Are we ready for this? I know I'm SO ready!
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!
Don't forget! If you want to sign up for the blog pool for Survivor (premiering the same night BB ends), you need to sign up on this linked post. Merci!
Here are the blog pool picks going into tonight's show:
Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J
Glenn Garcia
Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny
Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee
Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924
Let's get this party started!
Julie reminds us that it's the most important veto of the summer and then we're into the recap.
An emotions run high segment. Well, duh. Paul cries over his HoH win. Poor little Paul also cries to us in the Diary Room. A flashback to James and Paul talking the night before about splitting up Corey and Nicole. Paul cries some more in the Diary Room.
Nominations ceremony - Paul nominates Corey, then Nicole. He tells them that strategically it makes the most sense because they're such a strong couple.
Julie promises us a segment on "the most explosive jury house ever." Huh. Maybe the cameras should have been in there -- the feeds have been boring for the past few weeks!
Jury - Apparently Zakiyah was stupid enough to hook back up with Paulie. They're separate from the others. Natalie arrives. She says she would have saved James with the veto. Paulie speaks up saying that the girls in there are passive-aggressive after it was mentioned he didn't save Zakiyah. Da'Vonne lights into him. He goes and brings up her daughter. A handler has to come out to take Da'Vonne away. Then Da'Vonne gets into it with Zakiyah. Eep.
Then Victor arrives a few days later. They didn't want to see him, but they all kind of like him.
Veto comp time -- It's baseball-themed. It's a dates/events comp, they have to step on bases to advance the day counts. "Cover Your Bases." Three outs (wrong answers) and they're out. James got an out on the first question. James has his second out. James is out first. Nicole has one out. Corey has one out. Nicole has a second out. Nicole has three outs and she's out of the game. Corey has two outs. Paul has his first out. Paul has his second out. They're tied.
PAUL wins the final veto of the summer!
Now Corey cries in the Diary Room.
Live veto meeting and eviction time. No time for speeches. Paul does not use the veto. James will be the only vote.
Eviction plea:
Corey -- Corey very nice.
Nicole -- Gushes about Corey.
James votes to evict Corey, loves them both, though.
The next show is FRIDAY. The first part of the HoH will be shown then.