Showing posts with label sunrise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunrise. Show all posts

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 6, 2013

It's Sunday morning. Good morning to ya! A bit later I will post the blog pool picks for The Amazing Race and the blog party post as the show airs here on the East Coast. But, you're at my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

We had another rather muggy and warm week here in this area. While the temperatures weren't bad at all, muggy isn't my favorite kind of weather. It's supposed to rain tomorrow night and the weather following that should be more seasonable for this time of year here. Good. Of course, I think all of us have a bit of trepidation as we head to the year anniversary date of Sandy. I don't particularly want to be a Rider on the Storm again this year!

My week was a bit uneventful once again. Work, home, eat, sleep and pay a lot of attention to a certain cat. I received my box of goodies ordered from with a gift certificate from my brother. So, I've started reading Stephen King's newest book (hardcover first release, half price!), enjoying new bath salts (not the drug kind, mind you) and bath foam, and playing with my new knives. Er, cutlery set. My other set was about 35 years old, its block discolored over the years and some of the knives broken or missing. It was time. I have a Peapod grocery delivery coming today and will get a chance to test out the slicer knife on a small roast. Woot.

Y'see, it's the little things. As the Rolling Stones say, "You can't always get what you want, you get what you need." I needed relaxing baths, an interesting book and knives!

Otherwise on the home front, all is quiet for the most part. The upstairs neighbor is still the best one ever up there and it's a relief to not worry about my bathroom ceiling flooding.

Last night coming home, it was dark but the streets in Plainfield seemed quite alive with skateboarders, couples walking, families with children in strollers and it all seemed very mellow. Probably there won't be too many evenings like that left. When I got to the bodega near my apartment, someone was playing P-Funk and people were nodding their heads to the music and they said hello. It all seemed so urban, yet so small town homey.

Oh well, the super just knocked on my door. Yes, on a Sunday morning. He wanted to set up a date to put new windows in. When they replaced the windows on the first floor last year, they told me not all the apartments will be getting them. I've noticed more and more getting them over the past few weeks. While new windows are going to be nice, it's definitely worrisome with Vincent and my work schedule. We decided he'll come by next Saturday around 8am before I leave for work. I'll put Vincent in my big old cat carrier crate thing before I go and they'll set him loose in the apartment when they leave.

Onto this week's photos, nothing really fancy once again ...

Mums photo IMG_0073a_zps21fd998b.jpg
Who's your mum(s)?

Yep, 'tis the season of the mum. I found these on Berckman Street in Plainfield.

Roses photo IMG_0106a_zpsfb1a6dc5.jpg
Let there be roses

Still hanging in nicely on East Front Street in Plainfield.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 29, 2013

Good Sunday morning, world! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

A few quick television topic things, first --
  • The Amazing Race starts tonight. If you wish to sign up for the pool, check out this post right here. Please limit sign-ups to that post -- otherwise they might be missed.
  • There will be a blog party post for TAR tonight at 8pm ET. However, as we know, there's always a chance it might be delayed by some sport or another. But the party post will be up on time even if the show doesn't start on time!
Back to being on my off topic ...!

Um. Well. I don't know what was wrong with me this past week. I overslept. I fell asleep watching television after work. I actually missed my train one morning and was late to work. I just don't know! Ack. Thankfully, the TV shows I missed are online, so I have caught up/will catch up with them.

I submitted my photos to this year's Plainfield Library Photo Contest. The theme for the year isn't something with which I'm overwhelmed with photo fodder. "Plainfield Celebrates." Now, many of the fun happenings in town are on Saturdays when I work. I really don't have anything to do with the local high school or sports. I don't have family or celebrations of my own so much here. I made due with some photos I had taken over the last couple of years. We'll see.

Oh! I did have some excitement this week! Oh! Vincent had been staring at the wall in the kitchen once again. When he did that for extended periods of time before, there were mice in the wall. Apparently he can hear them while I can't and there must be a small hole where the baseboard heat attaches to the wall that I can't even find. Sure enough, Tuesday afternoon after work, he was out in the kitchen staring at the wall. Then ... THUMP!!! Next thing I know, Vincent is prancing into the living room with a mouse in his mouth. He tossed it in the air, played and tormented it for a few minutes before I deemed it deceased and buried it "at sea." I let the landlord know because the other tenants don't have a Vincent, Mouser Cat Extraordinaire.

Onto this week's photos. I'm not really thrilled with my efforts this week. But, if nothing else, it will give you a chance to see what I see ...

Mums photo IMG_0044a_zps1c93b098.jpg
Mums time!

I'm seeing homes decked out with pumpkins and baskets of mums on Berckman Street in Plainfield!

Sunrise 3 photo IMG_0029a_zps443c387e.jpg
Sunrise on my commute

Soon it will be dark when I arrive and getting dark when I come home.

Roses photo IMG_9990a_zps016c2868.jpg
Roses by flash

Despite the chilly nights, these flowers are still doing well on East Front Street in Plainfield. It's so dark when I pass them that I have to use the flash on my camera, though.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - September 15, 2013

Good Sunday morning, folks! It's time for my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. While there isn't any television talk on this off topic post, I must stray to it for a minute ...
  • If you're looking for the latest Big Brother live feeds or show news, you can find those posts right here.
  • If you want to sign up for the Survivor: Blood vs. Water blog pool, that post can be found here. The deadline for that is Tuesday. Please sign up only on that post or by contacting Lifeguard Laurie at the email address listed in that post. No other posts or places will be checked.
Okay, back to off topic!

I had a four-day work week this past week as I took yesterday off as a vacation day to kick off my latest staycation. I usually work Saturdays, so that was an added bonus. The weather, after hitting 96 degrees early in the week, was down to a high around 70 both on Friday and Saturday. Yay! That's MY kind of weather -- cool overnights, sunny, dry and not hot! Yay!

Yesterday I walked downtown to the big Central Americano festival. It wasn't as crowded as the last time I went. But, then again it could have been the time I went or the fact that the last time I went there were actually two festivals adjacent to each other. Nonetheless, people were parked as far up my block to attend the festivities and East Front Street was a huge traffic jam.

While nothing much went on last week, today is my birthday. I'm older than I ever thought I would be had you asked me decades ago. I plan a day of relaxation for the most part. Big Brother live feeds have died down and I can actually rest. I could go to the festival which is still running downtown today, but I doubt I will. 

Festival 6 photo IMG_9641a_zps894cdf63.jpg
Will it go 'round in circles?

Will it fly high up in the sky? I took this shot at the Latino festival in Plainfield yesterday.

Bird 2 photo IMG_9562b_zps82d9f303.jpg
Smile for the camera

This young mockingbird was with its siblings, but was the only one to pose for me up on the fence rail. The mockingbird parents have been very territorial, chasing other birds and even warily watching me for weeks now. There are five of the young 'uns. While they can fend for themselves, they still bother their mother for food by fluffing their feathers, shaking and crying out. Like toddlers, they are. Bridgewater Train Station.


Sunday, August 04, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week it Was - August 4, 2013

Good Sunday morning to all y'all out there! If you're looking for Big Brother live feeds reports, you can find the most recent one right here at this link. This post has no television content as it's my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. While Big Brother is seasonal here on the blog, this is all year 'round!

It's been yet another quiet summer week for me on the whole this past week. We had quite a bit of rain here, with a few nice days. The heat hasn't been horrible (yay!). I haven't had my air conditioner on since that long heat wave a few weeks ago. Fans have been plenty to keep it cool in here.

Let's see ... this week ... this week ...
I worked, I slept, I reported on the BB live feeds, I ate, I petted Vincent and catered to him as per his demand. I didn't really go anywhere other than work, then home. I lead such an exciting life!

On the home front, the upstairs neighbor is still the best and quietest ever above me here. (Yay!) One of the downstairs neighbors told me the new landlords increased his rent by $15. I didn't tell him I only got a $5 increase. I actually know why -- he's in a studio apartment and the increase brings him to what new tenants pay for those. One of the past landlords had him under market to fill the building. Mine is already above market.

Huh. I don't really have much more to say. I guess I'll just get to the photos I took this week --

Dragonfly photo IMG_9025a_zps85300563.jpg

I believe, after Googling, that it's likely to be a female common whitetail. (The males are actually whitetailed.) It was kind enough to pause on an old curb at the Bridgewater Train Station.

Sunflowers photo IMG_9040a_zps5bf67ac3.jpg

It's good that I took this shot of these on East Front Street (Plainfield) early in the week as someone chopped them down by Thursday! Argh. There are more closer to the house, but I don't want people to think I'm a total weirdo going on their lawn.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - April 21, 2013

It's Sunday morning. Yay. Of course, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later tonight, the blog party post for The Amazing Race will be in place by 8pm EDT. Whether the show will actually start on time ...? Who knows. Grr.

I actually wanted to watch the scheduled 60 Minutes this week, but I believe a special edition on the show going in depth on the happenings in Boston this past week will air instead. That's understandable. Originally scheduled was the first time the show interviewed a serial killer. That serial killer? Charles Cullen, New Jersey's most prolific serial killer, possibly the most prolific in the country with indications he might have killed more than a few hundred people. He admitted to around 45, I believe.

My interest in the case is because it's rather local, he was finally caught at the hospital where I had both of my knee replacements (he's one of those "angel of mercy" types) and an acquaintance of mine who worked at the hospital actually knew him. Cullen was caught five years before my first knee replacement. Although my nurses weren't all goodness and light there, they haven't killed anybody. That I know about, that is.

It's been a horrific week for the country. Between the Boston Marathon bombing and the unprecedented manhunt and the tragic fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas ... I don't know. Both incidents have their own horror about them. Knowing that fertilizer can be used to make bombs (mind you, I have no clue, nor desire, about how bombs are made with such), I wouldn't live near a fertilizer plant. I also wouldn't live near a nuclear plant. Sure, accidents are rare. But when they happen, it's horrible.

The Boston happenings struck my own life a bit more. Even though I lived a few years in California, I'm an East Coast kind of gal. My favorite East Coast big cities are NYC (naturally!), Boston and Philadelphia. I'm starting to feel jaded here since 9/11. That affected everything for me and made me realize that we ARE targets. Although I go about my everyday life, well, every day, I ride mass transit; I live in the Greater New York City Metropolitan area. Reminders are around me daily of the possibility of a terrorist incident.

So, I wasn't shocked about the Boston Marathon bombing. Saddened deeply, but not really shocked. I found it more shocking the manhunt and lockdown of the towns up there. I found it more shocking that the younger brother suspect was so well-liked and "normal" in his every day life. Did he idolize his older brother so much that he went along with the madness? I don't know.Even if that is the case, he's legally an adult. If guilty, he will suffer the consequences. 

It can be a sad, sad world.

At least the arriving spring breathes some new life into things ... onto this week's photos -- 

Pigeon photo IMG_6257a_zps93f5d89d.jpg
Pretty pigeon

One of Dave's (The Corner Store) pigeons, East Second and Watchung in Plainfield.

Sunrise photo IMG_6161a_zpscd0a9c27.jpg
Sunrise in the 'hood

East Front Street, Plainfield.

Sunset photo IMG_6299a_zps0c95d9b6.jpg
Sunset at the Plainfield Train Station

East Fourth Street side.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - April 14, 2013

It's Sunday morning! Bonjour! As it is, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Be warned -- due to spring breaking out all over the place, there are tons of photos this week. You've been warned.

Hopefully it is really spring. This past week I've worn my winter jacket, short sleeves and my spring jacket for my walk to the train station for work. We've had winter, summer and spring all within the week. Two days this week, the temperatures were in the mid-eighties. We had a terrific thunderstorm as a cold front blasted its way in. Then it was winter-ish once again. Yesterday was nice with temperatures around 60 and just fluffy white clouds mixing with the blue of the sky. Today is supposed to be more of the same.

I actually worked a quasi-normal human being work week this past week -- Monday through Friday with this weekend off. I'm of two minds about that. While it's nice to have two days off in a row, I'm not used to working five days in a row (or nine days out ten) to get there. I've been working a two days on, day off, three days on, day off pattern for so many years that I was exhausted by Friday. That might also have to do with remodeling chaos at my workplace, though. I don't know. I won't be doing it every week. This week I'm back to my Wednesday off.

Let's see ... what else happened this week? Oh, I know. NJ Transit has a new class of train engineers out on the rails. Those are the train "drivers." I think I'd like a few to go back for remedial training. They keep overshooting the Bridgewater Train Station platform. I had to jump off the train into the rocks one morning. I stumbled a bit upon landing, but was fine. I should have been a sneaky sneakface when the conductor kept asking me if I was okay. I had told him I had two knee replacements before I jumped. I should have called an ambulance! I should have sued! Nah, not my style. I was fine. But, if it had been pre-surgeries, no way could I have done it.

Another time, boarding the train, we had to walk through two closed cars before we could sit. Now, that doesn't sound bad, but these are multi-level trains. Up the stairs, down the stairs, cross the car, more stairs. Grr. Another time the train had to back up as he entirely missed the platform. Scary. Each time when I've been on the platform waiting, I could tell the train was coming in too fast on the approach.

There's nothing new on the home living front. I still haven't met the upstairs neighbor. He's still the best person who's lived up there out of the four different folks/families that have been there since I moved into my apartment. The only better neighbor up there has been the times it has sat vacant in between tenants.

Onto this week's photos -- I have an abundance of spring going on. Plus, yesterday on my rare Saturday off, I took a walk downtown and attended a ceremony in the plaza by the Madison-Park building to kick off the primary season democratic headquarters opening. Yes, I lead an exciting life, don't I?  

Magnolia photo IMG_5996a_zps36411253.jpg
Yes, it's really spring! (I think.)

East Front Street in Plainfield.

Blue! photo IMG_5987a_zps57109f69.jpg
Pretty in blue

Berckman Street, Plainfield.

Daffodil photo IMG_5926a_zpsd5d2665c.jpg

Also on Berckman Street.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 31, 2013

Easter 2010 photo HapEaster10JackieMA31501004-0001.gif

I hope everyone is having a fine Easter Sunday! Since it is indeed Sunday, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. The blog party post for The Amazing Race will be up tonight approximately 8pm EDT. Come on by and watch the show with us!

I have a small ham I'll be making for today's meal here, along with cabbage I bought very cheaply in my Peapod grocery order last week. I timed my order so that I was catching the end of their St. Patrick's Day specials. The corned beef was way cheap and out of stock. They issue rainchecks, so I'll try for cheap corned beef on my next order. They had actually been out of the sale ham for the last three orders I made and that came through with this one. So I'll have a bit of a feast today for myself. Every day is a feast for Vincent the Cat.

Although the nights have still remained cold here, the daytime highs are finally in the 50s. Woohoo! Unfortunately, I leave for work so early that I'm still wearing my winter jacket. By the time I go home, a lighter spring jacket would do. But I'm not lugging spare jackets back and forth to the train station.

I still haven't met or seen my new upstairs neighbor. However, I did ask Lee (building gossip) if he had seen him. He certainly has and it explains a few things. It's an African man, not to be confused with African-American although it's a possibility that the man might be a US citizen.

Aha! The mellow music that I can't identify explained. The chanting I heard explained (religious maybe?). This could very well be the perfect upstairs neighbor. My next door neighbor on one side is from Africa -- the one whose mother was confused in the hallway during a fire alarm. All that man does is work a lot and live quietly. While I'm sure not all African folks work a lot and live quietly, it appears my new upstairs neighbor falls in that category. It's not likely that the man will throw wild parties or play rap music with heavy bass. Nor will he have live Mexican polka bands playing up there. YAY!

Living in this building is like living in a real melting pot -- Peru on one side, Africa on the other, Jamaica, Costa Rica and well, Georgia (US) across the hall. Africa above and um, well, New Jersey below. I'm certainly not in Round Lake anymore, huh? 

Not much else has been happening. I so want spring weather so that I'm more willing to get out and about. The cold makes me just want to stay home a lot.

Onto this week's photos ...

Spring! photo IMG_5697a_zps551bc4c5.jpg

Yes, these were planted by a landscaper. But, the main thing ... they didn't die and keel over in a frost. It's finally SPRING!

Almost full moon photo IMG_5694a_zps50daf918.jpg
Not so full Worm Moon

The full moon this past week was the Full Worm Moon. I didn't get a good shot of it with definition until it wasn't really full anymore. Oops.

Hawk in flight photo IMG_5661a_zps31f67661.jpg
Hawk in flight

I caught this hawk in Bridgewater. Well, I didn't literally catch it. What would I do with a hawk? That's just silly!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 24, 2013

Good Sunday morning to you! Since it is Sunday, it's time for my off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later tonight, I'll be posting the blog party post for The Amazing Race. I expect the show to be delayed due to March Madness basketball, but I'll put the post up at 8pm ET anyway.

There hasn't been a heck of a lot going on here this week. Our weather is still in a holding pattern with winter wanting to hang on. We're expecting more snow tomorrow -- one to three inches. It won't stay around long. Even with the cold temps, once the sun comes out, the snow melts. 

I hear that there's one winner of the big Powerball lottery jackpot. That winner is in New Jersey. I don't often play the lottery, maybe just a handful of times a year. Well, I bought a ticket for this one! Put your minds at ease. You don't have to worry about how the wealth will throw my life into heck in a handbasket. I didn't even have one number. I spent two bucks! I want a refund!

The new neighbor upstairs has been less quiet this week. He still walks in sock feet, but I'm hearing his stereo more. It's still not unreasonable and it's not gangsta rap or hip hop with a thumping beat. It's actually rather mellow and pleasant. However, it has to be loud IN his apartment if I can hear it down here. He still has the rating of best upstairs neighbor yet here, so I can't complain. I still have no clue what he looks like or who he is.

Meanwhile, new tenants in the front of the building are keeping with the stereotype of front of the building riff-raff. Last week they had a big party with the police responding to break it up. This week, when I went to get my Sunday newspaper before someone stole it, a woman was on a cell phone screaming at somebody that "If you don't let me in to get my clothes, I'm calling the cops!"

She rushed right into the building when I opened the door. I wasn't going to fight with her! She obviously wasn't a burglar. She went to the door right next to the landing and started pounding on it, still screaming on her cell phone. Now, that apartment had been empty for a good eight months and they just moved in this month (same as my upstairs neighbor). I predict they will break their year lease, the only kind offered, within two months. They don't really affect me as I'm on a different floor in a different wing of the building. But they can go. Buh-bye!

I'm only grateful that they're not who moved in upstairs from me!

Onto this week's photos ... 

Sunrise 2 photo IMG_5500a_zps2738f3a0.jpg
A Bridgewater sunrise

Dandelion photo IMG_5607a_zps6e6c734c.jpg
Determined dandelion

Bridgewater, NJ

Squirrel photo IMG_5604a_zps3e2b7406.jpg
Squirrel king of the tree

This squirrel posed on a branch over Watchung Avenue in Plainfield. What a cooperative little fella!

Evening train photo IMG_5610a_zpsff1df025.jpg
As the sun sets

Pretty, but cold. Bridgewater Train Station on Saturday evening.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day to y'all! Erin go Bragh and all that stuff. While I'm saying "Forever Ireland" and I do have red hair, I'm not Irish. Neither is my old high school friend who played the bagpipes in the NYSDOC marching band in yesterday's big parade in Manhattan. She's Italian and about 5'1" tall. She grew up to be a NYS corrections officer and play bagpipes. Who woulda thunk it? 

Since it is Sunday, it's time for my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later tonight, we'll have the blog party for The Amazing Race. I fear it will be the father/son team quitting due to Dave's injury. Sigh. Stop back and enjoy the show with us starting at 8pm ET!

I scored a good buy on corned beef yesterday at Target. I had checked their prices the week before and the briskets were just too costly. Yesterday I went in there on my way to work and one brisket remained in their sale bin -- less than $6. Yay! So, today (although I'm not Irish), I will have traditional corned beef and cabbage, then have some leftovers for sandwiches during the week. I like corned beef, but the only time it's reasonable is on sale during St. Patrick's Day. I should check at Target again tomorrow. Perhaps the sale goes to midweek. I could stock up.

I'm still suffering from the daylight savings time change. Wah. I'm walking to the train station in the dark once again. The sun isn't quite up as I get into work.

My new upstairs neighbor is still a mystery. It's definitely only one person up there who takes off his shoes for walking around on the hardwood floors. He's taken showers without flooding my bathroom, so it can be done! Every now and then when I don't have my television or music on, I can hear muted sounds of music or television from up there. Nothing unreasonable, so he's still the best upstairs neighbor I've had in a dozen years of living in this building. We're talking two weeks now!

In other apartment building news, I've mentioned before that the front of the building is like a revolving tenant door. My hallway/wing/floor is very quiet with long term tenants. Who knows who lives in the front wing? I had my police scanner on shortly before hitting the sack last night. What? A three car call to MY building? Yikes! Someone in the front wing, first floor, was apparently having a party with people going wild in the halls, etc. I couldn't hear a peep from my apartment. Apparently it wasn't too wild as the first cop who arrived called in that the tenant is turning the music off and people are going home. I really didn't see any signs of hall abuse when I went out early to get my newspaper this morning.

Also on the scanner last night ... I heard a definite firework sound -- the whistle and bang -- coming from East Second Street in back of me. Nothing all that unusual. Well, a cop responding to an alarm call up the street reported it to headquarters as shots fired! A second one whistled and banged. The whole police department went rushing to the apartment complex further down the street from me. The Shot Spotter technology didn't report it although some civilian also called it in as gunfire. It was fireworks, people, fireworks. Apparently the Mexican Polka Band in the summer people who shoot off fireworks (and sometimes guns) for every holiday must have been celebrating St. Patrick's Day. 

It snowed all day yesterday, but didn't stick. It's supposed to snow tomorrow night into Tuesday. I want spring. Although, looking back on some old photos, I noticed that in 2004 we had deep snow cover and at least two decent sticking snow storms around this time. Eep. It can stop. I want spring.

Onto this week's photos ... 

Sunrise3 photo IMG_5461a_zpsb4a74c65.jpg
Just before the sun rises

Bridgewater, NJ

K Radiator photo IMG_5456a_zps98a74e8c.jpg
Predawn K Radiator

One morning my now dark walk to the Plainfield Train Station had a stunning velvety blue sky. I took this looking at K Radiator down Church Street.

Plainfield Train Station photo IMG_5474a_zps3e967621.jpg
Plainfield Train Station


Sunday, March 03, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 3, 2013

Good Sunday morning to all! It's grey skies and flurries for me here today. I hope someone somewhere has sunny skies. It's time for my weekly reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. Once again, due to a mainly cloudy blah winter kind of week, the photos are far from my best. While we haven't had snow all that often this season, it's still just kind of boring out there -- everything looks dirty and dead. I want spring with something inspiring every day!

My work and personal life seem to be stuck in a winter mood, too. While not particularly dirty and definitely not dead, it's been very routine. The children who treat the upstairs common corridor of my apartment building as a playground have been quiet some evenings, then going until nearly ten at night other nights. 

I've enlisted the assistance of three neighbors in my own hallway in complaining. I really wish there was something in the leases which could assess fines for breaking lease policies. About all the landlord can really do is not renew their lease due to all the complaints. It's hard to evict for much other than non-payment. 

I just don't understand why parents move in here knowing there's really no place for children to play -- no playground, no safe outdoor space for them, etc. Then those parents don't take the time to enroll their children in after school programs or even take them to the huge lawns of nearby churches where they could run and play without disturbing neighbors. 

Why would parents let their very young children out of their sight in the evening hours? While the building is secure as of late, people come and go. Strangers can get inside. Not only is it a disturbance, it's really not a safe place for kids to play at all. I swear I pay more attention to my cat than some of these so-called parents pay to their children.

By the way, there are two apartments with children in my own floor/wing. Neither of those parents send their children out in the hallway to run amok for hours. One of them live under one of the offending upstairs families. She said the kids are up running and jumping most of the night and they're the worst upstairs neighbors she's had in her fifteen years here.

Meanwhile, I'm still under an empty apartment. Jasper and his wife moved out during Sandy and they rehabbed the whole place. I noticed the ad on Craigslist for it was pulled over a week ago and thought I'd have new people. But, no. No one moved in. That's fine with me. I like having no one walking on my ceiling or flooding my bathroom!

You can tell by my extended rant, I've had a boring week, eh? Onto this week's photos ... 

Colorful dawn photo IMG_5204a_zpscdc4cbb2.jpg
As the sun rises

Despite that, once again, we've been mostly in grey clouds for a good part of the week, there was one colorful morning. I took this shot on Roosevelt Avenue on my way to the train station. It was a pink and orange world for just a few minutes. Today I'd have to put on my rose-colored glasses for any real color.

Hawk photo IMG_5253a_zpsb8e91f28.jpg
My friend Cooper ... hawk

When I got to the train station on Saturday, I noticed the usual crowds of pigeons were absent. Since folks along North Avenue throw out bread for them, that's unusual. Then I noticed not one, but two hawks circling above the train station. Due to the proximity of Watchung Avenue where I got buzzed twice by a swooping hawk, it's likely that one of the hawks is my "friend." Unfortunately, they wouldn't stay still for a good photo.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - February 17, 2013

It's Sunday morning. You know what that means! It's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

Before I get really into things, I want to touch on television for a moment. Tonight is the season premiere of The Amazing Race. I made a post for folks to sign up for the blog pool right here. Poolkeeper Margo hasn't announced a cut-off, but you best get your name in there this morning if you want to take part in the pool!

Let's see ... onto the week gone by. Well, it was an odd week in the world, for sure -- a Pope resigning for the first time in six hundred years, a disgruntled ex-LAPD officer manhunt in California, a meteor damaging buildings and injuring 1200 people in Russia. My thoughts? Well, I would guess the Pope made the right decision in view of his health and age. Although, it would have been more interesting if he had chosen to retire because he wanted to get married and have a family! As for Dorner, the ex-cop, I just don't know. His manifesto was definitely wrong-minded. But, I can't help but wonder if he did have something in his original impetus to his trail of destruction. Not the way to go about things, though. The meteor? Eek.

My own personal life has been quiet for the most part. The old work, home, sleep, eat, work, on and on all over again. Yet I knew I was working for a goal -- yes, it's a staycation this week! Unlike last year, I will NOT go to the Lunar New Year Parade in Chinatown. I almost died in the crush of the crowds last year there. Well, didn't really almost die, but I did fear ribs would be broken in the crush! I have no real plans. I do have some housework stuff I plan on doing -- sorting through closets and such. I also plan to take a lot of naps! It's quite likely, weather permitting, that I'll take some walks around with the camera.

But, for the most part, I just plan to relax for the week. Yay!

Onto the photos ... 

Landing gear photo IMG_5045a_zpsec79fbf2.jpg
Deploy landing gear

As the sun rises, the seagulls claim their places atop the parking lot lights in Bridgewater.

Hawk photo IMG_5106a_zpsae43be12.jpg
Cooper's Hawk on Watchung Avenue

I believe this is the same hawk that buzzed me last week. It followed pretty much the same flight path. However, I was a few feet away this time. It swooped across the street to the bushes at the front of the police station. Then, without stopping, it flew to a tree branch at the far side of the lawn. Although he's not huge, his wingspan is certainly impressive.

Narcotics photo IMG_5063_zpsd85cd5b7.jpg
Hopefully not too near me

And, while I'm right on Watchung Avenue by the police station, congratulations to the newly promoted Sergeant Fusco! Others were promoted, as well. But I don't believe I know any of them. I seem to only know narcotics and gang unit detectives in town. Mind you ... that doesn't mean I'm into drugs or gangs! My drugs of choice are ibuprofen and caffeine. My gang, I guess, is Vincent the cat. Probably not the stuff of good busts. I know them because their annex is where I often wait for a bus when I don't feel like walking home after work. The bus is free on my monthly train pass.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 27, 2013

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. For much of the week, all of it really, it was too cold to take photos. But I did come across a few things photo-worthy of taking off my gloves and risking the batteries in my camera.

This way below freezing usually accompanied by biting winds weather this week has taken a toll on me. I think I could sleep three days straight in my nice warm bed. I've also been really cranky this past week. I blame that on the weather, too. While I don't really mind the cold itself all that much -- it's the bundling all up and the wind which just won't stop. 

The knees are doing fine. However, one day when I was walking against strong wind, I felt a weird sensation in both of them. I believe it was so cold, the wind was so strong and I was out in it long enough to drop the temperature of the metal in both knees. It was a weird tingling almost burning sensation from deep within the knees, not really painful, certainly not like the prior arthritic pain. Just very bizarre. It went away when I warmed up inside work.

Once again this week, I keep falling asleep in front of the television. Thankfully Letterman was in repeats this week, as were many of the CBS shows I usually watch. I've been watching American Idol auditions and I'm really not keen on Nicki Minaj. Not at all. While at times I do like how she interacts with the contestants, her speaking voice and weirdness just to be weird bugs me.

I watched Kevin Bacon's new FOX show The Following and, despite the pans I've seen from critics, it kept my interest. I'll be watching it again this week. I'm still ticked that Criminal Minds killed off Reid's first love interest, but I'm stuck on that show anyway. I fell asleep right before the end of The First 48: Missing so I don't know if he's missing, found or dead. Oh my.

Really ... I know I need to post on both the Survivor and Amazing Race casts. I know this, then I fall asleep. I blame the weather. It's been bitter cold all week and was the coldest week in 17 years. Our big snowstorm on Friday evening ended up being less than a half-inch.

Onto this week's photos. Clicking on an image will open it in a new Photobucket window, clicking again on it will make it larger. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window. 

City possum

This was an unusual sight. I got off the train after work one day and saw this opossum lumbering alongside one of the car repair places by the 4th Street side of the Plainfield Train Station. They're generally nocturnal and tend to stare like a deer in headlights or run when they see a human. He did glance my way but ignored me and kept lumbering slowly.

He didn't really look sick, but his behavior was a bit off for an opossum. As there have been rabid feral cats on and off in that area (none lately that I know of), I was cautious. But he just ignored me and made his way under a bush. When I got home, I Googled opossum rabies only to find out that opossums rarely contract rabies as they have a natural immunity to the disease. Huh. I did not know that. Maybe the cold week got to him. 

While they're as ugly as all get out, I do kind of like his two-tone ears. This one was quite large. When I first noticed it, I thought it was a GIANT rat.

Watchung Avenue before the dawn

On Monday morning, I took the bus to work as the train was on a holiday schedule and I had an 8am meeting. I took this shot looking down Watchung Avenue from the corner at East Front Street in Plainfield. 


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 13, 2013

Welcome to Sunday morning! Since it's that day once again, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. I do have plans (don't faint) to make a post looking at the cast of the upcoming Survivor season. If not today, that should be up within a day or two. I haven't completely forgotten the main reason behind this blog!

The shows I'm watching these days include: Elementary, Hard Core Pawn, Letterman (naturally), if I'm up I'm liking Jimmy Fallon lately, Blue Bloods, CSI: NY, Castle, The First 48, and more. Lots of crime going on there. Hmm.

This was yet another week in which I didn't find a heck of a lot of photo fodder. Some weeks I feel I'm posting really neat photos; other weeks I'm just giving you a glimpse of what I saw during the week. This is one of the latter. I don't really want it to snow. However, if it snowed I'd have all new photo fodder!

Work has been, well ... worky. Or something like that. I miss the four-day work weeks I enjoyed through Christmas and New Year's. My added new vacation week showed up (company giving those who have been there 20 years or more an additional paid vacation week) while Social Security increases took a huge chunk out my paycheck. When I add up that increase, it could pay for my electricity, cable television, and part of my internet and phone bill per month. Or, perhaps my monthly grocery bill. Ouch. I realize the increase was decided back in the 80s, but ...! Ouch. 

Please don't go all political with the above paragraph. I'm not here to hold a presidential debate. Thank you.

I made a video of Vincent fighting a shiny paper this week --

If I had left the shiny paper there, it would have become a gazillion pieces of spit out paper confetti within hours. He can't be left with either cardboard or shiny paper. Other cats sit or sleep in cardboard boxes. Vincent bites off pieces until there is no box at all. 

Onto the photos for this week -- clicking on an image will open it in a Photobucket window, clicking again will result in a larger image. Just close out the Photobucket window to return here to the blog.

Peeping Vincent
How can you leave when I'm so cute?

This is what I saw when I left for work yesterday. I usually don't go by that side of my building, but I had to take some trash to the Dumpster as I left. I had opened the window a crack due to the nice temperatures and there he was.

Pretty sunrise
Spectacular pre-sunrise

I'm still inside my workplace by the time the sun actually rises. I do get to see some very cool beginnings of the sunrise, though. Bridgewater, NJ

Crescent moon
Crescent moon

They say the darkest hour is before the dawn. Well, I'm out in that walking to the train on weekdays. This is what I saw one morning.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 25, 2012

It's Sunday morning. You know what that means! It means that it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. 

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Mine was quiet. Since relatives live too far away and I always have to work the Friday after the holiday, I generally stay home and have a peaceful kind of day. Oh yes, I definitely make up a little feast each year! This year, instead of turkey, I had Trader Joe's rosemary marinated chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes, broccoli/cauliflower along with Trader Joe's coffee ice cream for dessert. I was thankful I finally seem to have steady electricity and food in my refrigerator!

That said, Sandy seems like the storm which just wouldn't die ... there's always something there to remind me. From tree limbs and debris, to a new FEMA location on my way to the train station, to the still not right schedule for the trains, to Philly's SEPTA buses by the Plainfield Train Station, to power outages at home which finally seemed to stop earlier this week, to dubious wires still on the ground, to the foliage show we missed out on and to another Halloween which wasn't ...

At least I no longer feel like a hunter/gatherer foraging for daily food. I remembered a few things I had forgotten to mention in my earlier Hurricane Sandy coverage.
  • After the power went out on the night of the storm, it was scary creepy. I could hear the winds, stronger than I've ever heard in my life, yet it was total darkness. I couldn't see a thing.
  • That is, until transformers started blowing. Then the skies became punctuated with a green glow. The bending trees gave the appearance of being caught in a surreal green strobe light.
  • More than one person with kids told me that when they told their children the explosions were just transformers, the kids panicked. They thought they meant Transformers!
  • The night after Sandy blew through, all was blackness. Well, until someone a block or so away hit up their illegal supply of fireworks. These were pretty ones, not just ones which go BOOM. Vincent and I sat by the window for over an hour watching them. After all, there was literally nothing good on TV.
At least now I feel I've done my trial run for the Zombie Apocalypse. Are YOU prepared?

Onto this week's photos. Clicking on an image will open it on a Photobucket page, clicking again will make it larger. To return here to the blog, just close out that Photobucket page.

Early morning
Early morning skies

With the train schedule still a bit off, it's not quite dark still as I head off to the train station. Many mornings have been cloudy and grey. But there was this early morning treasure. Looking over towards East Second Street from East Front Street in Plainfield.

Frost etching
Outlined in frost

It's better to see frost outlining leaves than to wake up with an ice cube nose!

It's a Studebaker!

This old car at the intersection of Berckman and East Front in Plainfield caught my attention. A Studebaker. Cool. It would be cooler if it was fixed up a bit more, but cool nonetheless.