Sunday, July 28, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Saturday Night Into Sunday - July 27-28

Oh, no! They're going to put me on the block!

In my last post, I let you know that Spencer (of all people) won the Power of Veto. Woe is the world at this point ... the day Spencer wins a comp. Here's what's been happening since the big win inside that Big Brother House of Messy Misfits:
  • Candice asked Helen to ask Aaryn to put GinaMarie up in Spencer's place instead of her (Candice).
  • Like THAT is gonna happen!
  • Amanda wants it to be an all Howard vote.
  • Putting Candice up there might muddle that a bit since some are so vehemently against her.
  • Aaryn is worried that if she puts Candice up, with the two black people in the house on the block, they'll claim it's racially motivated.
  • Spencer thinks they have the votes to get rid of Amanda.
  • Like THAT is gonna happen!
  • It's fun to watch Amanda worry and squirm, though. She's so controlling and bullying that watching her panic a bit is fun!
  • I know, I have my own mean streak.
  • Aaryn claimed she's never done or said anything racist.
  • Okay, let's review the tapes, little girl!
  • Aaryn thinks that she will say that Candice is going on the block because she ruined her (Aaryn's) reputation with false allegations.
  • Andy said Howard sucked at the competition. It was some sort of puzzle.
  • Howard said he over-thought it.
  • Which is probably just another way to say he sucked at it, I say.
  • Jessie told Candice she's going to go along with what the house wants.
  • Helen says it needs to be Howard gone this week, Amanda another time.
  • Judd thinks Howard is a nice guy, but possibly has the worst social game of anyone ever in BB.
  • I wouldn't say the WORST. I mean ... there was Justin in Season 2, there was that guy tossed for throwing chairs, etc. Howard's biggest social game flaws are: too many bad lies, not manning up to obvious lies when confronted, secluding himself from the others, too much hyped religion in front of others and talking in circles.
  • But, he's not the worst by any means.
  • Judd is now saying he wants Helen out before Elissa because Helen is driving him crazy.
  • That will last until Elissa goes bonkers again.
  • Judd also thinks that Helen plays people very well.
  • He's indeed right.
  • Judd reminded Amanda that she needs to play buddy-buddy with Elissa to make sure Elissa won't vote for her to go.
  • Amanda asked Judd who would win in a final two of her and McCrae.
  • He told her McCrae.
  • She claimed that's because it's just a popularity contest at that point.
  • They still don't know America is the MVP. A few are pondering that "someone" really wants Amanda out to put her on the block.
  • Yeah, I do. I'd like to see McCrae actually play the game for once. I know how Amanda plays it.
  • There was a weird feeds outage with NO SIGNAL for a while. It was during the BBAD hours, so I turned that on.
  • Amanda is worried a bit again -- when she's on the block with Spencer and Howard, she thinks she's relatively safe. Now it will be another dynamic thrown in.
  • Andy told Candice that Howard is the likely target.
  • Well, duh.
  • Howard managed to take himself out of exile to enjoy a dinner Helen and Co. made.
  • Helen tried telling Candice that there's no way Howard has the votes to stay.
  • Candice thinks they can flip them to vote out Amanda.
  • Um. Probably not, I say.
  • Not against Howard, at least.
  • The stress must be getting to Helen. She bummed a cigarette off of Jessie. Helen is an ex-smoker.
  • Although she's not on the block YET, the others are wondering why Candice is working so hard to save Howard instead of herself in the house.
  • Candice cried.
  • Howard said, "It is what it is. If I go, I go."
  • Candice cried some more.
  • Meanwhile, Spencer is working behind the scenes to save Howard. He went to GinaMarie and told her that he was in an alliance with him. He's pushing a Candice Go Home agenda.
  • Probably because he knows that there's no chance of Amanda going right now.
  • Rats.
  • Of course, GinaMarie is the perfect one to approach on that as she dislikes Candice more than she ever disliked Howard.
  • Spencer also hit up McCrae with the same agenda.
  • Since Amanda is so anti-Howard and McCrae is her little puppy dog following her about, I can't see him voting any way other than what Amanda tells him.
  • Judd also really wants Howard out. 
  • We'll see. I don't think Howard is going to survive the week, myself. And, most of it will be his own darn fault.

Run, little hamster, run!

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

(Old R.E.M. song, for the young'uns)


They COULD be cleaning the room!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Big Brother 15: PoV Winner in da House! July 27

Oh my

Big Brother 15: Special Bulletin - MVP Nominee - July 27

America spoke

Heehee! We voted Amanda to be our nominee! She's freaking! Candice and Jessie are the two additional PoV players besides HoH and the three nominees. She's now freaking out about the upcoming PoV comp plus the fact she might go home!

They all think that Howard is the MVP who made the decision.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday Night into Saturday - July 26-27


Okay, I've already touched on who the Have Nots are for the week and who's on the block. But now it's time for the details. Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • To recap a moment: Judd, GinaMarie, Amanda and Candice are the Have Nots. The foods voted for them are ramen and raisins. Howard and Spencer are the nominees chosen by Aaryn (and her "friends").
  • Aaryn told Howard that she wouldn't backdoor him and asks that he does the same for her -- not backdoor her if he wins HoH.
  • She also told him that most of the house wants him out. They're worried he's just throwing comps and will suddenly start winning and flip the house.
  • Aaryn thinks that if the MVP is America, then Elissa will be the nomination as she can't play for veto this week.
  • Amanda told Aaryn she'd like for her to be the last girl in the house with her, over anybody else.
  • Well, yeah. Make the jury decide between the lesser of two evils!?!
  • Nobody wants to talk gameplay with Elissa since the fiasco the other night.
  • Aaryn told Spencer that Howard is the target.
  • After the feeds returned from nominations block, we found out Judd's key was the last one pulled from the box.
  • Yikes! The order is usually telling. However, the order was Aaryn's, the nominations were Helen and Elissa this time (as per Aaryn's deal for safety last week).
  • Jessie, of all people, cried to Howard about how much she likes and respects him.
  • @@
  • Howard spent even more time secluded with Candice. That's not quite the way to win friends and influence people.
  • Judd pointed out that the Goof Troop alliance -- himself, Andy, Amanda and McCrae -- are the only four in the house who haven't been on the block yet.
  • Amanda and GinaMarie had a hate fest about Candice. They laughed that she has her period, she's a Have Not and her boyfriend is on the block.
  • Candice is sure she will be the MVP nomination.
  • Howard told her that if she is, he will win and use the veto to save her.
  • @@
  • Sorry, Howard. But if I were dealing with all the idiocy in the house, I'd be in it to win it, not to give it to a showmance.
  • GinaMarie fussed that since she hurt her hand a few weeks ago, she can't snap her fingers. 
  • Good. I don't want her snapping her fingers.
  • Amanda wonders if America might be mad at her due to the drama with Elissa over McCrae's birthday.
  • Nope, Amanda. That's not why. We're mad at you because you're obnoxious and controlling.
  • She thinks she's funny in her Diary Room segments.
  • I'll give her credit for that.
  • I guess.
  • Amanda told McCrae she's head over heels in love with him.
  • Um. Well, the heels up I believe. Alas, I've seen it.
  • He thanked her. He didn't say he loves her. Good.
  • Elissa thinks Andy got the MVP -- perhaps because he was called to the Diary Room.
  • The suspicions start.
  • Judd pointed out that no matter what teammates he had, he's lost every Have Not comp he's played.
  • Judd told Candice she needs to put up a good front.
  • GinaMarie referred to her cockroach speech as "medicalphorical."
  • McCrae felt that Howard was referring to himself and Amanda when he said he had "bigger fish to fry."
  • Well, I'd say Amanda, at least. 
  • Jessie, who poured her heart out to and cried for Howard, has changed her tune. She said that Howard, Candice and Spencer have all changed and gone crabby since the nominations.
  • To be honest, she never liked Spencer much anyway.
  • The HoH crew wondered why Spencer claims he loves his girlfriend Marilyn at home, yet totally lusts after Jessie night and day.
  • Amanda, McCrae and Judd wondered if Howard might be Danielle's (BB5) brother.
  • Why? Because he's black and attractive?
  • @@
  • Aaryn thinks the show wants to keep Howard because the Diary Room keeps asking her about him.
  • Amanda thinks McCrae is too nervous and negative.
  • But she loves him anyway.
  • @@
  • Jessie got really ill, possibly with a migraine headache. Judd helped her get to a room to rest.
  • Judd again said he can't cry.
  • I often wish I couldn't.

Cop Candice in food comp gear

Le braid

The infamous Judd's bear shirt

Judd sans bear shirt

Friday, July 26, 2013

Big Brother 15: Nominations Bulletin - July 26

Despite long talks with both Howard and Spencer, Aaryn put them on the block as per her deal made with Helen. Both rather expected it.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday Daytime/Have Nots - July 26

Howard-a-Day looking glum

It's pretty sad that the only repeat HoH is Aaryn and that I feel both reigns were a bit of a fluke. But it is what it is and it's all about the hamsters. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Fickle Finger of Fate:
  • Candice told Aaryn not to believe any rumors that she's said things about her.
  • Candice also told Aaryn that had she not won HoH, the others would have put her on the block. She wants to work with Aaryn.
  • Oh, yeah.
  • Candice also said they'd have the numbers to get rid of Amanda or McCrae.
  • Hmm.
  • She also said that if Aaryn goes for a "big move," she'll totally back her. After all, she didn't come here to play The Bachelor.
  • In the next breath, she said her loyalty is with Howard.
  • Aaryn told her most of the house wants her to put up Howard. She will probably do what makes the most happy, but hasn't made up her mind.
  • Candice told Aaryn that Amanda is NOT keeping her (Aaryn) safe, not at all.
  • Aaryn told Candice of the deal with Elissa and Helen and the promise to put up nominees they want.
  • Candice ran and told Howard.
  • He told her to play things cool.
  • She got upset.
  • She told him she can't go around being fake.
  • Howard lied to her, telling her she's the only one with whom he discusses game.
  • Suuure, Howard.
  • Candice thinks she'll be going home this week.
  • Aaryn told Amanda that Candice told her that she (Amanda) was trying to get her (Aaryn) out.
  • Amanda again said that she's saved her week after week.
  • Amanda once again made verbal threats to harm Candice. Not to her face, of course.
  • Candice cried.
  • Helen and Elissa consoled her.
  • She said that she can't play the game for Howard and must work to separate a bit from him even though it's her character to help another.
  • Oh. And she cares about him.
  • A lot.
  • Amanda told the others she mocks everyone in the Diary Room.
  • BB reminded her that she's not allowed to talk about her Diary Room sessions.
  • All I can say is that Amanda gives better Diary Room than she does House!
  • Aaryn told Amanda and McCrae that she really hates Candice and that Candice made her cry for three days in the beginning.
  • Amanda surely ate that up!
  • Aaryn thinks people will compare her to Janelle.
  • Bwahahahahahahaha!
  • Heehee!
  • Snicker, chuckle.
  • Ahem.
  • Sorry, I just found that a tad humorous!
  • Amanda, McCrae and Aaryn spent a good lot of time mocking and making fun of Candice.
  • Naturally, Candice wasn't invited to that party!
  • Even Andy got in on the action complaining that Candice was inconsiderate in the mornings making noise while others were trying to sleep.
  • I don't know. Maybe I'm not thinking right, but I'd just ask her to be quiet as people were trying to sleep, not allow it to happen repeatedly and then make a mockery of her for it.
  • But that's just me.
  • The feeds were cut for the Have Not Comp.
  • Okay, they're back.
  • The Have Nots this week are Judd, Candice, GinaMarie and Amanda.
  • The food we voted on ended up with raisins and ramen winning.

Judd looking sleepy

Candice looking irked

Elissa looking like she doesn't want to be there

The three amigas

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Thursday Overnight into Friday - July 25-26

And Elissa cried

Okay, so Aaryn won one HoH with Jeremy and now she's won one of the comps that's more luck than anything else. Yet, all will bow down to her this week. I SO could not be in that house! Here's what's happened since the live show ended last night inside that Big Brother House of Bouffant Blonds:
  • Elissa cried.
  • Due to her PoV play last week, she can't play for PoV this week.
  • Amanda assured her that she's not a target and won't go on the block.
  • "But Aaryn HATES me!" Honk, honk, cry, cry, honk, sniffle.
  • Helen met up with Aaryn in the storage room. She said that Elissa is starting to affect her own game and it might be time.
  • Aaryn told Helen she'd honor the deal she made with her and will do what she decides.
  • Helen thinks Elissa told Candice of the deal.
  • Meanwhile, Candice told Howard of the deal made for the others to pick the nominees.
  • Spencer told Aaryn he'd vote however she wants if she keeps him safe this week.
  • Aaryn admitted it was luck this week -- she didn't really want to be HoH, but at least she knows she's safe.
  • Elissa cried.
  • Amanda continued working her anti-Howard gig.
  • She told Aaryn that Spencer and Howard were planning on sending her (Aaryn) home this past week and they changed the vote under pressure.
  • She just might get her way and get him on the block this week.
  • Helen is turning more and more on Elissa. She's telling everyone in their little group -- Judd, McCrae, Aaryn and Amanda -- about Elissa telling Candice of the HoH deal with them naming nominees.
  • GinaMarie would like to see Candice and Howard go on the block.
  • Elissa cried.
  • Ah, the plot thickens -- Helen told Candice not to tell anyone it was Jessie who told her (Candice) of the HoH deal.
  • Helen told Candice that everyone in the house wants Elissa out (as per her behavior the other day) but no one can let her in on it due to her freak out.
  • Helen said that if Spencer and Howard go on the block, she'll do whatever she can to save Howard.
  • Y'know, Helen is confusing me. She wants Elissa to go. She wants Spencer to go. Wait, no! Keep Elissa a bit longer! Keep Aaryn longer than Elissa!
  • I think I'm getting dizzy.
  • GinaMarie said that Candice's voice hurts her ears.
  • Huh. On the feeds, it's Jessie's voice which makes me cringe.
  • Aaryn said whoever told her the juiciest secret would get to host the PoV comp. Judd said she had promised him the task. Amanda won.
  • Elissa told Amanda she never said anything to Candice about the deal and thinks it might have been Helen.
  • In the HoH room, Aaryn once again has the Clown of Terror.
  • Aaryn told Jessie that GinaMarie treated her horribly last week when it looked like she was going to be voted out and Kaitlin would stay.
  • Hmm. She's right.
  • Aaryn told GinaMarie that she's happy that both of them will make jury at least. It must be coming up after next week.
  • While she probably won't put GinaMarie on the block, will we?
  • Aaryn revealed to GinaMarie that she's actually a psychology major, not a business major like she told everyone.
  • I don't think I'd want her to be my psychologist!
  • At midnight, the Have Nots could chow down. And they did.
  • They noticed that without Jeremy in the house, all the food last longer.
  • Elissa told Andy and McCrae that she (Elissa) never said anything mean about anyone in the house.
  • She then continued on with a rant against Aaryn.
  • Yep, she's scared Andy and McCrae enough that they'll never trust her.
  • They're sure she's insane.
  • Howard and Spencer want Aaryn to put Elissa and Helen on the block.
  • Elissa and Helen want her to put up Howard and Spencer.
  • Aaryn will put up Howard and Spencer.
  • It seems like, out of the two, Spencer will be the target.
  • Although it would make more sense to break up Candice and Howard.
  • To me, anyway.
  • To me, it would make more sense to break up Amanda and McCrae.
  • But they never listen to me!
  • We'll we what happens ... 

And they schemed

Still pushing the Howard Out Agenda

So nicely coiffed


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Eviction, HoH Comp Show Blog Party - July 25

Hamster watchers ready? Tonight should be interesting! The feeds watchers know who should be going home, but you never really know until it all comes down. As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news.

However, as always, the big party is in the comments area! Come join in on the fun!

Aaryn was our first place choice for MVP, Elissa second, GinaMarie third.

The hamsters are trying to make up their minds -- Aaryn is more disliked, but Kaitlin is better at the game and more of a threat.

Elissa just spilled the beans that Kaitlin might be targeted because she made a final four deal with Howard and Spencer. Brouhaha ensues as Elissa totally lied when Aaryn confronted her. A verbal one, though.

Voting time final pleas - Aaryn - Want to be here, no matter what happens, will respect. Kaitlin - Great to get to know all of you. GinaMarie - Holla, NY, NJ. Grown to love you, thanks America, blows a kiss to Nick.

The vote:
Amanda - Kaitlin
McCrae - Kaitlin
Helen - Kaitlin
Candice - Kaitlin
Elissa - Kaitlin
Spencer - Kaitlin
Howard - Kaitlin
Andy - Kaitlin
Jessie - Kaitlin

It's unanimous. Bye, Kaitlin! She took it well, a bit surprised, but not really. The goodbye messages were all nice. Julie even mentioned The Mean Girls in her interview with her.

We're the MVP vote again for the third nominee.

HoH time! Roulette Me Win -- rolling a ball down to a roulette wheel. Highest numbered slot wins.

Aaryn won HoH. This should be very interesting indeed.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday Night into Thursday - July 24-25

Trying out for ZZ Top

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mixed Nuts:
  • McCrae thinks Stephen King's writing is too descriptive.
  • I'm sure Stephen King will take that under advisement and strive to do better.
  • @@
  • Elissa asked the others if any people have actually done "it" in the house?
  • Oh my. Someone give her a list!
  • Judd doesn't understand all the crying in the house. He doesn't think he can cry.
  • Andy's irked that Elissa pretends to forget Jeremy's name.
  • That is a bit juvenile. But, looking around at the hamsters, it kind of fits.
  • Amanda and Andy decided that if Elissa and Aaryn were on the block, they'd keep Aaryn.
  • Amanda told Elissa that what she did yesterday put a larger target on her (Amanda's) back.
  • Kaitlin says she's given up trying to stay. If she stays this week, she feels she'll be fighting to stay week after week.
  • Well, probably.
  • Aaryn told Judd that he should tell "the other side" of the house last minute that they're voting Kaitlin out so people don't have time to change their minds.
  • Hmm ... most of the house and variance alliances seem to be on board with voting Kaitlin out at this point.
  • Maybe she means Elissa!
  • Kaitlin thinks the mVP had to be America. GinaMarie seems to disagree. "Why would they put me up?"
  • Someone give her a list!
  • Kaitlin thinks she has the votes to stay.
  • I don't think so.
  • They were allowed out in the yard to practice for the HOH comp. There was a lazy-susan kind of thing rotating with buckets in it and a ramp to roll balls down. Obviously not the finished product unless the budget is really hurting!
  • Judd thinks Howard has some sort of special power or might have been MVP and was searching through his stuff. I'm not too keen with that, Judd!
  • Spencer asked Andy some rather rude and probing questions about his sex life.
  • Everyone seems to be voting for Kaitlin to go ... even Elissa who's still wanting to vote for Aaryn to go, but will vote with the house.
  • Amanda gave a really crude how-to on oral sex.
  • Yeah, like I needed that from her.
  • Jessie says she hasn't been called to the Diary Room for six days.
  • Now that she's not as needy and desperate, they must be dismissing whatever content she can give them.
  • BB took the hint and called her to the Diary Room.
  • Helen seriously thinks Howard is MVP as Elissa was put up. She thinks if Howard was HoH and put up Elissa, Candice would freak out on him.
  • Judd got voted Party Animal his senior year of high school.
  • Must be a real wild school, huh? 
  • < / sarcasm>
  • Elissa kept on with her "we need to get Aaryn out" ways. She knows the rest of the house isn't going to switch over now, but harps on it anyway.
  • Candice said she'd go along with voting out Kaitlin although she'd prefer to vote out Aaryn.
  • Elissa worked on Howard about voting Aaryn out.
  • Now, Howard will go along with the house majority at this point.
  • Give up the ghost, Elissa. It's going to be Kaitlin. Aaryn will go in due time.
  • But, it's quite possible Elissa will go before Aaryn.
  • Oh my.

HoH comp practice


Seriously ... odds outside the house?

Needs to watch her back

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Big Brother 15: PoV, MVP Show Blog Party - July 24

Hey, all ... ready to party? While we know what to expect from the live feeds, this should be a great show to watch! As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest.

Elissa's worried because she hasn't heard about the MVP yet. Spencer, Howard, Kaitlin, GinaMarie and Judd create an alliance to overthrow Amanda (because she's ruling the house), McCrae, Helen and Elissa.

As always, the real party will be in the comments area. Come join us!

MVP nomination ... Elissa! Veto players picked are Helen and McCrae. Judd chooses Andy to host. Elissa fusses she wants to go home. MVP conspiracy theories abound with the hamsters, including nominating herself.

Veto comp -- Voting booths, mudpit, flies and veto campaign signs. They have to search for ballots in the mud pit, only keep four, highest wins. McCrae got one that said $5000 and zero votes. He kept it. Judd took 24 hour solitary for 18 votes. Elissa took no PoV play next week for 20 votes. Helen took an 8pm curfew for two nights for 10 votes. Elissa wins with 40 votes!

McCrae's risque birthday party creates a rift between Amanda and Elissa.

Veto meeting time. Elissa takes herself off the block. The MVP re-nom is ... GinaMarie!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds into Wednesday Afternoon - July 24

Always clutching something

How'd the hamsters do after the late night fireworks? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bickering Bickersons:
  • They slept late today, really late.
  • BB did the wake-up music at around 10am their time, but most slept until about 12:30pm.
  • Spencer said last night that BB must have given most of the house crazy pills. I think he might be right.
  • Andy and Helen discussed Elissa's meltdown (whatever it was). They both agree that she really can't be trusted not to do it again.
  • They agreed they'll probably have to get rid of her sooner rather than later.
  • Helen said they should consider telling Kaitlin she will be voted out tomorrow as she asked to know.
  • I don't think that's a great idea. But, it's up to them!
  • Judd's suspicious that Elissa might be working with Kaitlin as she's so vocal about getting Aaryn out.
  • I just think Aaryn and Elissa got off on the wrong foot and it's been causing blisters ever since.
  • Helen still thinks Howard is the MVP.
  • Andy is still sure America must be the MVP.
  • None of them seem to be taking into consideration that America's first two choices were probably Aaryn and Kaitlin, negated by Judd's nominations.
  • Judd and Helen tried to reassure Aaryn that they're doing their best to smooth over things from last night.
  • Andy thinks GinaMarie is a bad gameplayer.
  • Y'think?
  • Elissa continues to isolate herself from the others by refusing to admit she did no wrong in the big confrontation.
  • They now feel that she feels entitled.
  • Jessie continues to vow allegiance to Helen and company.
  • Helen told her that Aaryn is NOT part of the alliance and they will just use her.
  • Amanda feels ill. Judd told her that's why she shouldn't smoke and wear a nicotine patch.
  • Judd put Vaseline in Andy's hair gel as a prank.
  • Andy freaked as he's a Have Not and only takes the rare cold shower because he can't stand them.
  • Amanda told Candice that she and McCrae aren't targeting Howard.
  • That's a half-truth, I feel. McCrae is not targeting Howard.
  • Judd's been on an odd kick today. He did karate kicks in the yard, put Vaseline in Andy's hair gel, clowned around much more than usual.
  • I guess it's the stress from a really nerve-wracking HoH week coming to a close.
  • Just a bit before I'm posting this, they went on indoor lockdown -- probably for the HoH set-up for tomorrow.
As with the CBS disclaimers about comments from the houseguests not being their responsibility -- I feel, as of now, I should disclaim that any comments here regarding conspiracy theories and things exaggerated from the live feeds are not to be construed as my own thoughts, observations or opinions. I post my opinions and actual content I've witnessed from the live feeds as just that. I cannot vouch for what others may say. 

"She made me so mad!"


Swat her! Swat her!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday into Tuesday - July 23-24

Andy's here

So, what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Fools since I last posted?
  • The daytime itself yesterday was a bit boring.
  • The highlight of the day was the HoH photo taking time.
  • Ho-hum.
  • But, by late afternoon/evening the MEOWS were starting to come!
  • Elissa said that she didn't like how Howard was always swearing on the bible. She said she's religious and doesn't think that's right (especially when lying!).
  • Then Elissa got ticked at McCrae and Andy because they "mocked" her religion.
  • Andy and McCrae felt bad as they really didn't mean to mock her religion at all.
  • No apologies accepted!
  • Amanda lamented the lack of alcohol. She thinks past seasons got more.
  • Wah-wah-wah
  • Elissa still wouldn't give up about the religion-mocking.
  • Helen once again told Aaryn she's safe.
  • As the night developed, it doesn't seem so much the case.
  • Elissa is really starting to live up to her sister's reputation ... to a point, anyway.
  • They're starting to think she's a crazy woman.
  • Amanda told Aaryn that Judd/GinaMarie/Howard/Spencer/Kaitlin were in a fake alliance.
  • Heh.
  • Judd claimed he wasn't loyal to that alliance!
  • Amanda told Judd that she thinks things are out of control.
  • Yep and I like it that way!
  • On a side note, GinaMarie texts while driving. Idiot!
  • Hmm ... Amanda told Judd his eyes were dilated and he should get his medicine. He told her not to tell anyone. I wonder what's going on there.
  • Judd really wasn't himself for a while. He was searching in zipped pillowcases and called both Candice and Elissa names (to McCrae, not to their faces).
  • Elissa told Kaitlin that people were lying about her to flip the vote and get her out.
  • Kaitlin ran to Andy fussing that Elissa told her she was getting voted out.
  • Aaryn was right there in the bathroom and overheard.
  • Then Aaryn was freaking out to McCrae and Amanda over the conversation.
  • Aaryn confronted the whole house (sans Candice who was either sleeping or showering and McCrae/Amanda -- we don't need to know what they're doing) about the conversation.
  • Elissa continuously lied, saying she never asked.
  • It was a brouhaha with words. Aaryn kept twisting it to people blaming things on her while Elissa claimed innocence.
  • While Aaryn really looked bad in the room, the after effect was that Elissa looks bad. She pretty much threw everyone under the bus and came across as a crazy liar.
  • Elissa is still on the anti-Aaryn kick, even more so now.
  • GinaMarie, of course -- the most strategic and strong player on the block -- managed to actually come across as the sensible one. Oh, by the way, that description of her is in her mind, not mine.
  • The whole evening only served to muddle the vote a bit, but in the big picture it put a HUGE target on Elissa's back.
  • Now everyone in the house thinks she's a loose cannon and want her out.
  • Amanda wants Elissa out before Howard goes.
  • You know that's bad.
  • Even Helen says she has to go.
  • Elissa claims she's the scapegoat, blamed Kaitlin, then Aaryn.
  • @@
  • Poor Judd. He's just dazed and confused at this point.
  • Mumble, mumble.
  • Amanda didn't escape the issues. Kaitlin thinks she's running the house and instigating a lot of the rumors.
  • Now everyone is buzzing about alliances, real and fake.
  • Elissa and Amanda are likely to be the next targets on the block.
  • I still think Kaitlin will probably go home, but it's a bit muddier now. If they could impeach Elissa, they would.

Andy's there


Meetings here

Meetings there

Confrontation here

Confrontation there

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Late Night Monday - July 22-23

Looking tired

Wake up and smell the hamsters! Ew. Never mind, that sounds just a tad bit disgusting. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Shomances and Nomances:
  • Jessie thinks it's like a human zoo there.
  • Well, yeah. That's the point!
  • Amanda, still on her "get rid of Howard" kick, along with Andy, tried to convince Elissa that Kaitlin is aligned with Howard and must go.
  • Elissa still wants Aaryn out.
  • Gee, no one seems to be after that HUGE threat, GinaMarie.
  • Hahahahaha!
  • I crack myself up.
  • Elissa seems to be going along with the evict Kaitlin plan as of now.
  • We'll see. I think she realizes that the numbers are there to get Kaitlin out, not to get Aaryn out at this time.
  • On the other hand, Candice wants to get Aaryn out. I think that's more personal and I really can't blame her.
  • Amanda and Elissa, both anti-Howard hamsters, both think that it's likely that Howard got the MVP this week.
  • Silly hamsters.
  • Amanda's paranoid because she heard someone called her "shady." She suspects Spencer or Howard.
  • Aaryn told Amanda she would do, vote, nominate whatever they wanted if she gets to stay this week.
  • Elissa gave Howard the third degree, questioning him about just about anything she could think of house-related.
  • He pretty much calmly answered her questions.
  • Spencer thinks that Aaryn will throw the HoH comp.
  • Meanwhile, Amanda had Aaryn promising to put Spencer and Howard on the block if she wins HoH.
  • Of course, the big IF is IF she wins it. I personally don't think she's good at comps.
  • We'll see.
  • Still looking like Kaitlin's heading out the door on Thursday.

You're all scared of me!

The hammock wants Ian back

Now hiding behind fluff


Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Monday Evening - July 22

He hopes his parents are proud of him

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Suspicious Minds (or lack thereof):
  • Elissa really wants Aaryn out while most of the house is leaning towards a Kaitlin eviction.
  • While she insists her decision isn't personal, it most definitely is. Kaitlin is a much bigger threat to win comps and mingle with others than is Aaryn.
  • It's harder and harder to get Howard screen caps without Candice in them.
  • Candice has been giving him a lot of good advice to improve his social game.
  • But will he listen?
  • She also told him not to repeat anything she says about Elissa or Helen to Spencer.
  • But will he listen?
  • Even with her sister's history with the show, Elissa doesn't seem to understand the concept behind the live feeds. She thinks, if America indeed has the MVP nomination, how could they truly judge from the TV show edit?
  • Oh my.
  • She also thinks America hates her.
  • Yeah, that's how she got MVP for three weeks.
  • @@
  • Then she cried because she thinks people will be mean to her and her son.
  • Oh geez. She should be Aaryn! Now, THAT is someone who should worry!
  • Judd thinks that Aaryn is less of a threat than is Kaitlin. He's probably right.
  • Candice and Howard said they'd vote whatever Judd wants.
  • Helen, along with others (including me, not that they care), thinks that Amanda and McCrae need to be broken up. She thinks Amanda is too controlling and venomous when you cross her.
  • Yup.
  • GinaMarie has been sleeping most of the time since the PoV ceremony.
  • Yeah, she's a tough gal.
  • Aaryn is sure that Candice wants her out and will convince Howard to vote for her, too.
  • Amanda and McCrae took a bubble bath together in Judd's HoH tub.
  • @@
  • Not much real action; no brouhahas.
  • Laters!

Call the fashion police!

Females in fedoras


Monday, July 22, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Daytime - PoV Meeting, MVP re-nom 7/22


For us, it was just another Monday. For the hamsters, it was a day of intrigue. Who's the mysterious MVP? What's the twist Julie promised? Who will be the replacement MVP nomination when Elissa takes herself off the block? Here's what's happened today inside that Big Brother House of Nervous Nancys:
  • Aaryn thinks Elissa is too judgmental. Um. Okay.
  • Kaitlin, Spencer, Judd, Aaryn and GinaMarie have come up with a ton o' lies (or is it a spool of lies) they believe Elissa has told ranging from where her husband is from/lives, what Rachel does, how old her kids are and more.
  • I officially denounce GinaMarie as a local to me. She lives perhaps ten miles away and now you know where they got the cast of Jersey Shore. 'Nuff said.
  • Kaitlin is riding Amanda's target Howard train. She's worried he's going to start winning comps after throwing them all along.
  • Kaitlin thinks the PoV was set up for Kaitlin to win.
  • Several seasons ago (seasons five and six), I was friends with the comp producer for the show. He told me that all of the comps were decided long beforehand and they had no clue even who the cast was when they designed and scheduled them. I believe him. Folks always jump on the conspiracy wagon, but sometimes it's just how things happen.
  • Kaitlin and Spencer trashtalked Amanda.
  • Not to her face, of course.
  • There's yet another new alliance -- The Grasshoppers --GinaMarie, Judd, Spencer, Kaitlin and Howard.
  • Yeah, let's see how that one does!
  • Jessie told Candice that she's over Amanda because she's been so obnoxious.
  • Jessie is a bit of a slow learner. Though, considering how desperate she was for friends, to shun Amanda's friendship speaks volumes.
  • Elissa wants to give a threatening speech when she saves herself, but Judd told her she should cool it a bit and not make herself a larger target.
  • Elissa STILL thinks Howard is the MVP.
  • Judd admitted that he knows he can't always be understood.
  • Mumble, mumble back at ya, Judd!
  • Andy and Helen think that either Kaitlin or Howard need to go home before Aaryn.
  • I understand the thinking about Kaitlin going home. She's almost won many comps. Plus, she's really a mean girl. The last is my own opinion.
  • Howard's good to look at, but his social game is woefully lacking.
  • Aaryn, despite the bigoted racist comments, isn't all that bright and isn't likely to win a comp by herself. Plus, if she's still standing at the end, whomever is up with her will win.
  • It pretty much wouldn't matter who the other person was.
  • I will admit I'm wanting to see the Aaryn/Julie interview, though!
  • Feeds were blocked for the veto meeting and ...
  • ... drum roll ...
  • GinaMarie is on the block in Elissa's place!
  • She claims the three prettiest girls are on the block.
  • I claim three Mean Girls.
  • GinaMarie went off on some sort of berserk mannish, gal gangsta, "I'm from New Yawk" rant.
  • She says people know they can't beat her, so they want to send her home.
  • @@
  • Delusions much, little girl?
  • Judd tried to tell GinaMarie to lay low and not ruffle any feathers.
  • She said, "What?"
  • Kaitlin claims she got a "serious vibe" from the Diary Room that Elissa is the MVP and nominated herself.
  • That shows how much they read into everything there.
  • GinaMarie referred to Candice as both an "Oreo" and "MilliVanilli" today, although not in the same sentence.
  • Also, not to her face because that's how the tough gal rolls.
  • @@
  • Andy, alliance roamer he is, is trying to work himself in with Spencer and Howard.
  • Gah! Stupid McCrae told GinaMarie that if she goes home, he'll give her his five thousand dollars. Stupid boy. He's been really disappointing for a superfan.
  • It's looking like it's most likely going to be Kaitlin leaving this week.
  • But things could always change.

Again with this camera angle for Judd

On the block

In disguise?

Photo shoot time?