Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Celebrity BB3: HoH, Nominations Show Blog Party - Feb. 16


Good evening fellow psuedo-celebrity watchers! Tonight's show will have the latest taped, yet blocked to live feeds, Head of Household competition and its related nominations. Since this is a show episode post, please no spoilers in the comments! Next Wednesday is the season finale.

 I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Previously on and on. Been there, done that.

After Shanna leaves, the trash-talking about her continues. Lamar tells Todd that he's sure Miesha will target them. He tells Todd, Todrick and Miesha he had trouble voting out Shanna and considered voting out Miesha. The man has no clue.

For this week, Todrick and Miesha will not target Carson and Cynthia. For this week.

The HoH comp has a bar, lotsa liquor, they have to endorse a signature drink. But something has gone wrong. Each drink has an extra ingredient, and they have to figure what it is. Seven rounds. The drinks are disgusting.

First drink is a Todrick Collins. - Only Todd gets a point.

Sleeper Old-Fashioned. - Miesha and Todd get points.

Lumbargarita - Todd and Lamar get points.

Toddka martini - Todd and Cynthia get points.

Tiquila Cynrise - Todd gets it.

TODD IS THE NEW HOH! He gets to launch his own mojito drink, called the HOHito. He has to pick two others to be the drink's mascots, wearing costumes for24 hours. He picks Todrick and Lamar. Todrick is thrilled, Lamar not so much.

Carson and Cynthia are worried that they will be on the block. Y'think?

Todd tells Miesha he wants to put up Carson but not with Cynthia. He thinks they can get her another time.

Todrick and Lamar get their costumes. They are tethered together. 

Todd got a beautiful letter from his family in his HOH basket. He asks Lamar if he would be okay going up as a pawn against Carson. He wants to see if they can gain flavor from her. Hmm. He goes to Carson, telling him that he has to put up Cynthia if Carson wins veto and saves himself.

Cynthia points out to Carson that if she wins POV, she can pull him down and they will both be safe.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. As expected, Todd first nominates Carson, then Lamar. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Celebrity BB3: Live Feeds Quickie - Nominations - February 15


Could it be ...?

Bwahaha! Of course not! Not when the house, with the exception of the two who were nominated last week, are her minions. The only thing I'm surprised about is that both are not up there again. Unless they're leaving a spot for a backdoor, that is.

Todd nominated Carson and Lamar. He warned Carson ahead of time which is something that has always been against the rules. Hmm. Maybe he could get off on a technicality? Oh, well. He would just be up again next week.

The writing (pictures) is on the wall.

Celebrity BB3: Live Feeds into Tuesday, New HOH - February 15


Lime and a HOHjito

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Celebrity Seagullibles:

  • The feeds were blocked for hours after the live show ended.
  • During the block, they played out the HoH comp.
  • It definitely had something to do with drinking, maybe something on gambling.
  • Well, at least someone won who wasn't Miesha. Or Todrick, but he's also Miesha.
  • Now that I think of it, kind of like way back when with Negan on The Walking Dead, they are all Negan Miesha. And, they are all pretty much walking dead.
  • Anyway ... Todd won the HOH.
  • The HOH winner could decide two people who had to be tethered together in costume -- one is a lime, the other a glass for the drink HOHjito.
  • Todd chose Todrick to be the lime because he thought he would have fun with it. Todrick has been wanting a costume.
  • He chose Lamar to be the glass, mainly because he and Lamar go back and forth deliberately annoying each other.
  • Lamar is indeed annoyed.
  • After all, he's a grown man and doesn't like people laughing at him.
  • Has he ever watched the show? Not even in sequester?
  • He warned Todd that he will get him, better lock that HOH door!
  • They ought to play bouncy music as Todrick the Lime walks with him. Heh.
  • No talk about nominations but it's pretty much down to eating their own or Carson/Cynthia -- the New Kids on the Block.

I don't understand the shades inside.

He likes to dress like he's taking that Old Town Road

Targets will remain targets

Lamar could never do slop

There's a new HOH in town. Hmm.

He fell ... hook, line and sinker.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Celebrity BB3: Live PoV, Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Feb. 14


Good evening! Ready for a romantic Valentine's Day evening cuddled with our beloved Celebrity hamsters? Yeah, right. 

Tonight, the Power of Veto comp and the eviction will both be live. So, at this time it's still Miesha and Todd on the block. But all else is murky. Will Carson still target his first target Miesha? If he does, will the votes be there for her to go? Common sense would say get her gone as she's the toughest competitor in the house. But common sense doesn't get a vote. Who will win the veto? Will it be used? Is there a backdoor plan in mind?

I guess we'll know all the answers soon!

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and here's where we stand:

Cynthia Bailey: Indiana Jane, Glenn Allen
Todd Bridges: Donna in Alabama, Jackie
Todrick Hall: Chrob61, Monty 924
Carson Kressley: Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Shanna Moakley: SueGee, Caela
Lamar Odum: Jennasmom, Marthalight
Miesha Tate: David, Sharon N.

Teddi Mellencamp
Mirai Nagasu
Chris Kattan (self-evicted)
Chris Kirkpatrick

I'll be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Let's get this show going! 

Previously on and blah-blah-blah. Carson is actually believing the Todrick's Twisted Tales. He doesn't seem to realize that he will still be a huge target no matter what.

Julie is in red and black tonight. It's Day 20. Julie says that Miesha is still running the game from her nomination chair with a little help from her friend. All will depend on Shanna NOT winning the veto.

Cynthia and Shanna talk. Cynthia doesn't seem to be too convinced. I'm really at a loss why she and Carson think the same people who have been trying to evict them are the ones to go with. Carson tells Cynthia that he's confused.

Miesha already has a plan to oust Carson next week. Believe it or not, it sounds like Todrick has more scruples than she does.

Filler segment on Lamar's love and ex-marriage.

Carson tells us he trusts Miesha. I wish we could shout FOOL at him loud enough to hear us. He offers to take someone down and evict Shanna if they keep Cynthia safe next week. He tells Cynthia they are on the path to the Final Four.

PoV time! Random draw has Todrick, Lamar and Cynthia playing. Shanna isn't even going to get a chance. Sigh. They have to build a chocolate puzzle. TODRICK wins the Power of Veto!

Veto Meeting ... Todrick saves TODD?!?!?! Carson still replaces the nom with Shanna.

To the live vote --
Miesha - Not surprised. Shanna is here because she's shady.
Shanna - Kind words to CBS and family. Doesn't bother asking to stay.

The votes to evict:
Todd - Shanna
Cynthia - Shanna
Lamar - Shanna
Todrick - Shanna

As expected.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Celebrity BB3: HOH Comp Completion, Nominations Show Blog Party - Feb. 13


Good evening! I'm not sure how busy this blog party will be with the show airing smack dab in the middle of the Super Bowl game! I'm kind of surprised they even scheduled a show for tonight. I don't watch football at all but I'm a rarity.

Anyway ... I'll be live blogging and regularly updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. The party, if there is one, is in the comments section. I hope to see someone, anyone there.

Previously on and on and on ... the narrator says you don't want to miss this no matter what game is on another channel. He was referring to upcoming kerfuffling!

We're back to the HOH easy wall comp. They're getting sprayed with paint and water. Whoops! There goes Lamar! Cynthia down! Todd out. Shanna down. It's down to Carson and Todrick.

Todrick proposes a deal. Carson promises not to put Todrick up or backdoor him. Todrick jumps. CARSON is the new HOH.

Todrick himself feels safe but he knows Meisha will the target. Shanna is thrilled. Carson, Cynthia and Shanna happy victory dance.

Lamar is still clueless about the game. Todd tries to explain to him that if someone wins the veto, one of them will go up.

Miesha refuses to go see Carson's HOH room.

Carson tells Todrick he will be putting Miesha and Todd on the block. He tells him that if he wins the veto he shouldn't use it. Carson actually thinks he can bring Todrick back in the fold.

Todrick goes to Miesha and tells her he wants to tell everyone that Shanna has been playing them all. He wants to throw all that shade on Shanna. Miesha and Todrick actually convince Cynthia that Shanna has been targeting Carson. Miesha suggests a backdoor Shanna plan.

Shanna tries to defend herself to Carson and Cynthia. She's being framed for Carson on the block. She tries to tell them those were lies.

Shanna, Cynthia and Carson go downstairs to confront Todrick and Miesha.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Carson first nominates Miesha, then Todd.