Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Night - 7/08-7/09

The bearded lady?

So, it's the wee hours of the night. Of course some of the hamsters are still running in their wheels. Usually that will get them nowhere quickly. What's been happening in that Big Brother of Going to Hell in a Handbasket? Read on ...
  • Jeremy told Kaitlin and Aaryn that, once Elissa's gone, they should be winning MVP ... or Howard might.
  • Now, I think Howard might have a chance. Aaryn or Kaitlin? BWahahaha!
  • Jeremy also told Aaryn he'll be winning all the comps and MVP because "America loves a showmance powerhouse."
  • Possibly, but not when it's Jeremy, I don't think!
  • Nick pinky-sweared with GinaMarie again, telling her he's not playing her.
  • Ha! He's playing everyone! I honestly don't think Nick is loyal to anyone unless they can be used for his gain. If he were a bit better at it, he could be a real player in the house.
  • But his lies have caught up with him a bit.
  • Not that he'll go home this week, mind you.
  • Candice and Helen are working on Jessie to bring her around to their side.
  • It might not work -- they're not male.
  • But Jessie so desperately needs friends that it's possible she'll make the jump.
  • Aaryn is still bothered with the thought that her alliance, Jeremy and Kaitlin, can't be trusted.
  • Andy told Amanda that Nick is targeting Candice.
  • Amanda told McCrae she'll go along with his decision in the vote.
  • Gah. I thought she was an independent thinker!
  • Andy is worried about Spencer and Howard.
  • He probably should be. Spencer and Howard are always scheming.
  • Amanda confirmed with Aaryn that she will vote Elissa out because she's in an alliance with McCrae and that's what he wants.
  • Kaitlin told Elissa that she's not really dating Jeremy because he's too immature.
  • Really, now. Why is she having sex with him in front of the world?
  • Howard thinks Amanda is onto an alliance of the guys.
  • He apparently doesn't know that Candice and Elissa suspected it long ago.
  • The guys are on board for an Elissa ouster as of now. 
  • Spencer continued his anti-Amanda talking. You can bet he'd go for her eviction if he ever were to win anything.
  • Nick and Spencer talked about how faithful they are to the Moving Company, yet McCrae lets Amanda influence him.
  • Candice is upset because when she asked Aaryn her middle name, she said, "Shaniqua." 
  • Howard tried to soothe her ruffled feathers.
  • Meanwhile, Amanda was saying she gets upset when someone (I'd say JEREMY) use the expression "Jew'd" to imply cheated.
  • Howard talked about Aaryn's previous conversation about the fish being segregated by black and white.
  • Candice, Amanda and Howard are right. I say it's called hate speech for a reason. But, in this case within the house, a lot of it is hurt speech. It hurts the others around the person saying it. It hurts deeper than Aaryn or Jeremy will ever know. In the long run, it will hurt them themselves.
  • Nick told Aaryn he can't really get a handle on Spencer.
  • Nick lies.
  • Aaryn told him that Jeremy has a deal with Spencer.
  • Well, duh. So does Nick!
  • Alas, it still looks like Elissa will go.

Rub-a-dub-dub, extensions in the tub

Likes the white fish best

Play, Helen, play!


Monday, July 08, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday daytime, PoV Meeting - 7/08

On the block

Today's big news from inside the house is that the Power of Veto meeting was held. Jeremy, of course, used the veto to save himself. Elissa went through with putting Nick up in his place. I personally think she just might have sealed her own fate with that choice. Now, I'm privy to alliances she's not, but I can't see him getting voted out by house majority. I also think people will tend to keep Helen over Elissa -- she's better liked.

Here's the skinny on what else happened today inside that Big Brother House of Grade School Bullies:
  • McCrae told Amanda she's the only one he trusts.
  • Yet he hasn't told her about the Moving Company.
  • Last night the MC dudes were going on about their alliance being better than the Brigade.
  • @@
  • Amanda really wants Elissa to stay. McCrae won't commit.
  • Amanda told Nick she refuses to be bullied by Jeremy.
  • Amanda runs hot and cold for me as a feeds watcher. There are times I really like her, other times she makes me cringe.
  • But Aaryn, Kaitlin and Jessie make me cringe all the time.
  • She's really, really pushing the keep Elissa bit with: "She's like the queen in chess, we control her moves." and "If Elissa goes, Jeremy will have all the power in the house."
  • Judd says he's good with Elissa staying. He gets along well with her, but they don't talk game that much.
  • Well, maybe he mumbles game with her and I'm just not catching it.
  • Amanda told Judd that Jeremy is lying when he tells Judd his name is being tossed around for nomination.
  • Jeremy is lying. It's part of his entire bullying bit.
  • Judd said Howard is shady; McCrae agrees. Amanda thinks Howard is on the level.
  • I love me my Howard eye-candy and, while he's not a mean person or a bad person, he is indeed a bit shady. He's playing the game. That I totally understand.
  • But Howard does pray before every meal!
  • Amanda and McCrae made out under the blankets. Sigh.
  • Helen did her morning workout with yard laps and hand weights.
  • Howard watched her. He can bench press her, but can't keep up with her routine.
  • Then the PoV meeting went down.
  • Spencer warned McCrae that Amanda is becoming a target and he (McCrae), by extension will be one too if they don't cool it a bit.
  • McCrae pretty much admitted to Jeremy that he can't control Amanda.
  • Good for Amanda.
  • But bad for Amanda because it makes her a bigger target.
  • Andy hasn't been called to the Diary Room for two days. He wonders if he has to start a fight or something to get called in.
  • Meanwhile, Jeremy used a derogatory slur for homosexuals and got called in the Diary Room almost immediately.
  • It's going to be a long three days before the eviction.

Crunching Jeremy
Back at ya
Helen at the Memory Wall

Big Brother 15: Julie Chen addresses Aaryn's racism on The Talk

Other than the fact that Helen is Korean, not Chinese, Julie calls it right. It's a shame that the others involved in the slurs aren't mentioned. Aaryn is the worst, but far from the only one.

Big Brother 15: Sunday Night Into Monday Pre-dawn - 7/07-7/08

So pretty, so ugly

As I get this posted, most are still up. Now, I know today BB isn't going to let them sleep in. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Foolish Follies:
  • GinaMarie talked about her nose job.
  • Andy told Nick the house wants Elissa out.
  • No surprise there.
  • GinaMarie hates slackers and fat people. Um. Okay.
  • Aaryn fussed about Kaitlin and Jeremy always making out.
  • Huh. For once I agree with Aaryn about something! The Jeremy/Kaitlin bit is just over the top!
  • Aaryn pondered the thought of getting Kaitlin out of the house.
  • She told GinaMarie that Kaitlin was bullying people to vote Elissa out.
  • Um. No. That was more Jeremy.
  • Jessie thinks Amanda has a lot of money -- she must because she's Jewish.
  • @@
  • Judd asked Aaryn what she thought about putting Kaitlin up.
  • Aaryn turned that around to asking Judd what he thinks about her putting Nick on the block.
  • Aaryn told Nick and GinaMarie that she thinks Kaitlin is ruining their chances (her alliance) of winning MVP by bullying others.
  • Nope, that's not exactly why, Aaryn!
  • Amanda went around wearing band-aids on her nipples.
  • I didn't really need to see that.
  • The BB voice told Amanda to clip her mic to her shirt, then ZING.
  • Jeremy and Kaitlin went beyond making out. Great, now they've had sex on the internet. 
  • Candice told Helen and Elissa that Howard is getting too close to Spencer.
  • A little late to worry about that, I say.
  • Howard convinced Elissa that they would have enough votes to vote Nick out if she were to put him up.
  • That's not true. It would probably be curtains for Elissa.
  • Helen and Candice said Jeremy is like Evel Dick. Elissa said he isn't. She said Dick was clever.
  • And Jeremy not so much.
  • Nick asked Elissa if she wanted to make a deal to keep him off the block.
  • Elissa told him she was going to do what the house wants.
  • Little does she know, but half the house is lying to her.
  • GinaMarie cried when Nick told her he was probably going to be the replacement nominee.
  • Nick told her that they'll just charm the others into submission and he'll stay.
  • Of course, the Moving Company might have a little to do with the result.
  • But GinaMarie doesn't know that.
  • Aaryn thinks if Elissa goes, she might get MVP.
  • Keep dreaming, Aaryn 

Mumble, mumble


Sunday, July 07, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Sunday Evening - 7/07

Sleeping in on quad cam

Sundays are generally rather boring in the house. The hamsters are in limbo -- the nominations and PoV have already played out and the PoV ceremony probably won't be until tomorrow.

Here's what's gone down today inside that Big Brother House of Hateful Hussies and Despicable Dudes:
  • They slept in past 10:30 their time.
  • That's past 1:30 where I live. 
  • Of course, most were up past 4am (their time). Nick and Judd were up well past 6am.
  • So, 10:30ish isn't a really long night's sleep for the hamsters.
  • Andy thinks they should keep Elissa because America obviously likes her.
  • Helen thinks they should keep Elissa, backdoor Nick.
  • Alas, Spencer was in on the conversation.
  • Helen and Andy are unaware of the Moving Company.
  • Nick is a part of that alliance, so I don't see a Nick backdoor plan going well.
  • Spencer said that he's worried about a McCrae/Amanda flip to the other side. He also said that Amanda is close to Elissa.
  • Elissa told Judd she's going to put up Nick.
  • Uh-oh.
  • I hope this doesn't backfire and get Helen out of the house!
  • Although I think Elissa is coming across as one of the nicer, more normal people in the house, I'd rather see Helen given a chance to keep playing the game as she didn't get there due to connections to the show.
  • Judd said, "Mumble, mumble."
  • Elissa told Helen that she thinks Nick is related to Dan.
  • I actually thought that Nick wanted to emulate Dan's game when he started.
  • But he's messed that up.
  • Spencer keeps pushing for an Amanda nom.
  • Helen keeps saying that Nick might be related to Dan.
  • And on it goes.
  • Aaryn told Andy that she thinks Spencer's word is good.
  • Yeah, right. Bigoted and gullible, that's Aaryn!
  • They played with the photo booth.
  • They played pool.
  • They played in the pool.
  • They laid out in the sun.
  • Kaitlin and Jeremy made out.
  • Kaitlin hung all over Jeremy.
  • Gah. 
  • Amanda said she's a botox junkie. Well, Dr. Will might like that.
  • The highlight of the evening so far was Andy scaring Jessie awake with Aaryn's clown doll and using a scary voice.
  • Ho-hum
  • I still can't tell exactly what Elissa will do for a replacement tomorrow. I fear she might put up Nick.
  • Knowing what we know, the bells will probably toll for her or Helen for sure if she does that.


Auditioning for Deliverance?

Photo booth fun

Elissa doing yoga
Pool time

Big Brother 15: 7/07 Nominations Show Blog Party

Now, those of us who pay attention to live feeds stuff will find this show a bit of old news. Also, those of us who pay attention to live feeds stuff will wonder throughout the show whether some of the things said in the house will be aired or not. My own guess is not. If addressed at all, I'd think it would be on the live show Thursday.

Oh. That brings up the thought to mention -- the show days switch around starting this week. It will air Sunday 8pm ET/PT (unless delayed by sports), Wednesday night 8pm ET/PT and Thursday 9pm ET/PT. The Tuesday/Wednesday bit is gone and the Wednesday/Thursday similar to past recent seasons is on again.

As tonight's show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with major happenings. You'll need to periodically refresh the page to see the latest. But, as always, the real party will be in the comments area. Will you be there?

Oh my gosh! I totally forgot those without live feeds information don't know who won HoH. So, this is the HoH, Nominations show party. Cyberdrink on.

Jeremy pulls the ball out of the jug first, so he or Aaryn will be HoH. They must decide together which one will reign. He gives it to Aaryn. She has to decide immediately on four Have Nots. She wants to know who voted out David. She makes Helen, Elissa, Candice (who protested honestly that she didn't vote for David to leave) and Andy to be Have Nots.

The HoH room horror happy reveal. Gah.

American chose liver and lima beans for the Have Nots.

Ah, Howard is mentioning Aaryn's hateful bigoted remarks! Sure CBS, leave it to Howard to bring it up. CBS aired her comments, but left Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Jeremy and Spencer comments out. I guess they felt they had to do something and let the hamsters themselves announce it.

The Have Not vote for next week is: coconuts and cabbage, grapefruit and guacamole, mincemeat and marshmallows.

Jessie is looking for love again.

Just a warning -- I'm under a severe thunderstorm warning here and I can hear thunder in the distance. If I vanish ... you know.

Although Jeremy pushed for an Amanda nomination, we only know for sure that she'll nominate Elissa. Well, we actually know, but ...!

The key order: Jeremy, Kaitlin, Andy, Nick, Judd, McCrae, GinaMarie, Spencer, Jessie, Amanda, Howard, Candice. She nominates Helen and Elissa. She blames Elissa for being the root of David going home. She said Helen is aligned with Elissa and should fight for veto. She wants Elissa gone.  

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 7, 2013

Good morning! Welcome to my really late off television topic photo post! If you're looking for a Big Brother live feeds update, the most recent one I posted is at this link. This here is my weekly reflection of the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. It has nothing to do with television. You've been warned.

I can't believe how late I'm getting this post up. I conked out after coming home from work last night, got up early to review what I missed and get the BB live feeds post up and now I'm here. Between being sick in the beginning of the week, extremely hectic workdays, the heat, the humidity ... well, I'm not at my best for sure.

On the 4th of July itself -- I always have the 4th off as my employer says no way no how will do they want to pay me double time and a half for the day (and I don't blame them; I wouldn't want to pay me that much either although I don't mind earning that much) -- I had the day off. Plainfield, because they don't want to pay their workers extra holiday pay, has the city celebrations on the Saturday after the holiday. I worked yesterday, so missed all but the set-up pre-parade. I have no desire to go to the city fireworks in the evening. It's not only hard for me to get there, but I'm leery of problems which might arise with some of the people attending. The Plainfield Police do come out in strength for the event there and it's probably safer than I think. But it's still hard for me to get there.

I decided to cap off the 4th holiday by having a nice relaxing bubble bath. I drew the water, filled the tub, then went to shut off the water. The hot water faucet broke off in my hand. Frantically I tried everything -- screwdriver, pliers, sheer strength -- nothing would turn off the water.

Fortunately, my newish landlord has a 24 hour repairs number to call. Unfortunately, the person who responded was over in Jersey City to watch the fireworks with his family. I bailed water out of the tub quickly and vigorously for over an hour and a half awaiting his arrival. Otherwise, not only MY apartment would flood, but so would the one downstairs from me. He came, used vice-grips to turn it off and put in new hot, cold and shower faucets the next day while I was at work.

My back and shoulders still hurt from the extended frantic bailing exercise. I feel bad that I ruined his family's night at the fireworks, but it was truly an emergency.

The three days I actually worked this week were just as exhausting. Wah is me. I would have taken yesterday and this coming week off for vacation if not for the fact that I'm going up to Albany next weekend for my high school reunion. So, I'm working Monday and Tuesday, off until I return to work the following Thursday (18th). It will be a mixed week of staycation and a weekend with old friends (and some not so much) and family. I've somehow worked a trip to Ted's Fish Fry, a place I miss so much living away from real fish fry places since 1977 or so, with my brother and his wife into a big family reunion of cousins from upstate NY and Vermont. That will be fun! A few of them I haven't seen since I was a young child, but we're reunited on Facebook.

Onto this week's photos ...

Patriotic lady photo IMG_8373a_zps19edd2ae.jpg
It must have been the 4th of July

Or the 6th of July as the case may be. This woman is always in this get-up, marching along with the parade. She WALKS (in high heat!) from downtown to the start of the parade a good mile or so away, then WALKS back in the parade. More power to her!

Bunny in my way photo IMG_8348a_zps8b336ba5.jpg
Move aside, bunny rabbit!

I encountered this one as I was walking to the train one morning. He was near the corner of East Front and Richmond Streets in Plainfield. I shooed him towards the lawn at Richmond Towers because he was in the patch of grass between the street and sidewalk. I must say, though, I haven't seen any roadkill bunnies. They must be pretty smart when crossing the street.


Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Saturday into Sunday - 7/06-7/07

Ew. That's all I can say. Ew

I apologize for not posting a lengthy report last night. I was just zonked. Either the heat or the hamsters are getting to me. I was gibberish! A post I made, if I were to make one last night, would have sounded like Judd typing. You don't want that.

But I'm here now and here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bad Representation of Today's Youth:
  • Aaryn, Kaitlin and Jeremy continue to vilify Elissa. Now, I wanted to vilify her when I heard she was on the show. I never was a Rachel fan, not at all. 
  • But, in this house, Elissa certainly comes off as much more decent than half of the other hamsters, maybe three quarters, maybe 90%! I wish the show would stop editing her as Rachel, Jr. She looks a lot like Rachel, but except for when she's joking and mimicking her sister, acts very little like Rachel.
  • To rehash what I briefly touched on last night, Elissa was named MVP again, only told Helen this time. She nominated (in secret) Jeremy.
  • The rest have figured out it was her again. That, of course, was a no-brainer.
  • Having no brains, this crew of hamsters are natural at no-brainers!
  • Heehee. I crack myself up.
  • Ahem.
  • Elissa ended up confiding in Nick (silly move) to try to get him to throw the PoV comp, promising not to put him up as a replacement nomination.
  • Yes, if MVP's nomination is saved by the veto, the replacement is also chosen by the MVP.
  • According to what the Diary Room told GinaMarie (when she asked), if the veto winner removes an MVP nominee, the veto winner could end up being the replacement nominee. Without the MVP scenario, the veto winner isn't eligible for nomination.
  • I wonder if they're making up these rules as they go along.
  • I'm assuming if the veto winner takes himself off the block, he can't just be slapped up there once again MVP or not.
  • Rats. That would be great -- Jeremy: I choose to save myself! BB Voice: You're saved. You're now back on the block because the MVP really wants you there!
  • Aaryn got all upset because someone told her that Elissa talked about her taking Aderall (sp?). (If I took it, I'd know how to spell it!)
  • She said it's a rule that no one talks about others' medical conditions.
  • My gosh, every year they talk about each other! Medical conditions affect gameplay, whether physical or mental.
  • If she wanted it to be a secret, SHE should never have mentioned it.
  • Helen, Candice and Elissa are kind of cast together by the tides of the house. 
  • In talking, they said that when Jeremy comes down, Kaitlin will go up and they just might have enough votes to evict her.
  • Judd and Spencer think that Jeremy is a huge competition threat and needs to go sooner rather than later.
  • Well ... actually, Judd said: "Mumble, mumble."
  • But I knew what he meant.
  • Howard and Spencer think that Jeremy's harem is dependent on Jeremy to survive. Well, they put the harem reference a bit more crudely, but that's not how I roll.
  • Spencer made another gay joke about Andy.
  • Andy was very easily overwhelmed the first few days of the live feeds, but he's really toughened up a lot. He's working his way into all the little factions in the house.
  • They don't trust him, but he's out there trying!
  • Aaryn is realizing that if she sticks with Kaitlin and Jeremy exclusively, they would take each other to the end and she'd be cast aside.
  • The end is a long, long way away.
  • Will all three make it anywhere near the end? I doubt it.
  • They're still speculating on Nick being gay. What difference does it make? I don't know.
  • Aaryn told GinaMarie that Nick is probably interested in Andy.
  • Sheesh. Even IF Nick were gay, why would one automatically assume he'd be interested in someone else just because they're there and gay.
  • Oh wait. Maybe Aaryn is thinking just because she, Kaitlin and Jessie are willing to latch onto anything male, gay dudes go for anything gay.
  • @@
  • Gotta love how Aaryn keeps talking about all the "Wall Street" guys who leave their wives to go to work, then hook up with gay men.
  • What does she know about Wall Street? She obviously knows little about normal gay men.
  • Helen told Spencer that as long as Jeremy is in the house, he'll be winning comps.
  • She's also worried that, if they vote out Elissa, America will think they're idiots and give MVP to the other side of the house.
  • She might have a point there. While we on the Internet know what's really going on in the house, the Elissa/Rachel fan base and those who only go by the CBS edit of the hamsters, just might do that.
  • Kaitlin once again fussed that Elissa called her a "whore" on national television.
  • I say, "You made your bed, lie in it."
  • Jeremy threatened Nick that he'll leave the Moving Company if the votes don't go his way -- that is, Elissa out.
  • Hmm. He's already changed alliances, but they don't seem to know it.
  • Kaitlin, obviously worried about her own demise in the game, trashtalked both Elissa and Candice.
  • Jeremy told his gals that Spencer and Howard are in an alliance together.
  • Well, duh. They obviously spend a lot of time together.
  • Jeremy claims he will go after anyone who doesn't vote his way and will win HoH next week.
  • Probably true.
  • Jeremy and Spencer both think Helen got accidentally aligned with Elissa. Spencer thinks she has a good heart.
  • She does.
  • GinaMarie told Aaryn that she got a warning from Big Brother about threatening to kill people. She laughed it off as she "knows Mafia people." Stupid, stupid girl.
  • Jeremy said he got a warning, too. I think he was referring to the Hatgate II warning.
  • GinaMarie told Nick she acts more like a dude than he does. He agrees. 
  • Helen, not knowing of the MC, told Elissa putting Nick up might be her (Elissa's) best chance of staying. Elissa is reluctant to put him up as he did indeed not win the PoV and she promised him if he threw it, she wouldn't put him up.
  • Aaryn, still on the thought that Jeremy and Kaitlin aren't a good alliance for her in the long run, told Judd she had no one for a final two deal.
  • Judd said, "Mumble, mumble."
  • Actually, he proposed that they (Aaryn and him) try for a deal. He got called to the Diary Room, so we don't know if that will come to fruition.
  • Jeremy keeps wearing his veto necklace more than anyone I've ever seen over the years.
  • Amanda told McCrae that Andy said Jeremy said that if votes don't go his way (Elissa out), he'll come after her (Amanda) and McCrae.
  • Actually, Jeremy isn't pushing for a McCrae ouster. He wants Amanda out, though.
  • Heh. Elissa told Helen that Aaryn used derogatory comments about gay people right in front of Andy. Helen thinks they might air it (to show that side).
  • We'll have to see this week's Aaryn edit without the David showmance.
  • Aaryn thinks she and Jeremy will continue to rotate as HoH. 
  • Yeah, right. Jeremy was a big part of her winning this one. That's not going to happen every week.
  • Andy likes Elissa more than he likes Jeremy and Aaryn. He thinks Jeremy is a bully and Aaryn feels self-entitled.
  • Well, duh.
  • If I had to live with one of the three, it would be Elissa hands down.
  • As long as she doesn't invite Rachel and Brendon over, that is.
  • Helen told Candice that she likes Spencer and Howard the most in the house. But, she also said she wasn't there for a showmance. That didn't need to be said. We know that.
  • Nick told Elissa she should put up someone who's more of a floater for a better chance to stay. He suggested Candice or Jessie.
  • As it stands now, I really don't know what Elissa will do for the replacement. 
  • I don't think Helen will be voted out.
  • I seriously think that Elissa might go this week. Unless something major goes on between now and the vote, she's not in a good place in the house.  

MVP ... last time?

Superfan not playing as well as he should


Stirring the pot, winning comps

True Staten Island

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds - MVP Nomination/PoV Winner Update 7/06

Elissa, the MVP, nominated Jeremy. Shh. It's a secret. Well, it's not a secret that Jeremy's on the block. It's a secret who done did the deed.

But then Jeremy won PoV.

Well, that was a waste.

Here's a Howard to make us all feel better ...

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Saturday Morning - 7/06

What a player!

The most noteworthy thing which happened in the overnight hours is that there was a Diary Room "slip" allowing the live feeds to see that Elissa once again did win the MVP vote. I'm always curious about well-timed slips like this. Intentional from the PTB to get internet talk going? Intentional on the part of a staffer to create a buzz and put his/her job in jeopardy at the same time? Whatever it is, it's surely no accident.

That out of the way, here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of And I Don't Like Anybody Very Much:
  • How many BB men does it take to lift a bed?
  • Four and one to squish the spider which ran under it.
  • Y'see, Jeremy has gotten one nasty spider bite (no, not from Kaitlin) on his neck and another suspected one on his elbow.
  • So, when a bunch of them saw a spider, they freaked!
  • Helen talked to Aaryn. She does know that Elissa is the target, but she's rightfully worried that all might backfire and she might go home. She told Aaryn she has no hard feelings with her, but might still act mad in public.
  • I think she's really mad, but is too nice to act out on it.
  • Helen suggested that they (her and Aaryn) should work together secretly.
  • Aaryn claimed that she put Howard and Candice last in the key order at nominations because she trusts them the least.
  • Eep. Howard!
  • Kaitlin is still all panicky about going up on the block.
  • I'd put her up there just to ease her anxiety!
  • Judd said, "Mumble, mumble."
  • Kaitlin talked about her father being upset watching her make out with Jeremy as she made out with Jeremy.
  • GinaMarie told Helen that Elissa is probably nice but needs to go due to the MVP thing. She wants Helen to stay.
  • Apparently part of Aaryn's suspicions about Howard is because he threw out Helen's name as a possible nomination even though everybody knows they're working together.
  • Now, Howard and Helen WORK OUT together. Yes, they're friendly. But they don't really scheme together much at all.
  • Unfortunately, Howard and Spencer scheme. Howard's all excited about visiting Spencer and his family after the season.
  • Elissa told Helen (and swore her to secrecy) about getting MVP again.
  • Well, that was a better choice than telling McCrae last week, I think.
  • I'm really not sure why she tells anyone!
  • They (Helen and Elissa) did approach McCrae with a "hypothetical" about who should be nominated if one of them were to win MVP.
  • @@
  • Andy thinks MVP should put up Jeremy.
  • But if Jeremy won veto, that would open another can of worms.
  • Aaryn said she doesn't want to be the person America hates for lying all the time.
  • Oh, that's not a worry, Aaryn. Don't fret your pretty little head about that!
  • You'll be remembered for something else entirely different!
  • Judd said, "Mumble, mumble."
  • Helen and Elissa think nominating Jeremy is the way to go. They think that Nick would go up in his place if he wins veto.
  • Hmm.
  • I still think Elissa would go home in that scenario. I think the only way she'll squeak through this week is to win veto.
  • Your thoughts? 
Just a reminder, folks ... please keep the language as clean as you can in comments. I hate to be a damper on things, but try to keep this blog at a PG rating tops for various reasons. I know it can be hard with the topic at hand, but I'd appreciate it. Merci!

Hamsters in hats!


Emulating Trump?

The vixen stare

Friday, July 05, 2013

Big Brother 15: Nominations are in - 7/05

As expected, Elissa and Helen are on the block.

Elissa is being much more compassionate than Rachel ever was about it. Helen is crying, but vows to play hard for the veto and remove herself from the block. Elissa told her that she knows she (Elissa) is the target, Helen should be safe.

No word on the MVP nomination.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday Daytime 7/05

Nah. I'm not going to do a Spencer-a-Day

I think I'll stick with the Howard-a-Day screencaps, thank you very much.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Erroneous Egos:
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin are getting frustrated that GinaMarie won't listen to them when they tell her not to trust Nick.
  • They're actually right about that. I don't think anyone should trust Nick. He's a very sneaky player, a bit reminiscent of Ronnie for me.
  • But, better looking and not as smart.
  • Amanda and McCrae are talking about McCrae moving to Florida to be with her.
  • I'm speechless.
  • I'll believe it when I see it.
  • Spencer kept on with his misogynistic talk while Aaryn and Kaitlin kept up with slurs about Asians.
  • I don't like these people.
  • McCrae and Amanda made out.
  • Spencer thinks Judd is sneaking around eavesdropping on everybody.
  • It's actually been Andy sneaking around, getting in with the girls in the Hoh group, then reporting back to McCrae, Judd and Spencer.
  • They had an outdoor lockdown.
  • When they were allowed in ... it's liver and lima beans for the Have Nots!
  • Woohoo.
  • Helen is very happy with the lima beans, but I don't think she's ever tried liver.
  • Jessie told Aaryn that she's at a point in her life when she wants to surround herself with positive people who love her.
  • So she went into the Big Brother house?
  • Well, that wasn't too bright!
  • Aaryn is sure that she'll be nominating Elissa (we could've guessed that!), but is tossing around Helen or Candice as the other.
  • If she doesn't trust Nick so much, why hasn't she got the nerve to put him up?
  • Jeremy continues to stir the pot. Now he's telling Judd he heard that he (Judd) was telling Elissa everything he heard.
  • Not true.
  • Judd doesn't really talk all that much to Elissa at all.
  • Jeremy continued with a veiled threat that Judd needs to vote out Elissa because he (Jeremy) has eyes and ears all around the house and will go after anyone who doesn't vote to evict her.
  • @@
  • Jeremy told Aaryn she needs to put up Elissa and Helen.
  • When Howard came into the room, they asked him. He said Elissa and either Helen or Candice.
  • They decided Helen.
  • Grr.
  • But I doubt she'll go home.
  • Kaitlin doesn't like the Helen choice.
  • Neither do I.
  • Aaryn thinks Helen stands a better chance of winning and using PoV than does Candice.
  • She's probably right there.
  • When they talked to Candice, she said Nick should be put up with Elissa.
  • Andy complained to McCrae that "they" -- Jeremy, Aaryn and Kaitlin -- are bullying everybody about the vote.
  • Then Aaryn and Jeremy changed up and said they need to put Kaitlin on the block.
  • She freaked.
  • Jeremy insisted she'd be safe.
  • When they talked to Nick, he told them a weak player -- Judd, Candice or Jessie -- should go on the block with Elissa.
  • When they talked to Helen, she said she realizes she'll probably go on the block. She said she'd fight to win veto and has been honest with everyone in the house.
  • Yes. Yes, she has. Even Howard hasn't been honest with everyone. But Helen has.
  • GinaMarie told them she likes cool people and being around cool people.
  • Well, THAT answers the question, eh?
  • Spencer told them that Helen should go up with Elissa because she's smart enough and competitive enough to win, but won't retaliate.
  • Well, yeah.
  • It seems like the final decision for nominations will be Elissa and Helen.
  • I've seen no clue about who might be MVP if it's already come down.
  • Nominations should be sometime tonight.
  • When I know, you'll know.

Future so bright, had to put on shades

Look what the house does to her!

Morning zombie


Not only is he easy on the eyes and one of the few nice normal people in the house, he is indeed a player. He was doing this to all the photos on the Memory Wall, apparently studying their eyes for a future comp. Yes, this is the second Howard-a-Day screencap. Double the fun!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Before the Dawn 7/05

I trust no one, yet I smile

What's up with those hamsters? I mean, what kind of hilarious hijinks have been going on in the habitrail during the late night hours? Read on ...
  • Aaryn told Andy that they can't trust Jessie because she went down and immediately told others what was said in HoH room.
  • Of course, little does she know, but Andy does that as well.
  • Aaryn said she's thinking of putting up Elissa and Candice because "no one likes them anyway." Her worry with that choice is that Elissa would win PoV.
  • The live feeds were blocked for about an hour as the hamsters had their little 4th of July party.
  • It must have been some party.
  • Jessie was crying.
  • Amanda was crying.
  • Jessie seemed to be crying because she feels alone.
  • Amanda was crying because people think she's with Elissa and Jessie apparently was trying to worm her way in with McCrae "after Amanda leaves."
  • I don't know. They're all whacked!
  • Jessie told Judd she wants to leave.
  • Why?
  • Because she isn't getting love!
  • Say what?
  • That's what she said. My, what a needy little gal.
  • Spencer, Jeremy and Aaryn once again used slurs for homosexuals, targeted towards Andy.
  • But Andy didn't hear them. We did.
  • Amanda and McCrae have decided to try to play both sides of the house.
  • Yeah, that always works so well!
  • While Aaryn seems to be thinking of going with noms which would cause the least friction (in her mind) -- Elissa and Candice -- Kaitlin thinks she should target those who voted out David.
  • Mind you, they're not really sure who voted him out. They only think they know.
  • Howard and Candice spoke with McCrae, Spencer and Jessie about racism they've from both white and black folks.
  • I don't think the talk was quite with the right crowd, the ones who need to open their eyes.
  • Elissa and Helen talked. Elissa thought she would come in and play strategically, but the mean crowd won't let her. She's wondering if it was worth even coming. They said BB loves the Rachel connection, the fans apparently like it, but the house doesn't.
  • Things are still going around in circles.
  • I'm thinking it's almost certain Aaryn will put Elissa on the block. But I have no real idea who the second will be.
  • It won't be Howard.


Thursday, July 04, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into the Evening, 4th of July

He's a grand old flag ...

First, I hope everyone reading this has had a fine 4th of July holiday! However, I'm sure you've been waiting with bated breath wondering what mischief  those rascally hamsters have been up to today. Right? Right?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Broken Dreams and Half-hashed Schemes:
  • I announced it on my Facebook page for the show, but I'll tell you here, too. Due to popular response, for the rest of the time Howard is in the house, I'll be posting a Howard-a-Day screencap of him at least daily, perhaps in more than one live feed report of the day.
  • I do have two shots of Howard in tonight's report. One was because I found it interesting, one is classified as a Howard-a-Day.
  • Speaking of Howard, he also told Aaryn he voted to evict Elissa.
  • Dang, if all the people who told Aaryn they voted to evict Elissa did, David would have been super-safe!
  • Aaryn didn't dispute it with Howard, but told Jeremy she doesn't believe Howard voted to evict Elissa.
  • Aaryn thinks her alliance is a powerhouse.
  • Yeah. Really. She thinks that! Heehee!
  • She and Jeremy think Nick voted to evict David. Of course, he has said he hasn't. But he did!
  • Aaryn is blaming all the problems on Elissa.
  • GinaMarie told Elissa that Nick and her are just friends -- he's here to play the game, not hook up.
  • She apologized for being mean to Elissa. Like that apology means anything!
  • Elissa told her that she'd like for Aaryn to stop personally attacking her.
  • But, if Aaryn is personally attacking Elissa, she has less time to come up with hate speech!
  • McCrae told Amanda she has to work her way in better with Aaryn and the bunch as, if she (Amanda) goes on the block, she'll probably go home.
  • Aaryn thinks it's fitting that she's the HoH on the 4th of July because she's "the All American Girl."
  • Oh, gag me now. Please.
  • Andy reported to McCrae that Aaryn and Kaitlin are getting skeptical about Nick and think he's playing them.
  • Aaryn is also skeptical of her buddy, GinaMarie.
  • GinaMarie tired to worm her way in with Helen and Elissa.
  • They're a bit skeptical of her, too.
  • I'm skeptical about practically everyone in the habitrail. Don't I count?
  • Amanda told Aaryn she's worried about going up on the block.
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin told her both her and McCrae are safe -- their names hadn't even really come up as any kind of target.
  • Aaryn and Jeremy are both still big on an Elissa ouster.
  • Oh gee, Aaryn had to run to the bathroom because she's ill.
  • I feel so bad for her.
  • See. I can lie, too!
  • McCrae tried to work his way in with Aaryn, claiming that everyone threw him under the bus by voting David out.
  • Since he didn't have a vote, his hands are indeed clean on this one.
  • As far as she knows, anyway.
  • Using makeup, Amanda painted a flag on McCrae's face.
  • Since it's the 4th of July (and there's a big thing going on at the CBS lot), the hamsters are on indoor lockdown for the evening. 
  • The good news is that BB is giving them a holiday feast.
  • The even better news is that the Have Nots will be able to eat at the feast!
  • Jeremy told Aaryn that Candice told him that Amanda was the mastermind of the plan to get out David.
  • Y'know, he reminds me a bit of Russell Hantz wanting to stir the pot.
  • He wants Aaryn to nominate Elissa and Amanda, with Elissa being the main target.
  • Kaitlin got sick and supposedly had blood in her urine. Now, that's a bit concerning. Aaryn was just throwing up sick, possibly nerves or stress.
  • Kaitlin went off to the Diary Room.
  • Elissa told Judd she will nominate Jeremy if she gets MVP.
  • Aaryn is worried that she'll get death threats for messing with Elissa.
  • She should be more worried about having enough quarters to collect unemployment.
  • Helen had a long talk with Aaryn, trying for a "do-over."
  • Aaryn wants Helen to make Elissa stop picking on her.
  • Oh geez.
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin think Jessie told Amanda that she was being considered for nomination.
  • Oh, yeah. Kaitlin seems to have lived.
  • Candice cried, telling Helen she thinks Spencer set her up with the Elissa vote snafu.
  • Judd told McCrae that Nick has physically threatened him over nominations.
  • Hmm.
  • Spencer and Howard think GinaMarie should go on the block.
  • One thing I've noticed in all of this ring around the rosy nominations possibilities ... no one is throwing Howard's name in there.
  • Howard-a-Day goes on!

Still annoying

Golly gee, I AM a doofus!

Private bible study

Aw, she's sick. Too bad, so sad.


The start

Big Brother 15: Rob Has a Podcast (featuring Ian Terry)

Although quite long, I really enjoyed Rob Cesternino's podcast from after last night's show. I love getting Ian's take on the house happenings! My one real fuss is the live-feeder. Albeit very knowledgeable, could he be any more monotone? Yikes!

Check it out!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Overnight into the 4th of July

The new HoH ... WAH!

Yeah, Aaryn cried a lot after getting the Hoh-dom. I'm sure there were tears across the nation. Or, perhaps just frustration. If you haven't already, go read my last post about the HoH comp, then come back. I'll wait.

You're back? Good! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hateful Hamsters:
  • Just to recap a bit -- Jeremy and Aaryn won the HoH comp. Jeremy gave the HoHship to Aaryn. That's probably a fairly smart move on his part. He can still "advise" her on nominations, yet his hands remain clean.
  • Or, as clean as they can be when he wipes hats belonging to other people on his butt.
  • Aaryn got to choose the Have Nots. She chose Helen, Andy, Candice and Elissa.
  • McCrae apparently volunteered to be a Have Not, but she didn't take him up on the offer. All of the Have Not choice stuff was blocked to the feeds.
  • Aaryn said that Jeremy and Kaitlin can spend the first night up in the HoH room.
  • As per the MC plan, the "hinky" votes have the house in an uproar.
  • Both Spencer and David repeatedly lie and even embellish some on how loyal they were to voting out Elissa.
  • Aaryn cried. She has no clue who can be trusted and who betrayed her.
  • Poor hateful little baby. My heart goes out to her. Not.
  • Andy admitted to Aaryn he voted to send David home. She respects that (she says) because he's being honest with her.
  • Candice, on the other hand, did vote to oust Elissa yet is one of Aaryn's chief suspects in voting David out.
  • Aaryn cried some more.
  • Candice told her that she wanted to vote with the house and was told by (will not tell Aaryn) that someone would come to her and tell her how to vote. (That someone who told her someone would come was Helen.)
  • The someone who came to her was Spencer. He told her they were all voting Elissa out. So, because she wanted to be with the house vote, she voted to keep David in, get Elissa out.
  • Aaryn told Candice she believes her.
  • But she really doesn't.
  • Yet Aaryn is so sure that both Nick and Spencer voted to evict Elissa! So, those two votes in her mind had to be others betraying her!
  • Jessie ran into the photo booth crying that she was sure she was going home.
  • GinaMarie fussed with her paw, saying she hurt it in the comp when she fell. It turned out she sprained her claw finger.
  • I think they're all bearing new bruises and scrapes when they already had some starting out in the comp.
  • Helen told Howard that Spencer told Candice to evict Elissa. Howard told her he was supposed to tell her to evict David. They both think Spencer is playing them all.
  • He is.
  • Helen told Elissa they need to put on brave fronts and not let Aaryn get any satisfaction about making them Have Nots once again.
  • Elissa told Helen that if they're together on the block, she'll volunteer to go home so Helen can stay.
  • Hmm. Not QUITE like her sister although the editing on the show makes her seem very much like Rachel.
  • Of all people, Jeremy seems to be running around trying to do damage control with crying women.
  • GinaMarie told Aaryn that she's sure Nick voted with them to keep David in the house.
  • Once again, the shocker is that Jeremy kept saying "That was last week. It's over. This is this week we need to think about."
  • Oh my. I'm not going to let him worm into my mind that he might have a lick of common sense. The last time I thought that he stole wine and wiped Elissa's hat on his naked butt.
  • Candice told Andy and McCrae that she knows Spencer had to vote to evict David despite his act.
  • She's right.
  • Aaryn thinks if she weren't HoH this week, she'd be going home.
  • She's probably right. Little does she know her mouth has cost her not one, but two jobs. Oopsie!
  • Aaryn is worried that if she puts Elissa on the block and Elissa is once again MVP, she'll put someone weak up that she can beat in PoV.
  • Jeremy tried to tell Aaryn they should all sleep on things overnight and make nominations decisions when everything has calmed a bit.
  • Hmm.
  • Oh, but then he claimed that McCrae got "Jew'd" because Elissa stayed.
  • Okay, he's still a jerk. I feel better now.
  • Candice told Helen she heard the audience boo when she made her vote.
  • Helen told Candice that she thinks Spencer and Jeremy might be working together and having them (Helen, Candice) do their dirty work by giving them conflicting voting target information.
  • They then end up thinking it's Spencer, Nick and Jeremy ... perhaps Howard in on it.
  • Smart cookies, those gals. Now, what are they going to do with their suspicions? What can they do?
  • Spencer told Helen he told Candice IF ASKED to say she voted for Elissa to go, not to actually vote for Elissa to go.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Who wants to see my HoH?
  • No one. Go away.
  • Er. Ahem.
  • They all put on the traditional fake act.
  • Her letter started out with "My dear little princess ..."
  • No wonder she's so whacked.
  • GinaMarie cried because Elissa is still in the house. Now she's saying she has an eating disorder and BB is making it worse. @@
  • Jeremy told Aaryn she could put him on the block because he'll surely win PoV. He pushes her for a Helen/Elissa nomination.
  • I thought he said "sleep on it" before?
  • Kaitlin told Aaryn the fact that the audience boo'd her when she voted to evict Elissa is scary.
  • They really should soundproof that place a bit better, I say!
  • Heh. Aaryn thinks she "better get a good job" after all this. BWAHAHAHA!
  • BB gave them booze. There was no wine-gate this time.
  • (Sidenote: Argh. My upstairs neighbor is either running in place or jump-roping up there. Who does he think he is? Helen?)
  • Kaitlin is sure that if Elissa wins MVP again, she'll put her on the block because she (Elissa) called her a "whore" on national television.
  • Um. Okay. I think Elissa might have bigger fish to fry. But maybe.
  • Aaryn called America "stupid" and tossed out an expletive at us.
  • How to win friends and influence people, eh?
  • Aaryn also said that GinaMarie doesn't even realize that Nick is a "queer."
  • Now, in my mind, I see her flitting about singing, "Pretty, I'm so pretty ..." But she'd probably gag when the line about "Pretty, and witty, and gay" came up.
  • Aaryn is a bad example of today's youth. I don't know what else to say about her. A pretty package, but ugly within.
  • They're all sleeping as I get this posted.


GinaMarie has an ouchie

Why did I do this? I'm not her!

I'm surrounded by weirdos, must smile