laughing because Cam "thought" everyone loves Cirie and would take her down. He had no clue Cirie actually volunteered to stay OTB.

Although Cirie is a 'social' competitor and would probably love to win BB, I also suspect she wouldn't care if she was the 1st HG evicted to the Jury house. It would give her some real time alone... nobody banging on her ears. LOL

Petals said...

wow, thanks Jackie.
One thing this season ISN'T, is boring.

Sharon N said...

Well, there was that one loooong week... LOL

Lili said...

Please twists, no saves, no secret immunity powers, no take backs. I want Cam gone permanently. No ability to skulk back in dressed as a zombie, a piggie, or any other creature. It feels like it's taken months and 14 tries at this point to oust him. Hope it happens, hope it sticks.

I know it's very unlikely that Felicia will make it to the end, but at least this week I hope she gets some serious giggles and satisfaction that Cam is out, and she's still in.

My pool girl Meme is gone, so I'm not really rooting for anyone particular, tho I like that Matt and Jag are the tightest most strategic alliance in the house. Versus Cory and America.....she's appears to be a loose cannon, not really a cohesive ally to Cory.

RyzandShyn said...

I thought Cory was the way to go, or that Bowie might choose Blue just not to upset either Cory or Cam. I was buying what Cam was selling - his closeness with Bowie and his work to keep Jag and Matt safe, so I’m kindasorta feeling sorry for him. I know, big mistake lol. Can’t imagine the vote will be for Cirie, but I agree she’d probably love time alone in the jury house. It has been an interesting season!